Selasa, 25 April 2023

Tremors felt in Singapore, Malaysia after magnitude-7.3 quake near Indonesia's Sumatra - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE – A magnitude-7.3 earthquake that struck west of Sumatra in Indonesia early on Tuesday morning was also felt in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia.

The quake hit at around 3am local time (4am Singapore time) at a depth of 84km, triggering a tsunami warning for about two hours, said Indonesia’s meteorology and geophysics agency (BMKG).

BMKG data showed that aftershocks were also detected, with one logging a magnitude of 5 on the Richter scale.

The local authorities had initially instructed residents of affected areas, including Padang in Sumatra, to move away from shores, Indonesian media reported. The tsunami warning has since been lifted.

In Singapore, the National Environment Agency detected a magnitude-6.7 quake at 4am on Tuesday, around 620km south-west of the Republic.

The meteorological service division assessed that Singapore is unlikely to be affected by a tsunami that may be generated near the quake’s epicentre.

Social media users in Singapore and Malaysia reported feeling tremors that persisted for more than a minute and “swaying” furniture.

“I was on the balcony (28th floor) and for a moment I thought my chair was wonky... Quite shocked and can’t fall asleep any more,” said one commenter responding to a thread on social media platform Reddit.

In Malaysia, users of Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu – from Selangor state to southern Johor – also reported being awoken by shaking, with many posting to check if other users felt a similar sensation.

One Xiaohongshu user in Johor Bahru said she felt dizzy, before concluding it was related to an earthquake after seeing the ceiling fan in her room shaking strongly.

Tremors were also felt in Peninsular Malaysia, the Malaysian Meteorological Department said on Tuesday.

The department sought information from locals who may have felt aftershocks from the quake, adding that it did not pose a tsunami threat to the country.

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2023-04-25 05:27:49Z

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