Kamis, 13 April 2023

China to ban ships from area near Taiwan due to 'falling rocket wreckage' - CNA

BEIJING: China will ban ships from entering an area north of Taiwan on Sunday (Apr 16) due to "possible falling rocket wreckage", a provincial maritime authority said, days after Beijing conducted large-scale military drills around the island.

The area around 160km from the Taiwanese capital, Taipei, will be closed from 9am to 3pm local time, the maritime safety administration of China's eastern Fujian province said Thursday.

It added that vessels would be "forbidden to enter" for the duration of the shutdown.

The announcement came after Taiwan's transport ministry said Wednesday that Beijing planned to impose a no-fly zone north of the island due to "space activities".

The air restrictions would be in force from 9.30am to 9.57am local time on Sunday, the ministry said, adding that the zone lies "on the convergence areas of many international routes".

The no-fly zone will affect about 33 flights, Taiwan's official Central News Agency reported, citing the island's transport minister, Wang Kwo-tsai.

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2023-04-13 11:31:00Z

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