Senin, 14 November 2022

Xi, Biden vow to avoid conflict and get China-US relations back on track - The Straits Times

NUSA DUA, Indonesia – Chinese President Xi Jinping and his American counterpart Joe Biden expressed the desire for their countries to work together to manage tensions and avoid conflict, as they met in person on Monday for the first time since Mr Biden took office almost two years ago.

Acknowledging that the current state of the bilateral relations was not what the international community had hoped for, the two leaders indicated that they were ready to work towards getting relations back on track and having their countries play key roles in addressing global challenges.

In the closely watched meeting, the two leaders shook hands, and smiled for the cameras before their talks on the Indonesian island of Bali, on the eve of the Group of 20 (G-20) Leaders’ Summit.

“Mr President, it’s good to see you,” Mr Xi told Mr Biden in his opening remarks, as he promised to have “a candid and in-depth exchange of views” on bilateral issues as well as major regional and global matters.

Relations between the two superpowers have deteriorated, as they clashed over Taiwan, Russia’s war in Ukraine and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.

The intense rivalry worsened following the visit to Taiwan of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Aug 2, despite Beijing’s warnings. The visit enraged China, which launched military exercises near Taiwan and cancelled some cooperation projects with the US.

But Monday’s meeting showed the two presidents were ready to soothe prickly relations. It was a meeting that, in Mr Xi’s words, “attracted the world’s attention”.

“So we need to work with all countries to bring more hope to world peace, greater confidence in global stability and stronger impetus to common development,” he said.

Mr Biden called for “continuing and ongoing open and honest dialogue we’ve always had”, adding that they need to find ways to work together on urgent global issues that require their mutual cooperation, which he believes is “critical” for the sake of the two countries and the international community.

“The world expects, I believe, China and the United States to play key roles in addressing global challenges from climate changes to food insecurity, and for us to be able to work together. The United States stands ready to do just that, work with you, if that’s what you desire,” said Mr Biden.

In response, Mr Xi noted that diplomatic relations between the two countries harkened back “50 plus eventful years”.

“We’ve gained experience and we’ve also learnt lessons. History is the best textbook. So we should take history as a mirror and let it guide the future,” he added.

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2022-11-14 13:16:41Z

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