Jumat, 25 November 2022

Commentary: Even if Malaysia PM Anwar forms unity government, questions remain how long it can last - CNA

PN chairman Muhyiddin Yassin said that his coalition is not interested in joining a unity government with PH. In fact, Muhyiddin has publicly challenged Anwar for the latter’s command of a parliamentary majority, to which Anwar replied with his intention to bring forth a vote of confidence at the first sitting of the new parliament in December.

But even if Muhyiddin stays true to PN’s snubbing, there will still be political wrangling in the existing ruling coalition. According to a Sin Chew Daily report on Nov 24, BN, and especially its leading party UMNO, was bargaining hard for the more “powerful” Cabinet posts, including the finance minister role, which could allow it to hold the government’s purse strings and thus disburse more resources to the party’s benefit.

Anwar’s party reportedly invited Nazir Razak, an apolitical prominent banker and estranged brother of former prime minister Najib Razak, to hold that important position instead.

The new federal ruling coalition could lead to political realignments even at the state level. Take Sabah for example, currently ruled by GRS and BN Sabah. PH and Parti Warisan Sabah could demand to be included in the state’s administration as well.

It also raises a question for upcoming state elections of PH-ruled Penang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan: Whether the various component parties in the federal ruling coalition will fight one another electorally.

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2022-11-25 07:35:00Z

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