Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023

Rules were followed, says Ahmad Zahid after UMNO passes contentious no-contest motion on his presidency - CNA

Whether UMNO's top two posts will be contested at its next leadership polls has been a hot topic at this year's convention.

A loss for current president Ahmad Zahid - also Malaysia's deputy prime minister - could have implications for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's unity government.

But Ahmad Zahid has maintained his confidence in defending his position, saying in a policy speech on Friday that he would leave it to party delegates to decide if the roles should be contested.

He said on Friday that he did not pressure delegates into supporting the motion, and that he and deputy president Mohamad Hasan were in fact "surprised" when a delegate from the Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan tabled the additional motion.


UMNO supreme council member Ahmad Said told reporters earlier on Saturday that more than 90 per cent of delegates supported the motion to uphold solidarity in the party, as it prepares to contest elections in six states.

"I want to reiterate that the top two never asked for their posts not to be contested, but it was the desire of the delegates. It shows that UMNO still prioritises winning the elections, as being united is more important than the positions themselves," Mr Ahmad said.

But UMNO vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the motion did not seem to make sense.

"Party elections are normal in UMNO, even at division levels. If we are afraid the party will split because of elections, then might as well not have elections for division chiefs and so on, as grassroots too will be split," he told the media after the convention.

Veteran UMNO member and former treasurer Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said after the convention that democracy in the party was "restricted".

"Those who are not happy (with the motion) can contest. It won't split the party ... back then I went against (former president) Mahathir (Mohamad), the party didn't split," he said.

At UMNO's most recent election, in 2018, Ahmad Zahid fended off challenges for the presidency from Mr Khairy and Mr Tengku Razaleigh. 


Ahmad Zahid said members who still wish to challenge for the top two posts will be referred to the party's disciplinary board. The no-contest motion is not constitutionally binding.

"The general assembly is UMNO's highest body as clearly stated in the party constitution," he said, insisting that the motion passed is "final".

He urged members who might be angry with the decision to stay united with the party moving forward.

"The delegates (who passed this motion) represent their grassroots members, so it is them who want to maintain unity in the party," he said.

On what actions Mr Khairy could face, Ahmad Zahid said the issue will be discussed with Mr Khairy's division chief and brought to UMNO's disciplinary body.


Mr Khairy had alleged in a TikTok video on Saturday that some delegates’ seat tags at the convention hall were removed, to be replaced with those of "imported" delegates who would push through the motion.

This prompted a rebuke by UMNO Sungai Besar division chief Jamal Yunos, who told reporters on Saturday that Mr Khairy was tarnishing the party by spreading baseless claims.

Mr Jamal went further to claim that Mr Khairy had paid off delegates to boo the motion as it was tabled in the Merdeka hall, based on what he said were admissions by these delegates.

"I will make an official report to the disciplinary body, and I hope the body takes action and revokes his membership," he added.

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2023-01-14 14:08:00Z

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