Senin, 09 Januari 2023

New Indonesia capital will benefit Borneo states: Malaysia PM Anwar during first overseas official visit - CNA

BOGOR: The development of Indonesia’s new planned capital Nusantara in eastern Kalimantan will benefit Malaysia’s Borneo states, Sabah and Sarawak, said Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on Monday (Jan 9).

Speaking at a press conference on the second day of his official visit to Indonesia, Mr Anwar said that Malaysia plans to take a more positive and aggressive effort in the development of Nusantara.

Mr Anwar met Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo at the presidential palace in Bogor, West Java during his first official overseas visit since assuming office in November. 

The two leaders witnessed the handing over of 11 letters of intent (LOI) from Malaysia to Indonesia on its participation in the development of Nusantara. The LOIs were signed by 10 Malaysian companies.

According to Mr Anwar, Malaysia is keen on the development of Nusantara because it has interests in it, given the new capital’s regional economic importance and proximity to the two Borneo states.

“We take a positive approach to find a way so that the growth of the archipelago nation's capital will also benefit the region which includes Sarawak and Sabah," said Mr Anwar. 

Mr Widodo welcomed the interest shown by Malaysian investors in developing Indonesia’s new capital.  

“Eleven letters of intent have been signed by the Malaysian private sector and handed over to the New Capital Authority involving areas such as electronics, health, waste management, construction and property,” said the president who is popularly known as Jokowi.

The first phase of the development of Nusantara involves the construction of the presidential palace, a few government ministries and basic infrastructures such as roads and housing.

The phase is scheduled for completion by 2024 while the final phase of Nusantara’s development is targeted to be completed by the country’s centennial in 2045.

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2023-01-09 08:22:00Z

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