Jumat, 20 September 2019

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Iranian National Bank - The Wall Street Journal

President Trump and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison during an official visit by the Australian leader. Photo: nicholas kamm/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

WASHINGTON—The U.S. has imposed sanctions on the Iranian national bank in the wake of attacks on Saudi oil facilities that the Trump administration has said were carried out by Iran, President Trump said Friday.

“We’ve never done it at this level,” Mr. Trump said of the sanctions. He was speaking to reporters in the Oval Office where he was meeting with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the new sanctions cut off the last remaining source of funds for Iran.

“It’s too bad what’s happening with Iran. It’s going to hell,” Mr. Trump said. “All they have to do is stop with the terror.”

Mr. Trump has declared the U.S. “locked and loaded" and ready to respond to the Saudi attacks, but, aside from the sanctions, the White House is pursuing an international coalition to exert pressure on Iran through the United Nations as its chief response.

(More to come)

Write to Rebecca Ballhaus at Rebecca.Ballhaus@wsj.com

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2019-09-20 14:48:00Z

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