Minggu, 15 September 2019

Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon after protesters hurl petrol bombs: Live updates - CNN

When Hong Kong’s ongoing mass demonstrations began on June 9, the streets were flooded by a peaceful sea of protesters, the majority of whom were dressed in white.

But in the 15 weeks since that day, the movement has transformed into something altogether bigger -- and more violent.

It's no longer about the withdrawal of an extradition bill, protesters are now calling for the "Liberation of Hong Kong."

Although today's demonstration started peacefully, it quickly turned into an aggressive face-off between police and protesters.

Earlier, black-clad protesters threw objects and smashed glass, tore bricks from the pavement and tossed petrol bombs. Riot police responded by firing water cannons with blue water and tear gas.

Now, the streets are left in disarray. Harcourt Road -- the street that leads to the city's Legislative Council -- is dyed blue and is marred with graffiti. There’s the faint smell of tear gas in the air.

With both protesters and police moving east, it seems likely that another face-off is on the cards.

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2019-09-15 11:48:00Z

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