Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019

Earthquake shakes parts of Tokyo before Trump arrival | TheHill - The Hill

An earthquake hit Japan on Saturday shortly before President TrumpDonald John TrumpA better VA, with mental health services, is essential for America's veterans Pelosi, Nadler tangle on impeachment, contempt vote Trump arrives in Japan to kick off 4-day state visit MORE arrived for his 4-day state visit, CNN reported.

The epicenter of the magnitude 5 earthquake was in Chiba, around 48 miles east of Tokyo, according to the country’s metrological agency.

Chiba is close to where Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are scheduled to play golf on Sunday.


The quake could be felt in Tokyo and caused buildings to shake, according to local media, but there is reportedly no visible damage and no threat of a tsunami.

Trump's plane landed just before 5 p.m. local time at the Haneda Airport, with the president and first lady Melania TrumpMelania TrumpTrump arrives in Japan to kick off 4-day state visit Trump to meet with Prince Harry during UK visit The Hill's 12:30 Report: Trump orders more troops to Mideast amid Iran tensions MORE greeted by multiple U.S. and Japanese officials on the tarmac, according to White House pool reports.

The president then headed to a reception with more than two dozen Japanese business leaders at the U.S. ambassador’s house.

Trump is also scheduled to attend a sumo tournament on Sunday after golf.

He is expected to offer a branded trophy, roughly 54 inches tall and weighing at least 60 pounds, to the champion. 

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2019-05-25 14:46:19Z

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