Selasa, 19 April 2022

Japan researchers develop electric chopsticks to enhance salty taste - CNA

Miyashita and his lab have explored various ways that technology can interact with and stimulate human sensory experiences. He's also developed a lickable TV screen that can imitate various food flavours.

The taste-enhancing chopsticks may have particular relevance in Japan, where the traditional diet favours salty tastes. The average Japanese adult consumes about 10 grams of salt per day, double the amount recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Excess sodium intake is related to an increased incidence of high blood pressure, strokes and other ailments.

"To prevent these diseases, we need to reduce the amount of salt we take," said Kirin researcher Ai Sato.

"If we try to avoid taking less salt in a conventional way, we would need to endure the pain of cutting our favourite food from our diet, or endure eating bland food."

Miyashita and Kirin are refining their chopsticks prototype and hope to commercialise them as early as next year.

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2022-04-19 01:46:00Z

Senin, 18 April 2022

Singapore's air passenger traffic at 31% of pre-pandemic numbers - CNA

SINGAPORE: Air passenger traffic in Singapore is now at 31 per cent of pre-pandemic levels, with the country seeing 400,000 passengers for the week ending Apr 17, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) said on Monday (Apr 18). 

This is up from 18 per cent a month ago, CAAS added, noting the increase follows the reopening of Singapore’s borders to all fully vaccinated travellers at the beginning of this month. 

It also said that Singapore is on track to restoring 50% of pre-COVID passenger volume by this year.

In a press release on Monday, CAAS described the increase in air passenger traffic as "broad based".

"Traffic volume increased for all major markets, with particularly strong growth for traffic to and from Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand," the agency said. 

"Direct traffic increased for both international and local travellers, with Singapore citizens and permanent residents making up 32 per cent of total direct traffic," it added. 

The number of passenger flights also increased to 38 per cent of pre-pandemic levels in the week ending Apr 17, up from 29 per cent a month ago.

CAAS noted the frequency of flights to and from Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam had "increased significantly".

It added that three airlines - Air New Zealand, Myanmar Airways International and Indonesia's Batik Air - had restarted scheduled passenger flights to the country, while air links were also re-established with five cities - Cairns, Da Nang, Kota Kinabalu, Madurai and Riyadh.

Travel restrictions introduced to curb the spread of COVID-19 had earlier seen passenger movement at Changi Airport plummet. For instance, in April 2020 after Singapore closed its borders to travellers, it stood at 0.4 per cent of what it was at the start of that year.

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2022-04-18 10:21:32Z

Sabtu, 16 April 2022

Shenzhou-13 crew return safely to Earth after record six months in orbit - Global Times

The Shenzhou-13 crew have safely returned to Earth after their epic six-month orbital trip, which nearly doubled the previous record of China's longest single-flight space mission of 92 days set by the Shenzhou-12, some eight hours after the manned spacecraft's detachment from the Tianhe core module.

The Shenzhou-13 return capsule conduced successful touchdown at 9:56 am Saturday in the Dongfeng landing site in Gobi Desert, North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Medical team confirmed that the crew of three taikonauts are in good health, marking the full success of the Shenzhou-13 manned spaceflight mission, Global Times learned from the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Saturday.

The ground controlling team ordered the return by 9:06 am, and the return capsule separated with the Shenzhou-13 with success. After that, at 9:30 am, the return capsule detached from the propelling part, according to the CMSA.

Ground rescue and recovery team arrived at the landing point immediately and medics opened the hatch and confirmed the crew are in good health condition.

All three taikonauts exit return capsule by 11:05 am and they are adapting to the gravity, CMSA updated.

The Shenzhou-13 crew exited the return capsule one hour and 10 minutes after their touchdown, faster than that for Shenzhou-12 crew which took one hour and 40 minutes.

Shenzhou-13 mission commander Zhai Zhigang got out of return capsule first, reporting "feeling good". Following him, "Star-picking mom is home," said Shenzhou-13 crew member Wang Yaping, the first spacewalking Chinese woman, waving to her daughter with a big smile after exiting return capsule. And Ye Guangfu, the youngest member of the three soon joined them with good spirits.

Astronaut Wang Yaping is out of the return capsule of the Shenzhou-13 spaceship at the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on April 16, 2022.Photo:Xinhua

Astronaut Wang Yaping is out of the return capsule of the Shenzhou-13 spaceship at the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on April 16, 2022.Photo:Xinhua

Sichuan sausages, yogurt, eggs …the crew will have a great variety of food options for their first meal back on Earth with some 20 dishes, CCTV reported.

The crew arrived in Beijing in the afternoon, followed by a brief welcome ceremony at the airport. The three taikonauts will undergo three to four weeks of routine quarantine, rest and rehabilitation. They are expected to resume regular training after about six months, according to CCTV report.

Apart from the long-term stay in space, the mission has set many records and firsts in the country's manned space history. 

The Shenzhou spacecraft developer, China Academy of Spacecraft Technology (CAST), disclosed in a statement sent to the Global Times that the Shenzhou-13 mission also explored emergency mission mechanisms for the first time, with the Shenzhou-14 manned spacecraft and Long March-2F Y14 rocket in standby position right after the launch of the Shenzhou-13 and Long March-2F Y13. This enabled a potential space rescue of the Shenzhou-13 taikonauts in case of any malfunction preventing the spacecraft from returning to Earth.

Compared to the return trip of the Shenzhou-12 mission which took approximately 28 hours, the Shenzhou-13 carried out a rapid return maneuver which took just eight hours. 

The CAST explained that the Shenzhou-13 orbit plan was streamlined to five orbits compared to the 18 of the Shenzhou-12 mission, and it was designed to further enhance return efficiency, shorten the ground monitoring and make it more comfortable for the returning astronauts.  

Photo: web

Photo: Recovery and rescue team arrives at the landing point of Shenzhou-13 return capsule right after its touchdown.

The 18 laps for Shenzhou-12 included some fly-around experiment tasks, and the traditional plan was 11 and a half laps, deputy chief designer Shao Limin told the Global Times.

The Shenzhou-13 crew's unprecedented six-month stay in orbit was taken into consideration and the plan was to make their journey home more comfortable, Shao noted.

Wang Ya'nan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times that this approach required more precise control of the spacecraft and more accurate orbital calculations, so that the spacecraft, once separated, could quickly target the landing area, calculate the return path, and adjust its altitude. 

"Having the ability to adopt such a fast return method indicates that China's return technology for manned missions is very mature and reliable," Wang added.

To ensure their safe and smooth return, the taikonauts have been taking physical exercises to train their muscles. Meanwhile, the ground support team has evaluated their physical and psychological condition, and made targeted adjustments. 

"The reason why the three crew members' physical and psychological condition is better than expected is that we have arranged their lives and work in space carefully, in an orderly and rational fashion. If the arrangements were not carefully designed, their mental status could have easily gone wrong," Wang explained.

The taikonauts on the Shenzhou-13 executed two successful spacewalks with Wang Yaping, who became the first Chinese woman in history to perform this maneuver. Wang is also the record-holder for the longest stay in orbit by any Chinese astronaut.

The crew delivered two Tiangong Classroom science lectures for students on Earth, connecting with young people in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and the Xinjiang and Xizang autonomous regions.

They have also played a significant part in many historic moments in China in the past six months, sending their blessings and congratulations during the Chinese New Year and joining the audience of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games from space.

With the advance of space communication technologies, the crew members were able to entertain themselves on the internet, talking to their families and friends frequently, and having space-Earth interactions on a regular basis. The two space lectures also helped a lot in boosting their mental status.

Launch history of manned missions to space by Long March-2F carrier rockets

Launch history of manned missions to space by Long March-2F carrier rockets

Pang Zhihao, a senior space expert, told the Global Times on Saturday that normally it would take around three months for astronauts returning from space to recover their strength. However, it could take a bit longer for the Shenzhou-13 crew, as they stayed in space for such a long period, Pang said. 

After the successful Shenzhou-13 mission, China Space Station will enter an in-orbit construction phase with two lab modules to be added to the core module, per program insiders.

Bai Linhou, deputy chief designer of China's space station, said in an interview that two experimental modules are expected to be launched in the second half of this year. The verification and assembly work of the modules is progressing smoothly.

Both lab modules have a length of over 17 meters and a diameter of over 4 meters.

The Wentian module is positioned to carry out space science experiments inside and outside the cabin. It has an airlock through which taikonauts can exit, and a small robotic arm which can be used alone or combined with the large mechanical arm of the space station.

It can also serve as a backup to the core cabin, Bai said. If malfunction occurs in the core cabin, the Wentian module can replace it immediately, improving the reliability of the entire station's operation.

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2022-04-16 01:57:00Z

Jumat, 15 April 2022

France's Macron, Le Pen call Stellantis CEO's pay package 'shocking' - CNA

PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron and his far-right challenger Marine Le Pen on Friday (Apr 15) called the pay package of Franco-Italian carmaker Stellantis' CEO "shocking" with excessive executive pay now a hot topic in France's tight-run presidential election.

Just nine days ahead of a runoff that will determine who will lead the European Union's second-largest economy for the next five years, opinion polls show Macron is only slightly ahead of Le Pen in a contest that could potentially go either way.

The 2021 compensation package for Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares adds up to around €19 million (US$20.5 million), plus a stock package worth some additional €32 million and long-term compensation of about €25 million.

"We're talking about astronomical sums here ... we should put a cap on these, this could work if we act at a European level," Macron told franceinfo radio.

"People can't have purchasing power problems, difficulties and anxiety in their lives and see sums like this," Macron said, adding that otherwise "society going to blow up".

Le Pen echoed his comments.

"Of course it is shocking. It's even more shocking when it's a CEO who has put the company in difficulty and gets considerable sums," she told BFM television, suggesting one way to offset such remuneration was to develop staff shareholdings.

The company said in a statement that it does not comment on politicians' positions and said the group had gone from near bankruptcy to a leading position under Tavares' leadership.

It added that it had paid out as much to staff as to shareholders - €1.9 billion - and said that Tavares' pay was 90 per cent variable depending on company performance and lower than at rivals GM and Ford.

Just over 52 per cent of the company's shareholders voted on Wednesday against the compensation package in a consultative vote.

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2022-04-15 08:04:00Z

Kamis, 14 April 2022

People who got Sinovac vaccine nearly 5 times more likely to develop severe COVID-19 than Pfizer: Singapore study - CNA


The study’s authors included NCID’s executive director Leo Yee Sin, chair of the expert committee on COVID-19 vaccination Benjamin Ong, MOH senior assistant director Wycliffe Wei, as well as MOH director of communicable diseases Vernon Lee.

The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines and inactivated whole virus vaccines in the same population. The findings will be useful for guiding policy recommendations to prevent infection and reduce strain on the healthcare system, the paper said.

Of the 2,709,899 individuals involved in the study, about 74 per cent received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 23 per cent took the Moderna vaccine, while 2 per cent received the Sinovac vaccine and 1 per cent the Sinopharm vaccine.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was approved for use under the programme in Singapore on Dec 30, 2020, while the Moderna and Sinovac vaccines were approved on Feb 3, 2021 and Oct 23, 2021 respectively.

From Aug 30, 2021, the Sinopharm vaccine was also available at private healthcare institutions, but not part of the national programme.

The cohort was restricted to those two weeks after completion of two vaccine doses to allow sufficient immune response, and who had received their second dose within 120 days of the analysis.

A total of 107,220 of those vaccinated were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to have COVID-19 over the study period, and 644 developed severe disease.

While the study was based on “comprehensive national data”, the team said there were “several limitations”.

This included the “residual confounding” from comorbidities as well as factors that influence a person’s choice of vaccine or risk of exposure. There were also asymptomatic cases who did not see a doctor and were not recorded as cases.

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2022-04-14 04:48:00Z

Rabu, 13 April 2022

Severe Covid-19 symptoms 5 times more likely in patients who got Sinovac than Pfizer jab: Study - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - Recipients of the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine are five times more likely to experience severe Covid-19 symptoms when they are infected than those who had the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty vaccine.

Sinovac recipients are also more than twice as likely to be infected with Covid-19 than Pfizer vaccine recipients and almost six times more likely than those who took the Moderna vaccine.

These are the findings of a Singapore study which were published on Tuesday (April 12).

The study by infectious diseases experts looked at the difference in vaccine efficacy between mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty and Moderna ones, and those which use an inactivated form of the Covid-19 virus.

Examples of the latter include Sinovac-CoronaVac and Sinopharm.

Among the study's authors are National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) executive director Leo Yee Sin, Associate Professor Benjamin Ong from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Ministry of Health (MOH ) senior assistant director Wycliffe Wei, NCID associate consultant Calvin Chiew, MOH Communicable Diseases Division director Vernon Lee, National University Health System junior resident M. Premikha and NCID Infectious Disease Research and Training Office director David Lye.

The study covered a seven-week period, from Oct 1, 2021, to Nov 21, 2021, and involved close to three million adults aged 20 years old and above who had received their first two doses of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Compared against people who opted for the Pfizer vaccine, Sinovac recipients were 2.37 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19, while those who were vaccinated with Sinopharm were 1.62 times more likely to be infected, the study found.

Those who got the Moderna vaccine were found to be 0.42 times, or less than half, as likely to show severe Covid-19 symptoms than Pfizer recipients, while those who had Sinopharm shots were 1.58 times more likely to experience severe symptoms.

Associate Professor Lye, in a post on Twitter on Wednesday, said: "Singapore study showed five times the risk of severe Covid with Sinovac vs Pfizer. Thankfully only 2 per cent are vaccinated with Sinovac."

The authors concluded, however, that even with the lower level of protection offered by inactivated whole virus vaccines than the mRNA vaccines, both types of vaccine give sufficient protection against severe Covid-19 symptoms and that vaccination remains a key strategy against the pandemic.

MOH has said that as at Tuesday, over 96 per cent of the eligible population have completed their full regimen of vaccinations, while 72 per cent have received their booster shots.

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2022-04-13 10:03:15Z