Rabu, 29 Mei 2024

Jury to decide Trump's fate in historic criminal trial - CNA

NEW YORK: Jurors were to begin deliberating on Wednesday (May 29) on whether to convict Donald Trump in the first criminal trial of a former United States president - with their decision potentially upending November's election, in which the Republican seeks a comeback.

After weeks of testimony from more than 20 witnesses, the piercing glare of the legal spotlight now shifts to the 12-strong New York jury, anonymous for their own protection amid soaring political tensions across the US.

After receiving final instructions from the judge, the jury will retire to consider a verdict that - whichever way it goes - will have an outsized impact on Trump, and the country as a whole.

"You must set aside any personal opinions you have in favor or against the defendant," said judge Juan Merchan ahead of their deliberations.

"As a juror, you are asked to make a very important decision about another member of the community."

No time limit is placed on their deliberations, but an acquittal or conviction would require unanimity. If just one juror refuses to join the others, the judge would have to declare a mistrial.

Trump is accused of falsifying business records to reimburse a US$130,000 payment to silence adult film star Stormy Daniels, when her account of an alleged sexual encounter could have imperiled his 2016 presidential campaign. Prosecutors say the fraud was motivated by a plot to prevent voters from knowing about his behaviour.

If Trump is found guilty, the political repercussions would far outweigh the seriousness of the charges as, barely five months before the presidential election, the candidate would also become a convicted criminal.

Trump fired off a characteristically angry all-caps message on his Truth Social app, complaining about a "KANGAROO COURT!" and a "CORRUPT AND CONFLICTED JUDGE".

In a full day of closing arguments on Tuesday, his defense team insisted the evidence for a conviction simply did not exist, while the prosecution countered that it was voluminous and inescapable.

"The defendant's intent to defraud could not be any clearer," said prosecutor Joshua Steinglass, urging the jurors to use their "common sense" and return a guilty verdict.

If convicted, Trump faces up to four years in prison on each of 34 counts, but legal experts say that as a first-time offender he is unlikely to get jail time.

A conviction would not bar him from the November ballot and he would almost certainly appeal. In the case of a mistrial, prosecutors could seek a new trial.

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2024-05-29 15:14:55Z

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