Minggu, 14 April 2024

Singapore condemns Iran's attack on Israel, 'deeply concerned' about Middle East situation: MFA - The Straits Times

Objects seen in the sky above Jerusalem on April 14 after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel. PHOTO: REUTERS

SINGAPORE – The Republic condemns the recent aerial attacks on Israel, which Iran stated were in response to an attack on its diplomatic premises in Damascus on April 1, said Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) on April 14.

In a statement, an MFA spokesperson said these “escalating attacks exacerbate tensions and further destabilise an already tense region”.

This follows Iran’s attack on Israeli territory late on April 13, when it launched a swarm of explosive drones and missiles.

Iran had vowed retaliation for what it called an Israeli strike on its Damascus consulate on April 1 that killed seven Revolutionary Guard officers, including two senior commanders. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied responsibility for the attack.

“Singapore remains deeply concerned about the volatile situation in the Middle East, and the continuing danger of the war in Gaza triggering a wider regional conflagration,” said the spokesperson.

MFA added that Singapore calls on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid escalatory actions.

Referring to the ongoing war in Gaza, which broke out on Oct 7, 2023, following Hamas’ attack on Israel, MFA said: “The focus should be on securing an immediate humanitarian ceasefire; the immediate and unconditional release of hostages; and the immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected civilians throughout Gaza.”

The Gaza war was sparked by Palestinian militant group Hamas’ attack on Israel, which saw 1,200 people killed and 253 taken hostage, according to Israeli tallies. About 130 are still being held hostage in Gaza.

More than 33,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s retaliatory offensive, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, with most of the 2.3 million population displaced and facing a humanitarian crisis.

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2024-04-14 06:29:28Z

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