Selasa, 30 Mei 2023

Singapore coordinating action plans amid higher haze risk - CNA


During the last strong El Nino event from 2015 to 2016, Singapore’s total rainfall from June to September 2015 was about 35 per cent below the long-term average, said the Met Service. 

El Nino events also bring warmer temperatures to Singapore, with the warmest temperatures often occurring when El Nino events weaken typically in March to April the year following the start of the event. 

Singapore’s average temperature over the June to September 2015 period was 28.8 degrees Celsius or 0.6 degree Celsius above its long-term average for that period. 

For the period from March to April 2016, Singapore's average temperature was 29.2 degrees Celsius or 1.2 degrees Celsius above its long-term average for that period, said the authority, adding that 2016, together with 2019, are Singapore’s hottest years on record.

“At this stage, there is no indication of the strength and duration of the El Nino, if it develops. Should a strong El Nino set in, well below average rainfall and warmer temperatures can be expected during the coming southwest monsoon season.”

The Met Service said it will continue to closely monitor the development of El Nino and IOD as well as the regional weather and haze situation, and provide updates when necessary. Haze and El Nino updates are available on its website.

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2023-05-30 06:38:00Z

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