Rabu, 31 Mei 2023

US debt ceiling Bill passes House with broad bipartisan support - The Straits Times

WASHINGTON – A divided United States House of Representatives passed a Bill to suspend the US$31.4 trillion (S$42.4 trillion) debt ceiling on Wednesday, with majority support from both Democrats and Republicans to overcome opposition from hard-line conservatives and avoid a catastrophic default.

The Republican-controlled House voted 314-117 to send the legislation to the Senate, which must enact the measure and get it to President Joe Biden’s desk before a Monday deadline, when the federal government is expected to run out of money to pay its bills.

“This agreement is good news for the American people and the American economy,” Mr Biden said after the vote.

“I urge the Senate to pass it as quickly as possible so that I can sign it into law.”

The measure, a compromise between Mr Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, drew opposition from 71 hard-line Republicans.

That would normally be enough to block partisan legislation, but 165 Democrats – more than the 149 Republicans who voted for it – backed the measure and pushed it through.

Republicans control the House by a narrow 222-213 majority.

The legislation suspends – in essence, temporarily removes – the federal government’s borrowing limit through January 1, 2025.

The timeline allows Mr Biden and Congress to set aside the politically risky issue until after the November 2024 presidential election.

It would also cap some government spending over the next two years, speed up the permitting process for certain energy projects, claw back unused Covid-19 funds and expand work requirements for food aid programmes to additional recipients.

Hard-line Republicans had wanted deeper spending cuts and more stringent reforms.

“At best, we have a two-year spending freeze that’s full of loopholes and gimmicks,” said Representative Chip Roy, a prominent member of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus.

Progressive Democrats – who along with Mr Biden had resisted negotiating over the debt ceiling – oppose the Bill for a few reasons, including new work requirements from some federal anti-poverty programmes.

“Republicans are forcing us to decide which vulnerable Americans get to eat or they’ll throw us into default. It’s just plain wrong,” said Democratic Representative Jim McGovern on Wednesday.

Late on Tuesday, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said the legislation would result in US$1.5 trillion in savings over a decade.

That is below the US$4.8 trillion in savings that Republicans aimed for in a Bill they passed through the House in April, and also below the US$3 trillion in deficit that Mr Biden’s proposed budget would have reduced over that time through new taxes.

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2023-06-01 01:48:00Z

US House passes debt ceiling deal as default threat looms - CNA

It would also cap some government spending over the next two years, speed up the permitting process for some energy projects, claw back unused COVID-19 funds, and expand work requirements for food aid programs to additional recipients.

Hardline Republicans had wanted deeper spending cuts and more stringent reforms.

"At best, we have a two-year spending freeze that's full of loopholes and gimmicks," said Representative Chip Roy, a prominent member of the hardline House Freedom Caucus.

Progressive Democrats - who along with Biden had resisted negotiating over the debt ceiling - oppose the bill for a few reasons, including new work requirements from some federal anti-poverty programs.

"Republicans are forcing us to decide which vulnerable Americans get to eat or they'll throw us into default. It's just plain wrong," said Democratic Representative Jim McGovern on Wednesday.

Late on Tuesday, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said the legislation would result in US$1.5 trillion in savings over a decade. That is below the US$4.8 trillion in savings that Republicans aimed for in a bill they passed through the House in April, and also below the US$3 trillion in deficit that Biden's proposed budget would have reduced over that time through new taxes.

In the Senate, leaders of both parties said they hoped to move to enact the legislation before the weekend. But a potential delay over amendment votes could complicate matters.

Republicans said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell could need to allow votes on Republican amendments to ensure quick action.

But Schumer appeared to rule out amendments on Wednesday, telling reporters: "We cannot send anything back to the House, plain and simple. We must avoid default."

Senate debate and voting could stretch into the weekend, especially if any one of the 100 senators tries to slow passage.

Hardline Republican Senator Rand Paul, long known for delaying important Senate votes, has said he would not hold up passage if allowed to offer an amendment for a floor vote.

Senator Bernie Sanders, a progressive independent who caucuses with the Democrats, said that he would vote against the Bill due inclusion of an energy pipeline and extra work requirements. "I cannot, in good conscience, vote for the debt ceiling deal," Sanders said on Twitter.

In a win for Republicans, the bill would shift some funding away from the Internal Revenue Service, although the White House says that should not undercut tax enforcement.

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2023-05-31 22:52:00Z

Blinken urges China 'open lines of communication' after plane incident - CNA

"I think it only underscores why it is so important that we have regular, open lines of communication including, by the way, between our defence ministers," Blinken said.

"The most dangerous thing is not to communicate and, as a result, to have a misunderstanding and miscommunication," Blinken said.

"And as we said repeatedly, while we have a real competition with China, we also want to make sure that doesn't veer into conflict and the most important starting point for that are regular lines of communication."

Blinken cancelled a trip to Beijing in February after the United States said it spotted a surveillance balloon from China over the US mainland.

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2023-05-31 15:19:00Z

Nepali sherpas save Malaysian climber in rare Everest 'death zone' rescue - CNA

Gelje said he convinced his Chinese client to give up his summit attempt and descend the mountain, saying it was important for him to rescue the climber.

"Saving one life is more important than praying at the monastery," said Gelje, a devout Buddhist.

Tashi Lakhpa Sherpa of the Seven Summit Treks company, which provided logistics to the Malaysian climber, declined to name him, citing his client's privacy. The climber was put on a flight to Malaysia last week.

Nepal issued a record 478 permits for Everest during this year's March to May climbing season.

At least 12 climbers have died – the highest number for eight years, and another five are still missing on Everest's slopes.

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2023-05-31 13:17:00Z

Right-hand man of mastermind in S$39.9m SkillsFuture fraud gets over 13 years' jail - CNA

SINGAPORE: The right-hand man of a mastermind who engineered the largest fraud involving Government funds to date was sentenced to jail for 13 years and nine months on Wednesday (May 31).

Lim Wee Hong David, 44, was part of the syndicate that submitted more than 8,300 fraudulent claims to SkillsFuture Singapore for training course subsidies when no training was conducted.

SkillsFuture was duped into disbursing almost S$40 million (US$29.6m), of which S$21.3 million was laundered away and remains unaccounted for.

Lim pleaded guilty to 15 charges, which include conspiring to convert or transfer criminal proceeds, conspiring to conceal criminal proceeds and forgery of a valuable security. Another 33 charges were considered in sentencing.

The syndicate exploited the SkillsFuture Singapore Course Fee Grant scheme, where business entities in Singapore can apply to SkillsFuture for a subsidy if they send their employees to attend skills training courses with registered training providers.

The masterminds behind the fraud, husband-and-wife pair Ng Cheng Kwee and Lee Lai Leng, registered nine entities as applicant entities or training providers from January 2017.

Lim was roped in as he was Ng's friend since 2011. He also introduced another co-accused to the couple, who later helped in the criminal scheme.

The group agreed on a scheme to submit false course fee grant claims to cheat SkillsFuture into disbursing training grants.

The mastermind couple used different computers to submit such false claims online, using their relatives' details and Singpass login credentials.

Between April and October 2017, the nine entities submitted 8,381 course fee grant applications and a corresponding 8,391 claims, lying that three training providers had provided courses to 25,141 employees of the six applicant entities.

Most of the applications and claims were approved automatically, with S$39.9 million disbursed to eight of the nine entities.

After the money was disbursed to the corporate bank accounts of the eight entities, more than S$27.8 million was withdrawn in cash by members of the syndicate.

Lim was involved in the scheme from the start, helping to submit false claims, recruiting a friend to submit false claims and encashing cheques.

He also acted on Ng's instructions by collecting S$2.6 million in two bags and passing the money to two unknown people.

SkillsFuture noticed that the nine entities used by the syndicate had made abnormally high numbers of course fee grant claim submissions.

It lodged a police report in November 2017.

The prosecution sought at least 168 months to 178 months' jail for Lim, calling this an unprecedented case of fraud on a public institution.

The public funds allocated to SkillsFuture were meant to help Singapore businesses train and upskill their employees and build a more resilient workforce, said the prosecution.

Instead, Lim and his co-accused pilfered the public funds, causing immense financial losses and reputational harm to SkillsFuture.

Lim's jail term was backdated to November 2017. He has been on remand for more than five years.

The other members have been sentenced to varying jail terms, with Ng receiving 17 years and nine months' jail in 2021. His wife was given 14 years' jail.

SkillsFuture previously said it had acquired new capabilities such as fraud analytics since the incident. It has also put in place new processes to prevent, detect and respond to fraud and abuse.

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2023-05-31 08:08:47Z

1MDB suspect questioned about Jho Low dies of stroke in Malaysia - CNA

KUALA LUMPUR: A 56-year-old man who was questioned by Malaysian graft-busters about the whereabouts of fugitive financier Low Taek Jho, or Jho Low, has died. 

According to a statement issued by lawyers representing the late Mr Kee Kok Thiam and his family on Wednesday (May 31), Mr Kee died on Monday “of a sudden massive stroke” in a hospital. 

“We urge all parties not to entertain any speculation on this unfortunate event and allow the family the space to grieve on his passing,” said the statement. 

CNA understands that Mr Kee had been questioned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). 

Separately, an MACC source told CNA that Mr Kee had met with the agency when he first returned to Malaysia in early May. 

Pictures of Mr Kee were seen by CNA at the funeral on Wednesday. The cremation ceremony at the Kepong Crematorium in northern Kuala Lumpur ended at 9.30am. 

Mr Kee was a suspect in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) financial scandal. He informed local authorities about the whereabouts of Low, according to local media.

According to the New Straits Times, Mr Kee was Low's associate and had been deported from Macao for overstaying his visa. He was arrested at Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal 2 (KLIA2) in early May and was questioned upon his return. 

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2023-05-31 04:17:00Z

Evacuation alerts, sirens cause panic in Seoul after North Korea satellite launch - The Straits Times

SEOUL - Wailing air raid sirens and cellphone alerts calling for rare evacuations rattled residents of the South Korean capital Seoul early on Wednesday after North Korea launched what it said was a satellite.

North Korea launched the rocket towards the south, South Korea’s military said, prompting emergency alerts and evacuation warnings in parts of South Korea and Japan.

“I was so panicked, 911 lines were busy and the Internet was slow,” said Ms Lee Ju-yeon, 33, a resident in the densely populated city of 9.6 million who has a nine-month-old child. “So without knowing what was really happening, I was about to head down to a basement wearing a wrap carrier with my baby.”

The sirens started in Seoul at 6.32am (5.32am, Singapore time) as the city issued a “Presidential Alert” asking citizens to prepare for potential evacuation.

Then came a second mobile alert minutes later calling for an actual evacuation, which remained in place for at least 10 minutes until the city authorities said it was a false alarm sent in error.

Ms Lee did not evacuate after seeing a television headline saying it was a North Korean space vehicle flying farther south, but she showed photographs of friends packing bags, readying to leave.

While residents of Seoul are used to living in the shadow of threats from their nuclear-armed neighbour, an element of complacency has crept in among many in the city about the risks and how to respond.

The two countries are still technically at war seven decades after the Korean War ended in an armistice.

Some office workers in the central district said they had considered during their commute how to respond to the alarm, such as by withdrawing cash or hoarding water.

“I understand it was a mistake, but even if it has to be simple, that alert message should have said what went on and where to go,” said Mr Kim Jong-hyun, 48, who was on his way to work after dropping off his child at school.

Later on Wednesday, Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon apologised for confusion over the city’s alert but defended the decision to send one as a precaution for public safety. He said the city would improve the wording in future messages and on warning systems.

“Alerts” and “evacuation” were trending topics on Twitter in South Korea on Wednesday morning, with confused tweets scrambling to grasp what was going on or to find evacuation areas.

“Hey guys, given Twitter is still working, I guess it is not a war,” one user with the handle @Kimisnim__ said. REUTERS

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2023-05-31 00:25:00Z

Selasa, 30 Mei 2023

North Korea's space satellite crashes into sea; alerts sent then retracted in South Korea, Japan - The Straits Times

SEOUL/TOKYO – A satellite launch conducted by North Korea on Wednesday ended in failure after the rocket’s second stage malfunctioned, sending the craft plunging into the sea, state media said, as the nuclear-armed North seeks to gain ground in a regional space race.

The launch prompted emergency alerts and brief evacuation warnings in parts of South Korea and Japan, which were then withdrawn with no danger or damage reported.

The “Chollima-1” rocket plunged into the sea “after losing thrust due to the abnormal starting of the second-stage engine”, the Korean Central News Agency (KNCA) reported, in an unusually candid admission of a technical failure by the North.

KCNA said Pyongyang’s National Aerospace Development Administration will investigate the “serious defects” and take action to overcome them before conducting a second launch as soon as possible.

The launch was the nuclear-armed state’s sixth satellite launch attempt, and the first since 2016.

North Korea had said it would launch its first military reconnaissance satellite between May 31 and June 11 to boost monitoring of US military activities.

In data provided to the international authorities, Pyongyang said the launch would carry the rocket south, with various stages and other debris expected to fall over the Yellow Sea and into the Pacific Ocean.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Wednesday the military was conducting a salvage operation to recover what is believed to be parts of the space launch vehicle.

The military shared pictures of debris pulled from the water, including a large cylindrical object tethered to a buoy.

Mr George William Herbert, adjunct professor at the Centre for Nonproliferation Studies and a missile consultant, said the images showed at least part of a rocket, including an “interstage” section designed to connect to another stage.

It is most likely a liquid-fuel rocket, and a round, brown object inside is likely a propellant tank for either fuel or oxidiser, he added.

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2023-05-30 21:48:28Z

Ukraine war comes to Moscow as drones strike both capitals - CNA


Two people were injured while some apartment blocks were briefly evacuated, according to Moscow's mayor. Residents said they heard loud bangs followed by the smell of petrol. Some filmed a drone being shot down and a plume of smoke.

Tuesday's early-morning drone volley targeted some of Moscow's most prestigious districts including where Putin and the elite have residences. He was later in the Kremlin and received a briefing on the attack, a spokesman said.

Afterwards, Putin said Ukraine's biggest ever drone strike on Moscow was an attempt to frighten and provoke Russia, and that air defences around the capital would be strengthened.

Ukraine, Putin said, had chosen the path of trying "to intimidate Russia, Russian citizens and attacks on residential buildings".

Civilian targets in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities have since the earliest days of the war been struck repeatedly by Russian drones and missiles.

But Tuesday marked only the second time Moscow had come under direct fire. There was an apparent drone strike on the Kremlin earlier this month that Moscow also blamed on Ukraine and said was meant to kill Putin.

The White House said it was still gathering information on the reports of drones striking in Moscow.

"We do not support attacks inside of Russia. That's it. Period," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a briefing. Washington is a major supplier of weaponry to Ukraine on the condition it uses it to defend itself and to retake Ukrainian territory occupied by Russian forces.

Russian lawmaker Maxim Ivanov called it the most serious assault on Moscow since Nazi Germany's invasion in World War Two, saying no Russian could now avoid "the new reality".

Russian state television gave the attacks calm coverage, and many Muscovites carried on with their lives with the fatalism for which they are famous. Most shrugged their shoulders and many voiced sadness that the conflict seemed to be spreading.

Olga, who said she lived near to the site of one of the drone collisions on Profsoyuznaya Street, called the strikes "logical, to be expected ... what else were we waiting for?"

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2023-05-30 21:56:00Z

Putin says Ukraine drone strikes on Moscow aim to scare and provoke Russia - CNA


So far Putin has kept the war in Ukraine far from Moscow, where life has continued relatively normally despite the biggest rupture in Russia's ties with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Russia began attacking the Ukrainian capital with swarms of cheaply produced loitering munitions often known as “kamikaze drones” last October and uses them extensively during its regular air strikes across Ukraine.

Prosecutors said incidents occurred in the Odintsovsky District of western Moscow region - where Putin has his Novo-Ogaryovo state residence. The area, the most expensive in Russia, is the home to the country's elite.

Russian state television gave the attacks calm coverage. Many Muscovites carried on with their lives with the fatalism for which they are famous.

On a warm spring day in the city centre, residents could be seen taking selfies in front of the Bolshoi Theatre while others relaxed in cafes and shopped in the well-stocked luxury stores of Moscow.

Putin has repeatedly cast the conflict in Ukraine as a struggle with what he says is an arrogant and aggressive West which is risking a global war by supporting Ukraine.

Thus far, the war has been described by the Kremlin as a "special military operation". The United States has repeatedly said it does not want a war with Russia and has said Ukraine should not use Western weapons to attack inside Russia.

Russian lawmakers cautioned that there were likely to be more attacks on Moscow, which many said would make it necessary to give the military and security agencies even greater powers.

"The sabotage and terrorist attacks of Ukraine will only increase," said Alexander Khinshtein, from the ruling United Russia bloc.

"It is necessary to radically strengthen defence and security measures, especially in terms of countering drones. This includes finally passing the necessary laws."

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2023-05-30 14:48:13Z

Lui Tuck Yew is Singapore's new ambassador to the United States - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE – Former transport minister Lui Tuck Yew has been appointed Singapore’s ambassador to the United States, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announced on Tuesday.

Prior to this, he was the country’s ambassador to the People’s Republic of China from November 2019 to April 2023. He was also Singapore’s ambassador to Japan from 2017 to 2019.

He will take over the post in the US from Mr Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, who has been Singapore’s ambassador to the US since July 2012.

Mr Peter Tan Hai Chuan is Singapore’s new ambassador to China.

The Government also appointed two other new ambassadors – Mr Ong Eng Chuan to Japan and Ms Constance See Sin Yuan to the Philippines.

Mr Lui, 61, who retired from politics in 2015, was first elected MP in 2006. Before embarking on a political career, he was navy chief from 1999 to 2003 and chief executive of the Housing Board from 2005 to 2006.

He was minister for information, communications and the arts from 2009 to 2011, and transport minister from 2011 to 2015.

His other portfolios included second minister for foreign affairs and second minister for defence.

Mr Ong, 55, joined MFA in 1994 and took on the role of deputy secretary (management) of the ministry from May 2016.

Ms See, 48, was director-general of MFA’s South-east Asia II Directorate from March 2017 to March 2023.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, President Halimah Yacob said she presented letters of credence to Mr Lui, Mr Ong and Ms See.

“I look forward to their contributions in strengthening Singapore’s bilateral relations,” she said.

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2023-05-30 13:04:00Z

Prepare N95 masks, air purifiers as haze may hit S'pore from June, says Met Service - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE – Members of the public are advised to ensure that they have sufficient N95 face masks and air purifiers in good working condition as there is a higher risk of transboundary haze hitting Singapore from June due to drier and warmer weather conditions.

The Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) said in a press release on Tuesday that in anticipation of the onset of drier weather, the government inter-agency haze task force has been coordinating action plans for possible haze.

Singapore’s 24-hour PSI as at 3pm on Tuesday ranged from 25 in the north, to 51 in the east. A reading of 0 to 50 is considered good air quality, while a reading between 51 and 100 is considered moderate.

The one-hour PM2.5 concentration reading, an indication of the current air quality, ranged between 6 in the north and 17 in the west at 3pm. A reading of 0 to 55 is considered normal.

According to the outlook on the National Environment Agency’s (NEA) haze microsite for the next few days, dry weather is likely for many parts of the southern Asean region, although isolated showers are expected over central Sumatra, northern Borneo and Sulawesi. Higher hot spot counts may be expected in the fire-prone areas of this region under prevailing dry weather conditions, with an increased risk of smoke haze development.

While N95 masks are not needed indoors or during short exposures such as commuting, a healthy person who has to be outdoors for several hours when the air quality is in the hazardous range can reduce exposure by wearing an N95 mask.

For air purifiers, an appropriate one should have a clean air delivery rate number that is at least three times the volume of the room in cubic metres.

While the period between June and September is the usual dry season for Singapore and the surrounding region, two climate phenomena – El Nino conditions and the positive Indian Ocean Dipole – could lead to a more intense and prolonged dry season this year, even extending into October, said MSS.

El Nino is a naturally occurring climate pattern associated with changes in both the ocean and atmosphere in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and is set to bring hotter and drier weather to South-east Asia and Australia.

The positive Indian Ocean Dipole causes warmer sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean.

“Drier and warmer conditions are conducive to the development of peatland and vegetation fires. Therefore, hotspots could escalate from June 2023 under extended periods of drier weather, particularly in fire prone areas,” said MSS.

“This will increase the risk of transboundary haze affecting Singapore if fires develop in close proximity and prevailing south-easterly to south-westerly winds blow smoke haze from the fires towards Singapore,” added MSS.

MSS will continue to closely monitor the development of El Nino and the Indian Ocean Dipole, as well as the regional weather and haze situation, and provide updates when necessary.

When a haze episode is imminent, the NEA will provide haze forecasts through the NEA website (www.nea.gov.sg), the myENV mobile app and the haze microsite (www.haze.gov.sg).

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2023-05-30 07:55:00Z

Singapore coordinating action plans amid higher haze risk - CNA


During the last strong El Nino event from 2015 to 2016, Singapore’s total rainfall from June to September 2015 was about 35 per cent below the long-term average, said the Met Service. 

El Nino events also bring warmer temperatures to Singapore, with the warmest temperatures often occurring when El Nino events weaken typically in March to April the year following the start of the event. 

Singapore’s average temperature over the June to September 2015 period was 28.8 degrees Celsius or 0.6 degree Celsius above its long-term average for that period. 

For the period from March to April 2016, Singapore's average temperature was 29.2 degrees Celsius or 1.2 degrees Celsius above its long-term average for that period, said the authority, adding that 2016, together with 2019, are Singapore’s hottest years on record.

“At this stage, there is no indication of the strength and duration of the El Nino, if it develops. Should a strong El Nino set in, well below average rainfall and warmer temperatures can be expected during the coming southwest monsoon season.”

The Met Service said it will continue to closely monitor the development of El Nino and IOD as well as the regional weather and haze situation, and provide updates when necessary. Haze and El Nino updates are available on its website.

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2023-05-30 06:38:00Z

Senin, 29 Mei 2023

China's Shenzhou-16 lifts off for space station; Beijing plans to land astronauts on Moon by 2030 - The Straits Times

The Tiangong is the crown jewel of China’s space programme, which has also seen it land robotic rovers on Mars and the Moon and made it the third country to put humans in orbit.

The mission is the first to the Tiangong space station since it entered its “application and development” stage, Beijing said.

Once in orbit, the Shenzhou-16 will dock at the space station’s Tianhe core module, before the crew members meet three colleagues from the previous manned Shenzhou-15 flight, who have been at the space station for six months and will return to Earth in the coming days.

The mission will “carry out large-scale, in-orbit experiments... in the study of novel quantum phenomena, high-precision space time-frequency systems, the verification of general relativity, and the origin of life,” China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) spokesman Lin Xiqiang told reporters on Monday.

The space station was resupplied with drinking water, clothing, food and propellant in May in preparation for Shenzhou-16‘s arrival.

One expert told AFP that Tuesday’s flight represented “a regular crew rotation flight as one crew hands over to another”, but even that was significant.

“Accumulating depth of experience in human space flight operations is important and doesn’t involve new spectacular milestones all the time,” said Dr Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer and astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics.

‘Heavenly palace’

Plans for China’s space dream have been put into overdrive under President Xi Jinping.

China is planning to build a lunar base, and CMSA’s Mr Lin reaffirmed on Monday Beijing’s plan to land a manned mission on the Moon by 2030.

“The overall goal is to achieve China’s first manned landing on the Moon by 2030 and carry out lunar scientific exploration and related technological experiments,” he said.

The final module of the T-shaped Tiangong – which means “heavenly palace” – successfully docked with the core structure in 2022.

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2023-05-30 02:10:00Z

China declines meeting with US defence chief: Pentagon - CNA

WASHINGTON: Beijing has declined a US invitation for a meeting in Singapore between Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu, the Pentagon said on Monday (May 29).

"Overnight, the PRC informed the US that they have declined our early May invitation for Secretary Austin to meet with PRC Minister of National Defence Li Shangfu in Singapore this week," Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder said in a statement, referring to the People's Republic of China.

"The PRC's concerning unwillingness to engage in meaningful military-to-military discussions will not diminish (the Defence Department's) commitment to seeking open lines of communication with the People's Liberation Army," Ryder said.

A senior US defence official described the declined invitation as "just the latest in a litany of excuses", saying that since 2021, China has "declined or failed to respond to over a dozen requests from the Department of Defense for key leader engagements, multiple requests for standing dialogues, and nearly ten working-level engagements".

Li was sanctioned by the US government in 2018 for buying Russian weapons, but the Pentagon says that does not prevent Austin from conducting official business with him.

Austin is due to travel to Singapore later this week to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue, a defence summit where he met Li's predecessor Wei Fenghe last June.

Austin and Wei met again in Cambodia later in 2022, but tensions between Washington and Beijing soared this year over issues including Taiwan and an alleged Chinese spy balloon that was shot down by a US warplane after traversing the country.

Austin and other US officials have been working to shore up alliances and partnerships in Asia as part of efforts to counter increasingly assertive moves by Beijing, but there have also been tentative signs that the two sides were working to lower the temperature.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi in Vienna earlier this month, and President Joe Biden recently said ties between Washington and Beijing should thaw "very shortly", citing the spy balloon incident as a factor that had boosted tensions.

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2023-05-29 22:59:00Z

Explosions rock Kyiv after new air-raid warning - CNA

KYIV: Explosions echoed through the centre of Kyiv on Monday (May 29) morning and residents to shelters, hours after a heavy Russian missile and drone attack on the Ukrainian capital.

Reuters witnesses said residents headed for shelters in metro stations as the sky above Kyiv filled with blast clouds and smoke trails.

Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko said there were explosions in the capital's central districts and that emergency services had been dispatched. He urged residents to stay in shelters.

"Emergency services have responded to a call near the centre of the capital. The attack on Kyiv continues. Don't leave the shelters!" he wrote on the Telegram messaging app as residents ran to shelters in metro stations.

The attack came hours after Russia unleashed dozens of missiles and drones on targets across the country in the early hours of Monday.

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2023-05-29 09:21:00Z

Minggu, 28 Mei 2023

Japan aims to destroy any North Korean missile after it warns of satellite launch - CNA

North Korea has also undertaken a series of missile and weapons tests in recent months, including a new, solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile.

North Korea informed the Japanese coast guard of the planned launch between May 31 and Jun 11, a coast guard official told Reuters, confirming a report by public broadcaster NHK and other media.

Japan's chief cabinet secretary, Hirokazu Matsuno, said any launch by North Korea, even if termed a satellite launch, affected the safety of Japanese citizens.

"The government recognises that there is a possibility that the satellite may pass through our country's territory," he told a press conference.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters that any North Koran missile launch would be a serious violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution.

"We strongly urge North Korea to refrain from launching," the prime minister's office said earlier on Twitter, adding it would cooperate "with relevant countries such as the US and South Korea".

Staunch US ally Japan would do all it could to collect and analyse information from the launch, it said.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in May inspected a military satellite facility, North Korean state media KCNA reported.

North Korean media previously criticised plans by South Korea, the United States and Japan to share real-time data on its missile launches, describing the three as discussing "sinister measures" for tightening military cooperation. 

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2023-05-29 03:02:21Z

Türkiye's Erdogan prevails in election test of his 20-year rule - CNA

ANKARA: President Racep Tayyip Erdogan extended his two decades in power in elections on Sunday (May 28), winning a mandate to pursue increasingly authoritarian policies which have polarised Türkiye and strengthened its position as a regional military power.

His challenger, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, called it "the most unfair election in years" but did not dispute the outcome.

Official results showed Kilicdaroglu won 47.9 per cent of the votes to Erdogan's 52.1 per cent, pointing to a deeply divided nation.

The election had been seen as one of the most consequential yet for Turkey, with the opposition believing it had a strong chance of unseating Erdogan and reversing his policies after his popularity was hit by a cost-of-living crisis.

Instead, victory reinforced his image of invincibility, after he had already redrawn domestic, economic, security and foreign policy in the NATO member country of 85 million people.

The prospect of five more years of his rule was a major blow to opponents who accused him of undermining democracy as he amassed ever more power - a charge he denies.

In a victory speech in Ankara, Erdogan pledged to leave all disputes behind and unite behind national values and dreams but then switched gears, lashing out at the opposition and accusing Kilicdaroglu of siding with terrorists without providing evidence.

He said releasing former pro-Kurdish party leader Selahattin Demirtas, whom he branded a "terrorist", would not be possible under his governance.

Erdogan said inflation was Turkey's most urgent issue.

Kilicdaroglu's defeat will likely be mourned by Turkey's NATO allies which have been alarmed by Erdogan's ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who congratulated his "dear friend" on his victory.

US President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter: "I look forward to continuing to work together as NATO Allies on bilateral issues and shared global challenges."

US relations with Turkey have been impeded by Erdogan's objection to Sweden joining NATO as well as Ankara's close relationship with Moscow and differences over Syria.


Addressing jubilant supporters earlier from atop a bus in Istanbul, Erdogan, 69, said "the only winner today is Türkiye". "I thank every single one of our people who once again gave us the responsibility to govern the country five more years," he said.

Erdogan's victory extends his tenure as the longest-serving leader since Mustafa Kemal Ataturk established modern Turkey from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire a century ago - a politically potent anniversary to be marked in October with Erdogan in charge.

Erdogan, head of the Islamist-rooted AK Party, appealed to voters with nationalist and conservative rhetoric during a divisive campaign that deflected attention from deep economic troubles.

In his victory speech, he attacked the opposition again, calling them pro-LGBT.

Kilicdaroglu, who had promised to set the country on a more democratic and collaborative path, said the vote showed people's will to change an authoritarian government. "All the means of the state were laid at the feet of one man," he said.

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2023-05-28 22:44:56Z

China’s C919 jet completes first commercial flight from Shanghai to Beijing - South China Morning Post

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. China’s C919 jet completes first commercial flight from Shanghai to Beijing  South China Morning Post
  2. China's first homegrown passenger jet makes maiden commercial flight  CNA
  3. China Jet to Rival Airbus, Boeing Makes First Commercial Flight  Bloomberg
  4. China's first home-grown passenger jet, C919, marks first commercial flight  The Straits Times
  5. China's C919 jetliner goes into commercial operation  Xinhua
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2023-05-28 06:06:58Z

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023

US-led Indo-Pacific talks produce deal on supply chain early warnings - CNA

DETROIT: Trade ministers of 14 countries in the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) talks "substantially completed" negotiations on an agreement to make supply chains more resilient and secure, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Saturday (May 27).

The "first of its kind" agreement calls for countries to form a council to coordinate supply chain activities and a "Crisis Response Network" to give early warnings to IPEF countries of potential supply disruptions, Raimondo told a news conference following a ministerial meeting in Detroit.

The deal provides an emergency communications channel for IPEF countries to seek support during supply chain disruptions, coordinate more closely during a crisis and recover more quickly.

Raimondo cited shortages of semiconductors during the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down American auto production, idling thousands of workers.

"I can tell you I would have loved to have had that Crisis Response Network during COVID. It absolutely would have helped us secure American jobs and keep supply chains moving," she said.

The supply chains agreement, led by Commerce, marks the first tangible outcome of a year's worth of IPEF discussions. But it is just one the four "pillars" of the IPEF talks.

The other pillars - trade, climate transition, and labour and inclusiveness - are more complex and expected to take longer to negotiate.

The supply chains agreement also includes a new labour rights advisory board aimed at raising labour standards in supply chains, consisting of government, worker, and employer representatives, the Commerce Department said.

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2023-05-27 19:03:00Z

Toddler tantrum almost forces family off Langkawi-KL flight, airline cites safety regulations - The Straits Times

PETALING JAYA - An airline cited safety regulations for almost forcing a family to disembark from a Langkawi to Kuala Lumpur flight recently.

The incident on Wednesday went viral after a man claimed on Facebook that his family was almost removed from the MYAirline flight because his two-year-old child was not properly seated and buckled up as the plane was getting ready for take off.

He claimed the cabin crew refused to provide an infant belt or seat belt extender to allow the child – who had just turned two years old – to sit with the mother, as it was “against policy”.

The man said his child was distraught and would not remain seated with the seat belt buckled, which prompted the cabin crew to repeatedly remind him to keep the child seated.

After a brief argument, the cabin crew consulted the pilot who announced over the plane that the family would have to be removed if they did not follow the instructions.

The man said they managed to comply in the end despite protests and crying from his child, and the take-off was successful.

He added that the whole incident was embarrassing and that a group of ground staff also tried to convince them to delete video clips of the incident after they landed.

“In conclusion, if you plan to travel with MYAirline with a child who is two or three years of age and cannot be seated independently like a robot, you should reconsider and choose another airline.

“For now, MYAirline is a firm ‘no’ for me and my family because they are not child-friendly,” wrote the man.

MYAirline later released a statement to clarify that it had initially asked the family to leave, as it had to comply with Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM) safety requirements.

It said it was mandatory for children aged 24 months and below to be seated with a parent or guardian using an infant seat belt.

“However, children above 24 months must be fastened with a seat belt in their own seat for safety,” said MYAirline on a Facebook post on Saturday.

MYAirline said it would be conducting a thorough investigation into the incident.

“We will identify the gaps in our service and take immediate corrective actions to prevent similar situations from occurring,” it added. THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

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2023-05-27 13:45:00Z

Petronas says Malaysian anti-graft probe found no wrongdoing by the firm - CNA

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's state oil firm Petronas said on Saturday (May 27) an anti-corruption probe into the firm's dealings involving a US$90 million project had not found any wrongdoing by the company.

Malaysia's Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said on Friday it was investigating allegations of corruption involving Petronas and an international oil and gas company in a project worth RM399 million in the state of Sarawak. It did not identify the company.

Petronas said the investigation was opened in relation to its award of a contract to a Malaysian subsidiary of an international upstream company in 2021.

"Petronas had given full cooperation to MACC in the investigation that had not found any wrongdoing by Petronas, its employees, and directors," the company said in a statement to Reuters.

The MACC said it had found "several weaknesses in practices, systems and work procedures" in its probe, and proposed improvements to Petronas' standard operating procedures as preventive measures.

Petronas said it continues to improve and strengthen its standard operating procedures as part of an effort to prevent and fight all forms of corruption and misconduct.

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2023-05-27 03:49:00Z

Jumat, 26 Mei 2023

APEC trade chiefs agree on more inclusive trade, but no joint statement - CNA

DETROIT : Trade ministers from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries agreed on Friday to promote more inclusive and sustainable trade, but failed to produce a joint statement due to Russia and China's objections to language on Ukraine.

Closing out two days of talks in Detroit, the APEC host, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, instead issued a chair's statement summarizing the discussions, with an emphasis on inclusiveness, fighting climate change and sustainability.

"We reaffirm our determination to deliver a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, inclusive and predictable trade and investment environment," the statement read.

The group reaffirmed its commitment to the rules-based multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core. "We will continue to work to ensure a level playing field to foster a favorable trade and investment environment and reaffirm our commitment to keep markets open and to address supply chain disruptions," it said.

APEC leaders last November in Bangkok approved language stating that "most members" strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and the resulting human suffering and economic impact.

But at the meeting in Detroit, China and Russia objected to including the language, leaving it to Tai's chair's statement, which noted there were differing views and that "APEC is not the forum to resolve security issues."

Tai told a news conference that she hoped APEC leaders at a November summit in San Francisco would be able to produce a joint statement.

Tai used the Detroit meeting as a venue for pushing the Biden administration's vision of a "worker-centered" trade policy to a broader international audience. She said she chose Detroit to showcase its history as a city hit hard by aggressive trade liberalization, but which has seen a rebirth and shift to new green transportation technology.

"I'm confident that APEC's reputation as an incubator of ideas and a catalyst for cooperation can also benefit our work in driving a race to the top for workers throughout the region," she said.

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2023-05-26 23:10:39Z

'Affordable with advanced facilities': More foreigners are heading to Johor private hospitals for treatment - CNA

Over at Gleneagles Hospital Medini, located near the southwestern part of the state, chief executive officer Kamal Amzan said that around one in four of the patients there are international visitors. 

“I think over the last eight years, we have grown from a very small hospital that focuses on its core local clients in Gelang Patah and Iskandar Puteri to a tertiary centre that not only looks after patients from Johor, but Indonesia, China … and Singapore,” Dr Kamal told CNA. 

Meanwhile, for Columbia Asia Hospital, which has two branches in Johor - Tebrau and Iskandar Puteri - the occupancy has remained high at 70 to 100 per cent post-pandemic. 

Columbia Asia’s regional manager Rahani Yaakob, who oversees both hospitals, told CNA that the level of occupancy is driven by “the tremendous increase in foreign patients seeking treatment”. 

“The number of foreign patients from the likes of Indonesia, Singapore and China surged post pandemic and this has helped our business,” said Mdm Rahani. 


When asked what was the biggest pull factor for foreign patients, patients and doctors noted that it was due to more affordable treatment in areas like cancer, orthopaedic and obstetrics. 

Johor’s geographical position, being accessible to both Singapore and Indonesia gives the state an edge when it comes to medical tourism. 

Gleneagles Medini’s Dr Kamal said: “I give you an example of a patient who has to go for chemotherapy in say Singapore. The drugs are the same, but they would have to pay less at hospitals in Malaysia. I suppose Johor would then be the preferred location given the vicinity and proximity to Singapore.”

Dr Teo Yin Keong, an oncologist at Gleneagles Medini, told CNA that the treatment is cheaper because some pharmaceutical companies, including the big players, supply drugs at a cheaper price to Malaysian hospitals as compared to hospitals in neighbouring countries. 

“Putting aside government subsidies and the exchange rate, the cost of treatment is at least 50 per cent lower in Malaysia than in Singapore and some places in Indonesia,” added Dr Teo.

For Indonesian citizen Mr Grantino, choosing to do his ACL surgery at Regency Specialist Hospital was a no-brainer cost-wise, he said. 

He paid around RM30,000 (US$6,543) in total for his operation and subsequent follow-up appointments.

Mr Grantino told CNA that based on checks he did, an ACL reconstruction procedure would cost around S$20,000 (US$14,855) at a private hospital in Singapore for uninsured foreigners. He added that the same surgery would cost around 130 million ruppiah (US$8,740) at a private hospital in Batam. 

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2023-05-26 22:06:00Z

Japan unveils policy outline featuring increase in childcare spending - CNA

TOKYO: Japan on Friday (May 26) unveiled an outline of its mid-term economic roadmap that featured Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's policy priorities such as efforts to stem a declining birthrate with increases in childcare spending.

The outline, which will serve as a backbone for the government's economic policy roadmap set to be finalised in June, made no mention of how to fund such spending measures - a key sticking point ahead of a possible snap election Kishida could call later this year.

In Japan, fiscal reform is an urgent task for the industrial world's most heavily indebted government with public debt at more than 250 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP).

Still, rounds of heavy anti-COVID stimulus spending made its primary budget-balancing target, excluding new bond sales and debt servicing costs, by the fiscal 2025 year-end even more elusive.

On top of already heavy debt burdens, Kishida plans to double Japan's military outlay to cope with threats from China and North Korea, while also doubling childcare spending.

With his approval ratings improving after successfully chairing this year's G7 summit, some domestic media have reported that Kishida could call a snap election by the Jun 21 end of the current parliament session.

The prospects of a near-term election could delay much-needed debate on how to fund Kishida's spending wish list that includes childcare - set to cost an additional ¥3 trillion for each of the coming three years.

Kishida has ruled out raising the consumption tax to fund the cost. Some ruling party lawmakers have called for issuing bonds, though the government says no decision has been made.

Although elections for parliament's powerful lower house is not due until 2025, Kishida could call a snap election when the opposition is still weak as a victory would help him solidify his grip of power within his ruling party.

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2023-05-26 11:46:20Z

South Korea detains passenger after Asiana plane door opened mid-air - The Straits Times

SEOUL – South Korean police have detained a passenger and launched an investigation after he opened the door of an Asiana Airlines plane shortly before the aircraft landed, the country’s transportation ministry said on Friday.

The ministry said police had taken the passenger into custody and were investigating a possible violation of aviation safety laws.

The Airbus A321-200 was on a domestic flight with nearly 200 people on board.

The incident occurred when the plane was preparing to land at Daegu International Airport, about 240km south-east of the capital Seoul.

When the plane was around 200m above the ground, a passenger sitting near the emergency exit “opened the door manually by touching the lever”, the South Korean carrier’s representative told AFP.

Passengers were exposed to a fierce wind blowing into the plane through the emergency door, which was completely ajar, for about 10 minutes until the plane landed.

Some young passengers were reported to have panicked, crying and screaming as the air pressure deafened them.

The plane landed safely at around 12.40pm local time after departing from the island of Jeju an hour earlier, the airport’s flight schedule showed.

At least nine people suffered minor injuries and were sent to a hospital in Daegu.

The nine people had hyperventilated, the Daegu Fire Department said.

Those injured included eight student athletes.

Daegu Airport authorities said no deaths or severe injuries occurred as a result of the incident.

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2023-05-26 09:46:14Z

Man arrested after four killed in Japan gun and knife attack - CNA

TOKYO: Japanese police on Friday (May 26) detained a suspect who had holed up in a building after allegedly killing four people, including two police officers, in a gun and knife attack.

Masanori Aoki, 31, was taken into custody at his house outside a farm near the city of Nakano in the Nagano region, police said.

They also confirmed a fourth fatality overnight -- an elderly woman who was found injured at the scene and later pronounced dead.

Another woman and two police officers were earlier confirmed dead in the attack.

Aoki has initially been formally arrested with suspicion of murder over the death of one of the police officers, Nagano regional police chief Iwao Koyama told reporters.

He is likely to be rearrested later in connection with the other deaths, in a process that allows law enforcement to detain a suspect for longer while investigations continue.

Aoki is not contesting the charge, Koyama said, adding 100 officers are investigating the case.

"This case was an extremely heinous act that shocked not just regional residents but society as a whole," he said.

"We need to thoroughly investigate this and see the whole picture including the how and why," he said.

The rampage in a rural area of the western region was a rare instance of violent crime in Japan, which has a low murder rate and some of the world's toughest gun laws.

Several local media reported Aoki is the son of the speaker of Nakano's city assembly, and lived with his parents and aunt in the house where he holed up overnight.

"We pray for the souls of the deceased and express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families," top government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters.

"Police are investigating to uncover the whole picture of the incident, including how the crime developed and its background."


The attack started on Thursday afternoon, when a local man working on a farm saw a woman "running from the road saying, 'help me'", he told national broadcaster NHK.

"Behind her came a man wearing camouflage and carrying a large knife, who stabbed her in the back," the 72-year-old witness said.

He said he called emergency services while neighbours tried to resuscitate the woman.

The attacker announced: "I killed her because I wanted to," according to an eyewitness cited by Kyodo news.

Local media said he then fired what has been described as a hunting gun at police officers who arrived at the scene.

The officers were inside a patrol car and the attacker placed the weapon against a window of the vehicle and fired twice, NHK reported.

The slain officers were identified as Yoshiki Tamai, 46, and Takuo Ikeuchi, 61.

The man then barricaded himself inside the house, with his mother and aunt also on the premises, local media said.

He remained most of the night, with occasional gunshots heard, while the two women managed to escape on their own.

With few instances of major violent crime, Japan was left reeling in July last year when former prime minister Shinzo Abe was shot dead in broad daylight with an apparently homemade gun.

Abe's accused assassin, Tetsuya Yamagami, reportedly targeted the politician over his links to the Unification Church.

And last month, a man was arrested for allegedly hurling a pipe bomb-like explosive towards Prime Minister Fumio Kishida as he campaigned in the western city of Wakayama.

Kishida was unharmed and a man arrested on the scene will undergo a three-month psychiatric examination, a regional court said this week.

The suspect has reportedly remained tight-lipped about his motive for that failed attack.

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2023-05-26 06:38:03Z

PN mulling legal action against Malaysia PM Anwar over allegation of funding from gaming companies - CNA

On Thursday, Ms Azalina told parliament that the country’s anti-graft agency has not opened any investigation file on Mr Anwar’s remarks. 

"The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has carried out a detailed study on the information," she said in a parliamentary written reply, according to Malay Mail. 

"However, MACC found the information to be too general and no party can confirm this issue. Therefore, no investigation file has been opened on this issue."

She was responding to PN’s Pasir Mas Member of Parliament (MP) Ahmad Fadli Shaari who asked about the status of the investigation over the gambling companies funding allegation. 

On Friday, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) information chief Khairil Nizam Khirudin urged Mr Anwar to “apologise publicly for the slander and lies hurled at PN.” PAS is a component party of PN. 

Mr Khairil added in a Facebook post: “The answer that was given by (Ms Azalina) … is clear evidence that the (Pakatan Harapan)-Barisan Nasional government is lying.”

According to FMT, Mr Anwar said last year: “On the issue of gambling, certainly this is partly used to finance elections. 

“(I have asked for) checks on that. Whether you call yourself a Malay party or Islamic party, notwithstanding, the (election) funds came from gaming companies.”

Separately, the Anwar administration announced that special draws for gaming operators would be slashed to just eight annually. In the past, the Muhyiddin administration had raised the number of special draws to 22 per year.

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2023-05-26 06:50:00Z

Kamis, 25 Mei 2023

US raises concerns with China about actions against US companies - CNA

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo raised concerns about Chinese actions against U.S. firms operating in China with Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao during a meeting on Thursday in Washington, according to a U.S. readout.

"The two had candid and substantive discussions on issues relating to the U.S.-China commercial relationship, including the overall environment in both countries for trade and investment and areas for potential cooperation," the commerce department said in a statement.

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2023-05-26 00:07:43Z

China rejects claim it is spying on Western critical infrastructure - CNA

Although Chinese spies have long been active online against the United States and its allies, Volt Typhoon has raised particular concerns because of its focus on critical infrastructure, including communications links that tie the United States to the Pacific, analysts say.

The group's focus on stealthiness is also drawing attention.

Cybersecurity company Secureworks, which said it has responded to at least three Volt Typhoon hacks, described the group as working consistently to cover its tracks.

The company also backed Western assessments of the group's origins, saying that the hacker group, which it nicknamed "Bronze Silhouette", likely operates on behalf of Beijing.

Secureworks - an arm of Dell Technologies' - said that Chinese spies were upping their game in response to "likely increased pressure from (Chinese) leadership to avoid public scrutiny of its cyberespionage activity".

It was not immediately clear how many organisations were affected by the espionage, but the US National Security Agency (NSA) said it was working with partners including Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK, as well as the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to identify breaches.

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2023-05-25 10:00:32Z

'Her legs are weak and she can't walk far': Wang Yuqing takes wheelchair-bound mother on trip to South Korea - AsiaOne

She taught him about the world as he grew up, now Wang Yuqing is returning the favour by showing the world to his mother.

In Instagram posts beginning on May 3, the veteran actor shared pictures of himself and the 86-year-old on a trip to South Korea.


Speaking to Shin Min Daily News, Yuqing, 62, shared his reasons for taking the elderly lady on vacation: "Over the past few years, I have taken my mother halfway around the world, including to Switzerland, Hawaii, Las Vegas and China.

"Mum loves watching Korean dramas and is exceptionally familiar with the protagonists of each series. One day, she said to me that she's never been to South Korea before!"

He took the hint and didn't disappoint — he brought his mother, sister and girlfriend on a six-day trip to South Korea.

Recalling his experience in Seoul, Yuqing said: "Her legs are weak and she can't walk far. When she arrived in Seoul, she was wheelchair-bound."


To travel with as much convenience as possible, Yuqing hired a private vehicle to ferry them for the full duration of their stay, costing him $1,000 in total.

"The driver was surprisingly able to speak Mandarin, which is rare, and he could talk to my mother. She even joked that the driver looked like JJ Lin," he added, saying that the man's services were well worth the cost.


Yuqing also told Shin Min that as they travelled and visited tourist destinations, his mother was able to recognise locations featured in K-dramas.

The quartet also visited famous cafes and went shopping quite a bit, he said.

From his Instagram posts, it can be seen that Yuqing also had Chuncheon city and Nami island on his itinerary.

"But the temperature in South Korea is quite low and would hit eight to nine degrees Celsius in the night. When we went to Gyeongbokgung during the day, it was 11 or 12 degrees.

"To prevent mum from getting a cold, I would wrap her up like a dumpling — thankfully, she's still very healthy so everything went well."


Not urging him to get married

Yuqing's girlfriend Norah Zhang was also on the trip and got along well with his mother.

"She knows how to joke with my mum," he said of Norah, 52. "After a few days of getting along with each other, we grew closer."

The octogenarian also seems content to leave her son to his own devices.

"She never urges me to get married," he told the Chinese daily.

ALSO READ: Love's in the air? Wang Yuqing and Chen Liping channel inner Chin Han and Lin Ching-hsia in new local drama


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2023-05-25 02:29:00Z

Vietnam jails noodle vendor who parodied Salt Bae - CNA

HANOI: A Vietnam court has jailed a noodle seller who went viral for impersonating Salt Bae, after the celebrity chef served a gold-leaf steak to a powerful official, his lawyer said.

In 2021, Peter Lam Bui posted a parody video impersonating Salt Bae - Turkish chef Nusret Gokce who parlayed his meme stardom into high-end eateries - by sprinkling herbs on noodle soup, and calling himself "Green Onion Bae".

But that video came after a clip of a high-ranking Vietnamese official in London tucking into a steak at Gokce's Knightsbridge venue went viral in Vietnam.

Lam was in trouble within days of uploading his video and filmed a police visit to his home in the central city of Danang.

On Thursday, the 39-year-old former activist was convicted of spreading anti-state propaganda by a court in Danang, lawyer Le Dinh Viet told AFP.

"They charged the defendant based on posts and video clips Lam had on his accounts on social media platforms," Viet said.

There was nothing about the Salt Bae clip, he added.

Lam denied the charges and said he had only "expressed his personal viewpoint and exercised his right to freedom of speech".

He was sentenced to five-and-a-half-years' jail on Thursday (May 25). 

Lam's parody video came after To Lam, Vietnam's minister of public security - whose agency monitors dissent and surveils activists - was filmed eating at Gokce's luxury Nusr-Et Steakhouse in London.

The restaurant serves up steaks wrapped in edible 24-carat gold leaf, reportedly costing more than US$1,000, and the video sparked anger over the decadence on display while Vietnam struggled through the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the same trip to London, To Lam also visited the grave of Karl Marx, the ideological father of communism.

Vietnam has strict curbs on freedom of expression and the government moves swiftly to stamp out dissent and arrest critics, especially those who find an audience online. Independent media is banned.

To Lam, a member of the country's 16-strong politburo, has been public security minister since 2016 and has taken a hard line on human rights movements in the communist nation.

In April, Vietnam imprisoned Nguyen Lan Thang, a prominent journalist who documented protests and human rights violations, for six years.

A year earlier, high-profile dissident journalist Pham Doan Trang was given nine years behind bars.

They were all jailed on the same anti-state charge.

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2023-05-25 08:43:34Z

De-risking, taken too far, will lead to fragmented and decoupled world economy: Lawrence Wong - The Straits Times

TOKYO – The calls to “de-risk” – rather than “decouple” – from China could just as well lead to a more fragmented and decoupled world economy, warned Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong on Thursday.

“It is hard to see how de-risking, at its current ambition and scale, can be strictly confined to just a few strategic areas without affecting broader economic interactions,” said Mr Wong.

“If de-risking is taken too far, it would prompt reactions and unintended consequences. Over time, we will end up with a more fragmented and decoupled global economy.”

Addressing business leaders, academics and the media at the annual Nikkei forum Future of Asia, Mr Wong took on the latest language that had emerged at the recently concluded Group of Seven (G-7) summit of advanced economies in Hiroshima last week.

Leaders introduced the term “de-risking” in their communique for the first time, seeking to paint this in a more positive and less aggressive light than their previous term du jour – “decoupling”.

The G-7 statement said: “Our policy approaches are not designed to harm China nor do we seek to thwart China’s economic progress and development.”

It added: “We are not decoupling or turning inwards. At the same time, we recognise that economic resilience requires de-risking and diversifying.”

The G-7 leaders said that de-risking is different from decoupling, and that the former means reducing “excessive dependencies” in critical supply chains, such as by not over-relying on any country for the supply of materials or as a market.

China has lashed out against their statement, viewing it as a euphemism for containment.

In his speech, Mr Wong, who is also Finance Minister, acknowledged that it is understandable why countries and companies seek to de-risk or diversify. “No one wants to be overly reliant on a single supplier for raw materials, key components, or technology,” he noted.

But he observed how geopolitical lines are clearly starting to be drawn.

There are signs of global foreign direct investment flows “becoming more concentrated among countries that are geopolitically aligned”, he said. This marks a significant change from the last three decades of globalisation, when investors allocated capital based on business considerations, and firms established footprints all over the world and linked up in global supply chains.

“Where we used to talk about trade as win-win, zero-sum competition is now becoming normalised across multiple domains, from trade and investment to finance and critical technologies such as semiconductors,” Mr Wong said. 

“A fragmented global economy will split the world into competing regional blocs,” he added. “There will be less trade, less investments, and less diffusion of ideas – crucial ingredients which have helped our economies to advance.”

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2023-05-25 03:45:44Z

Rabu, 24 Mei 2023

Ron DeSantis jumps into White House race but Twitter launch marred by glitches - CNA

WASHINGTON: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suffered a chaotic start to his 2024 presidential election race on Wednesday (May 24) when glitches marred an online forum hosted by Twitter owner Elon Musk that was meant to showcase DeSantis' fitness for the job.

The Twitter broadcast of the hour-long interview, which had been intended as the formal launch for the DeSantis campaign, lost sound for extended stretches and thousands of users were either unable to join or were dropped.

It was an inauspicious start for a campaign predicated on the governor's executive competence.

"We must end the culture of losing that has infected the Republican Party in recent years," DeSantis said in the event with Musk once the problems were largely resolved. The hashtag #DeSaster was trending on Twitter.

DeSantis' entrance in the Republican contest sets up a showdown with his one-time ally, former president Donald Trump, who lost the 2020 presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden.

The Florida governor framed himself as a get-it-done executive who stood up to the federal government over COVID-19 policies and who has put an indelibly conservative stamp on his home state.

He defended his efforts in Florida to prohibit the teaching of concepts such as gender identity and systemic racism as protecting young children and pushing back against progressive ideology.

With a rising national profile and what are expected to be deep financial resources, DeSantis, 44, immediately became Trump's biggest rival for the Republican nomination.

"Government is not about entertainment, not about building a brand," DeSantis said, taking a veiled swipe at Trump. Notably, he never mentioned Trump by name during the event.

Trump, 76, didn't hesitate to mock DeSantis on his social media platform, Truth Social, over the stumbling start to his campaign.

"My Red Button is bigger, better, stronger, and is working (TRUTH!)" Trump posted, "Yours does not."

Musk conceded there had been "technical issues because of the sheer scale" of the event, but added that "it's just really great for the people to hear directly from presidential candidates". At one point, the Twitter event drew more than 600,000 listeners. By its conclusion, there were fewer than 300,000. DeSantis' campaign spokesman Bryan Griffin said on Twitter that enthusiasm for DeSantis had "literally busted up the internet".

The campaign raised US$1 million in an hour, Griffin said.


Polls show Trump with more than a 2-to-1 edge over the Florida governor, who has long been considered a Republican rising star and the herald of a new generation of leaders in the party. Trump, who announced in November, also has a head start in organizing his campaign in key early-voting states.

DeSantis’ central argument for his candidacy likely will be that he is the only Republican who can defeat Biden.

"Our president, while he lacks vigour, flounders in the face of our nation's challenges and he takes cues from the woke mob," DeSantis said.

Mainstream Republicans will be watching DeSantis carefully to see if he can recover from his missteps on foreign policy, such as his initial reluctance to express support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

In the weeks leading up to his presidential bid, DeSantis toured the country, visiting states such as Iowa and New Hampshire that will hold early nominating contests. He has boasted of his record as Florida’s governor, including his battles with the federal government over pandemic policies.

DeSantis and his advisers were determined to wait to enter the race until the Florida Legislature could hand him a series of policy victories – and lawmakers have done just that.

He signed measures that severely restricted abortions in the state, made it easier for residents to carry concealed weapons, expanded a voucher program to allow students to attend private schools and eliminated funding for diversity programs at public universities, among other things.

DeSantis remains in a pitched battle with Walt Disney over the company’s criticism of laws prohibiting the teaching of gender identity concepts in public schools. The company has filed a federal lawsuit accusing DeSantis of weaponising state government to punish its operations.

Other declared Republican candidates include Nikki Haley, former US ambassador to the United Nations, and Tim Scott, a US senator from South Carolina.

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2023-05-25 01:25:56Z