Jumat, 06 Mei 2022

Fewer, costlier durians in Malaysia as production hit by heavy rain - CNA


Mr Mohd Ali Hanafiah, an officer from the Raub Department of Agriculture (DOA), said a smaller harvest is expected in the coming months due to the unpredictable weather.

“If the weather in May is good, we could get a harvest in November. For now, it is hard to estimate. The weather has been a challenge for the farmers,” he said, adding that it takes about 150 days from flowering to the ripening of the fruit.  

Raub, a town in Pahang, is one of the main areas for the production of durian in Malaysia.

Malaysian Durian Exporters Association president Sam Tan told CNA that the typical durian season around June and July would be delayed because of the weather.

He estimated a decrease of almost 80 per cent in production this season.

“It usually starts to get hot in January but this year, it has always been raining. 

“The season will be delayed to October and prices are expected to go down then. There will still be durian in June, but little compared to usual,” he said.    

He said that prices will be about 30 per cent higher than usual, with the IOI variety costing about RM 30 per kilogram, compared to about RM22 last year.

Mr Tan predicted that the costs of durian will go down in a few years, as many people had started to grow durian in the past several years.

“There will be a huge supply in the coming years as the newly planted trees will be able to produce fruit,” he said.

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2022-05-06 10:44:00Z

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