Selasa, 15 Februari 2022

Live news: Financial stocks lead Asia lower as Ukraine fears weigh on investors - Financial Times

UK pay picked up less than prices at the end of last year while job vacancies rose to a record and the unemployment rate hit a pandemic low.

Average weekly earnings, excluding bonuses, grew at an annual pace of 3.7 per cent in the final quarter of 2021, data published by the Office for National Statistics showed on Tuesday. However, prices were rising faster than pay, which meant that wages fell 0.8 per cent in real terms.

This is despite a tight labour market. The number of job vacancies in the three months to January rose to a record 1,298,400, an increase of 513,700 from its pre-coronavirus January to March 2020 level.

Line chart of ‘000 showing UK job vacancies rose to a new record high

The number of employees based on HMRC real time data also increased by 108,000 between December and January to a record 29.5mn.

Sam Beckett, ONS head of economic statistics, said that the number of employees on payrolls rose in January 2022 and is well above pre-pandemic levels. However, he noted that the number of people in employment overall is below where it was before Covid-19 hit. “This is because there are now far fewer self-employed people,” he said.

The unemployment rate decreased 0.2 percentage points in the quarter to 4.1 per cent.

The number of people in employment also fell 38,000 in the three months to December compared with the previous quarter, the first contraction since the start of last year. This was a smaller contraction than the 65,000 forecast by economists polled by Reuters.

Unemployment and employment both fell because many people left the labour force during the pandemic.

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2022-02-15 08:14:46Z

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