Jumat, 28 Januari 2022

I ordered my health supplements online via Vitable. Here’s what I think - Yahoo Singapore News

Since the pandemic started, we have embraced online shopping (and food deliveries), reviewed our relationships, lived more mindfully, led a more sustainable lifestyle, and overhauled our eating habits. Suffice it to say that no one has emerged the same after nearly two years of living in the pandemic.

Health has been topmost on the minds of most people. At the same time, the issue of sustainability has also been getting more airtime than before. So when I discovered Vitable, an Australian supplements company that prides itself on sustainable practices, I thought I had hit the jackpot. Isn't it great that Mother Earth does not take a beating in my bid to stay in tiptop health?

If you are considering a more sustainable approach towards your supplements intake, read on to learn more about my subscription journey with Vitable and see if this is for you.

What's Vitable?

In a nutshell, Vitable is a health supplements company built on sustainable practices, offering a “personalised yet accessible approach to nutrition, coupled with honest advice”.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Log on to Vitable

Step 2: Take a 5-minute quiz

This quiz takes stock of your lifestyle needs and your unique health goals to formulate the list of supplements bringing you closer to your health objectives. After that, you get a personalised vitamin recommendation with a detailed explanation of what each ingredient can do for you.

Step 3: Confirm the proposed list of supplements, key in your details, make payment, and your health package is on its way! It typically takes around a week for your package to arrive.

The customised Vitable package comes with a booklet in a compostable box. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

The customised Vitable package comes with a booklet in a compostable box. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

Here’s what I like about Vitable:

1. Transparency

The brand prides itself on its transparency, from its formulas and ingredients to the science that goes behind it. Looking for vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbs or speciality supplements, Vitable’s product library will tell you all about each ingredient’s functions and how you can build your personalised pack. According to their website, all claims are supported by scientific studies. In addition, their products are touted as free of nasties such as GMOs, artificial additives and preservatives.

2. Handy and convenient

One of the biggest pluses for me is that my monthly Vitable supplies come in 30 individually-packed sachets. I ordered four different supplements, and all four tablets are packed in one lightweight, plastic-free sachet. So convenient! Depending on my activity each day, all I need is one sachet to go into my bag, and I take off for the day. I can be out for breakfast, gym or even overseas and not miss a single dosage. Goodbye, heavy and bulky bottles. On my recent 23-day overseas trip, I did not have to go through the trouble of counting the exact number of pills needed for the duration of my trip. Imagine how tedious it is to pack four to six different supplements. You do the Maths! Not only did I save time, but my precious luggage weight limit can also make way for other essentials.

3. Personalised home-compostable sachets

The Vitable sachets are imprinted with my name. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

The Vitable sachets are imprinted with my name. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

I no longer have to deal with the niggling worry about the harm towards the environment each time I throw out a plastic supplement bottle. Each Vitable sachet is 100 per cent home-compostable, while their pouches are made of plant-based cellulose produced from sustainably-harvested Eucalyptus trees. And, they come with my name on them. Wonderful if you have other family members who are on their Vitable journey as well. 

4. Cost savings

Who doesn’t like to save more? As a direct-to-consumer (hello, no middlemen mark-ups!), Vitable takes away the unnecessary costs and pass those savings to the consumer. Each sachet costs less than AU$1 a day! In each of my sachet, I had four different types of supplements. How's that for affordability?

5. Staying on track

Whether you are old-school and prefer hard copies or embrace the convenience of paperless technology, Vitable utilises a double-pronged approach to ensure you stay on top of your vitamin routine. Your package comes with a little booklet indicating your vitamin choices, what they can do for your health, as well as a simple 30-day tracker (on the back of the same hard copy booklet) for you to put a tick on every day you take your vitamins.

The Vitable app helps you track your health progress as well as earn points. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

The Vitable app helps you track your health progress as well as earn points. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

Otherwise, the Vitable app is a fantastic tracker for keeping tabs on your daily supplement consumption. Best of all, there’s an Energy and Sleep tracker to monitor your health progress, as well as an alarm function to give you that daily health nudge. On top of that, you get expert advice on your supplements journey. For example, did you know that vitamins are best taken with food and a large glass of water? This is because some vitamins may bring on woozy effects when taken on an empty stomach.

What's more, the app allows you to earn rewards and get discounts on your monthly orders!

6. Guiding light

Upon signing up, I received prompts via emails and the app dishing out helpful tips to stay on my supplement course. One great suggestion was to stack healthy habits by attaching new routines to daily tasks. It can be as simple as taking my personalised supplements with breakfast or ensuring I take my supplements at a fixed time. I felt as if a pharmacist was providing some guiding light.

7. Free consultation

Unlike the usual over-the-counter supplement brands, Vitable has clinical nutritionists on hand to answer any health and wellness queries for free to make the most out of your vitamins. They are just an email away at hello@vitable.com.au, or better still, contact their nutritionist via the app and get on a 15-minute call. How cool is that?

8. No lock-ins, cancel anytime

Our lifestyle, diet and goals evolve over time, and Vitable is on-board with this. Simply reach out to their nutritionists or retake the quiz to change up the monthly supplement subscription. Should you, by any chance, miss some days and have a surplus, Vitable recommends that you do not overdose but reach out to them to delay the next subscription. It's as simple as a few clicks on the app.

The cons:

As a first-time subscriber, I wasn’t aware that the subscription was automated from my first purchase (you’ll need to key in your credit card details). And since I was away on a long overseas vacation, the automated subscription kicked in, and my second month's subscription was on its way – while I was still overseas!

To be fair, they did send out an email to indicate that they are preparing the subsequent month's supply. Given normal circumstances, I should have time to amend my subscription. However, since I was vacationing, emails took a back seat and I missed the email alert. I was horrified that the package was on its way and would be waiting at my doorstep weeks before I arrived home. Thankfully, my package remained safe and sound at my doorstep upon returning.

Vitable dispenser. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

Vitable dispenser. PHOTO: Cadence Loh

So word of caution, time your subscription, especially if you are planning on heading overseas. Apart from this minor mishap, I have no further complaints about my experience with Vitable. I love how easy it is to navigate the website and app. And how the 30-day supply comes in a nifty space-saving, eco-friendly packaging with a dispenser. I will probably try out the personal consultation with the nutritionist.

There's never been a better time to kick start a healthy habit. Why not do so with Vitable?

Use promotional code “NEWYEAR50” to enjoy 50% off your first customised vitamin plan. Valid from now till 13 February

Get your customised Vitable pack — free shipping with orders over S$59.

The content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek advice from a qualified healthcare provider on queries regarding a medical condition. Any action taken by you in reliance on or in connection with this content is solely at your own risk.

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2022-01-27 10:03:59Z

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