Selasa, 24 Agustus 2021

US Vice President Kamala Harris' trip from Singapore to Vietnam delayed over 'anomalous health incident' in Hanoi - CNA

About 100 CIA officers and family members are among about 200 US officials and family members sickened by Havana syndrome, CIA Director William Burns has said.

A US National Academy of Sciences panel in December found that a plausible theory is that "directed energy" beams caused the syndrome, he said.

There is a "very strong possibility" that the syndrome is intentionally caused, and that Russia could be responsible, he said, adding that he is withholding definitive conclusions pending further investigation.

Moscow denies involvement.


As Harris's trip to Vietnam was delayed, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held an unannounced meeting with Chinese Ambassador Xiong Bo, during which Chinh said Vietnam does not align itself with one country against any other.

Earlier on Tuesday, Harris had accused Beijing of coercion and intimidation to back claims in the South China Sea, her most pointed comments on China during a visit to Southeast Asia, a region she said was critical to US security.

"The Prime Minister affirmed that Vietnam adheres to an independent, self-reliant, multilateral, and diverse foreign policy and is a responsible member of the international community," the Vietnamese government said in a statement.

"Vietnam does not align itself with one country against another," it said.

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea should be settled according to international law and "high-level common sense", it said. China would provide COVID-19 vaccine support for Vietnam, it added.

The US administration has called rivalry with China "the biggest geopolitical test" of the century, and Southeast Asia has seen a series of high-profile visits by top administration officials, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

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2021-08-24 14:16:00Z

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