Senin, 19 April 2021

Malaysian netizens angry with report of royal vaccinations, govt's flailing response to Covid-19 - The Straits Times

KUALA LUMPUR - The hashtags #kerajaangagal (failed government) along with #Agong (King) trended on Twitter over the weekend as Malaysians expressed online anger over the government's perceived mishandling of issues ranging from the Covid-19 crisis to alleged furtive vaccination of the country's ruler.

The anger boiled over following a  report by the Asia Sentinel news site saying that the King, Sultan Abdullah Ahmad Shah, was vaccinated during his recent visit to the United Arab Emirates  with the Sinopharm vaccine, which has not been approved for use in Malaysia, and brought back 2,000 doses for his family and friends.

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2021-04-19 08:39:27Z

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