Sabtu, 30 November 2019

China arrests two men for alleged involvement in Hong Kong protests - CNN

Businessman Lee Henley Hu Xiang, who is a Belize citizen, and Taiwan national Lee Meng-chu were arrested for "engaging in activities endangering China's national security and for their involvement in the Hong Kong riots," the Southern Daily reported.
Lee Henley Hu Xiang was arrested on November 26 by the Guangzhou State Security bureau "for funding criminal activities that endanger national security," the paper reported.
Lee, who lives in China, is also accused of funding "hostile forces" in the US, sponsoring foreign organizations and individuals "to damage China's national security," disrupting Hong Kong and supporting anti-China activities, and cooperating "with external forces to intervene in Hong Kong affairs."
Protesters celebrate a victory after Trump signs Hong Kong human rights act
Taiwan national Lee Meng-chu was arrested on October 31 by Shenzhen State Security bureau for spying for foreign forces and illegally providing state secrets, according to the report. He went missing in late August at the border city of Shenzhen, which neighbors Hong Kong.
He is also accused of being a key member of "Taiwan independence" forces; going to Hong Kong to support "anti-China" activities; and seeking military secrets in mainland China in August, the Southern Daily writes.
Hong Kong has been hit by several months of protests that began over a now-withdrawn extradition bill.
Since then, demonstrations have expanded to include five major demands, including an independent inquiry into alleged police brutality and wider democratic reforms.
China was enraged on Thursday after US President Donald Trump signed an act in support of the protest movement.
It came days after pro-democracy candidates scored a landslide victory in district council elections, framed as a de-facto referendum on the protest movement.

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2019-11-30 13:07:00Z

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