Senin, 01 Juli 2019

Hundreds of Hong Kong protesters storm government building over China extradition bill - CNN

They've been overshadowed by the chaos at the government headquarters this evening, but an estimated 550,000 people took part in the peaceful pro-democracy march today.

That figure comes from the organizers of the July 1 march, the Civil Human Rights Front.

It marks a huge surge in year-on-year attendance, and is more than 10 times the 50,000 people estimated to have marched on July 1, 2018.

Police, however, said an estimated 190,000 people took part in today's march.

Images from the protest showed young and old people marching side-by-side. Some parents even brought along their young children.

Among the chants used by protesters were "(Chief Executive) Carrie Lam, step down!" and "Free Hong Kong."

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2019-07-01 15:13:00Z

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