Minggu, 28 April 2019

Bolton denies US paid North Korea $2M to release Otto Warmbier - New York Post

National security adviser John Bolton denied that the Trump administration paid North Korea $2 million after the release of comatose Otto Warmbier but acknowledged that a US envoy did sign a pledge to pay.

“Absolutely not. And I think that’s the key point. The president’s been very successful in getting 20-plus hostages released from imprisonment around the world and hasn’t paid anything for any of them,” Bolton told “Fox News Sunday.”

Bolton admitted that Joseph Yun, a State Department envoy sent to North Korea in 2017 to get Warmbier, signed a document pledging the US would pay for his release.

“Bottom line,” said host Chris Wallace. Did the US pay any money after the release “however it was disguised?”

“It’s very clear to me from my looking into it over the past few days – no money was paid. That is clear,” Bolton replied.

North Korea presented a $2 million bill for the medical care of Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who was released by the regime while in a coma and died days after returning to his home in Ohio, the Washington Post reported last week.

Warmbier was sentenced to 15-years of hard labor in North Korea in 2016 and fell into a coma soon after.

President Trump also denied paying North Korea for Warmbier.

“We did not pay money for our great Otto,” Trump said at the White House last Friday, adding that the story was fake news.

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2019-04-28 16:01:00Z

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