Jumat, 28 Juni 2024

Biden's debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump - CNA

Republicans, meanwhile, were giddy about Biden's lacklustre performance. But Trump co-campaign chief dismissed chatter about whether Democrats would try to nominate someone other than Biden.

"There's so many political experts on X, so we'll hear a lot from them, I'm sure, in the next few days because they've all run so many campaigns," LaCivita said sarcastically.

"But the only way that happens is if Joe Biden voluntarily steps down, and he's not going to do that."

Thursday's debate may be imprinted on voters' minds for the foreseeable future with Biden and Trump not scheduled to meet on the debate stage again for another 75 days.

LaCavita said Trump would be at the next debate "with bells on". Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz confirmed that Biden would also attend the rematch.

But privately, Biden advisers suggested that the campaign was never going to be won or lost in one rally, conversation or debate. They pointed to plans to maintain an aggressive schedule in the weeks and months ahead.

On Friday, Biden was scheduled to campaign in North Carolina while Harris was in Nevada.

Still, Biden supporters struggled to find any hope in the immediate aftermath of the debate.

"That was the worst performance in the history of televised presidential debates," Tim Miller, a former Republican strategist turned ardent Biden supporter, said in the spin room, shaking his head in disbelief.

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2024-06-28 06:24:07Z

Kamis, 27 Juni 2024

Biden falters as Trump unleashes barrage of falsehoods at first debate - CNA

ATLANTA: President Joe Biden delivered a shaky, halting performance while his Republican rival Donald Trump battered him with a series of often false attacks at their debate on Thursday (Jun 27), as the two oldest presidential candidates ever exchanged personal insults ahead of the November election.

The two men traded barbs on abortion, immigration, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, their handling of the economy and even their golf games as they each sought to shake up what opinion polls show has been a virtually tied race for months.

Biden's allies tried to put a brave face on the evening, and two White House officials said Biden had a cold.

But the president's poor performance rattled his fellow Democrats and will likely deepen voter concerns that the 81-year-old is too old to serve another four-year term.

One top Biden donor, who did not want to be identified while criticising the president, called his performance "disqualifying" and said he expected a fresh round of calls for him to step aside ahead of the party's national convention in August.

Vice President Kamala Harris, appearing on CNN after the debate, acknowledged what she called Biden's "slow start" but argued that voters should judge him and Trump based on their years in office.

"I'm not going to spend all night with you talking about the last 90 minutes when I've been watching the last three-and-a-half years of performance," she told CNN host Anderson Cooper.

A hoarse-sounding Biden stumbled over his words on several occasions during the debate's first half-hour. But he found his footing at the halfway mark when he attacked Trump over his conviction for covering up hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, calling him a "felon".

In response, Trump brought up the recent conviction of Biden's son, Hunter, for lying about his drug use to buy a gun.

Moments later, Biden noted that almost all of Trump's former cabinet members, including former Vice President Mike Pence, have not endorsed his campaign.

"They know him well, they served with him," he said. "Why are they not endorsing him?"

Trump, meanwhile, unleashed a barrage of criticisms, many of which were well-worn falsehoods he has long repeated, including claims that migrants have carried out a crime wave, that Democrats support infanticide and that he actually won the 2020 election.

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2024-06-28 04:07:00Z

Biden stumbles in early US presidential debate exchanges as Trump pounces - The Straits Times

The two rivals did not shake hands as they took their positions at podiums just feet apart in a studio with no live audience. PHOTOS: REUTERS, EPA-EFE

ATLANTA - US President Joe Biden stumbled through early exchanges in June 27’s (June 28 morning in Singapore) presidential debate, a performance that risks exacerbating concerns about his age and intensifying Democratic worries about their candidate’s ability to defeat Republican Donald Trump in November’s election.

Mr Biden paused notably and appeared to freeze during one answer on abortion and tripped up in other responses, misstating numbers such as the amount of jobs created under his administration and the caps for out-of-pocket drug costs he implemented.

The shaky performance threatens to undercut Mr Biden’s campaign, fueling Republican attacks that at 81, the oldest president in US history, is not fit to serve another four year term. Trump capitalised on Mr Biden’s missteps, swiping at his opponent during an exchange on immigration.

“I really don’t know what he said on this, and I don’t think he knows what he said either,” Trump said.

Mr Biden is fighting a cold, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump’s performance was not without missteps of his own. Asked about Americans struggling with opioid addiction, the former president talked about immigration and Russia’s detention of a Wall Street Journal reporter. He falsely claimed credit for a cap on Medicare insulin prices, claimed Jan 6 rioters were invited into the Capitol by police, and was forced to claim he never had sex with a porn star – a central element of his hush money trial. He also repeatedly and awkwardly sidestepped questions about if he would respect the results of the election.

Later in the debate when asked about age concerns, Mr Biden retorted: “This guy’s three years younger and a lot less competent.” 

“Look at the record. Look at what I’ve done,” he added.

But Mr Biden meandered through a scripted swipe on Trump’s previous exaggerated claims about his height and weight, and fell into an extended and muddled discussion of his golf handicap. 

“Let’s not act like children,” Trump retorted.

Economic Sparring

The candidates opened their first presidential debate sparring over the economy, with each blaming the other for the rising cost of groceries and housing.

Voters have rated the economy as one of the defining issues of the campaign. Polls show voters skeptical of Mr Biden’s record despite solid job growth and investments in manufacturing and infrastructure as historically high inflation has wreaked havoc on US households.

“We had an economy that was in freefall. The pandemic was so badly handled,” Mr Biden said, pointing the finger at the former president’s record. “What we had to do was try to put things back together again, and that’s exactly what we began to do.”

Trump defended his tax cuts, set to expire next year, saying they paved the way for a stock market boom.

“I gave you the largest tax cut in history. I also gave you the largest regulation cut in history,” Trump said.

The dollar pushed higher against major peers as the candidates traded barbs, with the Mexican peso and Japanese yen among global currencies weakening. Bloomberg’s gauge of the greenback climbed to fresh highs for the year.

“Currencies are reacting to the US presidential debate,” said Commonwealth Bank of Australia strategist Carol Kong. “Judging by the reactions so far, markets think President Trump is ‘winning’ the debate. But its still early to make the conclusion.”

During the exchange on the economy, Mr Biden said 15,000 jobs were created during his presidency, instead of 15 million, that some seniors now have a US$200 (S$272) annual cap on out-of-pocket drug prices, instead of US$2,000, and incorrectly said some wealthy Americans were trillionaires.

“He’s not equipped to be president. You know it and I know it,” Trump said during the debate.

The candidates opened their first presidential debate sparring over the economy, with each blaming the other for the rising cost of groceries and housing. PHOTO: REUTERS

Legal Woes

Midway through the debate, Mr Biden began to hit Trump over his legal troubles, an unprecedented situation in a US election. Trump is the first former president convicted of a felony and faces three more criminal indictments.

“The only person on this stage who is a convicted felon is the man I’m looking at right now,” Biden said, accusing his rival of having the “morals of an alley cat”.

“The crimes you are still charged with. Think of all the civil penalties you have. How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public... for having sex with a porn star on the night, while your wife was pregnant? What are you talking about? You have the morals of an alley cat,” said Mr Biden.

Trump was found guilty by a Manhattan jury for falsifying business records to conceal a hush-money payment to an adult film star and awaits sentencing.

Mr Biden directly cited Trump’s hush-money payment to the actress, Stormy Daniels, accusing the former president of “having sex with a porn star while your wife was pregnant.”

“I didn’t have sex with a porn star,” Trump replied.

Trump also hit back at Mr Biden for bringing up his conviction by noting that the president’s son, Hunter Biden, is also guilty of a felony, in his case for illegally obtaining a firearm while addicted to drugs. Trump went on to say without providing any evidence that Mr Biden himself would face prosecution.

Abortion Restrictions

Later in the debate, the two sparred over abortion, with Mr Biden calling Trump’s role in the wave of restrictions over the procedure a “terrible thing.” Trump appointed three of the Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe versus Wade’s federal abortion protections. 

Trump said the court’s ruling had just left the issue of abortion up to voters in the states.

Mr Biden found his footing later when discussing veterans’ care, attacking Trump for reported remarks calling fallen US soldiers “suckers” and “losers”.

“He was standing with his four-star general, and he told me you said, I don’t want to go in there because they’re a bunch of losers and suckers. My son was not a loser. Was not a sucker. You’re the sucker. You’re the loser,” Mr Biden said, referencing his late son Beau Biden who died of cancer and served in the military.

Trump fired back, denying the quote and saying Mr Biden should apologise to him. 

Mr Biden scoffed at that, saying he’s “done more for veterans than any president has in American history.”

Trump described Mr Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan as the “most embarrassing moment in the history of our country” and said it encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine.

He laid the blame for the Ukraine war at Mr Biden’s feet, insisting that the invasion never would have happened “if we had a leader.”

“This is a war that never should have started. If we had a leader in this war... He’s given US$200 billion now or more to Ukraine, he’s given $200 billion. That’s a lot of money. I don’t think there’s ever been anything like it,” Trump said.

Israel-Hamas War

During a discussion of Israel’s war against Hamas, Mr Biden walked a tightrope. The president sought to both stress his support for Israel in the wake of the deadly Oct 7 attack by Hamas, designated a terrorist group by the US and European Union, and his push for more restraint in Israeli military operations in Gaza.

Israel’s campaign there to root out Hamas has sparked a humanitarian crisis and divided Democrats, unleashing criticism over Mr Biden’s handling of the war from young voters and progressives, key parts of the party’s electoral coalition.

Hamas cannot be allowed to continue, Mr Biden said.

Trump said Israel should be allowed to “finish the job.” He also struck a more isolationist note on foreign policy, urging Biden to demand that NATO allies in Europe contribute more for defense.

“He’s become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s a weak one,” Trump said.

Mr Biden responded: “I’ve never heard so much foolishness.” AFP, BLOOMBERG

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2024-06-28 01:21:49Z

Biden and Trump face off in early US presidential debate, with age, ability in focus - The Straits Times

The debate will offer voters a rare side-by-side look at the two oldest candidates ever to seek the US presidency. PHOTO: SCREENGRAB FROM C-SPAN/YOUTUBE

ATLANTA - Democratic President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump take the stage on June 27 night (June 28 morning in Singapore) for a debate that will offer voters a rare side-by-side look at the two oldest candidates ever to seek the US presidency.

Mr Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, will be under pressure to display their command of issues and avoid verbal stumbles as they seek a breakout moment in a race that opinion polls show has been deadlocked for months.

The 90-minute televised debate, the first between a sitting president and a former one, will air at 9pm ET (9am June 28 in Singapore) on CNN and takes place far earlier than normal - more than four months before the Nov 5 Election Day.

It comes at a moment of profound polarisation and deep-seated anxiety among voters about the state of American politics. Two-thirds of voters said in a May Reuters/Ipsos poll that they were concerned violence could follow the election, nearly four years after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol.

Trump will take the stage as a felon who still faces a trio of criminal cases, including to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The former president, who continues to falsely claim that his defeat was the result of fraud and has suggested he will punish his political enemies if returned to power, will need to convince undecided voters that he does not pose a mortal threat to democracy, as Biden asserts.

Mr Biden arrived in Atlanta on June 27 afternoon under intense pressure to deliver a forceful performance after months of Republican assertions his faculties have dulled with age.

Ahead of the debate, the Biden campaign released a video featuring former Trump aides saying they would not support him this time. "Take it from the people who know Donald Trump best - he is unfit to be president," Mr Biden said on X.

Biden advisers say he will emphasise Trump's role in threatening abortion access, portray him as a danger to democratic norms and remind voters of Trump's often chaotic 2017-2021 term in office.

Mr Joe Biden arrived in Atlanta on June 27 afternoon. PHOTO: REUTERS

Trump will focus on the high levels of inflation and record numbers of migrants who have entered the country illegally under Biden's watch, and will also question his world leadership at a time of war in Gaza and Ukraine, Trump advisers said.

Trump, whose plane landed in Georgia about 3½ hours before the debate, posted on social media what appeared to be advice from a former member of his administration about how to respond to attacks on his environmental record. The notes from former Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler urged Trump to say he will lower carbon dioxide emissions and encourage domestic energy production.

A campaign spokesman said the post was not a mistake. "The Biden team has been previewing their attacks -- albeit moronic attacks -- all week," spokesman Stephen Cheung said.

Donald Trump's plane landed in Georgia about 3½ hours before the debate. PHOTO: REUTERS

Disliked duo

While national polls show a tied race, Mr Biden has trailed Trump in polls of most battleground states and recently saw his financial edge erased after Trump was criminally convicted over trying to cover up hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

"Biden needs a change in the status quo, and this debate is his best opportunity yet to do it," said Mr Jacob Rubashkin, an elections analyst at the nonpartisan website Inside Elections.

Neither Mr Biden nor Trump is popular and many Americans remain deeply ambivalent about their choices. About a fifth of voters say they have not picked a candidate, are leaning towards a third-party candidate or may sit the election out, the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.

"They're horrible candidates," said Ms Kathy Elder, a 59-year-old sales manager who voted for Trump in 2016 before switching to Mr Biden in 2020.

Ms Elder said she cringes whenever they speak – for different reasons.

When it comes to Mr Biden, she said, "Can he speed this up and actually talk?" As for Trump, she said, "What the hell is going to come out of his mouth?"

Mr Biden and Trump have made little effort to disguise their mutual dislike. During their first debate in 2020, Trump aggressively talked over Mr Biden in a performance that turned off many voters.

CNN will attempt to avoid cross-talk by muting the candidates' microphones when it is not their turn. The debate will take place without an audience, and neither candidate is allowed to bring notes or props, though they will have a pen and paper.

Trump's niece Mary Trump, who has been critical of her uncle, will join Mr Biden's campaign in its media spin room following the debate, a campaign official said.

The second and final debate in this year's campaign is scheduled for September. REUTERS

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2024-06-27 21:53:43Z

Dates set for long-awaited third plenum, with China to reveal policy direction - South China Morning Post

China’s ruling Communist Party elite will meet from July 15 to 18 for the long-awaited third plenary session, a gathering expected to shed light on the development direction of the world’s second-largest economy amid intense external challenges.
It is expected to be a defining moment of President Xi Jinping’s third five-year term as the party’s leader, and to cover a wide range of goals, from the economy to social development and state building.
The decision was announced at a meeting of the Politburo, the party’s 24-man decision-making body, on Thursday, signalling a consensus among the party’s upper echelon on how best to cope with China’s economic challenges given the ferocity of international competition and internal difficulties.


Defence ministers from China and US meet on sidelines of Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore

Defence ministers from China and US meet on sidelines of Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore

The session, also known as a plenum, traditionally sets the economic strategy for the next five to 10 years and is often seen as the most important of the seven party gatherings held over the Central Committee’s five-year cycle.

The meeting will be attended by more than 370 full and alternate members of the new Central Committee.

It is also expected to endorse a wide-ranging communique that will be dissected by officials at all levels as they try to come up with ways to reach the goals set out in the document.

Over the past four decades, the third plenums have typically been held in October or November. It is the first time since 1984 that the party has not convened one in the year following the twice-a-decade party congress. The last congress was held in the autumn of 2022, the year Xi began his third term as party general secretary.

In the past, third plenums were the key opportunity to send early policy signals to the party and the public of what the party’s priorities would be for the next five to 10 years.

Beijing offered no explanation for the delay in its April 30 statement but China has been grappling with a series of formidable challenges, including a sluggish economic recovery, intense geopolitical headwinds and ongoing personnel changes in leadership.

The gathering next month will be held just months before China celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic.

It will also be before the end of the year and therefore meet the stipulation in the party’s constitution that it hold at least one plenum a year.

Last year was the 45th anniversary of paramount leader Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up, and the 10th anniversary of Xi’s own series of reforms – milestones that came and went without the plenum.

In addition to signalling economic policy, the third plenary session is also the usual forum to show party solidarity and offer updates on investigations into sacked high-level officials.

Beijing has said little about what prompted the removal last year of former foreign minister Qin Gang and former defence minister Li Shangfu – both of whom are members of the Central Committee.


‘Two sessions’: China’s economic and diplomatic challenges | Talking Post with Yonden Lhatoo

‘Two sessions’: China’s economic and diplomatic challenges | Talking Post with Yonden Lhatoo

Qin, China’s shortest-serving foreign minister, disappeared in June last year before being stripped of his remaining titles in the government. Li, China’s shortest-serving defence minister, has not been seen since August and has also lost all his titles.

The formal expulsion of officials from the elite body requires a formal resolution during the plenum.

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2024-06-27 05:41:21Z

Rabu, 26 Juni 2024

Details of Blackrock's investment in Malaysia among focus in Parliament today - The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: The total investment by BlackRock and its affiliate companies in Malaysia will be among the highlights at the Dewan Rakyat sitting on Thursday (June 27).

According to the Order Paper published on the Parliament's official website, the matter will be raised by Lim Guan Eng (PH-Bagan) to the Investment, Trade and Industry Minister during the Minister's Question Time session.

Lim is seeking details on where BlackRock has made investments within Malaysia and the potential economic implications if these long-standing investments were to be withdrawn.

In the same session, Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi (PN-Kuala Langat) will ask the Health Minister to state the difference between local university training programmes and the Parallel Pathway foreign training skill programmes as well as the estimated cost spent on government-sponsored specialised training.

In addition, Aminolhuda Hassan (PH-Sri Gading) will request the Foreign Minister to outline the benefits Malaysia has received following the strengthening of relations with Central Asian countries through Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's recent visit to several countries in the region in mid-May.

During the Oral Question and Answer Session, Commander (R) Nordin Ahmad Ismail (PN-Lumut) will ask the Communications Minister to detail measures taken to combat the dissemination of pornographic videos and images on social media platforms, which also serve to promote sex-related products.

In addition, Lo Su Fui (GRS-Tawau) will ask the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister to outline plans for standardising prices of goods across Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak, as well as strategies to tackle the smuggling of subsidised necessities.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (PN-Pagoh) will raise the issue of the term "Allah", seeking an update from the Prime Minister on the establishment and progress of the Special Technical and Legal Documentation Committee to review the Nik Elin case and related issues.

Following these discussions, the Dewan Rakyat will proceed with the first reading of the Audit (Amendment) Bill 2024.

Also scheduled on today's agenda are the second reading of the Limited Liability Partnerships (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the continuation of debates on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2024.

The Second Meeting of the Third Term of the 15th Parliament runs 15 days until July 18. - Bernama

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2024-06-27 01:29:00Z

WEF in China: Electric vehicles, urban mobility, climate change discussed on second day - CNA

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2024-06-26 14:26:47Z