Kamis, 23 Februari 2023

UN demands Russia withdraw from Ukraine - The Straits Times

UNITED NATIONS, United States - The United Nations voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to demand Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine, marking the one-year anniversary of the war with a call for a “just and lasting” peace.

Ukraine earned strong backing in a non-binding vote that saw 141 of the 193 UN members in support, seven opposed and 32, including China and India abstaining.

Coming on the eve of the first anniversary of the brutal war, support for Kyiv was little-changed from that of last October when 143 countries voted to condemn Russia’s declared annexation of four Ukraine regions.

The vote came after two days of debate during which Kyiv urged the international community to choose “between good and evil.”

The resolution reaffirmed support for Ukraine’s “sovereignty” and “territorial integrity,” rejecting any Russian claims to the parts of the country it occupies.

It also demanded “that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders,” and called “for a cessation of hostilities.”

‘Russia can stop tomorrow’

The vote showed Moscow’s continued isolation on the world stage after 12 months of war.

Despite its support from only a handful of countries, Russia has used its veto power to block any binding motions against it in the UN Security Council.

Instead, the UN General Assembly has taken up the issue, displaying solid support for Kyiv in successive votes.

“Next year, we should not meet here to mark the second anniversary of this senseless war of aggression,” said Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi during the debate.

“Russia can and must stop, tomorrow,” French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said.

“This war waged by Russia is everybody’s business because it threatens the existence of a state, because it represents a domineering and imperialist plan, and because it denies the existence of borders.”

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2023-02-23 21:04:24Z

Malaysia's anti-graft agency says more may be charged in case involving COVID-19 aid - CNA

On Wednesday, Wan Saiful resigned as Bersatu’s information chief, telling local media that he had relinquished the role due to his ongoing court case.

Mr Muhyiddin, the Bersatu president, later confirmed Wan Saiful’s resignation. He, however, cautioned that the decision was not an acknowledgement that Wan Saiful was guilty, Malay Mail reported.

“This is a standard that we want to set against any allegations or perceptions against Bersatu. He himself volunteered to hand in his resignation, I appreciate his decision.

“His post will be filled with another supreme council member, we will appoint immediately as the post is important since we will face state elections soon,” Mr Muhyiddin was quoted as saying by the Malay Mail.


Separately, Mr Azam said the MACC has arrested a man who had accused the commission of offering RM10 million to Wan Saiful to implicate Mr Muhyiddin in the Jana Wibawa case.

The New Straits Times reported that the man was arrested when he presented himself to the commission’s headquarters on Wednesday.

"I will not forgive those who have tarnished the MACC's reputation. We have lodged a report and conducted our own investigation. The man in question has been arrested for further investigation,” Mr Azam was quoted as saying by the daily.

He added: "(The man’s) statement has resulted in a lot of speculation over the commission. These (aspersions) will remain there (online) and can't be removed. Many will still believe it (the accusation).”

Local media had previously reported that the man, who had claimed to be Wan Saiful’s research officer, made the accusations in a 44-second video on TikTok.

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2023-02-23 09:08:55Z

Jana Wibawa: Probe against Muhyiddin ongoing, more to be charged - New Straits Times

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  1. Jana Wibawa: Probe against Muhyiddin ongoing, more to be charged  New Straits Times
  2. Malaysia's anti-graft agency says more may be charged in case involving COVID-19 aid  CNA
  3. Jana Wibawa: Several more probes ongoing, including on Muhyiddin  Malaysiakini
  4. AGC to decide if Muhyiddin is a suspect, says Azam Baki  The Star Online
  5. Probe into Muhyiddin's role in Jana Wibawa ongoing, says MACC  Free Malaysia Today
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2023-02-23 02:53:59Z

Rabu, 22 Februari 2023

Russia says Lavrov and Wang Yi did not discuss 'Chinese peace plan' - CNA

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and China's top diplomat Wang Yi did not discuss a reported Chinese plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine when they met on Wednesday (Feb 22), Moscow said.

Wang, the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit Russia since it invaded Ukraine almost a year ago, met President Vladimir Putin and Lavrov separately amid speculation the two sides would discuss a possible Chinese peace plan for Ukraine.

"We note statements by some Western politicians and media reports regarding some kind of 'Chinese peace plan'. As usual, they distort the real picture," foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

"The Chinese partners briefed us on their views on the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis, as well as approaches to its political settlement. There was no talk of any separate plan," she added.

Russia said on Wednesday it welcomed China taking a more active role in efforts to resolve the conflict in Ukraine and said it valued China's "balanced approach", with Beijing signalling it was ready to take a "constructive role".

While China has taken a nuanced stance on the conflict, criticising Western sanctions against Russia but stopping short of endorsing the war, both countries share a vision of limiting what they see as Western dominance over global affairs.

The two countries signed a "no limits" strategic partnership days before the invasion last Feb 24, and have since held joint military drills over the Sea of Japan, East China Sea and Western Pacific.

Moscow's foreign ministry said earlier that it was studying a newly released paper on Beijing's Global Security Initiative, Chinese leader Xi Jinping's flagship security proposal.

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2023-02-22 21:47:00Z

ASEAN chair Indonesia, China to intensify negotiations for South China Sea code of conduct - CNA

JAKARTA: Current rotating chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Indonesia and China have said that both countries will intensify the negotiations for a South China Sea code of conduct. 

Indonesian foreign minister Retno Marsudi and her Chinese counterpart Qin Gang said this to the media on Wednesday (Feb 22) during Mr Qin’s working visit to Indonesia. 

Mr Qin is on a three-day working visit at the invitation of Mdm Marsudi where both ministers discussed regional as well as bilateral issues. 

In their joint statement to the media, Mdm Marsudi said that Indonesia and ASEAN want a peaceful and stable South China Sea.

“Respect for international law, especially UNCLOS 1982, is key,” she said, referring to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which China has ratified.

“And after being delayed due to the pandemic, negotiations on the code of conduct will be carried out again and intensified in person.”

She added that Indonesia and ASEAN want to produce an effective, substantive and actionable code of conduct. 

On China’s part, Mr Qin said that a new cold war and competition among major powers should not appear in the Asia Pacific region. 

Reiterating a previous statement by his predecessor Wang Yi, Mr Qin added that countries in the region should not be forced to take sides. 

“We believe that Indonesia and ASEAN will make their own independent assessment and choices based on stability, development and prosperity.”

He added that China supports ASEAN’s strategic independence and respects ASEAN's centrality in the regional architecture.

“As littoral states in the South China Sea, Indonesia and China will work with other ASEAN member states to implement the declaration of conduct on the South China Sea and accelerate the negotiations for a code of conduct.”

The ministers did not mention when the negotiations would take place but earlier this month, Mdm Marsudi had said that they would take place in March.

The South China Sea is one of the most contested waters in the world. 

China claims much of the South China Sea based on a nine-dash line map it uses to claim the waters which Indonesia considers as lacking international legal basis.

Indonesia is not a claimant state in the South China Sea but it has clashed with China in the past few years over fishing rights around Natuna Islands, which are near the disputed waters. 

However, there are overlapping claims by ASEAN countries namely Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The United States and its allies have also challenged China’s territorial claims.

ASEAN countries have been trying to negotiate a code of conduct with China since the 1990s. But negotiations have stalled due to various reasons, most recently because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it more difficult to hold in-person meetings.

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2023-02-22 10:53:15Z

China's top diplomat says Russia ties 'rock solid' - CNA

MOSCOW: China's top diplomat told one of President Vladimir Putin's closest allies on Tuesday (Feb 21) that Beijing's relationship with Moscow was "rock solid" and would withstand any test in a changing international situation.

China's "no limits" partnership with Russia has come under scrutiny in the West after the United States said it was concerned that Beijing might be considering supplying weapons to Russia a year since the invasion of Ukraine.

At a meeting in Moscow, Wang Yi told Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia's powerful Security Council, that he looked forward to discussions about security.

"Chinese-Russian relations are mature in character: They are rock solid and will withstand any test in a changing international situation," Wang told "Comrade" Patrushev through a Russian interpreter in remarks aired on state television.

Wang said Russia and China should work out new joint steps to ensure the security of both countries, without elaborating.

Patrushev, who is close to Putin, told "Comrade" Wang that Beijing was a top priority for Russian foreign policy and that the two countries must stick together against the West.

"In the context of a campaign that is being waged by the collective West to contain both Russia and China, the further deepening of Russian-Chinese cooperation and interaction in the international arena is of particular importance," state news agency RIA cited Patrushev.


Chinese President Xi Jinping is preparing to visit Moscow for a summit with Putin in the coming months, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the plan.

Preparations for the trip are at an early stage and the timing has not been finalised, the WSJ said, adding that Xi could visit in April or early May, when Russia celebrates its World War Two victory over Germany.

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2023-02-22 08:54:00Z

Change in Chief of Defence Force and Chief of Navy - MINDEF Singapore


Rear-Admiral (RADM) Aaron Beng Yao Cheng will take over from Lieutenant-General (LG) Melvyn Ong Su Kiat as Chief of Defence Force (CDF) on 24 March 2023. RADM Sean Wat Jianwen, Fleet Commander of the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), will assume the appointment of Chief of Navy (CNV) on 10 March 2023. These changes are part of the continuing process of leadership renewal in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

Outgoing CDF LG Ong, 47, has served the SAF with distinction since his enlistment in 1994. During his time in service, LG Ong held various senior command and staff appointments, including Head of the Joint Plans and Transformation Department which oversees the SAF's longer-term transformation efforts, as well as Chief Guards Officer and Chief of Army. Of note, he commanded an SAF contingent that oversaw earthquake relief operations alongside the New Zealand Defence Force following a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch in 2011, and led the organisation of our nation's Golden Jubilee National Day Parade celebrations in 2015.

LG Ong assumed his appointment as CDF on 23 March 2018. Under LG Ong's leadership, the SAF enhanced Singapore's peace and security. He led the SAF in high key security operations including the DPRK-US Singapore Summit and the 33rd ASEAN Summit in 2018. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, LG Ong led the SAF's pandemic response and ensured that the SAF maintained a high degree of operational readiness while minimising the risk of infections. In addition, he oversaw the formation of various SAF Task Forces comprising more than 7,000 personnel to support the government's COVID-19 operations. These included supporting contact tracing, stabilising the outbreak in migrant worker dormitories as well as scaling up of the national home recovery programme.

Under LG Ong's stewardship, the SAF increased the pace of its next generation transformation efforts and made significant progress in several areas. Key structural shifts were initiated to enable the SAF to operate in a rapidly changing operational environment. Notably, the establishment of the SAF's fourth Service, the Digital and Intelligence Service, has set the path the SAF to develop its capabilities in the digital battlespace, and to operate as a more integrated and networked SAF in the more complex threat landscape of the future. New warfighting capabilities were inducted into the SAF to enhance situational awareness with added lethality and flexibility. These included the completion of the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF's) Island Air Defence system, operationalisation of the Army's Third Generation Combined Arms Division and launch of the RSN's Invincible-Class Type-218G submarines. Advanced unmanned systems such as the RSAF's Orbiter 4 Close-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and the RSN's Maritime Security Unmanned Surface Vessel were added into the SAF's capabilities. The year-long NS55 campaign was successfully executed, culminating in an integrated NS55 Parade in November 2022 to recognise our National Servicemen and reaffirm our commitment towards National Service.

Beyond our shores, LG Ong has been instrumental in fostering good defence relations and professional collaborations with foreign militaries, raising the SAF's international standing and positioning it as a valuable defence partner regionally and internationally. The SAF stood ready to offer a helping hand to those in need. Under his charge, the SAF also conducted several major humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations such as supporting airlift operations of Afghanistan evacuees in 2021. LG Ong also led the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Information Facility which brings together Partner Nations to combat terrorism.

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) expresses its deep appreciation to LG Ong for his sterling leadership and outstanding contributions to the SAF. LG Ong will continue to serve in the Public Service after he steps down from the SAF.

The incoming CDF, RADM Beng, 41, joined the SAF in 2000 and was awarded the President's Scholarship as well as the SAF Overseas Scholarship. Prior to his appointment as CNV in Mar 2020, RADM Beng held other appointments in MINDEF and the SAF, including Commanding Officer of the Formidable-class frigate RSS Intrepid, Commanding Officer of the Frigate Squadron, Director of the Defence Policy Office, Fleet Commander, and Chief of Staff – Naval Staff.

Under RADM Beng's leadership, the RSN pursued organisational changes and capability development to prepare for the future. These included the operationalisation of the Maritime Security and Response Flotilla to protect Singapore's territorial waters and respond to expanded maritime security threats; strengthening of the RSN's Engineering and Logistics system; launch of the second and third Invincible-class submarines; and the operationalisation of a Whole-of-Government sense-making system to improve inter-agency security coordination at sea. He also led the inter-agency Crisis Management Group that deals with maritime security risks such as terrorist threats, and oversaw maritime security operations during major national events such as our National Day celebrations and the Singapore-Indonesia Leaders' Retreat 2022 in Bintan.

As CNV, RADM Beng also steered the RSN through the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to safeguard Singapore's sovereignty and security. Under RADM Beng's leadership, the RSN furthered Singapore's defence policy space during the pandemic through COVID-19 safe exercises at sea, virtual engagements with defence partners, and safe conduct of the 7th International Maritime Security Conference, the first large-scale maritime conference held since the start of the pandemic.

The incoming CNV, RADM Wat, 39, joined the SAF in 2002 and was awarded the SAF Overseas Scholarship. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science (Mathematics and Philosophy) and a Master of Science (Management Science and Engineering) from Stanford University, USA, and a Master of Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. During the course of his military career, RADM Wat has held, amongst others, the appointments of Commanding Officer of the Formidable-class frigate RSS Supreme, Deputy Commander of Maritime Security Task Force/Maritime Security Command, Director of the Defence Policy Office, and Fleet Commander.

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2023-02-22 09:00:00Z