Minggu, 06 Juni 2021

Social media account of China's Xiaohongshu goes dark after Tiananmen anniversary post - CNA

BEIJING: A social media account for popular Chinese e-commerce site Xiaohongshu, or "Little Red Book", was unavailable on Sunday (Jun 6), after it issued a post on Friday, the anniversary of the 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Tiananmen Square, a highly sensitive date in China.

The Friday post on its account on China's Twitter-like Weibo said, "Tell me loud: What's the date today?", according to a screenshot seen by Reuters. That post was quickly deleted by Xiaohongshu, according to a person familiar with the matter, who declined to be named given its sensitivity.

A Weibo search for Xiaohongshu's official account yielded no results on Sunday, although its own app appeared to be functioning normally. 

READ: China blasts US and EU consulates in Hong Kong for Tiananmen candles

Some online searches said the account was unavailable "due to complaints of violations of laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Weibo Community Convention".

The company, backed by Chinese internet giants Alibaba and Tencent, did not immediately reply to a request for comment on Sunday.

The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's internet regulator, could not immediately be reached for comment on Sunday, and Sina Weibo did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In March, The Information reported that the site was considering a US initial public offering.

Xiaohongshu's Weibo account frequently poses questions as part of its regular user engagement.

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2021-06-06 11:27:23Z

Taiwan to quarantine workers to control COVID-19 spike at tech firm - CNA

TAIPEI: All foreign workers at a plant of major Taiwanese chip packager King Yuan Electronics in Taiwan's northern city of Miaoli will be quarantined as health workers try to stop an outbreak of COVID-19 there, the government said on Sunday (Jun 6).

While cases had been concentrated in Taipei and neighbouring New Taipei, health authorities are now trying to stop an outbreak at two chip packagers in Miaoli, King Yuan and Greatek Electronics, as well as ethernet switch maker Accton Technology.

The government said the quarantine would only apply to King Yuan, where most of the Miaoli infections have happened.

King Yuan did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

READ: Taiwan to get 750,000 COVID-19 vaccine shots from US

Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said 206 workers have so far been confirmed as infected in the Miaoli cluster, mostly migrant workers from abroad.

Taiwan is a major producer of semiconductors for companies like Apple, though the sector has been largely unaffected by the recent rise in COVID-19 numbers.

Case numbers in Taiwan's main chip hub of Hsinchu have remained low, though the government, working with the military, has set up rapid testing sites there to ensure they can identify any rapid increase.

Hsinchu Mayor Lin Chih-chien said on Sunday companies must ensure their workers are not transferred to work at other factories or in other parts of the island.

Hsinchu-based Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) , the world's largest contract chip maker, has not reported any impact from the rise in COVID-19 cases.

Many of the workers at Taiwanese factories come from the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Taiwan's infection numbers have not exploded, the government has said, it is not considering raising the alert level to mandate a full lockdown.

Chen announced 343 new domestic cases on Sunday, down from the 511 domestic infections reported on Saturday.

Taiwan has reported 11,298 cases since the pandemic began, including 260 deaths. 

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic and its developments

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2021-06-06 09:12:30Z

Thailand concerned at Myanmar violence - CNA

BANGKOK: Thailand is concerned at the violence in many parts of Myanmar and wants to see the implementation of steps agreed by Southeast Asian leaders with the military junta to help end the turmoil since the Feb 1 coup, the foreign ministry said on Sunday (Jun 6).

Myanmar's junta has shown little sign of heeding the five point "consensus" agreed among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in April - which calls for an end to violence, political talks and the naming of a regional special envoy.

"We have been following developments in Myanmar closely with much concern, especially incidents of violence in many parts of the country," foreign ministry spokesperson Tanee Sangrat said in a statement.

READ: ASEAN envoys meet Myanmar junta leader

READ: Myanmar shadow government urges Rohingya to join anti-junta fight

He reiterated a call for an end to the violence, the release of all detainees and the "concrete implementation of the Five-Point Consensus" as soon as possible.

The junta has failed to impose control since seizing power from elected leader Aug San Suu Kyi, who is among more than 4,500 people detained since the coup. At least 847 have been killed, a rights group says. The army disputes that figure.

Meanwhile, daily protests against the military have evolved in parts of Myanmar into armed insurrections while decade old ethnic conflicts have flared anew.

Opponents of the junta have voiced frustration at the lack of tough action by ASEAN and say the meeting of two representatives of the group with junta leader Min Aung Hlaing on Friday gave him greater legitimacy but brought no benefit.

READ: Myanmar self-defence groups take fight to junta with homemade rifles

READ: Myanmar rebels teach coup protesters to make war

Thailand has a longer border with Myanmar than any other country and fears the conflict could bring a flood of refugees. Its government is itself led by a former army chief who seized power in a coup before holding elections.

"Much of what Thailand has done may not have been made public as we believe that quiet and discreet diplomacy between neighbours would be more effective and in line with traditional Thai diplomacy," Tanee said.

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2021-06-06 04:43:07Z

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021

Taiwan to get 750000 COVID-19 vaccine shots from US - CNA

TAIPEI: The United States will donate 750,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan as part of the country's plan to share shots globally, US Senator Tammy Duckworth said on Sunday (Jun 6), offering a much-needed boost to the island's fight against the pandemic.

Taiwan is dealing with a spike in domestic cases but has been affected like many places by global vaccine shortages. Only around 3 per cent of its 23.5 million people have been vaccinated, with most getting only the first shot of two needed.

Speaking at Taipei's downtown Songshan airport after arriving on a brief visit with fellow Senators Dan Sullivan and Christopher Coons, Duckworth said Taiwan will receive 750,000 doses as part of the first tranche of US donations.

"It was critical to the United States that Taiwan be included in the first group to receive vaccines because we recognise your urgent need and we value this partnership," she said at a news conference. She did not give details of which vaccines Taiwan would get or when.

Taiwan has complained about China, which claims the democratically ruled island as its own, trying to block the island from accessing vaccines internationally, which Beijing has denied.

READ: Three US senators arrive in Taiwan, to meet president

READ: Taiwan says it is in talks to make COVID-19 vaccines for US firms

Standing by Duckworth's side, Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu thanked the United States for the donation and strong message of support from the senators' visit.

"While we are doing our best to import vaccines, we must overcome obstacles to ensure that these life-saving medicines are delivered free from trouble from Beijing," he said.

China has offered Taiwan Chinese-made vaccines, but the government has repeatedly expressed concern about their safety, and in any case cannot import them without changing Taiwanese law which bans their import.

The senators will also meet with President Tsai Ing-wen to discuss security and other issues.

US senators and congressmen visit Taiwan routinely in normal times, but coming in the middle of an upswing in infections on the island when its borders remain largely closed to visitors is a strong show of support.

Unusually, they also arrived on a US Air Force C-17 Globemaster III freighter, rather than a private jet as is generally the case for senior US visitors.

Taiwan's vaccine arrivals have been gathering pace.

Japan delivered to Taiwan 1.24 million doses of AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine on Friday for free, in a gesture that more than doubled the amount of shots the island has received to date. 

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic and its developments

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2021-06-06 01:43:10Z

What is a global minimum tax and what will it mean? - CNA

LONDON: Finance Ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) rich nations reached a landmark accord on Saturday (Jun 5) backing the creation of a global minimum corporate tax rate of at least 15 per cent, an agreement that could then form the basis of a worldwide deal.

Such a deal aims to end what US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has called a "30-year race to the bottom on corporate tax rates" as countries compete to lure multinationals.


Major economies are aiming to discourage multinationals from shifting profits - and tax revenues - to low-tax countries regardless of where their sales are made.

Increasingly, income from intangible sources such as drug patents, software and royalties on intellectual property has migrated to these jurisdictions, allowing companies to avoid paying higher taxes in their traditional home countries.

READ: G7 nations reach historic deal to tax big multinationals


The G7 accord feeds into a much broader, existing effort. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has been coordinating tax negotiations among 140 countries for years on rules for taxing cross-border digital services and curbing tax base erosion, including a global corporate minimum tax.

The OECD and G20 countries aim to reach consensus on both by mid-year, but the talks on a global corporate minimum are technically simpler and less contentious. If a broad consensus is reached, it will be extremely hard for any low-tax country to try and block an agreement.

The minimum is expected to make up the bulk of the US$50 billion to US$80 billion in extra tax that the OECD estimates firms will end up paying globally under deals on both fronts. 


The global minimum tax rate would apply to overseas profits.

Governments could still set whatever local corporate tax rate they want, but if companies pay lower rates in a particular country, their home governments could "top-up" their taxes to the minimum rate, eliminating the advantage of shifting profits.

The OECD said last month that governments broadly agreed on the basic design of the minimum tax but not the rate. 

READ: US Treasury floats global corporate tax of at least 15%

READ: Commentary: The global minimum corporate tax rate is coming our way and will change how Singapore attracts MNCs

Tax experts say that is the thorniest issue, although the G7 accord creates strong momentum around the 15 per cent-plus level.

Other items still to be negotiated include whether investment funds and real estate investment trusts should be covered, when to apply the new rate and ensuring it is compatible with US tax reforms aimed at deterring erosion. 


A G20 meeting scheduled for Venice next month will see whether the G7 accord gets broad support from the world's biggest developing and developing countries.

Much still needs to be ironed out - including the metrics that will determine how and to which multinational companies the tax will be applied.

READ: COMMENTARY: Why the call for global minimum corporate tax is a bad move

The G7 communique left open what will happen in the meantime to digital services taxes on big technology companies in various jurisdictions, which the United States wanted to be scrapped as soon as a deal was in place.

It said only that there should be "appropriate coordination between the application of the new international tax rules and the removal of all Digital Services Taxes".

Any final agreement could have major repercussions for low-tax countries and tax havens.

The Irish economy has boomed with the influx of billions of dollars in investment from multinationals. Dublin, which has resisted European Union attempts to harmonise its tax rules, is unlikely to accept a higher minimum rate without a fight.

However, the battle for low-tax countries is less likely to be about scuppering the overall talks and more about building support for a minimum rate as close as possible to its 12.5 per cent or seeking certain exemptions.

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2021-06-05 12:27:56Z

Jumat, 04 Juni 2021

Why have 2 kids if returns are low? One couple's story, one big fertility problem for China - CNA

SHANGHAI: For Chinese couple Ren and Fu (not their real names) in Shanghai, having a second child is akin to buying a sports car.

Can they afford its RMB1 million to 2 million (S$207,300 to S$414,600) price tag? Yes. But is it necessary? “After some thought, it seems that it’s not,” said the wife Ren, who works in advertising.

“Another factor is that both of us don’t really like children.”

It is more the sacrifices that come with having children, Fu chimed in. “Over the course of nurturing a child, you’re continually giving, and you don’t get much of a return,” the finance industry worker told the programme Money Mind.

“You give your time and money and a lot of capital … For this investment, one is enough.”

The couple, in their late 30s, got married in 2009 and had a son three years later.

Ren and Fu (pseudonyms), a couple in Shanghai, got married in 2009 and have a nine-year-old son now.
Their nine-year-old son. (Image courtesy of "Ren")

Their sentiments, born of living in a frenetic and expensive metropolis, are not uncommon among China’s young urban dwellers and are a key obstacle to the country’s push to increase its birth rate, cite analysts.

Beijing announced this week that married couples may have three children, up from two, the limit allowed since 2016. Before that, the one-child policy had been in place since 1979 over fears of a population explosion.

READ> Three-child policy: China lifts cap on births in major policy shift

READ> China's new three-child policy draws scepticism, cost questions

The three-child policy comes after China’s latest census showed that its population had increased by 5.38 per cent over the past decade — the smallest increase since the 1950s — to 1.41 billion.

Its 12 million births last year were also the lowest on record since 1961. The fertility rate was 1.3 children per woman, well below the replacement rate of 2.1.

China’s population increased to 1.412 billion in 2020, but its birth rate has declined.
China’s population increased to 1.412 billion in 2020, but its birth rate has declined.

If the experience of Ren and Fu is any indication, it may be a challenge getting couples to even have a second child.

The one-child policy was still in place when the university sweethearts first met. Soon after they married, couples were allowed to have two children if one party in the marriage was an only child.

READ: China 2020 census shows slowest population growth since one-child policy

While that condition no longer applied later on, Ren said households with more than two children typically belonged either to the uppermost or lowest classes of society.

The wealthiest can hire nannies to care for their children, while the poorest are willing to have more children because they “don’t have much capital”.

WATCH: Why Chinese millennials are stopping at one child — and it’s a problem for China (4:20)

But for middle-income urbanites who work and have parents to look out for, one child is all they have energy for, Ren said.

She and her husband did not plan to have a second child from the start. To do so now would mean “we might have to push back our retirement by 10 years”, she added.

Fu mentioned other considerations, like property prices.

Middle-income families in Shanghai typically live in homes that are less than 100 square metres. At RMB80,000 to RMB100,000 per sq m, they may not be able to afford a larger space to grow their families, he said.

The average entry-level income for Shanghai’s white-collar families is around RMB5,000 to RMB10,000, he cited.

“Another point is the majority of couples in Shanghai are both working,” he added.

“I’m not sure if Singapore has this ‘9-9-6’ saying — that means working from 9am to 9pm for six days (a week). In Shanghai, it could be from 9am to 12am or 1am and for seven days.”

Ren and Fu (pseudonyms), a married couple in Shanghai, are content with having one child.
The couple are content with having one child. (Image courtesy of "Ren")

He thinks the Chinese are “not against” having more children, but systemic issues and mindsets stand in the way.

“A bigger part of the problem is how to adjust the economic structure and how to allow people to stay at home more and not keep earning money,” he said.


China’s official Xinhua news agency said the three-child policy will come with measures such as lower educational costs, and more tax and housing support.

Without going into details, it also said Beijing will guarantee the legal interests of working women and clamp down on “sky-high” dowries.

China is trying to get its people to have more babies. It has just announced a three-child policy.
China is trying to get its people to have more babies.

Observers also suggested ways the country could address its population challenges and maintain economic growth: By rethinking its retirement age and the continued development of large cities; tapping technology; and working with small and medium enterprises to raise productivity.

China’s talent pool is deepening as more people graduate from universities. But its “insanely young retirement age” — women at 55 and men at 60 — means a “huge waste of human capital”, said Hang Seng Bank (China) chief economist Wang Dan.

She foresees another “interesting policy debate” in the next five years: Whether the country still wants to focus on developing large cities, where “people tend to have fewer children than in smaller cities and counties”.

“One risk associated with population decline is the housing market in some parts of China, because in the past 20 years, there’s been this build-up of residential housing in many of the mid-sized and small-sized cities,” she told Money Mind.

Wang Dan is the chief economist of Hang Seng Bank (China).
Ms Wang Dan.

While the biggest cities are growing, “we’re seeing more and more shrinking regions, especially in the north-east and in the west, so the authorities need to figure out a way to stabilise the housing market in these regions”.

There is also a labour shortage in manufacturing, she noted, although this can be mitigated by robots and greater automation.

Intensifying the use of technology in manufacturing under the Made in China 2025 plan and being a world leader in artificial intelligence by 2030 are already among the country’s goals, cited venture capitalist and Active Creation Capital founder Daniel Tu.

But more vocational schools could be built, and “one obvious area” where investment is needed is the healthcare industry, said Wang.

“China is lacking in its elderly care and healthcare in general, so it could learn so much from countries like Singapore, South Korea and Japan.”

WATCH: The full segment — Demographic time bomb: How will China’s ageing population impact Asia? (6:45)

The next decade may see another economic shift if businesses can cater for single women, she added. Their earning power will “partially compensate the lower consumption due to the low fertility rate”.

READ> Commentary: China’s fertility crisis could kill its economic dynamism

Whether China succeeds in raising its birth rate remains to be seen. Ren said the government has already tried to encourage a family-friendly society in some ways.

It set up zones in public places where children can play. It delayed school dismissal timings so that working parents can pick their children up, and does not charge school fees at public schools, she cited.

“No one wishes for the population number to decline, but everyone has their own choice,” she said.

“This is the attitude of the people now: Basically, get married if you find someone suitable; if there’s no one suitable, just stay single. It’s not a big deal — at least in the advertising circle, the culture is very diverse.”

Watch this segment of Money Mind here. New episodes every Saturday at 10.30pm.

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2021-06-04 22:16:33Z

India orders unapproved Covid-19 shots - The Straits Times

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2021-06-04 08:15:01Z