Minggu, 07 Maret 2021

Myanmar police fire on protesters in ancient former capital Bagan - CNA

YANGON: Police in Myanmar’s ancient former capital, Bagan, opened fire Sunday (Mar 7) on demonstrators protesting last month’s military takeover, wounding several people, according to witness accounts and videos on social media.

At least five people were reported wounded as police sought to break up the Bagan protest, and photos showed one young man with bloody wounds on his chin and neck, believed to have been caused by a rubber bullet. Bullet casings collected at the scene indicated that live rounds were also fired.

The city, located in the central Mandalay region, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in recognition of the more than 2,000 pagodas or their remnants still situated there, dating from the ninth to 13th centuries, when it was the capital of a kingdom that later became known as Burma and is now Myanmar.

READ: Myanmar unions call for nationwide strike starting Monday: Statement

Bagan is best known for being one of the country’s top tourist attractions, but it has also been the scene of large protest marches against the military’s Feb 1 seizure of power.

Riot police officers move in to disperse protesters during a demonstration in Yangon, Myanmar, Sunday, Mar 7, 2021. (Photo: AP)

Large protests have occurred daily across many cities and towns in Myanmar, and security forces have responded with greater use of lethal force and mass arrests. At least 18 protesters were shot and killed on Feb 28 and 38 on Wednesday, according to the UN Human Rights Office. More than 1,500 have been arrested, the independent Assistance Association for Political Prisoners said.

Protests elsewhere Sunday, including in the two biggest cities of Yangon and Mandalay, were also met with the use of force by police firing warning shots, and variously employing tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades.

READ: Body of 'Everything will be OK' protester exhumed in Myanmar

Multiple reports from Yangon said there were also police raids Saturday night seeking to seize organizers and supporters of the protest movement. A ward chairman from Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party, which was ousted from power in the coup, was found dead in a military hospital Sunday morning by fellow residents of his Pabedan neighbourhood, according to a post on Facebook by NLD lawmaker Sithu Maung.

Protesters are dispersed as riot police fired tear gas behind a makeshift barricade in Yangon, Myanmar, Sunday, Mar 7, 2021. (Photo: AP)
Anti-coup protesters discharge fire extinguishers to counter the impact of the tear gas fired by police during a demonstration in Mandalay, Myanmar, Sunday, Mar 7, 2021. (Photo: AP)

Suspicion was rampant on social media that Khin Maung Latt, 58, died due to a beating in custody after being taken from his residence, but no official cause of death was immediately announced.

In Yangon and elsewhere, raids are carried out nightly after an 8 pm curfew by police and soldiers. The arrests are often carried out at gunpoint, without warrants.

In videos taken Saturday night and posted online, sporadic fire from heavy weapons could be heard in some neighbourhoods.

The escalation of violence has put pressure on the global community to act to restrain the junta. The coup reversed years of slow progress toward democracy in Myanmar, which for five decades had languished under strict military rule that led to international isolation and sanctions.

READ: Escalating violence ups pressure for Myanmar action

Aung San Suu Kyi’s party led a return to civilian rule with a landslide election victory in 2015, and with an even greater margin of votes last year. It would have been installed for a second five-year term last month, but instead Suu Kyi and President Win Myint and other members of the government were placed in military detention.

A rare light note was struck Saturday when demonstrators in the central city of Monywa poured cans of beer over their feet and those of passers-by to show their contempt for the brewery’s owners — the military. Myanmar Beer is one of a number of business concerns in the country that are linked to the generals and has seen its sales plummet in the weeks following the coup. It also has lost its Japanese partner, Kirin, which announced it was pulling out of the joint venture as a result of the power grab.

In neighbouring Thailand, several thousand people, Thai as well as from Myanmar, rallied Sunday outside the regional office of the United Nations to bring attention to the crisis and their desire for international action to end the junta’s violence.

“I have a good life here, but I’m fighting for my relatives and families and friends in Myanmar. Since Day One (when) the military took our leader, we are here,” said 26-year-old Aye Nanda Soe, who works in digital marketing and lives in Bangkok with her mother and brother while her father resides in Yangon. “We want the UN to protect our people first, then help our leader. My people are not safe anymore.”

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2021-03-07 14:41:36Z

Myanmar police fire on protesters in ancient former capital Bagan - CNA

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Myanmar police fire on protesters in ancient former capital Bagan  CNAView Full coverage on Google News

2021-03-07 14:03:56Z

Escalating violence ups pressure for Myanmar action - CNA

BANGKOK: The escalation of violence in Myanmar as authorities crack down on protests against the Feb 1 coup is raising pressure for more sanctions against the junta, even as countries struggle over how to best sway military leaders inured to global condemnation.

The challenge is made doubly difficult by fears of harming ordinary citizens who were already suffering from an economic slump worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic but are braving risks of arrest and injury to voice outrage over the military takeover.

Still, activists and experts say there are ways to ramp up pressure on the regime, especially by cutting off sources of funding and access to the tools of repression.

The UN special envoy on Friday (Mar 5) urged the Security Council to act to quell junta violence that this week killed about 50 demonstrators and injured scores more.

“There is an urgency for collective action," Christine Schraner Burgener told the meeting. “How much more can we allow the Myanmar military to get away with?"

Coordinated UN action is difficult, however, since permanent Security Council members China and Russia would almost certainly veto it.

Myanmar's neighbours, its biggest trading partners and sources of investment, are likewise reluctant to resort to sanctions.

Some piecemeal actions have already been taken. The US, Britain and Canada have tightened various restrictions on Myanmar's army, their family members and other top leaders of the junta. The US blocked an attempt by the military to access more than US$1 billion in Myanmar central bank funds being held in the US, the State Department confirmed on Friday.

But most economic interests of the military remain "largely unchallenged", Thomas Andrews, the UN special rapporteur on the rights situation in Myanmar, said in a report issued last week. Some governments have halted aid and the World Bank said it suspended funding and was reviewing its programs.

READ: Protests erupt across Myanmar; police fire tear gas at Mandalay sit-in

READ: Boyfriend of Myanmar protest 'martyr' vows resistance

It is unclear whether the sanctions imposed so far, although symbolically important, will have much impact. Schraner Burgener told UN correspondents that the army shrugged off a warning of possible “huge strong measures" against the coup with the reply, “‘We are used to sanctions and we survived those sanctions in the past’”.


Andrews and other experts and human rights activists are calling for a ban on dealings with the many Myanmar companies associated with the military and an embargo on arms and technology, products and services that can be used by the authorities for surveillance and violence.

The activist group Justice for Myanmar issued a list of dozens of foreign companies that it says have supplied such potential tools of repression to the government, which is now entirely under military control.

It cited budget documents for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Transport and Communications that show purchases of forensic data, tracking, password recovery, drones and other equipment from the US, Israel, EU, Japan and other countries. Such technologies can have benign or even beneficial uses, such as fighting human trafficking. But they also are being used to track down protesters, both online and offline.

READ: UN expert urges 'global arms embargo', sanctions on Myanmar

READ: US blocks Myanmar ministries, military businesses from certain trade

Restricting dealings with military-dominated conglomerates including Myanmar Economic Corporation, Myanmar Economic Holdings, and Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise might also pack more punch, with a minimal impact on small, private companies and individuals.

One idea gaining support is to prevent the junta from accessing vital oil and gas revenues paid into and held in banks outside the country, Chris Sidoti, a former member of the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, said in a news conference on Thursday. Oil and gas are Myanmar's biggest exports and a crucial source of foreign exchange needed to pay for imports. The country's US$1.4 billion oil and gas and mining industries account for more than a third of exports and a large share of tax revenue.

“The money supply has to be cut off. That’s the most urgent priority and the most direct step that can be taken,” said Sidoti, one of the founding members of a newly established international group called the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar.

Unfortunately, such measures can take commitment and time, and “time is not on the side of the people of Myanmar at a time when these atrocities are being committed", he said.

Myanmar’s economy languished in isolation after a coup in 1962. Many of the sanctions imposed by Western governments in the decades that followed were lifted after the country began its troubled transition towards democracy in 2011. Some of those restrictions were restored after the army’s brutal operations in 2017 against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar’s northwest Rakhine state.

The European Union has said it is reviewing its policies and stands ready to adopt restrictive measures against those directly responsible for the coup. Japan, likewise, has said it is considering what to do.


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) convened a virtual meeting on Mar 2 to discuss Myanmar. Brunei, which chairs the grouping this year,later issued a statement calling for an end to violence and for talks to try to reach a peaceful settlement.

But ASEAN admitted Myanmar as a member in 1997, long before the military, known as the Tatmadaw, initiated reforms that helped elect a quasi-civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. By tradition, members are committed to consensus and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

READ: Peaceful resolution in Myanmar still possible if all sides can have genuine dialogue, says Singapore's Vivian Balakrishnan

READ: Southeast Asian nations urge halt to violence in Myanmar

While they lack an appetite for sanctions, some ASEAN governments have vehemently condemned the coup and the ensuing arrests and killings.

Marzuki Darusman, an Indonesian lawyer and former chair of the Fact-Finding Mission that Sidoti joined, said he believes the spiralling, brutal violence against protesters has shaken ASEAN's stance that the crisis is purely an internal matter.

“ASEAN considers it imperative that it play a role in resolving the crisis in Myanmar,” Darusman said.

Thailand, with a 2,400km border with Myanmar and more than 2 million Myanmar migrant workers, does not want more to flee into its territory, especially at a time when it is still battling the pandemic.

Kavi Chongkittavorn, a senior fellow at Chulalongkorn University’s Institute of Security and International Studies, also believes ASEAN wants to see a return to a civilian government in Myanmar and would be best off adopting a “carrot and stick" approach.

Myanmar Sanctions
Protesters wearing safety helmets shout slogans and flash three-finger salutes during an anti-coup protest behind a barrier on a blocked road in Yangon, Myanmar on Mar 2, 2021. (Photo: AP)

But the greatest hope, he said, is with the protesters.

On Saturday, some protesters expressed their disdain by pouring Myanmar Beer, a local brand made by a military-linked company whose Japanese partner Kirin Holdings is withdrawing from, on people's feet — considered a grave insult in some parts of Asia.

“The Myanmar people are very brave. This is the No 1 pressure on the country," Chongkittavorn said in a seminar held by the East-West Center in Hawaii. “It's very clear the junta also knows what they need to do to move ahead, otherwise sanctions will be much more severe."

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2021-03-07 12:42:29Z

China says it's ready to provide vaccines to overseas Chinese, Olympians - CNA

BEIJING: China said on Sunday (Mar 7) it has plans to set up COVID-19 vaccination stations to vaccinate Chinese citizens abroad and is also ready to work with the International Olympic Committee to help provide vaccines to Olympic athletes for upcoming events.

China has developed several vaccines domestically and has begun its own vaccination drive, with plans to vaccinate 40 per cent of its population by July.

READ: Chinese urgency on COVID-19 goes missing in vaccination drive

China's top government diplomat Wang Yi made the comments during his annual news conference held on Sunday.

"We are preparing to set up regional vaccination sites for domestically produced vaccines in countries where conditions permit, to provide services to compatriots in need in neighbouring countries," said Wang.

He said some Chinese citizens were already receiving Chinese-made vaccines abroad according to local law.

He said China would also make vaccines available to Olympians, and is open to discussions on mutually recognising vaccines with other countries, but did not offer specifics.

China is set to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics next year, while the Summer Olympics are scheduled to take place in Japan later this year.

China has said it plans to provide 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to global vaccine sharing scheme COVAX. Vaccines from Chinese firms are already being offered in several countries, including Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

During Sunday's news conference, Wang also spoke against "vaccine nationalism", and said China would resist any attempt to politicise vaccine cooperation.

READ: Vaccine nationalism puts world on brink of 'catastrophic moral failure' - WHO chief

Beijing has repeatedly called into question the idea that the new coronavirus originated in China, and has embarked upon a vaccine diplomacy campaign to send Chinese-developed shots against COVID-19 around the world.

China has denied exploiting the fight against COVID-19 to boost its global influence.

President Xi Jinping has pledged to make China's vaccines a "global public good".

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developments

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2021-03-07 10:58:29Z

Protests erupt across Myanmar; police fire tear gas at Mandalay sit-in - CNA

YANGON: Myanmar police fired tear gas to break up a sit-in demonstration by tens of thousands of people in Mandalay on Sunday (Mar 7), while protests were held in at least half a dozen other cities in some of the most widespread action against last month's coup.

Security forces cracked down on many of the protests.

Police fired tear gas and stun grenades on protesters in the country's main city Yangon and in Lashio town in the northern Shan region, videos showed. A witness said police opened fire to break up a protest in the historic temple town of Bagan, and several residents said in social media posts that live bullets were used.

There was no word of any casualties.

Video posted by media group Myanmar Now showed soldiers beating up men in Yangon, where at least three protests were held despite overnight raids by security forces on campaign leaders and opposition activists.

Health and medical students display banners during a demonstration in Mandalay, Myanmar, Mar 7, 2021. (Photo: AP)

The United Nations says security forces have killed more than 50 people to stamp out daily demonstrations and strikes in the Southeast Asian nation since the military overthrew and detained elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Feb 1.

"They are killing people just like killing birds and chickens," one protest leader said to the crowd in Dawei, a town in the country's south. "What will we do if we don't revolt against them? We must revolt."

A local campaign manager for Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy died in custody after being arrested in Yangon on Saturday night, a legislator from the now dissolved parliament said in a Facebook post. The cause of Khin Maung Latt's death was not known, but Reuters saw a photograph of his body with a bloodstained cloth around the head.

READ: Body of 'Everything will be OK' protester exhumed in Myanmar

Residents in the city said soldiers and police moved into several districts overnight, firing shots. They arrested at least three people in Kyauktada Township, residents there said. They did not know the reason for the arrests.

"They are asking to take out my father and brother. Is no one going to help us? Don't you even touch my father and brother. Take us too if you want to take them," one woman screamed as two of them, an actor and his son, were led off.

Reuters was unable to reach police for comment. A junta spokesman did not answer calls requesting comment.

The state-run Global New Light Of Myanmar newspaper quoted a police statement as saying said security forces were dealing with the protests in accordance with law. It said the forces were using tear gas and stun grenades to break up rioting and protests blocking public roads.


More than 1,700 people have been arrested under the junta, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) advocacy group.  It did not give a figure for overnight detentions.

"Detainees were punched and kicked with military boots, beaten with police batons, and then dragged into police vehicles," AAPP said in a statement. "Security forces entered residential areas and tried to arrest further protesters, and shot at the homes, destroying many."

Myanmar authorities said on Saturday they had exhumed the body of 19-year-old Kyal Sin, who has become an icon of the protest movement after she was shot dead in the city of Mandalay on Wednesday wearing a T-shirt that read "Everything will be OK".

People attend the funeral of Angel a 19-year-old protester also known as Kyal Sin who was shot in t
People attend the funeral of Angel, a 19-year-old protester also known as Kyal Sin, who was shot in the head as Myanmar forces opened fire to disperse an anti-coup demonstration in Mandalay, Myanmar, Mar 4, 2021. (Photo: REUTERS/Stringer)

State-run MRTV said a surgical investigation showed she could not have been killed by police because the wrong sort of projectile was found in her head and she had been shot from behind, whereas police were in front.

Photographs on the day showed her head turned away from security forces moments before she was killed. Opponents of the coup accused authorities of an attempted cover-up.

READ: Protests, tear gas in Myanmar day after UN envoy urges action

READ: Myanmar asks India to return eight police who fled across border

The killings have drawn anger in the West and have also been condemned by most democracies in Asia. The United States and some other Western countries have imposed limited sanctions on the junta. China, meanwhile, has said the priority should be stability and that other countries should not interfere.

Health and medical students march on main road during a demonstration in Mandalay, Myanmar, Mar 7, 2021. (Photo: AP)

Protesters demand the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and the respect of November's election - which her party won in landslide but which the army rejected. The army has said it will hold democratic elections at an unspecified date.

Israeli-Canadian lobbyist Ari Ben-Menashe, hired by Myanmar's junta, told Reuters the generals are keen to leave politics and seek to improve relations with the United States and distance themselves from China.

He said Aung San Suu Kyi had grown too close to China for the generals' liking.

READ: Scores of Myanmar citizens waiting to enter India: Officials

Ben-Menashe said he also had been tasked with seeking Arab support for a plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees, hundreds of thousands of whom were driven from Myanmar in 2017 in an army crackdown after rebel attacks.

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2021-03-07 08:15:00Z

Beijing prepared to accept the pain to ‘fix’ Hong Kong, observers say - South China Morning Post

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  1. Beijing prepared to accept the pain to ‘fix’ Hong Kong, observers say  South China Morning Post
  2. US condemns China's move to change HK electoral rules  The Straits Times
  3. Hong Kong court puts off release of activists  CNA
  4. No compromise on checks and balances  South China Morning Post
  5. An inevitable end to Hong Kong’s democratic experiment  South China Morning Post
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2021-03-07 06:00:07Z

Boyfriend of Myanmar protest 'martyr' vows resistance - CNA

NAYPYIDAW: Hein Yar Zar grimaced as a tattoo artist etched onto his chest the features of his first love, a young protester whose death has become a symbol of resistance against Myanmar's junta.

Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing was shot in the head during a demonstration in the capital Naypyidaw, becoming one of the coup's first fatalities on Feb 19 after 10 days in hospital.

Her image has since become synonymous with the bloody fight to wrest power from the military, which toppled Myanmar's civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and knocked the country off the path of democracy last month.

READ: Protesters back on Myanmar streets after night raids by security forces

For 21-year-old Hein Yar Zar, the abrupt end to his girlfriend's young life has filled him with resolve to keep protesting, even as he grieves.

Hein Yar Zar, the boyfriend of deceased Myanmar anti-coup protester Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing, has
Hein Yar Zar, the boyfriend of deceased Myanmar anti-coup protester Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing, has vowed to continue resistance. (Photo: AFP/STR)

"We had so many plans for this year. She died when her birthday was so near," he told AFP.

"I got a tattoo of her portrait as I'm missing her - it's a memory for us."

Two days after she was shot, Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing turned 20 while unconscious in a hospital bed - an image shared by anti-coup demonstrators as they rallied on the streets.

READ: Myanmar gunshot victim fights for life amid online hunt for shooter

Days later, a 15-metre-long banner illustrating the moment she was hit was hung off a bridge in commercial hub Yangon, with some protesters describing her as a "martyr".

A 15 metre-long billboard banner with artwork depicting the moment Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing was shot
A 15m-long billboard banner with artwork depicting the moment Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing was shot was hung off a bridge in Yangon. (Photo: AFP/Sai Aung Main)

Her death brought scathing global condemnation of the junta, with multiple countries imposing targeted sanctions on the generals.

Today, more than 50 people have died during protests as the security forces enforce an increasingly brutal crackdown on demonstrators.

READ: UN tells Myanmar military to 'stop murdering' protesters

"There was nobody like her," said Hein Yar Zar.

He showed off an inking he had done years ago on his arm - "Together forever" - a poignant reminder of their youthful optimism.


On Feb 9, the couple were both on the front lines of a massive Naypyidaw demonstration, although separated by the crowd of protesters.

"I sent her a message, 'Please call me back,' because I had no credit on my phone, but she never did," said Hein Yar Zar, who heard the news of her shooting from her sister.

"I stayed beside her at the hospital and I prayed every day that she would get better."

Thousands lined the route of the funeral procession to pay tribute to Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing in
Thousands lined the route of the funeral procession to pay tribute to Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing in Myanmar's capital. (Photo: AFP/STR)

The military initially said it was investigating her death, but state media later reported that an autopsy of her body showed the bullet was not fired by police officers.

READ: Body of 'Everything will be OK' protester exhumed in Myanmar

Since her death, Hein Yar Zar's life has been separated into moments filled with grief, anger and resolve.

Showing an earlier tattoo - "17.11.2015", which commemorates their first date five years ago - he vowed to never forget her.

"She gave her life for this revolution - as her boyfriend, I will keep doing it for her," he said.

"I will keep fighting for this revolution to win."

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2021-03-07 06:05:48Z