Kamis, 01 Oktober 2020

Indian low-caste woman dies after gang rape, second in a week - CNA

NEW DELHI: A woman from India's marginalised Dalit community has died after being gang raped, police said on Thursday (Oct 1), days after the death of a teenager from the same low-caste group at the hands of a group of high-caste men sparked outrage.

The 22-year-old, a member of India's "untouchable" Dalit community, was allegedly raped by two men on Tuesday and died while being taken to hospital, police in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh said.

The latest assaults come months after four men were hanged for the 2012 gang rape and murder of a student on a bus in Delhi, a case that came to symbolise the nation's problems with sexual violence.

READ: Commentary: Why the huge problem of rape in India isn’t going away

Police said that two men in the latest case had been arrested on charges of gang rape and murder, without giving further details on their identities.

An investigation was under way and the suspects may be tried in a special fast-track court, they added.

"A rickshaw-wallah (driver) brought her home. (She) was thrown in front of our house. My child could barely stand or speak," the NDTV news channel quoted her mother as saying.

Uttar Pradesh police guard the family house of a 19-year-old woman, who died after being allegedly
Uttar Pradesh police guard the family house of a 19-year-old woman, who died after being allegedly gang-raped by four men. (AFP/Prakash SINGH)

The incident took place in Balrampur district in Uttar Pradesh state, about 500km from where the other Dalit girl was allegedly gang raped in mid-September by four upper-caste men.

The 19-year-old, who was left paralysed by her injuries, was rushed to hospital in New Delhi 200 kilometres away but died on Tuesday.

Her death sparked protests in Delhi and in cities in Uttar Pradesh.

Police imposed emergency laws in her village on Thursday, barring gatherings of more than five people after clashes erupted following her cremation.

The victim's brother told Reuters the cremation was carried out against the wishes of her family, who had wanted to perform their own funeral rites. Local officials deny this.

Twenty-five people were arrested in connection with the unrest, according to a police information report. An eye-witness told Reuters police had wielded batons during the clashes.

India's 200 million Dalits have long faced discrimination and abuse, and campaigners say attacks have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

READ: Have wheels, will learn? India bets on free scooters for top girl students

An average of 87 rape cases were reported every day last year, according to the latest data released on Tuesday by the National Crime Records Bureau, but large numbers are thought to go unreported.

The bureau reported an increase of more than seven per cent in the number of crimes against women in 2019 compared to the previous year.

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2020-10-01 07:30:00Z

Rabu, 30 September 2020

Trump backpedals over racist group row, Biden blasts him as 'embarrassment' - CNA

WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump scrambled on Wednesday (Sep 30) to quell an uproar over his failure to explicitly denounce white supremacist groups during his debate debacle with Joe Biden, who branded his election rival a "national embarrassment".

The bitter adversaries returned to the campaign trail one day after their off-the-rails showdown in Cleveland made headlines less for the substance than for its unrestrained chaos.

The toxic shout fest – with Trump constantly interrupting and Biden launching personal attacks – even prompted the overseeing Commission on Presidential Debates to announce it would be imposing new measures to help moderators "maintain order" at the upcoming two debates.

READ: Debate planners vow less chaos at next Trump-Biden face-off

After the debate, Biden launched a whistlestop train tour on Wednesday through battleground states Ohio and Pennsylvania where he hammered away at Trump.

"The president of the United States conducted himself the way he did – I think it was a national embarrassment," Biden said in Alliance, Ohio.

He fiercely attacked Trump's failure to clearly denounce white supremacist groups or the far-right Proud Boys, instead giving a shout-out to the male-only militia group by saying they should "stand back and stand by", and that the real problem is "far-left" extremists.

"My message to the Proud Boys and every other white supremacist group is: Cease and desist," Biden said. "This is not who we are as Americans."

Trump, in an apparent attempt to tamp down outrage over his comments, called on the group to "stand down".

"I don't know who Proud Boys are but whoever they are they have to stand down," Trump told reporters. "Stand down, let law enforcement do their work."

READ: Trump asked the Proud Boys to 'stand by'. Who are they?


Trump's backpedalling came after multiple Republicans distanced themselves from the president's debate remark, with Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the US Senate, saying Trump "needs to correct" his comments.

Several other Republicans reportedly offered similar reaction, including powerful Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Biden, who leads in election polling, knocked Trump for failing to speak directly to the US public about their plight during the COVID-19 crisis, which has killed more than 206,000 Americans.

And during a train stop in Pittsburgh he assailed the president for "planting seeds of doubt" about US election integrity by saying mail-in voting will be riddled with "fraud like you've never seen".

But Biden gnawed at the white supremacy issue throughout the day. At a stop in Greensburg, Pennsylvania – where hundreds of people gathered in what was one of Biden's biggest crowds since the pandemic hit – he pointed to how the Proud Boys were already treating Trump's words as a boost to their cause.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden met voters during a campaign stop in Alliance, Ohio the
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden met voters during a campaign stop in Alliance, Ohio the morning after a bruising debate with President Donald Trump in Cleveland just five weeks before the US election on November 3, 2020 AFP/ROBERTO SCHMIDT

"They got a new emblem now, literally, it says 'Stand down and stand by', implying that if he loses the election something may have to be done," Biden, 77, said.

"I promise you, that won't happen," he added. "Nobody is going to get in the way of our democratic process going forward."

Biden was also pushing his blue-collar roots, as he accepted the endorsement from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, with 550,000 members.

"Donald Trump sees things from Park Avenue. I see them from where I grew up in Scranton," Biden said.


Snap polls on the debate performances of the presidential candidates leaned towards Biden, who withstood a barrage of barbs from the 74-year-old Trump while delivering some of his own.

The Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, said Trump's debate behaviour demonstrated why she had recommended that Biden not debate him at all.

"You saw a political nervous breakdown, a meltdown," Pelosi said on MSNBC.

Trump "has never respected the dignity of his office and he demonstrated that last night".

READ: Trump and Biden go on the attack in fiery, chaotic first presidential debate

READ: 'Nobody won': Conservatives in Biden hometown left cold by Trump debate

The Cleveland debate was scheduled to be the first of three before the election but the acrimonious debacle led to calls by some commentators for the two others to be cancelled.

In an interview with CNN, Biden's running mate Senator Kamala Harris suggested it was unlikely that the Democratic nominee would bow out of the next debates.

"Joe Biden's never going to refuse to talk to the American people," Harris said.

The next debate is scheduled for Oct 15 in Miami.

Trump meanwhile flew to Duluth, Minnesota, a Midwestern state narrowly won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, for an outdoor rally with his faithful.

Ally Eid, 29, among several supporters standing in an early Wednesday drizzle in Duluth awaiting the president, said she was not offended at Trump's brash debate outbursts.

"He speaks his mind and gets his points across and that's why so many people support him," Eid told AFP.

"He stands up for what everyone wants to say but they won't say it on national television."

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2020-10-01 03:35:07Z

Hong Kong leader hails 'return to peace', anniversary protests banned - CNA

HONG KONG: Hong Kong's leader on Thursday (Oct 1) hailed her city's "return to peace" after China imposed a security law that helped quash last year's huge democracy movement, as thousands of police were on standby to stamp out any fresh protests during National Day celebrations.

The People's Republic of China celebrates its founding on Oct 1 with a holiday and carefully choreographed festivities.

But in Hong Kong, it has become a day of grievance for those worried about Beijing's intensifying crackdown against its opponents.

Protest has been effectively outlawed for most of this year and Beijing also imposed a strict national security law on the business hub in June.

READ: Hong Kong bans China National Day protest

On Thursday morning, helicopters flying the Chinese and Hong Kong flags buzzed the harbour as Chief Executive Carrie Lam and senior Chinese officials attended a ceremony in an exhibition centre ringed by police and security barriers.

"Over the past few months, an indisputable fact in front of everyone is that our society has returned to peace," Lam said in her speech.

"Our country's national security has been protected in Hong Kong and our citizens can again exercise their rights and liberties in accordance with laws," she added.

Last year, the 70th anniversary brought fierce clashes between protesters and police during seven straight months of demonstrations that swept Hong Kong.

Authorities denied permission for a protest march this year, citing security concerns and an anti-coronavirus ban on more than four people gathering in public.

Citing the pandemic, authorities also suspended September local elections for a year - one of the few occasions when Hong Kongers get to cast a vote.

READ: Democratic Hong Kong lawmakers stage brief protest in legislature against China arrests

A police source told AFP that 6,000 police officers had been drafted in to stop any protests - double the contingency usually placed on reserve for days when the force expects demonstrations to occur.


Close to the exhibition centre where the ceremony was taking place, four members of the opposition League of Social Democrats shouted slogans such as "End one-party rule", surrounded by some 40 police officers.

Officers were seen searching cars at a major tunnel under Hong Kong harbour on Thursday morning and maintained a high presence throughout the city.

This week, police said they had arrested five people on suspicion of inciting others to protest and commit violent acts.

The rally application was made by the Civil Human Rights Front - a coalition that organised record-breaking marches last year.

The group is calling for the release of 12 Hong Kongers in Chinese custody who were caught last month trying to flee protest-linked prosecutions.

READ: Families fear for Hong Kong fugitives in China custody

Those 12 were trying to escape to Taiwan by boat but were intercepted by the Chinese coastguard and have since disappeared into China's opaque judicial system.

For most of this year, protest has been all but impossible in Hong Kong.

On the rare occasions when demonstrations do bubble up, riot police and plain-clothes officers move quickly - on one day last month nearly 300 people were arrested.

Over the last 16 months, more than 10,000 have been detained during protests and the courts are crammed with trials. Many prominent protest leaders are being prosecuted.

"Even if they try to arrest us, prosecute us and lock us up in prison, there is no reason for us to surrender," the city's most high-profile activist, Joshua Wong, told reporters on Wednesday.


The crackdown has been aided by the national security law that China imposed on the city in June.

The broadly worded legislation criminalised expressing certain opinions, deepened the political chill seeping into the city and allowed China's security apparatus to operate openly in Hong Kong for the first time.

READ: Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong arrested for 2019 'unlawful assembly'

Among the Chinese officials taking the stage at Thursday's ceremony was Zheng Yanxiong, the head of a newly created national security office in the city.

The security law has led to sanctions by the United States and condemnation by many other Western nations.

But Beijing and Hong Kong authorities say it is needed to restore stability.

"The national security law will absolutely stop rabble-rousers in Hong Kong from having their capricious way," the Liaison Office, which represents China's government in Hong Kong, said this week.

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2020-10-01 03:18:14Z

Singapore leaders congratulate People's Republic of China on 71st anniversary of founding - CNA

SINGAPORE: President Halimah Yacob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Thursday (Oct 1) congratulated their Chinese counterparts on the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

In her letter to President Xi Jinping, Madam Halimah said that “China has made immense progress over the past seven decades, particularly after the launch of its reform and opening up policy in 1978”.

She said that China, the world’s second-largest economy, is the top trading partner for many countries, including Singapore, and that it was one of the first countries to control the COVID-19 pandemic and revive its economy.

“Singapore-China relations have grown in tandem with China’s development,” Mdm Halimah said, adding that this year represents the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China.

“In the short span of thirty years, our bilateral ties have strengthened significantly and broken new ground in diverse areas. Amidst the pandemic, our countries have deepened bilateral cooperation and our peoples have supported each other.

“As we step into a post-COVID-19 world, I am certain that our two countries will continue to work closely together for the mutual benefit of our peoples. I wish the People’s Republic of China continued peace, stability and prosperity,” Mdm Halimah said, adding that she looks forward to her forthcoming state visit to China.

Writing to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Mr Lee praised China’s “remarkable” growth over the past decades.

“Having lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, China expects to completely alleviate poverty by the end of this year. This achievement bears testament to the tenacity of the Chinese people,” he wrote.

“Even in an increasingly uncertain global environment, I am confident that China will continue to grow and contribute to the stability and prosperity of our region and the world.”

The cooperation between Singapore and China is “substantial and ambitious” and ranges from building industrial parks, the developing of sustainable eco-cities and enhancing connectivity between the two countries, Mr Lee said.

Mr Lee also said that Singapore and China are working on new areas of cooperation in public health management and vaccine research and development.

He added that Singapore looks forward to the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, “which will be a timely affirmation of our joint commitment to upholding a rules-based multilateral trading system”.

“I wish the People’s Republic of China continued peace, stability, and prosperity.”

Mdm Halimah's and Mr Lee’s letters are reproduced in full below:

Congratulatory message from President Halimah Yacob to President Xi Jinping

Oct 1, 2020

His Excellency Xi Jinping
People’s Republic of China

Your Excellency,

On behalf of the people of the Republic of Singapore, I warmly congratulate you on the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 

China has made immense progress over the past seven decades, particularly after the launch of its reform and opening up policy in 1978. Today, China is the world’s second largest economy, and top trading partner for many countries including Singapore. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, China has been one of the first countries to control the outbreak and revive its economy. 

Singapore-China relations have grown in tandem with China’s development. This year is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. In the short span of thirty years, our bilateral ties have strengthened significantly and broken new ground in diverse areas. Amidst the pandemic, our countries have deepened bilateral cooperation and our peoples have supported each other. As we step into a post-COVID-19 world, I am certain that our two countries will continue to work closely together for the mutual benefit of our peoples.

I wish the People’s Republic of China continued peace, stability and prosperity. I also wish you good health and success. My husband and I look forward to meeting you and Madam Peng Liyuan again in Beijing during our forthcoming State Visit to China. 

Yours sincerely,


Congratulatory Message from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Premier Li Keqiang

Oct 1, 2020

Dear Premier Li,

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, I warmly congratulate you on the auspicious occasion of the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

China’s growth over the past decades has been remarkable. Having lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, China expects to completely alleviate poverty by the end of this year. This achievement bears testament to the tenacity of the Chinese people. Even in an increasingly uncertain global environment, I am confident that China will continue to grow and contribute to the stability and prosperity of our region and the world.

Singapore-China relations have also steadily strengthened over the years. Our cooperation is substantial and ambitious, ranging from building industrial parks to the development of sustainable eco-cities, to enhancing Singapore-China connectivity and beyond. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our leaders have remained in close contact. We are also working on new areas of cooperation in public health management and vaccine research and development. 

Singapore and China continue to work closely in multilateral fora too. The Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit was convened in April 2020, soon after the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic in March. Next year, we look forward to celebrating the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China relations. We also look forward to the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership later this year, which will be a timely affirmation of our joint commitment to upholding a rules-based multilateral trading system.

I wish the People’s Republic of China continued peace, stability, and prosperity. Please also accept my best wishes for your good health and success.

Yours sincerely,


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2020-09-30 22:14:29Z

China formally approves arrest of Hong Kong 'speedboat fugitives' - CNA

BEIJING: Chinese authorities formally approved the arrests on Wednesday (Sep 30) of 12 Hong Kong activists caught last month while allegedly trying to flee the city for Taiwan.

The group was snared some 70km southeast of the city on Aug 23 while trying to escape by boat, authorities said at the time, adding that they were handed to police in Shenzhen, the mainland metropolis bordering Hong Kong.

They had since disappeared into China's opaque judicial system, with lawyers struggling to access them and family members expressing fear over their fate.

READ: Families fear for Hong Kong fugitives in China custody

READ: Families of captured Hong Kong activists demand their return from Chinese detention

On Wednesday the People's Procuratorate of Yantian District in Shenzhen said it had approved the arrests.

Two of the detainees, referred to as Deng and Qiao respectively, were arrested on suspicion of helping the others escape Hong Kong.

These names were likely to refer to the Chinese surnames of detainees Tang Kai-yin and Quinn Moon.

The other 10 - including suspects surnamed Li and Huang - were arrested for making illegal border crossings.

The case remained under investigation, the statement said.

READ: Carrie Lam says Hong Kong cannot demand rights protection for 12 arrested by China

READ: China calls Hong Kong people arrested at sea 'separatists'

Some of those aboard the boat were facing prosecution in Hong Kong for activities linked to last year's huge and often violent pro-democracy protests.

Lu Siwei, one of the mainland lawyers working on the case, told AFP the period of detention for investigation could last up to seven months.

"Review of (the) detention's legality can be applied for any time," Lu added, but said that "for now it remains most important to seek a meeting with the 12 in custody".

At least 14 mainland lawyers hired by the detainees' families have been pressured by authorities to drop their clients, according to activists.

None of the lawyers have managed to see their clients in custody, while senior officials in Hong Kong said the 12 were assigned lawyers by mainland Chinese authorities.

READ: Taiwan holding five Hong Kongers picked up at sea: Sources

READ: Taiwan to ease travel curbs for Hong Kong people for 'humanitarian' reasons

Hong Kong has its own internationally respected common law legal system where detainees are promptly produced after their arrest and tried in open court, but the judicial system on the mainland is notoriously opaque and controlled by the Communist Party, such that conviction is all but guaranteed.

In June, Beijing imposed a new security law on Hong Kong, announcing it would have jurisdiction for some crimes and that mainland security agents could openly operate in the city.

The prospect of Hong Kongers getting entangled in China's judicial system was the spark that lit seven months of protests last year.

The movement began in response to a plan to allow extraditions to the mainland, and soon morphed into wider calls for democracy and greater police accountability.

As Beijing has cracked down on Hong Kong's democracy movement, democratic Taiwan has emerged as a sanctuary, quietly turning a blind eye to residents turning up without proper visas or paperwork.

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2020-09-30 14:25:39Z

Trump-Biden presidential debate descends into chaos | THE BIG STORY - The Straits Times

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  1. Trump-Biden presidential debate descends into chaos | THE BIG STORY  The Straits Times
  2. Asian markets point to mixed open as investors await US presidential debate  CNA
  3. US presidential roundup: Trump-Biden's 1st debate turns into literal slanging match  ET NOW
  4. Dollar skids as investors await 1st U.S. presidential debate  Yahoo Finance
  5. Overseas voting for Myanmar's general election kicks off on Oct 1  CNA
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2020-09-30 10:10:44Z

'Nobody won': Conservatives in Biden hometown left cold by Trump debate - CNA

OLD FORGE: A "Policemen for Trump" hat on his head, Tom Kenney leaves the small room where a dozen or so supporters of the US president are watching the candidates' debate in the swing state of Pennsylvania.

"I got sick of listening to Biden," he says.

Inside the building, Fox News' coverage of the widely-anticipated first debate between Donald Trump and his presidential challenger Joe Biden plays loudly to locals of Old Forge - a borough of working class Scranton, where Biden grew up.

Their colours are stuck to the mast - a life-sized cardboard cutout of Trump with two thumbs up welcomes those gathering to watch and Trump posters and anti-abortion slogans are stuck up liberally on the walls.

READ: Trump deflects debate question about whether he condemns white supremacists

The group listens in silence as the two candidates rip into each other with gusto, then erupts with laughter when the president refers to his opponent personably, but with some depreciation, simply as "Joe".

"I think Trump is doing very well, I think Joe Biden is having a difficult time making an argument, making his case," says Doug Miller, 30, wearing a red "Keep America Great" hat.

Locals in Old Forge, Pennsylvania, watch the first debate between president Donald Trump and his
Locals in Old Forge, Pennsylvania, watch the first debate between president Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden. (Photo: AFP/Angela Weiss)

Outside, Jackie Smith - who says she is a fervent supporter of the president - is smoking a cigarette in the rain.

"Trump has done a lot for us in the 4 years that he's been in office," she says.

WATCH: Donald Trump, Joe Biden go head-to-head in first presidential election debate

Pennsylvania, like Ohio - where the debate was held - is a rust belt state that's seen large job losses in recent decades as heavy industry has declined. Trump won them both in 2016, but they are in play for Democrats in November.

Trump tried hard to denigrate Biden's mental acuity leading up to the debate and with the Democrat putting in a stronger performance that many expected, frustrations are starting to simmer in Old Forge.

A life-sized Trump cardboard cutout welcomes those gathering to watch
A life-sized Trump cardboard cutout welcomes those gathering to watch. (Photo: AFP/Angela Weiss)

Back on TV, the candidates wrangle over the Supreme Court, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change - topics chosen by debate moderator Chris Wallace, who allots time to each candidate and doesn't hesitate to take Trump to task for interrupting his opponent.

But his efforts aren't much appreciated.

READ: Trump and Biden go on the attack in fiery, chaotic first presidential debate

"I feel for most of the evening (Trump) was not only debating sleepy Joe Biden, he was having to debate Chris Wallace, who I think is a total fool," Miller says.

Wallace works for Fox News - a channel that skews conservative - but he has a reputation of going after anyone he comes across, regardless of their politics.


The bitterly fought debate finished, opinions are divided on how their candidate performed.

"The winner was Donald Trump. I mean, he was competing against Chris Wallace and Joe Biden," says 20-year-old student Lorenzo Febbo. "Joe Biden tended to respond like how he normally does, with interrupting."

A Trump supporter models her earrings dedicated to the US president
A Trump supporter models her earrings dedicated to the US president. (Photo: AFP/Angela Weiss)

But for Nicholas Haas, also in his twenties, neither candidate came out on top: "Nobody really won because I didn't learn anything from either side."

Resplendent in a dress the colors of the American flag, a Trump brooch and blue Trump earrings, Lynette Villano, 74, recognised Biden's performance was better than expected.

"He rested up for a couple days, so I guess, he was ok."

Warm praise from the conservatives of Old Forge.

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2020-09-30 09:18:49Z