Sabtu, 25 April 2020

Train possibly belonging to North Korean leader spotted in resort town: Think tank - CNA

SEOUL: A special train possibly belonging to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was spotted this week at a resort town in the country, according to satellite images reviewed by a Washington-based North Korea monitoring project, amid conflicting reports about Kim's health and whereabouts.

The monitoring project, 38 North, said in its report on Saturday (Apr 25) that the train was parked at the "leadership station" in Wonsan on Apr 21 and Apr 23. The station is reserved for the use of the Kim family, it said.

Though the group said it was probably Kim Jong Un's train, Reuters has not been able to confirm that independently, or whether he was in Wonsan.

"The train's presence does not prove the whereabouts of the North Korean leader or indicate anything about his health but it does lend weight to reports that Kim is staying at an elite area on the country's eastern coast," the report said.

A special train possibly belonging to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
What is described by Washington-based North Korea monitoring project 38 North as a special train possibly belonging to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is seen in a satellite image with graphics taken over Wonsan, North Korea April 23, 2020. Image taken Apr 23, 2020. (Photo: Planet Labs-38 North/Handout via REUTERS)

Speculation about Kim's health first arose due to his absence from the anniversary of the birthday of North Korea's founding father and Kim's grandfather, Kim Il Sung, on Apr 15.

North Korea's state media last reported on Kim's whereabouts when he presided over a meeting on Apr 11.

China has dispatched a team to North Korea including medical experts to advise on Kim Jong Un, according to three people familiar with the situation.

A third-generation hereditary leader who came to power after his father's death in 2011, Kim has no clear successor in a nuclear-armed country, which could present major international risk.

On Thursday, US President Donald Trump downplayed reports that Kim was ill. "I think the report was incorrect," Trump told reporters, but he declined to say if he had been in touch with North Korean officials.

Trump has met Kim three times in an attempt to persuade him to give up a nuclear weapons program that threatens the United States as well as its Asian neighbours. While talks have stalled, Trump has continued to hail Kim as a friend.


Reporting from inside North Korea is notoriously difficult because of tight controls on information.

A Trump administration official said continuing days of North Korean media silence on Kim's whereabouts had heightened concerns about his condition, and that information remained scant from a country US intelligence has long regarded as a "black box."

The US State Department did not immediately respond to questions about the situation on Saturday.

READ: Commentary: Imagine a North Korea without Kim Jong Un. Here’s why you can’t

Daily NK, a Seoul-based website that reports on North Korea, cited one unnamed source in North Korea on Monday as saying that Kim had undergone medical treatment in the resort county of Hyangsan north of the capital Pyongyang.

It said that Kim was recovering after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure on Apr 12.

Since then, multiple South Korean media reports have cited unnamed sources this week saying that Kim might be staying in the Wonsan area.

A leadership train station servicing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's Wonsan complex
What is described by Washington-based North Korea monitoring project 38 North as a leadership train station servicing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's Wonsan complex is seen in a satellite image with graphics taken over Wonsan, North Korea Apr 21, 2020. (Photo: Maxar Technologies-38 North/Handout via REUTERS)

On Friday, local news agency Newsis cited South Korean intelligence sources as reporting that a special train for Kim's use had been seen in Wonsan, while Kim's private plane remained in Pyongyang.

Newsis reported Kim may be sheltering from COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Kim, believed to be 36, has disappeared from coverage in North Korean state media before. In 2014, he vanished for more than a month and North Korean state TV later showed him walking with a limp.

Speculation about his health has been fanned by his heavy smoking, apparent weight gain since taking power and family history of cardiovascular problems.

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2020-04-25 21:21:45Z

Dozens of anti-lockdown protesters arrested in Berlin - CNA

BERLIN: German police arrested dozens of protesters in Berlin on Saturday (Apr 25) for flouting the coronavirus lockdown measures they were demonstrating against.

About 1,000 people turned out for the rally, which has become a weekly event in the German capital.

Saturday's protest attracted mainly far-left activists but there were also right-wing supporters and members of other fringe groups.

Police put up barriers around Rosa Luxemburg square, where the protesters were headed, leaving the participants to gather in nearby roads.

The protest "is not in line with the rules" in place to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, police said on Twitter, telling those taking part to disperse.

Police remove a demonstrator during he anti-confinement protest in Berlin
Police remove a demonstrator during he anti-confinement protest in Berlin. (Photo: AFP/Tobias Schwarz)

Some of the demonstrators wore T-shirts accusing Chancellor Angela Merkel of "banning life" while others simply called for "freedom".

Others brandished placards bearing slogans such as "Stop the pharmaceutical lobby".

The protest was unauthorised as a result of emergency rules in Berlin banning gatherings of more than 20 people.

The protest organisers' website called for "an end to the state of emergency" and played down the threat posed by the virus.

Public discontent with the confinement rules has been growing gradually in Germany, as in other countries, though Merkel's popularity remains high.

Various masks were on display
Various masks were on display. (Photo: AFP/Tobias Sschwarz)

She has received plaudits for her management of the health crisis which has seen Germany's COVID-19 toll - 5,500 according to an AFP tally - remain significantly lower than in Italy, Spain, France and Britain where the death tolls have all risen above 20,000.

Opposition to the lockdown measures is being led by the far-right, the main opposition force in the German parliament.

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party accuses the government of exaggerating the risk posed by the virus and has called for the immediate reopening of all businesses.

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2020-04-25 20:48:06Z

Circulating WhatsApp message lists events that suggest how PAP fails Singapore and its migrant workers - The Online Citizen

With 618 new COVID-19 cases reported on 25 April, which then brought the total to 12,693 cases in Singapore, Singapore citizens could not help but to further question the government’s decision on handling the issue revolving migrant workers here.

A WhatsApp message had been circulating among locals, stated the events that suggested why the People’s Action Party (PAP) had failed Singapore and the migrant workers who contributed to the nation.

The message listed events that dated back to mid-February, saying how the entire exponential boom in Singapore’s COVID-19 cases among migrant workers was related to the inadequate decisions made by the Ministry of Manpower.

The timeline is off though. The foreign worker mentioned in the message should be Case 69,  a 26 year-old Bangladesh national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder and was warded in an isolation room at NCID. He is linked to the cluster at Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site.

He had been identified as a close contact of Cases 42, 47, 52 and 56, and had been quarantined at a government quarantine facility from 11 February. He reported onset of symptoms that night and was conveyed by ambulance to NCID on 14 February. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 February morning.

There was no foreign national who has been confirmed as infected on between 17 and 18 Feb.

As for the cluster, Case 69 is the last migrant worker who was linked to the Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site. The next cluster that involved migrant workers was identified as S11 dormitory @ Punggol on 29 March, case 826 and case 829.

However, the point of the message is about how majority of the infected patients in Singapore are migrant workers who live in dormitories. The first two migrant workers who were tested COVID-19 positive was reported as early as 12 February.

According to the Straits Times, following the confirmation of the first migrant worker’s infection, several of his roommates at The Leo Dormitory at Kaki Bukit had been served quarantine.

As news continued to unfold the severity of transmission among migrant workers, employers rushed to send their migrant workers who were unwell to the hospital for a COVID-19 swab test.

On 19 February, the divisional director of the Ministry of Manpower’s management division, Kevin Teoh, warned employers to not send their employees to hospitals, unless there was a medical emergency. This statement was made after he received feedback from hospitals that workers were being sent to be tested for COVID-19.

Apart from preventing migrant workers from receiving medical attention, Mr Teoh had also warned that “employers who act irresponsibly by misusing medical facilities may have their work pass privileges suspended”.

Seeing how the warning posed a threat to their livelihood in Singapore, everyone kept quiet until the massive outbreak erupted.

This issue alone had led to criticisms by local netizens as well as international outlets like BBC News.

A migrant worker in the interview with the BBC host revealed that the isolation should have been done sooner and that they are living in fear knowing that they are at high risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Since there had been reports of asymptomatic transmissions of COVID-19, in retrospect, it could mean that “healthy” people could be the carriers of the coronavirus back when MOM barred anyone “healthy” from being tested.

Of the more than 11,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases currently in Singapore, some 80% are migrant workers living in the numerous dormitories across Singapore, with incidents of local transmission within the rest of the community still occurring despite government telling Singaporeans to stay home.

In a media interview, Manpower Minister Josephine Teo responded feebly to the massive coronavirus outbreak among migrant workers saying Singapore only has a fraction of them working here.

“There are in Southeast Asia alone about 10 million migrant workers. A fraction of them in Singapore. We’re not perfect but we do what we can,” she said.

“Yes, we took some safe distancing measures within the dormitories and if we were to be able to rewind the clock, one could say that these safe distancing measures needed to go much further.”

Should the government had known that the migrant workers’ dormitories are a gigantic breeding ground for COVID-19, would they have done more to contain the spread in the earlier stages?

Not only that the government did not apologise for the mishandling of the outbreak in dormitories, but they also refused to own up to their mishaps in containing the coronavirus.

There are also hundreds of cases among Work Permit holders unrelated to the dormitory clusters as they are residing outside dormitories.

If the outbreak did not occur among migrant workers’ dormitories, would the outbreak in Singapore be as enormous as it is today?

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2020-04-25 17:26:15Z

Singapore reports 618 new cases of COVID-19; new cluster at Northpoint City - CNA

SINGAPORE: Singapore reported 618 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday (Apr 25), bringing the national total to 12,693. 

Seven new clusters were also identified, including shopping mall Northpoint City at Yishun. 

A total of 597 of Saturday's cases were work permit holders residing in dormitories, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said. Another 12 were work permit holders living outside of dormitories. 

Seven of the cases are Singaporeans or permanent residents, with two on work passes or long-term visit passes.

Of the new cases, 81 per cent are linked to known clusters, while the rest are pending contact tracing.​​​​​​​

COVID-19 total cases, discharged


Between Apr 18 and Apr 24, MOH uncovered links for 1,226 previously unlinked cases.

Seven new clusters have been identified, including Northpoint City in Yishun.

The Northpoint City cluster is made up of seven previously identified cases.

Eleven previously confirmed cases have now been linked to a new cluster at ASPRI Westlite Papan (5 Jalan Papan).

Of the newly confirmed cases, one was linked to 13 previously identified cases to form a new cluster at Kian Teck Hostel, (30 Kian Teck Avenue).

Fourteen of the earlier confirmed cases have now been linked to a new cluster at SCM Tuas Lodge (80 Tuas South Boulevard).

Another new cluster was found at 21 Defu South Street 1, made up of 32 previously identified cases.

Four of the newly confirmed cases are linked to seven previous cases to form a new cluster at the construction site at 8 Martin Place.

Twelve of the newly confirmed cases are linked to a new cluster at a construction site at 107 West Coast Vale.

A total of 25 dormitories have been gazetted as isolation areas.

On Friday, the Ministry of Manpower issued a "stern warning" to the operator of the Joylicious workers dormitory in Tuas for locking 20 migrant workers in their room after a close contact of theirs contracted COVID-19. 

INTERACTIVE: All the COVID-19 clusters at dorms and construction sites

Singapore is going through a "circuit breaker" period to stem the spread of COVID-19. The period was at first scheduled to end on May 4 but will now last until Jun 1. 

All non-essential workplaces have been ordered closed and residents are barred from leaving the house except to buy food and groceries or to exercise alone in the neighbourhood. 

Twelve people in Singapore have died due to COVID-19. The latest fatality was announced on Wednesday night - an 84-year-old Singaporean woman identified as case 1071. 

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2020-04-25 15:33:45Z

China sent team including medical experts to advise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un: Sources - AsiaOne

BEIJING/SEOUL - China has dispatched a team to North Korea including medical experts to advise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to three people familiar with the situation.

The trip by the Chinese doctors and officials comes amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader.

Reuters was unable to immediately determine what the trip by the Chinese team signalled in terms of Kim's health.

A delegation led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party's International Liaison Department left Beijing for North Korea on Thursday, two of the people said.

The department is the main Chinese body dealing with neighbouring North Korea.

The sources declined to be identified given the sensitivity of the matter. The Liaison Department could not be reached by Reuters for comment late on Friday.

China's foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment late on Friday.

Daily NK, a Seoul-based website, reported earlier this week that Kim was recovering after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure on April 12. It cited one unnamed source in North Korea.

South Korean government officials and a Chinese official with the Liaison Department challenged subsequent reports suggesting that Kim was in grave danger after surgery.

South Korean officials said they had detected no signs of unusual activity in North Korea.


On Thursday, US President Donald Trump also downplayed earlier reports that Kim was gravely ill. "I think the report was incorrect," Trump told reporters, but he declined to say if he had been in touch with North Korean officials.

On Friday, a South Korean source told Reuters their intelligence was that Kim was alive and would likely make an appearance soon.

The person said he did not have any comment on Kim's current condition or any Chinese involvement. An official familiar with US intelligence said that Kim was known to have health problems but they had no reason to conclude he was seriously ill or unable eventually to reappear in public.

A US State department spokeswoman had no comment.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo when asked about Kim's health on Fox News after Trump spoke said, "I don't have anything I can share with you tonight, but the American people should know we're watching the situation very keenly."

North Korea is one of the world's most isolated and secretive countries, and the health of its leaders is treated as a matter of state security.

Reuters has not been able to independently confirm any details on Kim's whereabouts or condition.

North Korea's state media last reported on Kim's whereabouts when he presided over a meeting on April 11. State media did not report that he was in attendance at an event to mark the birthday of his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, on April 15, an important anniversary in North Korea.

Kim, believed to be 36, has disappeared from coverage in North Korean state media before. In 2014, he vanished for more than a month and North Korean state TV later showed him walking with a limp.

Speculation about his health has been fanned by his heavy smoking, apparent weight gain since taking power and family history of cardiovascular problems.

When Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, suffered a stroke in 2008, South Korean media reported at the time that Chinese doctors were involved in his treatment along with French physicians.

Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping made the first state visit in 14 years by a Chinese leader to North Korea, an impoverished state that depends on Beijing for economic and diplomatic support.

China is North Korea's chief ally and the economic lifeline for a country hard-hit by UN sanctions, and has a keen interest in the stability of the country with which it shares a long, porous border.

Kim is a third-generation hereditary leader who came to power after his father Kim Jong Il died in 2011 from a heart attack. He has visited China four times since 2018.

Trump held unprecedented summits with Kim in 2018 and 2019 as part of a bid to persuade him to give up North Korea's nuclear arsenal.

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2020-04-25 16:29:42Z

7 new Covid-19 clusters in S'pore, including Northpoint City in Yishun; 597 of 618 new cases are workers in dormitories - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - Foreign workers living in dormitories made up 597 of the 618 new coronavirus cases on Saturday (April 25), according to an evening update from the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Foreign workers not living in dorms made up 12 of the new cases.

There were also nine new cases in the community, including seven Singaporeans and permanent residents.

There were no imported cases reported.

MOH also announced seven new coronavirus clusters, including some dormitories.

They are: Northpoint City, domitories ASPRI-Westlite Papan, Kian Teck Hostel and SCM Tuas Lodge, construction sites at  8 Martin Place and 107 West Coast Vale; and 21 Defu South Street 1.

Singapore's largest active cluster remains S11 Dormitory@ Punggol, which has confirmed over 2,000 cases.

With Saturday's figures, the total number of Covid-19 cases in Singapore stands at 12,693.

About 3 per cent of the 323,000 foreign workers living in dormitories have tested positive, putting the spotlight on their living conditions in these dormitories.

The MOH had said that it picked up many more cases in dormitories because of extensive testing. Most of these cases have a mild illness and are being monitored in community isolation facilities or the general wards of hospitals.

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2020-04-25 15:33:21Z

Malaysia reports 51 new COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths - CNA

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia reported 51 new COVID-19 infections and two deaths on Saturday (Apr 25).

The total number of recorded cases in the country is now 5,742, with 98 fatalities, the health ministry said in a news conference.

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One of the fatalities was a 62-year-old Malaysian man with a history of heart disease, said health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah. 

He was treated at the Sungai Buloh Hospital on Mar 28 and died on Saturday. 

The other fatality is a 62-year-old Malaysian woman with a history of high blood pressure. She was in close contact with another COVID-19 patient, who is her next-of-kin, and was treated at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital on Mar 22. 

She subsequently died on Apr 24. 

Dr Noor Hisham said that 99 cases have also recovered on Saturday and have been discharged, bringing the number of fully recovered cases to 3,762. 

“The total number of COVID-19 infectivity cases stands at 1,882 cases. They have been isolated and given treatment,” Dr Noor Hisham said in the press conference. 


A cluster in a medical centre in Kuantan, Pahang that has been linked to Bali has had 43 people tested positive for COVID-19. 

Of the cases, 10 are health personnel from the centre itself. 

READ: Critical illness patients in Malaysia face anxious wait as hospital resources diverted to COVID-19

READ: ‘It doesn’t feel like Hari Raya’ - Malaysia’s Ramadan vendors fret over slow sales amid COVID-19

Thirty of the cases in the cluster that tested positive for COVID-19 are being treated at the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA) in Kuantan.

Nine have since recovered, with another case undergoing treatment at the intensive care unit, said Dr Noor Hisham. 

Three cases from the cluster have died.

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2020-04-25 11:03:29Z