Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

Coronavirus Live Updates: First Death Outside Asia Reported in France - The New York Times

Credit...Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

France’s health minister, Agnès Buzyn, said on Saturday that a 80-year-old Chinese tourist had died of coronavirus on Friday at a hospital in Paris.

Ms. Buzyn said the man, who was from the Chinese province of Hubei, the center of the outbreak, arrived in France on Jan. 16 and had been hospitalized at the Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital since Jan. 25.

“His condition had quickly worsened and he had been in critical condition for several days,” Ms. Buzyn said in a televised statement.

She did not name the patient. The man’s daughter also has the coronavirus and was also hospitalized in Paris, Ms. Buzyn said, adding that she should be discharged soon.

The victim and his daughter were among 11 confirmed cases in France, which also included five British citizens who stayed in a ski chalet in the French Alps.

The death is the fourth from the virus outside of mainland China, where about 1,500 people have died, most of them in Hubei Province. The Philippines, Hong Kong and Japan have each reported one death.

The United States will evacuate Americans from the cruise ship that has been quarantined for more than a week in Japan because of coronavirus infections on board, the United States Embassy in Tokyo told Americans aboard the ship on Saturday.

American passengers and crew members were told in an email from the embassy that a chartered flight would arrive on Sunday for those who wanted to return to the United States.

The ship, the Diamond Princess, was placed under quarantine at the city of Yokohama early last week with about 3,700 passengers and crew members aboard, after a man who had disembarked in Hong Kong was diagnosed with the coronavirus. Since then, at least 218 cases have been confirmed aboard the ship.

There are hundreds of Americans aboard, and at least 40 who were infected with the virus have been taken off the ship for treatment.

Japan has more confirmed coronavirus cases — the vast majority of them from the ship — than any country outside China, and it reported its first death from the virus on Thursday.

Infections and deaths continued to climb after the government this week changed the criteria by which it tracks cases. Officials early Saturday reported 2,641 new coronavirus cases and 143 additional deaths in the previous 24 hours.

The new numbers came hours after Beijing announced new restrictions on people returning to the capital from elsewhere in the country.

The Coronavirus Outbreak

  • What do you need to know? Start here.

    Updated Feb. 10, 2020

    • What is a Coronavirus?
      It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.
    • How contagious is the virus?
      According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures.
    • How worried should I be?
      While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat.
    • Who is working to contain the virus?
      World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance.
    • What if I’m traveling?
      The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights.
    • How do I keep myself and others safe?
      Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick.

Most of the new cases and deaths were reported in Hubei Province, the center of the epidemic.

In all, more than 66,000 people have been infected and at least 1,523 have died worldwide. The vast majority of cases, and all but a few of the deaths, have been in mainland China, with the heaviest concentration there in Hubei, the center of the epidemic.

The tally in Hubei jumped drastically on Thursday after the authorities changed the diagnostic criteria for counting new cases. The government now takes into account cases diagnosed in clinical settings, including the use of CT scans, and not just those confirmed with specialized testing kits.

In an interview with the news agency Reuters on Friday, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, declared that the outbreak was “over all, under control.”

“We have taken the most correct, the most rigorous and decisive measures,” he said, rejecting widespread criticism that the authorities had suppressed warnings and restricted vital information in the early days of the outbreak.

The minister also told Reuters that some of the travel restrictions imposed on Chinese citizens by other countries were an overreaction and likely to be eased.

“I’m sure that those countries are reflecting on this as the situation evolves,” he said, adding, “Because at the end of the day, these countries need to interact with China.”

Chinese state-run television announced on its website on Friday evening that everyone returning to Beijing would be required to isolate themselves for 14 days.

Anyone who does not comply “shall be held accountable according to law,” according to a text of the order released by state television. The order was issued by a Communist Party “leading group” at the municipal level, not the national Communist Party.

It was the latest sign that China’s leaders were still struggling to set the right balance between restarting the economy and continuing to fight the coronavirus outbreak.

Tens of millions had gone home to celebrate Lunar New Year holidays before the government acknowledged the seriousness of the epidemic. They have faced local government checkpoints on the way back to work and then lengthy quarantines upon their return to big cities.

The new rules also require those returning to the city to give advance warning of their arrival to the authorities in their residential area.

Protests against neighborhood clinics designated by the Hong Kong government to treat suspected coronavirus cases cropped up in multiple districts across the city on Saturday.

Many of the demonstrators, numbering in the hundreds, were dressed in black, the signature color of the city’s antigovernment protests.

The government has said that the clinics would treat people with mild symptoms of the virus to relieve pressures on hospitals, but critics said residents had not been consulted.

In the northern town of Tin Shui Wai, riot officers fired pepper spray at demonstrators, and other protesters tried to set a train station turnstile ablaze, according to local reports.

Separately, the city’s Hospital Authority said that a clinic in the district of Tai Po had been vandalized. A police spokesman said broken glass pieces were found near the clinic’s door on Saturday morning and a bottle containing unknown liquid was found nearby, but did not say if the property was damaged.

Another clinic has suffered two arson attacks over the past week.

Last month, the government shelved a plan to turn an unoccupied housing project into a quarantine center after protesters set a fire in the lobby.

At least two workers who were sent to Wuhan at the end of January to help build one of the new hospitals to treat victims of the coronavirus have been infected with it, company and health officials said.

Huoshenshan Hospital, whose name means fire god mountain, was one of two hospitals built in the city in a matter of days to help cope with the crush of patients.

Ma Ke, 28, tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday, a manager for his company, Hunan Dawei Construction, said. The second, a 48-year-old worker identified only by his surname, Lin, tested positive for the virus on Feb. 10 after spending two days in quarantine in a hospital in Xiangtan, according to that city’s health commission.

Hunan Dawei sent 10 workers, including Mr. Ma, to help with the construction. The company’s general manager, Li Guangda, said in a telephone interview that working conditions at the construction site were poor and that there were shortages of protective equipment, including high-quality masks.

“There were several types of workers working on things at the same time,” Mr. Li said. “The workers there were also crowded together as they worked. The population density was very high.”

Mr. Li said that Mr. Ma, who with the others worked on installing water and electricity, was asymptomatic. Mr. Lin’s condition was not immediately known.

The central banking authorities of China are disinfecting, stashing and reportedly even destroying cash in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, said at a news conference on Saturday that the cash collected by commercial banks must be disinfected before being released back to customers.

Cash collected from hospitals and food markets must be handled separately and disinfected before depositing the notes to the People’s Bank of China, Mr. Fan said. In severely hit regions, the collected cash must undergo ultraviolet or high-temperature disinfection and be stored for 14 days before going back to the market, he added. In less impacted areas, the bank notes must be disinfected and stored for a week before use.

A People’s Bank of China branch in the southern city of Guangzhou is even destroying bank notes that came from hospitals, food markets and public transportation, according to a report by Nanfang, a state-owned outlet in Guangdong province.

Many people in major Chinese cities primarily use their smartphones to pay for just about anything, increasingly rendering cash obsolete. But hundreds of millions of people in the country are not connected to the internet, and some older residents still prefer cash.

The virus has caused the quarantine of more than 50 million people in China, and travel and visa restrictions to more than 70 countries. Alongside widespread shutdowns of stores and malls in China, it has taken a heavy toll on the global luxury goods sector, long dependent on the spending of Chinese shoppers at home and abroad.

The investment bank Jefferies estimates that Chinese buyers accounted for 40 percent of the 281 billion euros, or $305 billion, spent on luxury goods globally last year, and drove 80 percent of the past year’s sales growth in the sector, making them the fastest-growing luxury shopper demographic in the world.

With the latest season of fashion weeks well underway — and several runway show cancellations in New York, London, Milan and Paris — some of the biggest names in the industry are publicly counting the cost of coronavirus-related disruption on bottom lines.

A man who became ill while on a vacation in Hawaii has tested positive for the coronavirus, health officials said. The man, who is in his 60s, had returned to his home in Japan, where he received the diagnosis this week.

The man, who traveled to Hawaii with his wife in late January and early February, fell ill during the second week of the vacation, while the couple were staying at a time-share in Honolulu, on the island of Oahu. Before that, the couple had been in Maui, but the man showed no symptoms while he was there.

Officials said that the man began showing symptoms on Feb. 3, and wore a mask when he went outside the time-share, the Grand Waikikian. Dr. Sarah Park, the state epidemiologist, said that the man was most likely infected either before he came to Hawaii or while he was on his way to Hawaii in late January.

Lt. Gov. Josh Green, who is an emergency physician, said in an interview on Friday that the authorities were contacting the management at the guest facilities where the man stayed, as well as those who were working there.

“The only way to do this right is to contact everyone,” he said. “We are not worried about minimal contact, but those who had extensive contact will be given whatever support is necessary.”

It has become an iconic image of the coronavirus outbreak in China: a masked official aiming what appears to be a small white pistol at a traveler’s forehead.

For weeks, these ominous-looking devices have been deployed at checkpoints across China — tollbooths, apartment complexes, hotels, grocery stores, train stations — as government officials and private citizens screen people for fevers in an effort to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

But experts say the “thermometer guns” are unlikely to stop the outbreak.

The thermometers determine temperature by measuring the heat emanating from the surface of a person’s body. Often, however, those wielding the tools don’t hold them close enough to the subject’s forehead, generating unusually low temperature readings, or hold them too close and get a high reading. The measurements can be imprecise in certain environments, like a dusty roadside, or when someone has taken medication to suppress a fever.

“These devices are notoriously not accurate and reliable,” said James Lawler, a medical expert at the University of Nebraska’s Global Center for Health Security. “Some of it is quite frankly for show.”

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When Anthea Kreston found out that her student Kevin Tang was stuck at home because of the coronavirus, she decided to use music to improve his mood.CreditCredit...Kevin Tang

Anthea Kreston, an acclaimed American violinist, has been giving Yunhe Tang, a talented Chinese 14-year-old, lessons via Skype once a week since last summer. But something seemed very wrong this month: He had not practiced, and he always practices.

The teenager, who prefers the name Kevin, lives in Chengdu, one of dozens of Chinese cities that are effectively on lockdown because of the coronavirus crisis. Schools are closed for the rest of the month and most businesses are struggling to reopen. Kevin’s family is healthy, but he has mostly been stuck inside.

Ms. Kreston said she couldn’t stop thinking about Kevin, and decided to help take his mind off the lockdown. She messaged his family and asked if they would like to temporarily step up Kevin’s lessons at no extra cost. As long as he was shut indoors, she wanted to have daily contact with him, and run a kind of violinist’s boot camp. The family agreed.

Kevin’s challenge would be to learn a new concerto — Lalo’s “Symphonie Espagnole” — in a few weeks, something she said would normally take 100 days. Ms. Kreston also gave him daily exercises to practice.

Two weeks into the boot camp, Kevin is feeling much better, though he longs for the outdoors. He now practices four hours every day, and said his technique has improved and his sound has become more beautiful.

“The virus is terrible,” Kevin said, “but music gives us the confidence to overcome.”

Reporting and research were contributed by Elian Peltier, Motoko Rich, David Yaffe-Bellany, Keith Bradsher, Elaine Yu, Claire Fu, Elizabeth Paton, Alex Marshall and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs.

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2020-02-15 12:45:46Z

First coronavirus death confirmed in Europe, French health minister says - CNBC

TOPSHOT - Vehicles run on the Paris' ring road, the "Peripherique", on December 9, 2019 in Porte de Vincennes in Paris, during a strike of Paris public transports over French government's plan to overhaul the country's retirement system, as part of a national strike.


An 80-year-old Chinese tourist has died of the new coronavirus in a hospital in France, French Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said Saturday, confirming the first fatality from the fast-spreading respiratory virus in Europe.

"I was informed last night of the death of the 80-year-old patient who has been hospitalized at Bichat hospital since January 25, and who was suffering from a coronavirus pulmonary infection," Buzyn said in a televised statement.

France has 11 confirmed cases of the illness, with more than 63,800 cases around the world, the vast majority of which are in China. More than 1,500 people have died and cases have been identified in at least 24 countries.

Until Saturday, the only deaths outside mainland China were reported in the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Japan.

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2020-02-15 10:24:00Z

'The West is winning', Pompeo tells China, Russia - Reuters

MUNICH (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended on Saturday his nation’s global role despite misgivings in Europe, vowing that Western values would prevail over China’s desire for “empire”.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the annual Munich Security Conference in Germany February 15, 2020. REUTERS/Andreas Gebert

Pompeo was seeking to reassure Europeans troubled by U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America first” rhetoric, ambivalence over the transatlantic NATO military alliance and tariffs on European goods.

“I’m happy to report that the death of the transatlantic alliance is grossly exaggerated. The West is winning, and we’re winning together,” he said in a speech at the Munich Security Conference, listing U.S. steps to protect liberal democracies.

Pompeo was, in part, responding to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who on Friday accused the United States, Russia and China of stoking global mistrust.

Trump’s decision to pull out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, as well as the Paris climate accord, have undermined European priorities, while moves such as recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital have weakened European diplomacy, envoys say.

Pompeo defended the U.S. strategy, saying Europe, Japan and other American allies were united on China, Iran and Russia, despite “tactical differences.”

He reiterated Washington’s opposition to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline under construction between Russia and Germany under the Baltic Sea, a project backed by the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Citing Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, cyber threats in Iran and economic coercion by China, Pompeo said those countries were still “desiring empires” and destabilizing the rules-based international system.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, speaking immediately after Pompeo, focused his remarks solely on China, accusing Beijing of a “nefarious strategy” through telecommunications firm Huawei.

“It is essential that we as an international community wake up to the challenges presented by Chinese manipulation of the long-standing international rules-based order,” Esper said.

He said it was not too late for Britain, which last month said it would allow Huawei a limited role in building its 5G networks, to take “two steps back,” but added he still needed to asses London’s decision.

“We could have a win-win strategy if we just abide by the international rules that have been set in place for decades ... that respect human rights, that respect sovereignty,” he said.

Additional reporting by Paul Carrel; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne

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2020-02-15 08:58:00Z

Beijing orders mandatory coronavirus quarantine as US moves to evacuate passengers from cruise ship - CNN

Beijing authorities announced Friday night local time that all people returning to the Chinese capital would be required to stay at home or under observation for 14 days in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, according to state-run news agency Xinhua.
Those who violate the new quarantine rules may face legal repercussions.
The order comes as authorities across the country attempt to contain the spread of the deadly virus, known officially as Covid-19. The past week has seen a huge spike in numbers, partially due to the government's broadening of the definitions for a confirmed case.
China changed how it counts coronavirus cases. The full picture is still far from complete
China's National Health Commission said on Saturday that the nationwide death toll had increased by 143 and the number of cases had jumped 2,641 from the previous day.
The commission's new numbers also reveal that medical workers in China have been hit hard; 1,716 medics have been infected so far, including six who have died.
That brings the total number of cases globally to 67,097, and the global death toll to 1,526. The vast majority of these figures are within mainland China and concentrated in Hubei Province, where the virus originated.
Outside of China, more than 600 cases have been confirmed, including 200 cases on a cruise ship docked in Japan; the United States government is sending a charter plane on Sunday to evacuate Americans on board who wish to leave.

The virus will continue "beyond this season, this year"

Friday marked the first confirmed coronavirus case in Africa, with a single patient in Egypt. Countries worldwide have implemented stringent emergency measures in the wake of the outbreak -- but these containment efforts may only slow down the spread of the virus, not end it, said US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield on Thursday.
Instead, these efforts may buy precious time for scientists, who are racing to develop a vaccine. There is currently no treatment or cure for Covid-19.
The fight against the virus is made more complicated by how little we know -- researchers are still learning more about how it survives, transmits, and replicates.
 CDC director: Novel coronavirus 'is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year'
"This virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we will get community-based transmission (in the United States)," warned Redfield. "The containment phase is really to give us more time."
The CDC has offered to send experts to China, but the offer has not yet been accepted. Instead, a World Health Organization-led joint mission to China is expected to touch down this weekend, bringing together international and WHO experts and their Chinese national counterparts.
The joint mission will review data and make field visits to decide what the next steps of response and containment should be, both in China and globally.

Toll of outbreak felt globally

The coronavirus has now spread to 28 countries -- with Japan reporting the highest number of cases outside China.
There has been one death and 258 confirmed cases in Japan, 219 of which are from the Diamond Princess cruise ship that is currently docked in Yokohama Bay under quarantine.
The Diamond Princess cruise on February 12, 2020 in Yokohama, Japan.
The cruise has been quarantined with more than 3,700 people on board since February 4, and the quarantine is scheduled to end on February 19.
Countries are working to assist and retrieve their citizens from the ship; The United States is sending charter planes to evacuate US citizens and their families Sunday evening local time. Those who choose to fly back on the evacuation planes will be quarantined for 14 days once they arrive.
Hong Kong has also sent four officials to the ship, to deliver supplies to 11 infected citizens on board.
Another cruise ship, the Westerdam, also found itself stranded for several days this week after being turned away from four Asian ports over coronavirus fears -- despite there being no suspected cases on board. Passengers were finally allowed to dock and disembark in Cambodia on Friday.
The coronavirus is already hurting the world economy. Here's why it could get really scary
The coronavirus has also sent reverberations through the global economy. China is struggling to return to work after businesses were shut and schools suspended for weeks. Millions are now working from home, with Chinese President Xi Jinping warning on Monday that the country needed to stabilize its economy and avoid mass layoffs.
But it's not just China affected -- the closing of Chinese plants has disrupted supply chains globally, threatening to cause a recession in Germany and smartphone shortages worldwide.
"This is continuing to grow in scope and magnitude. It could end being really, really big, and really, really serious," said William Reinsch, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

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2020-02-15 08:03:00Z

U.S. Will Evacuate Americans From Cruise Ship Quarantined in Japan - The New York Times

YOKOHAMA, Japan — The United States will evacuate Americans from the cruise ship that has been quarantined for more than a week in Japan because of coronavirus infections on board, the United States Embassy in Tokyo told Americans aboard the ship on Saturday.

A chartered flight will arrive on Sunday for those who want to return to the United States, according to an email from the embassy to American passengers and crew members. Hundreds of Americans are on the ship.

“We recognize this has been a stressful experience, and we remain dedicated to providing all the support we can and seeing you safely and expeditiously reunited with family and friends in the United States,” the email read.

Buses will move Americans and their belongings from the ship to the chartered plane, and the evacuees will be screened for symptoms before boarding, the email read. The plane will land at Travis Air Force Base in California. Some passengers will then continue onward to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

Symptomatic Americans who cannot board the flight will remain in Japan for care, according to the email. At least 40 Americans have already been taken off the ship after being infected with the virus.

The Coronavirus Outbreak

  • What do you need to know? Start here.

    Updated Feb. 10, 2020

    • What is a Coronavirus?
      It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.
    • How contagious is the virus?
      According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures.
    • How worried should I be?
      While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat.
    • Who is working to contain the virus?
      World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance.
    • What if I’m traveling?
      The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights.
    • How do I keep myself and others safe?
      Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick.

The evacuated Americans will then have to undergo two weeks of additional quarantine in the United States. “We understand this is frustrating and an adjustment, but these measures are consistent with the careful policies we have instituted to limit the potential spread of the disease,” the email read.

It said that those who chose not to take the flight would be “unable to return to the United States for a period of time,” though it did not specify how long; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would decide the timeline.

The Americans were asked to notify the embassy if they wanted to travel with immediate family members who were not American citizens.

The Wall Street Journal first reported that the government was preparing to evacuate Americans.

The ship, the Diamond Princess, was placed under quarantine at the city of Yokohama early last week, with about 3,700 passengers and crew members aboard, after the coronavirus was diagnosed in a man who had disembarked in Hong Kong. Since then, at least 218 new cases have been confirmed aboard the ship.

Many passengers have expressed fear that the quarantine, meant to protect Japan and keep the virus from spreading, was putting them at risk. Experts have said that infections could have spread aboard the ship despite measures taken to isolate people.

Japan has more confirmed coronavirus cases — the vast majority from the Diamond Princess — than any country outside China, where the outbreak began, and it reported its first death from the virus on Thursday.

On Friday, the Japanese government said an official who had helped transfer infected patients from the cruise ship had tested positive for the virus. A Health Ministry official who had been tending to passengers on board also tested positive.

At a news briefing on Friday, an official with the C.D.C., Dr. Nancy Messonnier, said officials were discussing a plan to ensure the Americans’ safety.

“It’s really important to all of us that these people are safe and taken well care of,” Dr. Messonnier said. “We are also concerned that the data coming out of Japan suggests there’s a higher risk among the people on the ship, and therefore their safety is of utmost importance.”

On Saturday, before the embassy announced the evacuation plan, Americans were waiting anxiously for confirmation of news reports about it. One said the ship felt like a “pressure cooker.”

Sarah Arana, a medical social worker from Paso Robles, Calif., said Americans were particularly worried about the extra quarantine period in the United States. “If you add two weeks and we have to miss work, what does that mean for us?” she asked.

But Ms. Arana, a grandmother of two, said she was prepared to submit to it, out of concern that the virus had spread on the ship since the quarantine was imposed.

“If we can prevent this from spreading any further, then I am OK and I will go sit in a military base for two weeks so I don’t become a superspreader,” she said. “I feel like I have some civic responsibility.”

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2020-02-15 06:58:00Z

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

Let's move on from impeachment, visiting U.S. Senators tell Ukraine's leader - Reuters

KIEV (Reuters) - A group of three U.S. Senators visited Kiev on Friday to convey a message of continued bipartisan support for Ukraine after it got entangled last year in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

U.S. Senators Ron Johnson, John Barrasso and Chris Murphy attend a news briefing following their meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Kiev, Ukraine, February 14, 2020. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko

The United States has been the most powerful backer of Ukraine in its standoff with Russia over Moscow’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatist fighters in a simmering conflict in the eastern Donbass region.

But their relationship was tested after Trump froze nearly $400 million in security aid and pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate one of the Republican president’s Democratic rivals, former vice president Joe Biden.

Trump was impeached by the Democratic-led House of Representatives but was acquitted this month in the Republican-led Senate.

“I think we all are confident that President Zelenskiy does not want to be involved in U.S. politics, and we hope that any pressure (that) existed in the past to do so is over,” Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said after meeting the Ukrainian leader..

“Our message is we want to put this impeachment question behind us, and we want to be moving together, Republicans and Democrats, in supporting Ukraine.”

Murphy was accompanied to Kiev by Republican Senators Ron Johnson and John Barrasso.

In a statement, posted on his office’s website, Zelenskiy said he wanted to change Ukraine’s global image so that people did not associate the country with corruption.

At the heart of the impeachment case was a transcript of a July 25 telephone call in which Trump asked Zelenskiy to work with U.S. Attorney General William Barr and Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Biden.

The fallout from the impeachment trial continued in Washington this week, as Trump said the military may consider disciplining former National Security Council aide Alexander Vindman, who testified in the case.

Asked if he regretted sending Giuliani to Ukraine last year, Trump said on Thursday in a radio interview: “No, not at all.” He also defended engaging Giuliani, a former New York mayor.

“Rudy is a high-quality guy,” he said in an interview that aired on iHeart Radio.

Trump also said he may stop allowing government aides to listen in on his telephone calls with foreign leaders.

Barr this week acknowledged that the U.S. Department of Justice was accepting and reviewing information from Giuliani ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, sparking concern from Democrats and some legal experts.

Additional reporting by Susan Heavey in Washington; writing by Matthias Williams; Editing by Gareth Jones

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2020-02-14 15:32:00Z

Cruise from hell finally disembarks in Cambodia amid coronavirus fears - New York Post

The cruise from hell finally ended in Cambodia on Friday for elated and relieved passengers whose ship had been turned away from ports around Asia amid fears they could be carrying the coronavirus.

After being rejected from docking at five ports, passengers on the MS Westerdam were welcomed to Cambodia, a staunch Beijing ally whose authoritarian leader handed them flowers when they disembarked.

Prime Minister Hun Sen agreed to let the Holland America Line vessel dock at the port of Sihanoukville after Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and Guam had barred the ship earlier.

“Today, although Cambodia is a poor country, Cambodia has always joined the international community to solve the problems that the world and our region are facing,” the strongman said as the first passengers emerged after two weeks at sea.

“How wonderful it is to be here. Thank you very much to the prime minister. He has a wonderful heart,” said Anna Marie Melon, from Queensland, Australia, who was among the roughly 100 tourists who were greeted warmly after their ordeal.

Waving a rose she received from the leader, she added: “I’m very excited (to be here)!”

The Westerdam, with 2,257 passengers and crew on board, was supposed to go on a 14-day cruise around East Asia — beginning in Hong Kong on Feb. 1 and ending on Saturday in Yokohama, Japan.

But despite having no confirmed cases of coronavirus, the ship was turned away over fears it was carrying someone with the new pathogen, which has killed almost 1,400 people and infected over 64,000, mostly in China.

Dozens of ecstatic passengers took advantage of their newfound freedom by visiting a nearby beach, hugging the country’s ruler and cheering as they headed to waiting buses.

One man even knelt down and kissed the ground.

“Cambodia pays more attention to human rights … we respect the rights of the more than 2,000 people on the boat,” Hun Sen said, adding that all the passengers would be allowed to disembark after no cases of the coronavirus were found aboard.

Some 20 passengers had reported stomach aches or fever, but tests for the virus done at the Pasteur Institute in Phnom Penh showed none had the illness.

“We don’t have wealth like a rich country but we have sympathy for the passengers stranded on the ship,” he said. “If Cambodia did not allow this ship to dock here, where should this ship go?

“I want to inform Cambodians and the world that I coming here even for a short time means this is no time for discrimination and to be scared, but a time for everyone to be in solidarity to solve the problems we are facing now,” added Hun Sen, who has been in power for 35 years.

Joe Spaziani, 74, from Florida, said: “Your country did a great job. Did a wonderful job. Thank you very much. We appreciate it very much.”

He and many fellow passengers wore a krama, a traditional Cambodian scarf, around their necks.

“Cambodia alone, even the United States, Guam, did not let us land, but Cambodia did, so that’s wonderful. Absolutely wonderful,” Spaziani added. “We appreciate it very, very much. It’s been a long struggle and we appreciate everyone being here.”

US Ambassador to Cambodia W. Patrick Murphy called the disembarking activities “heartwarming sights … with Cambodian hospitality on full display.”

He tweeted that “joint operation ‘Homeward Bound’ is underway!”

With Post wires

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2020-02-14 14:43:00Z