Senin, 10 Februari 2020

Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Has 65 More Coronavirus Cases : Goats and Soda - NPR

The quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship has 65 new cases of coronavirus, Japanese officials announced Monday. Here, passengers with ocean-facing rooms stand on their balconies as the ship sits at the Daikoku Pier Cruise Terminal in Yokohama, Japan. Charly Triballeau/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

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Charly Triballeau/AFP via Getty Images

There are 65 new coronavirus cases aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship that's been under a quarantine since last week, Japan's health ministry announced Monday. With the latest cases, a total of 135 people from the ship have been confirmed to have the respiratory virus.

Those newly diagnosed include 45 Japanese and 11 Americans, as well as smaller numbers of people from Australia, Canada, England, the Philippines and Ukraine, according to Princess Cruises.

Even before the latest cases were confirmed, the cruise ship already represented the largest cluster of Wuhan coronavirus cases outside mainland China. The virus, identified as 2019-nCoV, has killed more than 900 people in China, where more than 40,000 people have been infected since it emerged in the city of Wuhan, in Hubei province.

The Diamond Princess is under a 14-day quarantine that's set to expire on Feb. 19. But health officials say the isolation period could be extended for any passengers and crew in close contact with people who are newly diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Passengers aboard the ship have been told to stay in their rooms for all but brief periods of the day, with the crew bringing meals and other necessities to their door.

The ship had roughly 3,700 passengers and crew aboard when it arrived at the Yokohama terminal south of Tokyo early last week. Japan's health ministry has been taking people off the cruise ship using special sanitation measures, such as a tent-like tunnel and white medical suits. Patients are then transported to local hospitals with infectious-disease wards.

To limit the potential spread of the coronavirus, passengers are allowed to visit the deck only in shifts, for roughly 90-minute periods. They're also checking their temperatures regularly, using thermometers distributed by the crew. During their brief time in larger groups, the passengers are asked to keep their distance from other people and to wash their hands thoroughly afterward.

Princess Cruises has announced compensation for the passengers — some of whom are already facing four weeks on the ship because of the quarantine — saying it will refund their full fare and other expenses, from air travel to hotel and transportation costs.

"In addition, guests will not be charged for any onboard incidental charges during the additional time onboard," the company said.

The cruise line said it will also give guests a future travel credit, for a trip equal to the fare they paid for the current voyage — which officially ended Feb. 4, when the ship was held at the Japanese port.

To ease the strain of prolonged isolation, Princess Cruises announced last week that it is providing free Internet and phone service to passengers. And to stave off boredom, it also expanded the passengers' TV and movie options, along with offering games, puzzles and other distractions.

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2020-02-10 14:40:00Z

President Xi Inspects Coronavirus Hospital in Beijing After Conspicuous Absence - The Wall Street Journal

President Xi Jinping, left, visited a community disease-control center Monday, where he had his temperature taken.

Photo: Ju Peng/Zuma Press

BEIJING—Chinese President Xi Jinping paid his first public visit to the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak, stopping at a Beijing hospital treating infected patients and at a local disease-control office after weeks of remaining largely out of public view.

Mr. Xi visited Monday the office of a neighborhood community center in Beijing’s Chaoyang district, where he had his temperature taken by a local staff member, received a briefing on disease-prevention work and waved at families cooped up in their apartments, according to footage released by state media.

Later, he visited Beijing Ditan Hospital, where coronavirus patients in the Chinese capital are being treated. There, Mr. Xi shared a video chat with Wuhan hospitals and heard reports from officials in Hubei province, according to state broadcaster China Central Television.

The report didn’t mention whether Mr. Xi, who was pictured wearing a white lab coat and a surgical mask, met with any patients in person, though state media captured Mr. Xi telling a crowd of well-wishers that there would be no handshakes, given the circumstances.

A woman wearing protective gear sits on the subway in Beijing on Monday.

Photo: Andrea Verdelli/Getty Images

At Chaoyang district’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mr. Xi learned about how the district, on the eastern edge of central Beijing, was coping with the outbreak, CCTV reported.

Mr. Xi in his remarks acknowledged that some medical workers had “sacrificed their lives,” an apparent indirect reference to a young Wuhan doctor, Li Wenliang, whose death last week triggered an emotional response across the country, much of it frustration directed at officials. Dr. Li had been taken in by authorities early last month for warning about the dangers of the deadly new virus before he contracted it himself.

The inspection visit to Beijing’s Chaoyang district comes after weeks in which the virus spread across the country, with other officials appearing at the epicenter in Wuhan to meet with medical workers and patients.

Mr. Xi’s absence has been conspicuous in recent weeks as his deputy, Premier Li Keqiang, traveled there last month. Mr. Li was also made the head of a new Communist Party “leading group” to tackle the outbreak, in a surprise move.

Tracking the Coronavirus

  • 97 people died in China on Sunday, pushing the death toll to 908.
  • The death toll from the outbreak has now surpassed that of the SARS epidemic nearly two decades ago.
  • China confirmed another 3,062 infections, bringing the total to 40,171.

Sun Chunlan, a vice premier and a member of the Communist Party’s Politburo who oversees public health policy, has visited Wuhan at least four times since late January.

Mr. Xi appears to have remained mainly in Beijing, staying largely out of view except on a few occasions—for instance, to meet with World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and with Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen.

Mr. Xi’s coronavirus inspection on Monday came as China’s National Health Commission reported a single-day high of 97 deaths in mainland China on Sunday from the coronavirus, bringing the death toll to 908.

It also confirmed 3,062 more cases of infection, bringing the count to 40,171, while adding that 632 people were released from hospitals, putting the total of discharged patients at 3,281.

The WHO’s Dr. Tedros raised concerns separately on Twitter late Sunday in Geneva about the spread of infection from people who hadn’t traveled to mainland China.

“The detection of a small number of cases may indicate more widespread transmission in other countries; in short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. Tedros wrote.

Beijing’s normally bustling streets remained empty. Bicycles from bike-sharing companies are parked outside a subway station.

Photo: Andy Wong/Associated Press

A preliminary report by a team including Zhong Nanshan, one of China’s most highly regarded epidemiology experts and the leader of a National Health Commission task force on the outbreak, said Sunday that the incubation period for the coronavirus could be as long as 24 days in some cases, though it found that the median time between transmission and the onset of symptoms was three days.

The study, an unpublished manuscript that hasn’t been peer reviewed, was uploaded to the medical website medRxiv on Sunday. Though Dr. Zhong said in an email to The Wall Street Journal that the draft was still being edited, and the incubation period information may not be included, the preliminary study triggered concern on China’s social media that the outbreak could spread more easily, and last longer, than previously expected. Lead author Guan Weijie told domestic Chinese media that the 24-day incubation period was found only in individual cases.

The study, conducted by Dr. Zhong’s team at the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, was based on 1,099 patients from 552 hospitals across the country. An earlier study, based on 425 patients and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found a median incubation period of about five days, with the longest being seven days.

Even so, many governments have coalesced around 14 days for the quarantine of many patients and suspected patients, given research pointing to a maximum two-week incubation period.

Meanwhile on Monday, an advance team of experts sent by the WHO was set to arrive in Beijing to discuss further collaboration with the Chinese government on the coronavirus response.

China’s National Health Commission said it would later welcome a larger team of WHO experts, including some from the U.S., to carry out epidemic prevention and control.

In Beijing, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislative body, will add a revision of China’s Wild Animal Protection Law onto its agenda this year, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported Monday, in an apparent move to address complaints that the consumption of wild animals had helped the coronavirus spread to humans.

In coastal Zhejiang province, just south of Shanghai, officials on Sunday called on some districts to lift restrictions on people’s movements.

Wuhan and surrounding Hubei province, an area of nearly 60 million people at the center of the crisis, have been quarantined. Across China several local governments, including some far from the center of the crisis, have restricted people’s movement.

In Sichuan province, officials said they are monitoring a fresh outbreak of H5N6 avian influenza, which has killed nearly 2,000 birds, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said. Though avian influenza doesn’t spread easily to humans, it is likely to add to the country’s economic strain as consumer inflation, largely driven by food prices amid an earlier outbreak of swine fever and the coronavirus, reaches the highest levels in more than eight years. Earlier this month, authorities reported a recurrence of H5N1 avian flu in Hunan province.

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In Chongqing, a city of 34 million people with hundreds of confirmed cases of the virus and which borders Sichuan province, one in 10 infections has been diagnosed in people working in the food industry, making eating out and gathering for meals risky, Xia Pei, a city health official said Sunday, according to Xinhua.

Hong Kong authorities have traced several cases among the roughly three dozen confirmed in the city to a hot pot meal shared among 18 relatives, one of whom spread it to nine others, authorities said.

In Japan, 65 new cases of the virus were identified aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Yokohama, bringing the total to 135, the country’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said Monday. Earlier the ship’s captain had said the number of additional patients was 66. The ship alone has more confirmed cases than anywhere outside mainland China, according to the WHO.

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Chinese state media have publicized several new hospitals that have taken less than two weeks to build. WSJ’s Chao Deng visited one of the facilities quickly built from scratch to see just how complete and ready it is to accept patients. Photo: Chinatopix/Associated Press

Write to Jonathan Cheng at and Erin Mendell at

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2020-02-10 14:16:00Z

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's anointed successor resigns - The - The Washington Post

Markus Schreiber AP Christian Democratic Union party (CDU) chairwoman and Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer attends a party's board meeting at the headquarters in Berlin, Feb. 10, 2020.

BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s would-be successor said on Monday she will not run for the premiership following a rocky year at the helm of the her party which culminated in a crisis last week as regional representatives aligned with the far-right.

The announcement from Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the leader of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, that she will not run for chancellor in next year’s elections plunged the party, and the country, into political uncertainty.

Kramp-Karrenbauer said she will step aside as party leader when a new candidate for the premiership is chosen. “We are currently feeling strong centrifugal forces within our society and party,” she said in a news conference. “We have to be stronger, stronger than today.”

She said that she believed that the separation of the role of chancellor and the party leadership had weakened the Christian Democrats.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said that Kramp-Karrenbauer wishes to remain defense minister and Merkel supports that “wholeheartedly.”

[‘Black day’: German politics shaken as far right becomes regional kingmaker]

The move opens up the party leadership to more conservative strains within the Christian Democrats who want to steer it back to the right as it jettisons voters. A protege of Merkel, Kramp-Karrenbauer beat out rivals to take over the reins of the conservative Christian Democrats in late 2018. However, she has failed to rally the party behind her and there was widespread speculation that she would be ousted before the annual party conference in November after a series of missteps.

At that conference she came out swinging against her rivals in a combative speech, but developments in the eastern German state of Thuringia last week left her authority in tatters.

The local branch of the Christian Democrats defied party guidance over political cooperation with the far-right when it backed the same candidate for the state premiership in the Thuringia region as the far-right Alternative for Germany party.

The alignment shook German politics, breaking a pledge from mainstream parties that they would not cooperate with the far-right. Spontaneous street demonstrations took place in German cities after the move, which was seen as a break in the post-World War II political consensus.

The resignation throws the Christian Democrats into a leadership crisis. Merkel, chancellor for more than 14 years, has said she will not stand for reelection in 2021 and stepped aside as party leader in a move designed to open the door for the new generation.

When Kramp-Karrenbauer won the party leadership in 2018, it was seen as affirmation of Merkel’s legacy. But analysts say holding the role of party leader without the chancellery has left Kramp-Karrenbauer in an inherently weak position.

Karrenbauer pointed to that on Monday when she said that she believed that going forward, the two roles should not be separated.

But public criticism of her leadership has also mounted. She was lampooned for insulting transgendered people with a joke about gender neutral bathrooms and for announcing support for a safe-zone in Syria without consultation.

Kramp-Karrenbauer first announced the news in a meeting with politicians from her party on Monday morning. “It was a shock,” said Elmar Brock, a veteran politician with the Christian Democrats who was present. He said that the party faces a “difficult” future, but that a new clear leadership process could also bring opportunity.

Luisa Beck in Berlin contributed.

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Merkel’s preferred heir survives an effort to oust her, but Germany’s ruling party remains in crisis

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2020-02-10 14:23:00Z

Coronavirus death toll passes 900 as more Americans diagnosed on quarantined cruise ship - CBS News

China confirmed a rise in the number of new coronavirus cases on Monday, quashing hopes after several days of declining infection rates that strict control measures could be paying off. The death toll from the new virus had jumped to 908 by Monday morning, more than were killed during the SARS virus outbreak in 2003.

The number of confirmed infections in mainland China rose 15% Sunday to at least 40,171. More than 300 cases have been confirmed outside China, including 12 in the U.S., and global health officials have warned that could be just "the tip of the iceberg" as they learn more about how easily the disease spreads.

Dozens of new cases were confirmed Monday on a quarantined cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, meanwhile, including more Americans. The number of passengers already removed or soon to be removed from the Diamond Princess for treatment in Japanese hospitals stood at 136 Monday. That includes at least 23 American passengers, 11 of whom were among the 66 new cases confirmed Monday. Most of the 3,711 passengers and crew remained under isolation orders on the ship.

The Chinese government's efforts to silence people who tried to raise the alarm about the outbreak early on — and allegedly ongoing efforts to stop people reporting on it — have created a mounting backlash on the country's heavily-censored social media.

Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Remains Quarantined As Coronavirus Cases Grow
Japanese soldiers and emergency workers in protective clothing walk from the Diamond Princess cruise ship at Daikoku Pier where it is being resupplied and newly diagnosed coronavirus cases taken for treatment as it remains in quarantine after a number of the 3,700 people on board were diagnosed with coronavirus, February 10, 2020 in Yokohama, Japan. Carl Court/Getty

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2020-02-10 12:38:00Z

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Merkel’s Anointed Successor, Won’t Run for Chancellor - The New York Times

BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel’s anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, said on Monday that she would quit as party leader and no longer seek the country’s top position, adding to the political uncertainty in Europe’s most important democracy.

The announcement followed five days of political turmoil, in which the local chapter of the Christian Democratic Union in the eastern state of Thuringia voted for the same candidate as the far-right Alternative for Germany, prompting a national outcry.

The move came in defiance of a direct order from Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer, who as party leader had given clear instructions not to collaborate with the Alternative for Germany at any level.

Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer, who is also defense minister, was chosen as leader of Ms. Merkel’s conservative party in December 2018 and had been widely expected to succeed her as chancellor because the two roles traditionally go hand in hand in Germany. She will remain as party leader until the summer, while a replacement is found.

But since becoming the party leader, Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer had steadily lost support in opinion polls. The upheaval in Thuringia showed how far her authority had eroded, and the decision throws the race to succeed Ms. Merkel as chancellor wide open again.

Several potential candidates are waiting in the wings, most prominently Friedrich Merz, who narrowly lost to Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer at the 2018 party conference but is popular with the Christian Democrats’ conservative wing. Mr. Merz said this month that he would step down from his job in finance to return to politics full time.

Another potential contender is Armin Laschet, the centrist leader of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state. A former junior minister of integration and a staunch defender of Ms. Merkel’s refugee policy, Mr. Laschet is seen as the candidate of continuity. He did not throw his hat in the ring at the party conference, but he has indicated that he would be “available.”

In the current political climate, the crisis in Thuringia has given Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer’s resignation particular symbolic importance. She has categorically rejected working with Alternative for Germany, which is commonly known by its German acronym, AfD.

In June, she accused the AfD of creating the “intellectual climate” in which a far-right extremist shot and killed Walter Lübcke, a regional government official, in what was the first far-right political assassination in Germany since World War II.

Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer has said that anyone who toys with the idea of working with the AfD “should close their eyes and imagine Walter Lübcke.”

The far-right party was quick to hail her resignation as a victory. Alexander Gauland, a senior party leader, welcomed Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer’s announcement as a sign that there was no longer a consensus inside the Christian Democrats on isolating the AfD.

“It is completely nonsensical and delusional not to want to work with the AfD in the long term,” Mr. Gauland said. “Her party grass roots have long understood this. “

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2020-02-10 09:35:00Z

Coronavirus death toll passes 900 as more Americans diagnosed on quarantined cruise ship - CBS News

China confirmed a rise in the number of new coronavirus cases on Monday, quashing hopes after several days of declining infection rates that strict control measures could be paying off. The death toll from the new virus had jumped to 908 by Monday morning, more than were killed during the SARS virus outbreak in 2003.

The number of confirmed infections in mainland China rose 15% Sunday to at least 40,171. More than 300 cases have been confirmed outside China, including 12 in the U.S., and global health officials have warned that could be just "the tip of the iceberg" as they learn more about how easily the disease spreads.

Dozens of new cases were confirmed Monday on a quarantined cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, meanwhile, including more Americans. The number of passengers already removed or soon to be removed from the Diamond Princess for treatment in Japanese hospitals stood at 136 Monday. That includes at least 23 American passengers, 11 of whom were among the 66 new cases confirmed Monday. Most of the 3,711 passengers and crew remained under isolation orders on the ship.

The Chinese government's efforts to silence people who tried to raise the alarm about the outbreak early on — and allegedly ongoing efforts to stop people reporting on it — have created a mounting backlash on the country's heavily-censored social media.

Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Remains Quarantined As Coronavirus Cases Grow
Japanese soldiers and emergency workers in protective clothing walk from the Diamond Princess cruise ship at Daikoku Pier where it is being resupplied and newly diagnosed coronavirus cases taken for treatment as it remains in quarantine after a number of the 3,700 people on board were diagnosed with coronavirus, February 10, 2020 in Yokohama, Japan. Carl Court/Getty

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2020-02-10 12:06:00Z

Coronavirus Updates: Cases on Cruise Ship Double; 97 Die in One Day in China - The New York Times

Credit...Carl Court/Getty Images

An additional 66 cases of the new coronavirus have been confirmed on a cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama, Japan, raising the total number to 136, the ship’s captain told passengers on Monday.

Japan’s health ministry has not publicly confirmed the sharp rise in cases. The ministry has announced new cases almost daily since the quarantine began a week ago, and the increase reported by the captain on Monday was the largest yet.

The outbreak on the ship, the Diamond Princess, which has been docked at the Yokohama port since Monday, is the largest outside China. About 3,700 people, including about 2,600 passengers and more than 1,000 crew members, are quarantined on the ship, with passengers largely confined to their cabins.

Passengers have grown increasingly fearful that the quarantine is putting them in jeopardy. The Japanese authorities have tested a few hundred people for the coronavirus who were believed to be at particular risk, but as the number of cases has risen, some passengers have pressed for everyone on board to be screened.

For days, Japanese officials have said they do not have the capacity to test all 3,700 people on board. But on Sunday, the health minister, Katsunobu Kato, said his ministry needed to consider whether it could do so, while noting the challenges of carrying out such a large screening.

Ninety-seven people died from the coronavirus on Sunday, a new daily record since the new coronavirus was first detected in December, as the death toll rose to 908, China’s National Health Commission said on Monday.

That new total surpasses the toll from the SARS epidemic of 2002-3, according to official data.

The number of confirmed infections in the country rose to 40,171 and 3,062 new cases were recorded in the preceding 24 hours, most of them in Hubei Province, the heart of the outbreak. A United States citizen died from the coronavirus in Wuhan, the provincial capital, American officials said on Saturday.

The SARS epidemic, which also began in China, killed 774 people worldwide. There have been only two confirmed deaths from the new coronavirus outside mainland China: one in Hong Kong and one in the Philippines.

Many doctors believe that deaths and infections from the current epidemic are undercounted in China because testing facilities are under severe strain.

Some factories and offices across China resumed work on Monday, the end of an extended Lunar New Year holiday intended to slow the spread of the virus.

The return to business occurred slowly as many workers were reluctant to return to large cities from their hometowns, and as managers tried to respond to a slew of new health regulations issued by local governments across the country.

The Coronavirus Outbreak

  • What do you need to know? Start here.

    Updated Feb. 5, 2020

    • Where has the virus spread?
      You can track its movementwith this map.
    • How is the United States being affected?
      There have been at least a dozen cases. American citizens and permanent residents who fly to the United States from China are now subject to a two-week quarantine.
    • What if I’m traveling?
      Several countries, including the United States, have discouraged travel to China, and several airlines have canceled flights.Many travelers have been left in limbo while looking to change or cancel bookings.
    • How do I keep myself and others safe?
      Washing your hands is the most important thing you can do.

The new rules vary somewhat from city to city but have some common denominators. In big manufacturing centers like Shenzhen, Suzhou and Nanjing, companies are required to learn the travel history of every employee.

Companies were told to bar entry to anyone who had visited in the past two weeks areas with large outbreaks of the virus, particularly Hubei province but with some cities also prohibiting the return to work of anyone who had been to Wenzhou, a city in Zhejiang province that has also had numerous cases.

City governments were also requiring companies frequently check their employees’ temperatures and set up hand-washing protocols.

American companies in central China are restarting production as soon as they obtain permission, but are also required to establish elaborate new procedures.

“They want to protect staff, but also nobody wants to get caught offsides when it comes to the labor law or the daily announcements from the government,” said Ker Gibbs, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

In many large cities, the outbreak has continued to disrupt daily life. Across the country, teeming cities are effectively locked down, schools have been closed for weeks, trains and flights canceled.

The Hong Kong International Airport, one of the world’s busiest, was eerily empty on Sunday. Cathay Pacific, the city’s flag carrier, said last week that it would force employees to take three-week unpaid furloughs.

Parents in the territory and elsewhere across China, including Shanghai and Guangdong, scrambled to find child care after schools announced they would continue to remain closed for the month of February even as many workers were told to return to their jobs on Monday.

In Beijing, the city’s typically teeming subway, had far fewer riders on Monday and train cars were largely empty

An advance team of experts from the World Health Organization was scheduled to arrive in Beijing on Monday evening, nearly two weeks after the organization’s director general met with China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and praised the country’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic.

The team will be led by Bruce Aylward, a Canadian physician and epidemiologist who has previously overseen international campaigns to fight Ebola and polio, the organization’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced on Sunday in Geneva.

Since Dr. Tedros’s trip to Beijing in January, the organization has sought to dispatch a team, but until now the Chinese government had balked. The delay raised questions about China’s sensitivity to international assistance in combating the epidemic, though a spokeswoman said it was simply a matter of “sorting out arrangements.”

Dr. Tedros did not announce other members of the team or its exact mission, though it is likely to focus on the government’s efforts to contain the virus and the lessons other countries could learn from it.

The state-controlled People’s Daily reported on Monday that the team would include “international experts in various fields” who would “work with their Chinese counterparts to increase understanding on the epidemic and guide the work of global responses.”

In a series of posts on Twitter, Dr. Tedros expressed concern that countries experiencing a handful of cases with no direct connection to China could yet see a jump in new infections.

“The detection of a small number of cases may indicate more widespread transmission in other countries,” he wrote. “In short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg.”

He called on all countries to share information about the coronavirus “in real time” with the organization.

The new coronavirus is capable of spreading through the air, a Chinese official said recently, a disturbing revelation that suggests the strain can be transmitted more easily than previously thought.

Zeng Qun, the deputy head of Shanghai’s Civil Affairs Bureau, said at a news conference on Saturday that aerosol transmission is among the ways the novel coronavirus can be spread. Airborne transmission is particularly dangerous because it can occur even if people are not in proximity.

But a second Chinese official discounted those claims and said aerosol transmission had not been confirmed and needed further study.

Shen Yinzhong, the medical director of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, told The Paper, a Shanghai newspaper, the coronavirus can spread through the air “in theory,” confirmation requires further research.

The conflicting reports underscore the confusion surrounding the virus. There have been several cases which appear to have occurred without direct contact with an infected person.

The Chinese government and the World Health Organization have said that most infections occurred among people in close physical contact.

The related virus that caused SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak, said in 2004 that virus could be spread through the air under some circumstances. An outbreak in Hong Kong occurred, experts said, when the wind carried the virus through the air from an apartment complex in which several people were infected.

The coronavirus has helped push inflation to an eight-year high, the Chinese government said on Monday, adding to Beijing’s problems.

Consumer price inflation rose to 5.4 percent year on year in January, compared to a 4.5 percent rise in December. That signified the highest level since November 2011, according to China’s statistics bureau. The outbreak has disrupted China’s supply chains, making it difficult in many places to get products to market.

While nonfood related prices, including energy, rose slightly, it was food prices that pushed inflation up. The price of pork, which has surged for months, has now more than doubled over the past year after an outbreak of African swine fever led to a shortage of pigs.

The latest inflation figures mark a new challenge for China’s central bank. The People’s Bank of China has opened the spigots to provide money to local governments that are trying to contain a vicious outbreak. Last week it announced it had pumped $175 billion into the financial system.

The government has told banks to extend favorable terms to companies that have been closed by efforts to contain the outbreak, which include means to keep people at home. In many cases, employers have been responsible for employee wages after closing factories or other operations.

But printing money to inject into the economy also helps push prices up, creating a double-edged sword for China’s authorities.

Inflation typically rises slightly during the holiday, when families buy presents and food to feed large family gatherings. Economists say they rose faster than usual and stayed higher for a longer period of time.

Nine members of a Hong Kong family were found to be infected with the new coronavirus after sharing a hot-pot meal in late January, officials said on Sunday. Two members of the family — a 24-year-old man and his 91-year-old grandmother — were confirmed first, followed by the man’s parents, aunts and cousins.

Officials said that the family was part of a gathering of 19 who had shared a hot-pot meal, in which diners add meat and vegetables to a communal vat of boiling broth. Chuang Shuk-kwan, a health official, said on Sunday that most of those who had attended had shown either no symptoms, or minor ones not immediately distinguishable from the flu. The 24-year-old had consulted a private doctor several times before being admitted to a hospital with a fever that would not subside.

Two relatives at the meal on Jan. 26 had traveled from the neighboring mainland province of Guangdong, Hong Kong health officials said. The nine cases, who were being isolated at two hospitals, were among 10 new cases reported in Hong Kong on Sunday, bringing the territory’s total to 36.

Reporting and research was contributed by Russell Goldman, Keith Bradsher, Ben Dooley, Motoko Rich, Sui-Lee Wee, Amber Wang, Alexandra Stevenson, Tiffany May, Zoe Mou, Albee Zhang, Yiwei Wang and Claire Fu.

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2020-02-10 09:22:00Z