Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

Iran plane crash: Iranian regime denies shooting down Ukrainian passenger jet today - Live updates - CBS News

  Updated 21m ago

Iraq tells U.S. to "lay down the mechanisms" for withdrawal

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has told the Trump administration that the U.S. should send a delegation to Baghdad to "lay down the mechanisms for implementing" America's military withdrawal from Iraq. In a statement posted on his official Facebook page, Mahdi said Iraq was "keen to keep the best relations" with its allies, but noted the parliament's decision that the U.S. should "safely withdraw troops from Iraq."

The prime minister did not give a timeline, but according to the statement he told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the phone Thursday "to send delegates to Iraq to lay down the mechanisms for implementing Iraqi Parliament's decision."

Mahdi also told Pompeo "that there are American forces entering Iraq and American drones flying in its skies without permission from the Iraqi government, and that this constitutes a breach of the agreements in place."

  5:16 AM

Iran accuses U.S. of "spreading lies" about crash

A spokesman and adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has accused the U.S. government of "spreading lies" about the crash of a Ukrainian airliner this week, saying Washington should wait for the results of the ongoing investigation. 

Ali Rabiei also offered condolences to the families of the doomed Ukrainian International Airlines plane that came down near Tehran in his statement issued late Thursday, according to Iran's state-run news agency Tasnim. 

U.S. officials have told CBS News that intelligence shows an Iranian surface-to-air missile struck the Boeing 737-800 minutes after it took off from Tehran, likely by mistake.

The "Civil Aviation Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran has now set up a committee to probe the incident in accordance with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) regulations," Rabai said, insisting that the committee, including experts from all countries involved in the plane crash, would transparently investigate the accident and announce the results.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board confirmed an invite from Iran, but said it was unclear how much of a role it would be able to play given U.S. sanctions on Iran.

  4:19 AM

CBS News sees crash site scrubbed of debris

CBS News senior foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer was able Friday to briefly view the site in Tehran where the Ukrainian plane crashed two days earlier, before Iranian security officials compelled her team to leave. She said very little debris was left from the early Wednesday morning crash and there were people — not officials but apparent scavengers — poring over the scene looking for pieces to take away. 

CBS News senior foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports from the site where a Ukrainian passenger jet crashed down in flames in Tehran, Iran, on January 10, 2020, two days after the crash. CBS

Ukrainian investigators had not yet visited the site as of noon on Friday (3:30 a.m. Eastern).

Witnesses told Palmer they saw a truck and heavy equipment come on Thursday and take away most of the wreckage. Iran has not said where the wreckage was taken.

Palmer and her team said the crash site was large and they were only able to view one part of it, but after they visited the scene a witness told them larger pieces of the jet's fuselage and nose had been removed. The witness said removal of both the wreckage and bodies of the victims began the day of the crash. 

See Palmer's full report from Tehran on "CBS This Morning" at 7 a.m. Eastern.

  Updated 3:58 AM

Russia calls missile claims "groundless"

Russian lawmakers said Friday that claims of a missile hitting a Ukrainian jetliner over Iran were "groundless" and they accused the West of prematurely assigning blame to Tehran.  

Vladimir Dzhabarov, a lawmaker in Russia's upper house of parliament, said Friday that "we need to be cautious with conclusions. Iranians have invited Ukraine to take part in the investigation. Why would they do it if they knew they had shot (the plane) down?"

Leonid Slutsky, a lawmaker with Russia's lower house of parliament, echoed that sentiment and said conclusions about the cause of the crash could be politically motivated.

"Facts and solid evidence are needed, rather than vague references to intelligence findings. So far it has all been groundless," Slutsky said.  

- Associated Press

  Updated 3:35 AM

Ukrainian leader: "Missile theory" not "confirmed yet"

The Ukrainian president says he is not ruling out the possibility that the plane which crashed earlier this week in Iran had been hit a by a missile.

"The missile theory is not ruled out, but it has not been confirmed yet," Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Facebook post Friday. All 176 people on board the plane bound for Ukraine died.

Zelensky reiterated his call for "all international partners" - the U.S., Britain and Canada in particular - to share data and evidence relevant to the crash.

He also announced plans to discuss the investigation with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday afternoon.

- Associated Press

  Updated 7:33 PM

U.S. transportation officials and Boeing invited to crash site

Iran's Aircraft Accident Investigation Board has invited the National Transportation Safety Board and Boeing to the site of the plane crash.

In a statement, NTSB said it isn't sure if it will accept the offer: "Due to sanctions and restrictions in place affecting participation by the NTSB and other U.S. organizations, the NTSB continues its coordination with the State Department, Treasury Department and Commerce to determine the best course of action as this investigation unfolds."

"Close interagency coordination is of particular importance in this instance given the long-standing sanctions against Iran, which, among other things, prohibit the provision of technical data, lending of technical assistance and travel to Iran." 

  Updated 7:35 PM

Iran denies jet was shot down

Iran disputes Ukrainian jet was shot down

Iranian officials are denying that one of their missiles shot down the passenger jet. A spokesman for the armed forces called the allegations ridiculous and Ali Abedzadeh, the head of the Iranian Civilian Aviation Authority, said it's not scientifically possible.

Within hours of the crash, the aviation authority pointed toward technical failure as the cause and said the plane was on fire as it tried to return to the airport minutes after takeoff. A website affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard called the U.S. intelligence a conspiracy cooked up by Iran's enemies. 

Ukrainian investigators arrived at the crash site to participate but they have not yet been given access to the crash site.

The Iranians have said that they will not hand over the plane's black boxes, but will work with the Ukrainians to download and analyze the data. They said if they need extra help, they may approach other countries and specifically mentioned France.

  Updated 7:33 PM

Canada officials will visit crash site in Iran

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada announced Thursday that it has been invited by Iran to visit the site of the plane crash. The group said it accepted the invitation and is making travel arrangements.

  Updated 7:33 PM

U.S. shares intelligence with "Five Eyes" alliance

The United States has shared intelligence suggesting Iran shot down the Ukranian Airlines plane with the "Five Eyes" alliance. That alliance is comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. 

  Updated 7:59 PM

Brother of crash victim speaks out: "It's been Hell"

Omidar Salani lost his sister, her husband and his 16-month-old niece in the crash. He told CBS News that it's been "Hell" since the plane went down. 

"I hope this never happens to anybody. I [hope] nobody loses a sibling or family members and I hope nobody ever loses three members of their family in one incident and it's — it's very hard to deal with this," he said. "It's very hard to cope with it, especially at the beginning hours. Nothing makes sense, nothing — and there's no answers and there's no way of getting over it." 

"She was a really good person, really good," he added.

"Every moment, I say, 'I'm gonna wake up. It's a nightmare and it's over. She's home and I'm going to go knock on her door,'" Salani said.

Flight staffers place candles in front of a memorial for the victims at the Boryspil airport outside Kiev on January 8, 2020.  Getty
  Updated 7:33 PM

British PM Boris Johnson: "This may well have been unintentional"

Johnson issued the following statement on Thursday's developments:

The loss of life on Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 is a tragedy and my thoughts are with all of those who lost loved ones. Four British nationals were among those who were killed, and we are providing support to their families at this most terrible time.

There is now a body of information that the flight was shot down by an Iranian Surface to Air Missile. This may well have been unintentional. We are working closely with Canada and our international partners and there now needs to be a full, transparent investigation.

It is vital that there should be an immediate and respectful repatriation of those who've lost their lives to allow their families to grieve properly. The UK continues to call on all sides urgently to de-escalate to reduce tensions in the region.

  Updated 7:19 PM

Trudeau: Evidence indicates Iran shot down plane

Trudeau: Evidence indicates plane shot down by Iranian missile

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said intelligence from multiple sources, including Canadian intelligence, indicated that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. "This may well have been unintentional," Trudeau told reporters during a press conference Thursday in Ottawa, the nation's capital.

Of the 176 people killed in the crash, at least 63 were Canadians. Trudeau called for an in-depth investigation into the crash.

The plane was headed for Kiev. Trudeau said he spoke with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky about the crash.

Iranian authorities have said they want to keep the plane's black boxes in Iran but told Zelensky that Ukrainian investigators will have access to them, Trudeau said. Asked about President Trump's comment earlier Thursday that the plane was flying in a "rough neighborhood," Trudeau said he would let Mr. Trump's words stand for themselves.

  Updated 7:19 PM

Newly surfaced video appears to show moment of impact

U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down Ukranian plane

Newly surfaced video appears to show the moment of impact as the plane was gaining altitude, CBS News transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave reports. The video lines up with flight data that showed a normal takeoff until the plane reached an altitude of about 8,000 feet and suffered a sudden catastrophic event, Van Cleave reports.

  Updated 7:19 PM

Trump: "I had my suspicions"

President Trump was asked about the crash during an event at the White House on Thursday morning. "I had my suspicions," the president said. "I don't want to say that because other people have their suspicions also."

"It's a tragic thing when I see that," Mr. Trump said. "It's a tragic thing, but somebody could have made a mistake on the other side."

"It was flying in a pretty rough neighborhood, and somebody could have made a mistake," the president said. "Some people say it was mechanical. I personally don't think that's even a question."

  Updated 7:19 PM

U.S. officials confident Iran shot down the jet

U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down a Ukrainian jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week, CBS News has learned. U.S. intelligence picked up signals of a radar being turned on, sources told CBS News. 

The sources said U.S. satellites detected two surface-to-air missile launches, which happened shortly before the plane exploded.

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2020-01-10 11:19:00Z

US-Iran tensions after Soleimani killing: All the latest updates - Al Jazeera English

Fears of imminent war between Iran and the United States have sparked following the US' assassination of Iran's top military commander Qassem Soleimani in an air raid at Baghdad's international airport on January 3.

In retaliation, Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles at the Ain al-Asad airbase in Iraq's Anbar province and a military facility in Erbil on Wednesday.

Hours later, a Ukrainian International Airlines flight PS752 bound for Kyiv crashed minutes after takeoff from the Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran, adding to the tension.

Canadian, US and UK officials have said intelligence indicated that an Iranian missile brought down the airliner, a conclusion dismissed by Iran.

"All these reports are a psychological warfare against Iran," Iranian state TV quoted government spokesman Ali Rabiei in a statement.


Here are all of the latest updates as of Friday, January 10:

Saudi defends US attack, condemns Iran

The Saudi Minster of State for Foreign Affairs, Adel al-Jubeir, has condemned Wednesday's missile attacks by Iran.

"We take issue with the violation of Iraq's sovereignty by Iran," Adel al-Jubeir said Friday during a news conference in Prague where he was on a routine diplomatic visit.

Al-Jubeir reiterated the Saudi position, supporting the US right to defend itself but called for calm in the region.

"We believe that there should be a way to avoid escalation because we believe escalation would be damaging to all parties and not just one or the other," he added.

Al-Jubeir also made reference to the Iranian nuclear deal, saying it is flawed in its current form and that it should be amended.

Iraqi PM tells US to decide mechanism for troop withdrawal

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has told the US secretary of state to send a delegation to Iraq tasked with formulating the mechanism for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, according to a statement.

In a phone call Thursday night the Iraqi leader requested US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to "send delegates to Iraq to prepare a mechanism to carry out the parliament's resolution regarding the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq," the statement said.

"The prime minister said American forces had entered Iraq and drones are flying in its airspace without permission from Iraqi authorities and this was a violation of the bilateral agreements," the statement added.

Iraqi lawmakers passed a non-binding resolution to oust US troops following the US strike last Friday.

European leaders to hold summit to save Iran deal

European Union foreign ministers are set for a rare emergency meeting on Friday afternoon, hoping to guide the United States and Iran away from confrontation.

However, if it is proven that a Ukrainian airliner was this week downed by an Iranian missile, that will likely complicate matters again for the diplomats.

On Monday, EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell tweeted his regret at Iran's recent decision to step away from more aspects of the nuclear deal, which, he said, was "now more important than ever".

Read more here.

Pilot communicated with Mehrabad airport

Al Jazeera's Assed Baig reporting from Tehran said that according to the aviation authority, the pilot did contact Mehrabad airport, which deals with domestic flights in Tehran, seeking permission to climb to a higher altitude of 26,000 ft.

"We're getting that extra information because before we thought the pilot had no communication but now we're hearing that he did communicate with Mehrabad airport," Baig said.

The aviation authority also said the plane had caught fire for a minute and a half to two minutes.

"They said that he did try to turn the airplane around and his priority was to save the aircraft and the passengers," Baig said.

Iranian authorities have said they will try to repair the damaged black box to retrieve the data, but if they don't succeed, they will seek assistance from Canada, the US and Ukraine, Baig added.

Iran rejects claim missile downed plane

Ali Abedzadeh, head of Iran's civil aviation department, has rejected claims that Tehran unintentionally hit the airliner with a surface-to-air missile, saying it was impossible due to close coordination between Iran's air defence and civil aviation department.

"As I said, based on the law, there is full coordination between our air defence and and our civil [aviation] system. Our civil aviation personnel and air defence personnel sit side by side, so it is absolutely impossible for such a thing [shooting down a passenger plane] to happen," Abedzadeh told a press conference.

He called on the US and Canada to share any information they have on the crash.

"What is obvious for us, and what we can say with certainty, is that no missile hit the plane," Aedzadeh said.

"If they are really sure, they should come and show their findings to the world," in accordance with international standards, he added.

Iran TV airs footage of airliner's black boxes

Iranian state television showed footage purportedly of the two black boxes recovered from the crashed Ukrainian airliner.

The footage, posted online by state TV, showed two devices inside a wooden crate which commentary said were the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder.

Both black boxes are damaged but their memory can be downloaded and examined, the commentary said.

The wooden crate was opened at the Iran Civil Aviation Organisation, the commentary said.

Iran plane crash: Canada mourns its dead from Ukraine flight PS752

Airliner may have been downed by missile: Ukraine

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said that the possibility a missile downed the passenger airplane  had not been ruled out but it has not been confirmed yet.

He said he would discuss the investigation with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo later on Friday.

Iran could have a nuclear weapon within 1-2 years: French minister

Iran could have nuclear weapons in one to two years if the country carries on violating the 2015 nuclear accord, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.

"If they continue with unravelling the Vienna agreement, then yes, within a fairly short period of time, between one and two years, they could have access to a nuclear weapon, which is not an option", Le Drian said on RTL radio.

EU foreign ministers will hold an emergency meeting on Friday to seek ways to guide the US and Iran away from confrontation, knowing that a miscalculation on either side could leave the bloc facing a war and a serious nuclear proliferation crisis on its doorstep.

France ready to contibute to probe: minister

France is available to contribute to the probe on the Ukrainian airliner, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.

"It is important that as much clarity as possible is made and as quickly as possible", Le Drian said on RTL radio.

The Ukrainian airliner was likely brought down by an Iranian missile, Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said on Thursday, citing intelligence from Canadian and other sources.

Farhad Parvaresh, Iran's representative at the International Civil Aviation Organisation, part of the United Nations, said on Thursday that France might also be involved as it was one of the countries where the engines were made.

Iran invites Ukraine, Boeing to probe plane crash

Iran has invited both Ukraine and the Boeing company to take part in the plane crash investigation, state media reported. Iran's spokesman Abbas Mousavi said Tehran will also welcome experts from other countries whose citizens died in the crash.

Iran had initially said it would not allow Boeing to take part in the probe, going against prevailing international norms on crash investigations. It later invited the US accident-investigating agency to take part in the probe.

Japan's Abe heads to Middle East ahead of warship dispatch

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is proceeding as planned with a trip to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman at the weekend, in advance of dispatching a warship and patrol planes to the Middle East, despite heightened tensions in the area.

Media had reported this week the trip would be cancelled as tensions rose in the region after the US killing of Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and a retaliatory missile attack by Iran on US forces in Iraq.

But Abe will visit the region as intended from January 11-15, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference on Friday.

Japanese Defence Minister Taro Kono was set to issue the deployment order later on Friday for the warship and two P-3C patrol planes for information gathering to protect Japanese ships in the Middle East, from which Japan gets nearly 90 percent of its crude oil.

Read earlier updates here.

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2020-01-10 10:58:00Z

Iran plane crash: Iranian regime denies shooting down Ukrainian passenger jet today - Live updates - CBS News

  54m ago

Iran accuses U.S. of "spreading lies" about crash

A spokesman and adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has accused the U.S. government of "spreading lies" about the crash of a Ukrainian airliner this week, saying Washington should wait for the results of the ongoing investigation. 

Ali Rabiei also offered condolences to the families of the doomed Ukrainian International Airlines plane that came down near Tehran in his statement issued late Thursday, according to Iran's state-run news agency Tasnim. 

U.S. officials have told CBS News that intelligence shows an Iranian surface-to-air missile struck the Boeing 737-800 minutes after it took off from Tehran, likely by mistake.

The "Civil Aviation Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran has now set up a committee to probe the incident in accordance with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) regulations," Rabai said, insisting that the committee, including experts from all countries involved in the plane crash, would transparently investigate the accident and announce the results.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board confirmed an invite from Iran, but said it was unclear how much of a role it would be able to play given U.S. sanctions on Iran.

  4:19 AM

CBS News sees crash site scrubbed of debris

CBS News senior foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer was able Friday to briefly view the site in Tehran where the Ukrainian plane crashed two days earlier, before Iranian security officials compelled her team to leave. She said very little debris was left from the early Wednesday morning crash and there were people — not officials but apparent scavengers — poring over the scene looking for pieces to take away. 

CBS News senior foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports from the site where a Ukrainian passenger jet crashed down in flames in Tehran, Iran, on January 10, 2020, two days after the crash. CBS

Ukrainian investigators had not yet visited the site as of noon on Friday (3:30 a.m. Eastern).

Witnesses told Palmer they saw a truck and heavy equipment come on Thursday and take away most of the wreckage. Iran has not said where the wreckage was taken.

Palmer and her team said the crash site was large and they were only able to view one part of it, but after they visited the scene a witness told them larger pieces of the jet's fuselage and nose had been removed. The witness said removal of both the wreckage and bodies of the victims began the day of the crash. 

See Palmer's full report from Tehran on "CBS This Morning" at 7 a.m. Eastern.

  Updated 3:58 AM

Russia calls missile claims "groundless"

Russian lawmakers said Friday that claims of a missile hitting a Ukrainian jetliner over Iran were "groundless" and they accused the West of prematurely assigning blame to Tehran.  

Vladimir Dzhabarov, a lawmaker in Russia's upper house of parliament, said Friday that "we need to be cautious with conclusions. Iranians have invited Ukraine to take part in the investigation. Why would they do it if they knew they had shot (the plane) down?"

Leonid Slutsky, a lawmaker with Russia's lower house of parliament, echoed that sentiment and said conclusions about the cause of the crash could be politically motivated.

"Facts and solid evidence are needed, rather than vague references to intelligence findings. So far it has all been groundless," Slutsky said.  

- Associated Press

  Updated 3:35 AM

Ukrainian leader: "Missile theory" not "confirmed yet"

The Ukrainian president says he is not ruling out the possibility that the plane which crashed earlier this week in Iran had been hit a by a missile.

"The missile theory is not ruled out, but it has not been confirmed yet," Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Facebook post Friday. All 176 people on board the plane bound for Ukraine died.

Zelensky reiterated his call for "all international partners" - the U.S., Britain and Canada in particular - to share data and evidence relevant to the crash.

He also announced plans to discuss the investigation with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday afternoon.

- Associated Press

  Updated 7:33 PM

U.S. transportation officials and Boeing invited to crash site

Iran's Aircraft Accident Investigation Board has invited the National Transportation Safety Board and Boeing to the site of the plane crash.

In a statement, NTSB said it isn't sure if it will accept the offer: "Due to sanctions and restrictions in place affecting participation by the NTSB and other U.S. organizations, the NTSB continues its coordination with the State Department, Treasury Department and Commerce to determine the best course of action as this investigation unfolds."

"Close interagency coordination is of particular importance in this instance given the long-standing sanctions against Iran, which, among other things, prohibit the provision of technical data, lending of technical assistance and travel to Iran." 

  Updated 7:35 PM

Iran denies jet was shot down

Iran disputes Ukrainian jet was shot down

Iranian officials are denying that one of their missiles shot down the passenger jet. A spokesman for the armed forces called the allegations ridiculous and Ali Abedzadeh, the head of the Iranian Civilian Aviation Authority, said it's not scientifically possible.

Within hours of the crash, the aviation authority pointed toward technical failure as the cause and said the plane was on fire as it tried to return to the airport minutes after takeoff. A website affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard called the U.S. intelligence a conspiracy cooked up by Iran's enemies. 

Ukrainian investigators arrived at the crash site to participate but they have not yet been given access to the crash site.

The Iranians have said that they will not hand over the plane's black boxes, but will work with the Ukrainians to download and analyze the data. They said if they need extra help, they may approach other countries and specifically mentioned France.

  Updated 7:33 PM

Canada officials will visit crash site in Iran

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada announced Thursday that it has been invited by Iran to visit the site of the plane crash. The group said it accepted the invitation and is making travel arrangements.

  Updated 7:33 PM

U.S. shares intelligence with "Five Eyes" alliance

The United States has shared intelligence suggesting Iran shot down the Ukranian Airlines plane with the "Five Eyes" alliance. That alliance is comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. 

  Updated 7:59 PM

Brother of crash victim speaks out: "It's been Hell"

Omidar Salani lost his sister, her husband and his 16-month-old niece in the crash. He told CBS News that it's been "Hell" since the plane went down. 

"I hope this never happens to anybody. I [hope] nobody loses a sibling or family members and I hope nobody ever loses three members of their family in one incident and it's — it's very hard to deal with this," he said. "It's very hard to cope with it, especially at the beginning hours. Nothing makes sense, nothing — and there's no answers and there's no way of getting over it." 

"She was a really good person, really good," he added.

"Every moment, I say, 'I'm gonna wake up. It's a nightmare and it's over. She's home and I'm going to go knock on her door,'" Salani said.

Flight staffers place candles in front of a memorial for the victims at the Boryspil airport outside Kiev on January 8, 2020.  Getty
  Updated 7:33 PM

British PM Boris Johnson: "This may well have been unintentional"

Johnson issued the following statement on Thursday's developments:

The loss of life on Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 is a tragedy and my thoughts are with all of those who lost loved ones. Four British nationals were among those who were killed, and we are providing support to their families at this most terrible time.

There is now a body of information that the flight was shot down by an Iranian Surface to Air Missile. This may well have been unintentional. We are working closely with Canada and our international partners and there now needs to be a full, transparent investigation.

It is vital that there should be an immediate and respectful repatriation of those who've lost their lives to allow their families to grieve properly. The UK continues to call on all sides urgently to de-escalate to reduce tensions in the region.

  Updated 7:19 PM

Trudeau: Evidence indicates Iran shot down plane

Trudeau: Evidence indicates plane shot down by Iranian missile

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said intelligence from multiple sources, including Canadian intelligence, indicated that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. "This may well have been unintentional," Trudeau told reporters during a press conference Thursday in Ottawa, the nation's capital.

Of the 176 people killed in the crash, at least 63 were Canadians. Trudeau called for an in-depth investigation into the crash.

The plane was headed for Kiev. Trudeau said he spoke with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky about the crash.

Iranian authorities have said they want to keep the plane's black boxes in Iran but told Zelensky that Ukrainian investigators will have access to them, Trudeau said. Asked about President Trump's comment earlier Thursday that the plane was flying in a "rough neighborhood," Trudeau said he would let Mr. Trump's words stand for themselves.

  Updated 7:19 PM

Newly surfaced video appears to show moment of impact

U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down Ukranian plane

Newly surfaced video appears to show the moment of impact as the plane was gaining altitude, CBS News transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave reports. The video lines up with flight data that showed a normal takeoff until the plane reached an altitude of about 8,000 feet and suffered a sudden catastrophic event, Van Cleave reports.

  Updated 7:19 PM

Trump: "I had my suspicions"

President Trump was asked about the crash during an event at the White House on Thursday morning. "I had my suspicions," the president said. "I don't want to say that because other people have their suspicions also."

"It's a tragic thing when I see that," Mr. Trump said. "It's a tragic thing, but somebody could have made a mistake on the other side."

"It was flying in a pretty rough neighborhood, and somebody could have made a mistake," the president said. "Some people say it was mechanical. I personally don't think that's even a question."

  Updated 7:19 PM

U.S. officials confident Iran shot down the jet

U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down a Ukrainian jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week, CBS News has learned. U.S. intelligence picked up signals of a radar being turned on, sources told CBS News. 

The sources said U.S. satellites detected two surface-to-air missile launches, which happened shortly before the plane exploded.

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2020-01-10 10:16:00Z

Iran plane crash: Iranian regime denies shooting down Ukrainian passenger jet today - Live updates - CBS News

Iranian officials have denied claims that they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet. The plane crashed early Wednesday morning soon after takeoff from Tehran's airport, killing everyone on board.

CBS News has learned that U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down the jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week. There were 176 people killed in the crash: 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedish, four Afghan, three German and three British nationals.

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2020-01-10 09:19:00Z

Iran plane crash: Iranian regime denies shooting down Ukrainian passenger jet today - Live updates - CBS News

Iranian officials on Thursday denied claims that they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet. The plane crashed Wednesday soon after takeoff from Tehran's airport, killing everyone on board.

CBS News has learned that U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down the jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week. There were 176 people killed in the crash: 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedish, four Afghan, three German and three British nationals.

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2020-01-10 08:35:00Z

Oprah Winfrey advised Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on Megxit - Fox News

Oprah Winfrey advised Prince Harry and Meghan Markle about breaking free from the British royals and following their own path.

The TV queen — who attended the couple’s wedding and is also close to Meghan’s mom, Doria Ragland — discussed their “declaration of independence” and encouraged them to consider making a living in North America by building their own powerful brand.

Harry and Meghan have trademarked “Sussex Royal” as a brand on more than 100 properties in the UK, including clothing, stationery, photographs and educational and charitable endeavors — with predicted revenue of over $500 million.


They’ve gathered a coterie of powerful US players, including the Obamas, George and Amal ClooneySerena WilliamsJames Corden and Meghan’s designer pal Misha Nonoo, whose new husband, oil heir Michael Hess, has offered them a place to stay in one of the family’s three homes in the gated Malibu Colony — dubbed “Billionaire’s Beach” — we are told.

Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, left, and Oprah Winfrey. (Getty Images/AP)

Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, left, and Oprah Winfrey. (Getty Images/AP)

A source said, “Oprah was the first person to talk to Harry and Meghan about breaking free and doing their own thing, building on their own brand. She made them realize it was really possible.” A rep for Oprah declined to comment.

Harry collaborated with Oprah on a mental-health series for Apple TV+, to air later this year, and it is believed the pair had “frank conversations” about the turmoil he and Meghan have faced in the spotlight. In an astonishing interview, Harry revealed he thinks about the fate of his mother, Princess Diana, “every single time I see a camera … every time I see a flash.”


Harry is also close to Barack Obama, and insiders say the prince could follow a similar after-presidency career path, involving philanthropy, speeches, book deals and documentaries.

Page Six can also reveal that Oprah’s BFF Gayle King is set to score the first interview with the Sussexes post-Megxit. King attended Meg’s NYC baby shower and visited them after the birth of baby Archie. A TV source said: “It’s hush-hush, but there’s no one else they would turn to.”

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2020-01-10 06:05:56Z

Trump went off at a rally after the House passed War Powers Resolution in a sharp rebuke over Iran strike - Business Insider

  • The White House issued a sharp rebuke Thursday aimed at the House after it passed a resolution limiting his power to take further military action against Iran.
  • The Housed voted in favor on the war powers resolution 224-194 – largely along party lines – on Thursday in response to President Donald Trump’s decisions that led to an escalation in tensions with Iran.
  • Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley condemned the resolution in a statement, calling it „misguided“ and „ridiculous.“ He said it „tries to undermine the ability of the US Armed Forces to prevent terrorist activity by Iran and its proxies.“
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

President Donald Trump and the White House slammed lawmakers on Thursday, after the House passed a resolution aiming to limit his ability to take further military action against Iran.

The House voted in favor on the War Powers Resolution 224-194 – largely along party lines – on Thursday in response to President Donald Trump’s decisions that led to an escalation in tensions with Iran. The resolution aims to bar the president from taking any new military actions against Iran without congressional approval. The resolution now goes to the Senate.

„Under the Constitution, Congress has the power to declare war and approve money for military operations, while the president is the commander in chief of the US armed forces,“ as Insider previously reported. „Under the War Powers Act of 1973, the president has 48 hours to inform Congress that US armed forces have been ordered to engage in operations overseas. These operations cannot last for more than 60 days without a congressional declaration of war or an authorization for use of military force (AUMF).“

„The President has the right and duty to protect this nation and our citizens from terrorism,“ Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said, according to VOA News‘ Steve Herman. „That’s what he continues to do, and the world is safer for it.“

In the statement, Gidley condemned the „ridiculous“ resolution, calling it „misguided“ and saying that it „tries to undermine the ability of the US Armed Forces to prevent terrorist activity by Iran and its proxies.“

The resolution is a non-binding concurrent resolution, and unlike a joint resolution, does not need to go to the president for signature. Gidley pointed out the non-binding aspect of the resolution, and called it a „political move“ lacking the „force of law.“ An argument made by Republicans regarding the resolution.

Trump himself responded to the vote at a campaign rally in Toledo, Ohio.

„They’re saying, ‚You should get permission from Congress, you should come in and tell us what you want to do – you should come in and tell us, so that we can call up the fake news that’s back there, and we can leak it,'“ Trump claimed, according to Fox News. „Lot of corruption back there.“

Shortly after a rally, Trump tweeted: „Under my administration, we will NEVER make excuses for America’s enemies – we will never hesitate in defending American lives – and we will never stop working to defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism!“

Trump has faced increased backlash for his decision to kill Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The president authorized the attack on Iran’s top general without informing Congress.

Days after Soleimani’s death, Iran sent missile strikes on two bases housing US and coalition forces in Iraq in apparent retaliation.

Eight Democrats voted against the House’s resolution, while three Republicans supported it – including Trump ally Rep. Matt Gaetz.

„I represent more troops than any other member of this body,“ Gaetz said, adding, „I buried one of them earlier today at Arlington. That sergeant died a patriot and a hero. If the members of our armed services have the courage to go and fight and die in these wars, as Congress, we ought to have the courage to vote for or against them.“

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2020-01-10 05:09:23Z