Senin, 08 Juli 2019

Iran passes new nuclear deal limit as China blames US for crisis -

Iran has passed the uranium enrichment cap set in its 2015 nuclear deal, marking the second time in a week that it made good on a promise to reduce compliance with the international pact following the United States' unilateral exit last year.

The announcement on Monday from Iran's Atomic Energy Organization came amid growing frustration in Tehran over a failure by the landmark accord's remaining signatories to deliver on its promised economic benefits.

Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the nuclear agency, confirmed Tehran had enriched uranium beyond the 3.67 percent purity that the deal allows, passing 4.5 percent, according to the Iranian students' news agency ISNA. 

On July 1, Iran passed the uranium stockpile limit permitted by the deal, and officials on Sunday pledged to keep scaling back their commitments every 60 days unless Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia protected it from the punishing sanctions imposed by the US following its withdrawal.

A day after US officials threatened Iran with further "sanctions and isolation", some of the pact's other parties hit out at Washington for escalating the crisis that has thrown into question the future of the accord, which offered Iran relief from sanctions in exchange for drastic limits on its nuclear programme.

"The facts show that unilateral bullying has already become a worsening tumour," Geng Shuang, spokesman for China's foreign ministry, told a press briefing in Beijing on Monday. 

Iran set to exceed uranium enrichment limit in 2015 nuclear deal (3:23)

"The maximum pressure exerted by the US on Iran is the root cause of the Iranian nuclear crisis," he said.

Moscow also blamed Washington and pledged to pursue diplomatic efforts to salvage the deal, with Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, saying on Monday: "Russia aims to continue dialogue and efforts on the diplomatic front.

"Russia and President [Vladimir] Putin warned of the consequences that would be imminent after one of the countries decided to end its obligations and exit the deal."

'Door of diplomacy is open'

In Tehran, Abbas Mousavi, spokesman for Iran's foreign ministry, said that while Iran appreciated the efforts of some nations to save the deal, it has "no hope nor trust in anyone nor any country".

"But the door of diplomacy is open," Mousavi told reporters on Monday, adding that Emmanuel Bonne, a senior aide to French President Emmanuel Macron, was scheduled to visit the Iranian capital in the coming days. 

He also issued a stark warning to the pact's European signatories about the second 60-day deadline Iran set on Sunday.

"If the remaining countries in the deal, especially the Europeans, do not fulfil their commitments seriously, and not do anything more than talk, Iran's third step will be harder, more steadfast and somehow stunning," he said, referring to the September 5 deadline.  

European countries do not directly support the US sanctions, but have been unable to come up with ways to allow Iran to avert them. A spokeswoman for the EU, however, urged Iran to abide by the deal, saying the bloc was "extremely concerned" by the latest moves. 

"We strongly urge Iran to stop and reverse all activities that are inconsistent with the commitments made under the JCPOA," EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told reporters on Monday. 


Separately, Kamalvandi, the spokesman for Iran's nuclear agency, hinted in a state television interview aired on Monday that the country might consider going to 20 percent enrichment or higher as its third step, if the material was needed. 

Such a move would be dramatic, since that was the level Iran had achieved before the deal was put in place. It is considered an important intermediate stage on the path to obtaining the 90 percent pure fissile uranium needed to make a nuclear bomb.

Kamalvandi also suggested using new or more centrifuges, which are limited by the deal.

Iran says its recent measures to increase enrichment beyond the 3.67 percent cap and stockpile uranium beyond the 300kg limit could be reversed within "hours" if the pact's signatories shielded it from the US sanctions, particularly those on its oil and banking sectors.

The nuclear diplomacy is only one aspect of a wider confrontation between Washington and Tehran. 

Last month, Trump ordered air strikes on Iran, only to call them off minutes before impact. The move came after Iranian forces shot down an unmanned US drone saying the plane had violated its airspace. 

Washington denied the claim, saying it was downed over international waters. The US's European allies have been warning that a small mistake on either side could lead to war.

Britain, one of Washington's main European allies, was drawn deeper into the confrontation last week when it seized an Iranian tanker it said was bound for Syria, in violation of separate EU sanctions on Syria. 

Iran has called the tanker's detention a "threatening act" and denied it was heading for Syria. 

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2019-07-08 13:18:00Z

Inquiry launched into 'inept Trump administration' leaked emails - BBC News - BBC News

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2019-07-08 12:59:38Z

Greece's left-wing PM ousted by conservative party - New York Post

ATHENS, Greece — Conservative party leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis was being sworn in as Greece’s new prime minister Monday, a day after his resounding win over left-wing Alexis Tsipras, who led the country through the tumultuous final years of its international bailouts.

Mitsotakis’ New Democracy party won 39.8% of the vote, giving him 158 seats in the 300-member parliament, a comfortable governing majority. Tsipras’ Coalition of the Radical Left, or Syriza, garnered 31.5%. The extremist right-wing Golden Dawn, Greece’s third largest party during the height of the financial crisis, failed to make the 3% threshold to enter parliament.

Mitsotakis will have to move fast to deal with the myriad of problems still plaguing the economy. Europe’s finance ministers are meeting in Brussels on Monday and will be discussing Greece, which still has stringent fiscal targets to meet even though it no longer directly receives bailout loans.

“I assume the governance of the country with full awareness of the national responsibility,” Mitsotakis said in his victory speech Sunday night. “I know of the difficulties that lie ahead for me and for my associates. But I draw strength from the strength of the people.”

Greece’s economy shrank by a quarter and poverty and unemployment levels soared during the country’s nearly decade-long financial crisis. Although its finances are on the mend and the economy is expected to grow by 2.2% this year, it still has a long way to go to make up the economic output lost.

The country’s debt stands at about 181% of annual GDP and Greece has pledged to continue producing large primary surpluses — the budget excluding debt servicing — of more than 3% of GDP for years to come.

Mitsotakis said Sunday he would stick to his campaign pledges of lowering taxes, attracting investments and cutting through red tape to make Greece more business-friendly.

“New Democracy’s clear victory in Greece’s parliamentary elections yesterday will be welcomed by investors,” said economics consultancy Capital Economics in a research note. “But it will not be a game changer for the economy, not least because the government will still be constrained by its membership of the single currency and its ‘surveillance’ agreement with the EU.”

That caution was evident in the performance of the main stock market in Athens, which was down 1.4 percent in midday trading Monday as investors booked profits generated during the recent rally that was largely based on expectations of a Mitsotakis victory.

Mitsotakis will also have to contend with pension increases and other benefits the outgoing government granted ahead of European elections in May — benefits which European creditors had warned could make Greece’s fiscal targets hard to meet.

“Although Greece exited its third bailout in mid-2018, it is subject to ‘enhanced surveillance’ which bears a striking resemblance to a bail-out program,” Capital Economics said. “For example, the government will get further relief on the cost of servicing its public debt only if it sticks to tight fiscal policy.”

Mitsotakis is expected to name his cabinet later in the day. The ministers would then be sworn in on Tuesday.

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2019-07-08 10:40:00Z

British trade minister to apologize to Ivanka Trump over leaked cables | TheHill - The Hill

Britain’s trade minister to the United States will reportedly apologize to President TrumpDonald John TrumpDemocratic senator: White House has 'used cruelty to children' as a tool of immigration policy Amash: 'High-level' Republicans privately thanked me for supporting Trump impeachment UN official: US can't ignore that climate change will force 120 million people into poverty MORE’s daughter and senior White House adviser Ivanka TrumpIvana (Ivanka) Marie TrumpHere are the top paid White House staffers Trump Jr. blasts reports of Kushner feud: 'More fake news bulls---' Hillicon Valley: Facebook facility evacuated after sarin scare | Warren, Jayapal question FCC over industry influence | 2020 Dems take on election security | Border Patrol to investigate Facebook group with racist, sexist posts MORE after leaked memos revealed a British ambassador describing the administration as “dysfunctional” and “inept.”

The memos, leaked over the weekend to a British newspaper, from Ambassador Kim Darroch showed that he made disparaging remarks about President Trump in a series of official diplomatic cables, dating back to 2017.


Reuters reports that British trade minister Liam Fox said he will apologize on behalf of the British government in person to Ivanka Trump during his current visit to Washington.

“I will be apologizing for the fact that either our civil service or elements of our political class have not lived up to the expectations that either we have or the United States has about their behavior, which in this particular case has lapsed in a most extraordinary and unacceptable way,” Fox said on BBC radio.

He added that “malicious leaks” such as the one that exposed Darroch’s remarks “can actually lead to damage to that relationship, which can therefore affect our wider security interest.”

Darroch, in the leaked comments, was highly critical of what he called instability in the Trump administration.

"We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept," Darroch wrote in one memo.

It is unclear if the leaked cables mentioned Ivanka Trump specifically.

A spokesperson for the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office defended Darroch on Saturday in a statement.

“Their views are not necessarily the views of ministers or indeed the government. But we pay them to be candid. Just as the U.S. Ambassador here will send back his reading of Westminster politics and personalities,” the statement read.

The president on Sunday responded to the reports of Darroch’s remarks, telling reporters that “we are not big fans of that man and he has not served the U.K. well, so I can understand and I can say things about him but I won’t bother,” according to Reuters.

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2019-07-08 11:56:59Z

Trump scorns UK ambassador and sends a strong warning to Iran - The Sun

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2019-07-08 09:27:40Z

UK Trade Minister to apologize after leaked cables call Trump 'inept' and 'clumsy': report - Fox News

The U.K.’s Trade Minister on Monday said he will apologize to Ivanka Trump after leaked diplomatic cables showed Britain’s ambassador to the United States describing President Trump as “dysfunctional” and “inept.”

Britain’s Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox is scheduled to meet with Ivanka Trump during his visit to Washington, Reuters reported.

FILE: Britain's International Trade Secretary Liam Fox arrives for a Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street in London. 

FILE: Britain's International Trade Secretary Liam Fox arrives for a Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street in London.  (AP)

“I will be apologizing for the fact that either our civil service or elements of our political class have not lived up to the expectations that either we have or the United States has about their behavior, which in this particular case has lapsed in a most extraordinary and unacceptable way,” Fox told BBC radio.

Ambassador Kim Darroch described the Trump administration as “diplomatically clumsy and inept” and said he doubted it would become “substantially more normal,” in one of several memos published by the Mail on Sunday.


Trump condemned Darroch, asserting that he has “not served the U.K. well,” and saying: “We are not big fans of that man.”

Fox also cautioned that the leak of confidential memos could damage relations between the two countries.


“Malicious leaks of this nature are unprofessional, unethical and unpatriotic and can actually lead to a damage to that relationship which can therefore affect our wider security interest,” Fox said.

Fox News' Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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2019-07-08 08:37:41Z

Mitsotakis vows to make Greece 'proud' after landslide win -

Kyriakos Mitsotakis has vowed that Greece will "proudly" enter a post-bailout era of "jobs, security and growth" after his centre-right New Democracy party won a landslide over leftist Syriza, which had been in power since 2015.

With almost all of the votes in Sunday's snap election counted, official results showed New Democracy gaining 39.85 compared with 31.53 for Syriza, led by outgoing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

"A painful cycle has closed," Mitsotakis said in a televised address, adding that Greece would "proudly raise its head again" on his watch.

"I will not fail to honour your hopes," he said as early congratulation calls came from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and outgoing European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker.

The election result gives New Democracy an outright majority with 158 seats in the 300-member Greek parliament. This marks a significant shift for the crisis-hit country that was run for almost a decade by fragile coalitions of ideologically divergent parties united by their stance either in favour or against Greece's bailout deals.

"I asked for a strong mandate to change Greece. You offered it generously," Mitsotakis said in his victory speech. "From today, a difficult but beautiful fight begins."

For his part, Tsipras said his party's loss was "anything but a strategic defeat" following an election showing that was much stronger than expected.

"I can assure the Greek people that from the benches of the opposition we will be present to protect the interests of people of toil and creativity," he said, after calling Mitsotakis to congratulate him on his victory.

The other parties that passed the three percent threshold to enter the Greek parliament were the centre-left Movement for Change (KINAL), at 8.10 percent (22 seats); the Greek Communist Party, at 5.3 percent (15 seats); newcomer Greek Solution, a far-right party, at 3.7 percent (10 seats); and MeRa 25, another recently formed party that is led by Yanis Varoufakis, a former Syriza finance minister, at 3.44 percent (nine seats).

The official handover of power will take place on Monday, when Mitsotakis, 51, will be sworn in as Greece's new prime minister.

Financial pain

Mitsotakis, the son of a former prime minister, campaigned on the promise of further reforms with a focus on fewer taxes, attracting investment and improving the job market.

The election came as Greece struggles to emerge from a nearly decade-long financial crisis that saw its economy plunge by a quarter and hundreds of thousands of mostly young people head abroad seeking better economic opportunities.

Syriza, which before the crisis was on the fringes of the country's political landscape, stormed to power in January 2015, replacing a New Democracy-led government amid widespread discontent over years of tough fiscal measures imposed by Greece's bailout creditors: the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

But despite its promises to end austerity, the Syriza-led government seven months later caved in to the demands of its lenders, signing onto a third bailout deal and raising taxes further. Still, it managed to regain power in a snap election in September 2015 and form a coalition government with the nationalist Independent Greeks party.

Greece exited its last bailout in 2018 but is still under fiscal surveillance from its creditors. Its economy is expected to grow by around two percent this year but financial woes remain, including an unemployment rate of 18 percent, the eurozone's highest.

Along with the chronic financial grievances, mainly from Greece's shrinking middle class, Tsipras's government has also come under fire for mismanaging crises, including the response to a devastating fire near Athens last summer that killed 102 people, and for brokering a widely unpopular deal to resolve a decades-long dispute over the name of neighbouring North Macedonia.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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2019-07-08 07:49:00Z