Jumat, 28 Juni 2019

Trump tells Putin not to 'meddle in the election,' his tone was criticized - Fox News

President Trump met face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Japan and told his counterpart not to "meddle" in the 2020 elections when pressed by a reporter, but his delivery faced immediate criticism as being aloof.

Trump, who was seated next to Putin, was asked by a reporter if he would tell "the Russian president to not meddle in the election." There was some cross talk in the room at the time. Trump, without looking at Putin, responded, "Of course I will. Don't meddle in the election, president. Don't meddle in the election."

Trump's tone and delivery were immediately called out. The AP ran a headline, "Trump Jokes to Putin: Don't Meddle in the Election."

The report said his tone was "open to interpretation but would seem to do little to silence questions about Trump's relationship with Russia in the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller's conclusion that his campaign did not collude with Russia in 2016."

Trump's supporters will likely say the reporter's question was awkward and the serious discussion should not play out in the public eye. Trump's critics will likely conclude that he refuses to see the seriousness of defending U.S. elections from a foreign government, hence his offhanded response.

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)


Friday’s meeting is the first between the two leaders since the Mueller Report documented the extensive ways in which Russia sought to influence the 2016 election.  The Mueller report did not establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump associates and the Kremlin to sway the outcome of the election. Putin has denied that Russia meddled in the American election to help Trump win.


The two are in Osaka for the summit. Before the meeting, Trump said he expected a "very good conversation" but told reporters "what I say to him is none of your business."

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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2019-06-28 07:48:41Z

Trump tells Putin not to 'meddle in the election,' his tone was criticized - Fox News

President Trump met face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Japan and told his counterpart not to "meddle" in the 2020 elections when pressed by a reporter, but his delivery faced immediate criticism as being aloof.

Trump, who was seated next to Putin, was asked by a reporter if he would tell "the Russian president to not meddle in the election." There was some cross talk in the room at the time. Trump, without looking at Putin, responded, "Of course I will. Don't meddle in the election, president. Don't meddle in the election."

Trump's tone and delivery were immediately called out. The AP ran a headline, "Trump Jokes to Putin: Don't Meddle in the Election."

The report said his tone was "open to interpretation but would seem to do little to silence questions about Trump's relationship with Russia in the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller's conclusion that his campaign did not collude with Russia in 2016."

Trump's supporters will likely say the reporter's question was awkward and the serious discussion should not play out in the public eye. Trump's critics will likely conclude that he refuses to see the seriousness of defending U.S. elections from a foreign government, hence his offhanded response.

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)


Friday’s meeting is the first between the two leaders since the Mueller Report documented the extensive ways in which Russia sought to influence the 2016 election.  The Mueller report did not establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump associates and the Kremlin to sway the outcome of the election. Putin has denied that Russia meddled in the American election to help Trump win.


The two are in Osaka for the summit. Before the meeting, Trump said he expected a "very good conversation" but told reporters "what I say to him is none of your business."

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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2019-06-28 07:35:06Z

Trump tells Putin not to 'meddle in the election,' his tone was criticized - Fox News

President Trump met face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Japan and told his counterpart not to "meddle" in the 2020 elections when pressed by a reporter, but his delivery faced immediate criticism as being aloof.

Trump, who was seated next to Putin, was asked by a reporter if he would tell "the Russian president to not meddle in the election." There was some cross talk in the room at the time. Trump, without looking at Putin, responded, "Of course I will. Don't meddle in the election, president. Don't meddle in the election."

Trump's tone and delivery were immediately called out. The AP ran a headline, "Trump Jokes to Putin: Don't Meddle in the Election."

The report said his tone was "open to interpretation but would seem to do little to silence questions about Trump's relationship with Russia in the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller's conclusion that his campaign did not collude with Russia in 2016."

Trump's supporters will likely say the reporter's question was awkward and the serious discussion should not play out in the public eye. Trump's critics will likely conclude that he refuses to see the seriousness of defending U.S. elections from a foreign government, hence his offhanded response.

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)


Friday’s meeting is the first between the two leaders since the Mueller Report documented the extensive ways in which Russia sought to influence the 2016 election.  The Mueller report did not establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump associates and the Kremlin to sway the outcome of the election. Putin has denied that Russia meddled in the American election to help Trump win.


The two are in Osaka for the summit. Before the meeting, Trump said he expected a "very good conversation" but told reporters "what I say to him is none of your business."

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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2019-06-28 06:54:14Z

Kamis, 27 Juni 2019

G20 Summit Live Updates: World Leaders Gather in Osaka - The New York Times

CreditErin Schaff/The New York Times

During the two-day gathering of leaders from the Group of 20, the meeting’s official themes will include global economic risks, trade disputes, job growth and investment, innovation and artificial intelligence, and women in the workplace.

Several countries are also hoping to emphasize collective action against climate change, which could become a point of contention. Japan is emphasizing the problem of plastic litter in the world’s oceans and seas, and President Emmanuel Macron of France, in a direct challenge to President Trump, has threatened not to sign any official joint statement out of the meeting that does not include an affirmation of the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

But Mr. Trump has called climate change a hoax, disputed its causes and vowed to withdraw the United States from the agreement.

In the hours before and after leaving for the summit, Mr. Trump lashed out at three nations whose leaders are attending — Germany, India and the host, Japan. He is scheduled to meet with those countries’ leaders on Friday.

The Group of 20, which is meeting in Osaka, Japan, this year, is an organization of finance ministers and central bank governors from 19 countries and the European Union. In addition to the United States and the bloc, its members include China, Japan, Germany, France, India, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Britain, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, Russia, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina and Australia.

CreditCarl Court/Getty Images

On the sidelines of the summit meeting, Mr. Trump is expected to meet several leaders. But all eyes will be on two of his conversations, in particular — with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, on Friday, and President Xi Jinping of China, on Saturday.

Mr. Trump has expressed the hope of refreshing relations with Mr. Putin. When the two meet, it will be the first time since the release of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, on Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election in the United States.

The presidents had planned to meet last year, but Mr. Trump called their meeting off at the last minute, citing Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian ships and detention of two dozen Ukrainian sailors, who remain in Russian custody. At Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin’s last formal session, in Helsinki, Finland, last year, Mr. Trump drew criticism and scorn for giving Mr. Putin’s denial of election interference equal weight to the contrary conclusion of American intelligence agencies.

Hanging over Mr. Trump’s meeting with Mr. Xi is the bitter trade standoff between the two countries; efforts to reach a deal fell apart this year. Economic, trade and security disputes have led to mutual tariffs that have put world markets on edge.

Mr. Trump is expected to meet with at least nine leaders directly. On Friday, he has scheduled talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Mr. Putin and President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. On Saturday, he is to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Xi and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.

CreditErin Schaff/The New York Times

With so many world leaders in town, Osaka is going through the intensive security drill experienced by past hosts. According to Japanese news reports, 32,000 police officers will be guarding the city, where many streets will be closed and trash cans have been sealed to keep bombs from being placed. Even the city’s red-light district will be hanging discreet curtains and curbing illicit activities.

Japanese officials are campaigning this year to reduce the amount of plastic waste that flows into the oceans. Japan’s own record is mixed. Although it has been praised for improvements in trash collection and recycling, it is also a huge driver of plastic use, and the world’s second-largest generator of plastic waste per capita.

At a Group of 7 meeting last year, Japan and the United States did not sign on to a charter aimed at reducing marine waste. Japan and many Western nations also export their trash to poorer countries that may not have sophisticated recycling systems, resulting in more plastic waste that ends up in the sea.

A group of environmental ministers met this month in Japan and agreed on a set of voluntary measures to study the problem and clean up litter, which can destroy ecosystems, interfere with shipping navigation and clog beaches. Critics have said those measures do not go far enough.

CreditPool photo by Kimimasa Mayama

By the time Mr. Xi meets Mr. Trump on Saturday, he will already have met with the leaders of Russia, India, Japan and several other nations — a choreography devised by the Chinese to portray Mr. Xi as a man of the world with enough friends to offset the animosity of the United States.

Beyond that posturing, the meeting between the two men is unlikely to do much other than offer a pause in the trade conflict between China and the United States. Mr. Trump played down the importance of securing a trade deal with China this week and threatened to impose new tariffs, suggesting there is little chance of a resolution soon to the trade war, which has bruised both nations’ economies.

The Trump administration recently blacklisted several Chinese entities, restricting their access to American technology. Most prominently, the United States banned the sale of American technology to the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, and American officials have tried to convince allies in Europe that the company is a security threat.

Chinese and Western analysts expect Mr. Xi to try to maneuver past any rough talk by Mr. Trump on trade, seeking to avoid provocation and, ultimately, to string out trade negotiations until the 2020 presidential elections in the United States have been completed.

Reporting was contributed by Michael Crowley and Motoko Rich from Osaka, Japan, and by Jane Perlez from Beijing.

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2019-06-27 21:25:18Z

China wants a 'balanced' trade deal at summit, but the US isn't interested - CNBC

One of the key issues that will be discussed between U.S. and China officials at this week's G-20 summit in Japan is getting a balanced deal.

China believes any new agreement will need to be evenhanded, while U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer told his Chinese counterparts that balance won't happen, according to CNBC's Kayla Tausche, citing a person with knowledge of the White House position.

The reason why the U.S. will not prioritize balance is because of China's past trade transgressions. Among other things, China has been accused of stealing U.S. technology.

President Donald Trump has targeted China for tariffs as he seeks level ground and to reduce the deficit the U.S. has consistently run in trade between the two sides. The deficit in 2018 stood at $419.5 billion and was already at $106.9 billion through the first four months of 2019, according to Census Bureau data.

Trump said Wednesday he would like to see a deal but is content with where things are now. "They want a deal more than I do," he told Fox Business Network.

The U.S. has levied 25% tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods and has threatened to put additional duties on the remaining $300 billion of imports.

Chinese officials have hopes that they can get some of their issues resolved since Trump has tightened the clamps on the trade issue. Among their priorities will be a lifting of the ban on the sale of U.S. technology to Huawei Technologies and to get all current tariffs dropped, CNBC has confirmed.

Trump is being joined in Osaka by multiple members of his trade team, including Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and economic advisor Peter Navarro, who has pushed for an aggressive posture with China, Tausche reported, adding that the key deputies have reached out to their Chinese counterparts.

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2019-06-27 15:11:33Z

Angela Merkel seen shaking at event in Berlin, second time in just over a week - Fox News

For the second time in just over a week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared unsteady and began visibly shaking at a public event in Berlin on Thursday, rekindling concerns about her health.

Merkel was standing alongside President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at a ceremony in Berlin where Germany's new justice minister was being formally appointed when she was seen trembling as she folded her arms across her chest.

The 64-year-old chancellor was handed a glass of water but rejected it


About a half hour later, when she arrived in parliament, Merkel appeared to be fine, according to Sky News. She then set off a few hours later to Japan for the annual summit of the Group of 20 global powers.

Angela Merkel was seen shaking at a public event for the second time in less than two weeks as she stood alongside President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at a ceremony in Berlin.

Angela Merkel was seen shaking at a public event for the second time in less than two weeks as she stood alongside President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at a ceremony in Berlin. (Kay Nietfeld/dpa via AP)

A spokesman for the German leader, Steffen Seibert, dismissed any concerns over her health, telling news agency dpa that "everything is going ahead as planned. The chancellor is fine."

Germany is currently experiencing a record-breaking heatwave that has engulfed much of Europe. German weather agency Deutscher Wetterdienst said Wednesday a preliminary reading showed it reached 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit in Coschen, Germany, near the Polish border. The new record is a tenth-of-a-degree higher than the previous national record for June, set in 1947 in southwestern Germany.

Angela Merkel was seen shaking at a public event for the second time in less than two weeks. A spokesman on Wednesday dismissed any concerns over her health, saying "the chancellor is fine."

Angela Merkel was seen shaking at a public event for the second time in less than two weeks. A spokesman on Wednesday dismissed any concerns over her health, saying "the chancellor is fine." (Kay Nietfeld/dpa via AP)

It is not publicly known if Merkel, who has led Germany since 2005, has any health problems as German privacy laws are very strict on that type of information.

But the incident came after Merkel's whole body was seen shaking last Tuesday as she stood outside in hot weather at an event in Berlin. The German leader, who is set to step down in 2021, then pursed her lips as she tried to remain steady as she stood next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Merkel dismissed concerns at the time, saying it was just dehydration and she felt fine after drinking three glasses of water that she "obviously needed."


This was not the first time Merkel has been seen shaking under similar circumstances in the hot sun, according to the dpa news agency. It did not give a date for that incident but said it was also ascribed to Merkel not drinking enough water.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, trembles strong as she and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, left, attend the national anthems as part of a military welcome ceremony in Berlin, Germany. AP Photo/Michael Sohn

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, trembles strong as she and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, left, attend the national anthems as part of a military welcome ceremony in Berlin, Germany. AP Photo/Michael Sohn (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

The chancellor has a reputation for stamina garnered in years of late-night domestic and European negotiating marathons.

On Wednesday, she was on her feet in public for around two hours for events that included answering lawmakers' questions in parliament before giving a speech across town. During that period there was no sign then of any health issues, according to the Associated Press.

Merkel has rarely had to cut back her work schedule significantly — though she did so for a few weeks in 2014 when she cracked her pelvis while cross-country skiing in Switzerland during a winter vacation.


Last year, Merkel said she won't seek a fifth term as chancellor and won't seek any other political job after her current term ends in 2021.

She gave up the leadership of her center-right party after a pair of poor state election performances that followed a rocky start to her fourth-term government. She has shown no sign since of wanting to give up the chancellorship before her term is up.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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2019-06-27 13:55:16Z

Iran warns US against 'repeating mistake' of violating borders - Aljazeera.com

Iran's parliamentary speaker has warned the United States against violating the country's borders, cautioning such a move would draw a "stronger" reaction than the downing of a US drone a week ago.

In comments carried by Iran's semiofficial Tasnim news agency on Thursday, Speaker Ali Larijani said the shootdown of the unmanned aerial vehicle was "a good experience for them to avoid any aggression".

"Iran's reaction will be stronger if they repeat their mistake of violating our borders," Larijani said.

Tehran said the Global Hawk surveillance drone was in its territory when it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile on June 20. Washington rebuffed that claim, saying the aircraft was in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz when it was hit.

US President Donald Trump ordered retaliatory attacks on Iranian installations over the incident - which marked the first direct Iranian-claimed attack on US assets amid an escalating crisis between the two powers - before calling them off at the last minute.

Trump later said too many people would have died had the attacks gone ahead.

Also on Thursday, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned that Trump was mistaken in thinking a war between their countries would not last long.

"'Short war' with Iran is an illusion," Zarif wrote on Twitter a day after Trump said he did not want a war with Iran but warned that if fighting did break out, it "wouldn't last very long".

War of words

The war of words between Washington and Tehran has since escalated, with Trump this week threatening Iran's "obliteration" after President Hassan Rouhani called the White House's actions "mentally retarded".

On Wednesday, Trump said any war between Iran and the US would be swift, but reiterated his desire to avoid a military confrontation.

The US leader has been a frequent critic of Iran's leaders, accusing them of sowing disorder and unrest in the Middle East.

INSIDE STORY: Will the US attack Iran? (25:51)

Tehran, meanwhile, has accused Trump's administration of "economic terrorism" and "psychological warfare" over Washington's application of punishing sanctions after Trump withdrew from an historic nuclear deal with world powers.

Under the 2015 agreement, Iran agreed to scale back its nuclear programme in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

Tehran said earlier this month it would breach the limit of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium mandated under the deal by Thursday, and threatened to take further steps on July 7 to increase uranium enrichment purity levels over the 3.67 percent limit set in the agreement.

Citing unnamed diplomats, the Reuters agency reported Iran was still short of the cap on enriched uranium, however, but was on course to reach that limit at the weekend.


On Wednesday, the UN nuclear watchdog verified Iran had roughly 200kg of low-enriched uranium, below the deal's 202.8kg limit, three diplomats who follow the agency's work told Reuters.

US-European talks

Tehran's announced plan to breach the deal was widely interpreted as a bid to ramp up pressure on the agreement's remaining signatories - the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia - to deliver protection from the US sanctions for Iran's faltering economy.

Iran's European partners are expected to announce a multimillion-dollar credit line at a summit in the Austria's capital, Vienna, on Friday.

The credit line is aimed at keeping alive economic ties between European governments and Tehran by helping a special mechanism establish a route for trade between Iran and the West, unnamed officials told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

Amid European efforts to salvage the deal, US officials also launched a diplomatic campaign to rally their allies in the face of the escalating crisis.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo jetted to the Middle East on Monday to meet leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Gulf Arab states that favour the toughest possible line against Iran.

On Thursday, the US special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, will meet British, German and French officials in Paris for talks.


Hook is expected to receive a frosty reception from Washington's European allies, who support the nuclear deal and believe Trump's decision to quit the accord was a mistake that has strengthened Iran's hardline faction, weakened its pragmatists, and raised the prospect of open conflict in the Middle East.

Since quitting the deal, Trump has deployed more military assets to the region along with thousands of additional troops.

The moves coincided with a series of mysterious attacks on oil assets in the Gulf that Washington has blamed on Tehran, which has in turn repeatedly denied responsibility for the explosions.

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2019-06-27 14:30:00Z