Selasa, 11 Juni 2019

Iran Frees US Resident Held for Three Years - RealClearPolitics


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Iran has released a U.S. permanent resident and Lebanese citizen charged with spying for the United States, according to his attorney.

Nizar Zakka, a 52-year-old IT expert who lived for years in Washington, D.C., was handed over Tuesday to Lebanese officials in Tehran and is expected to arrive in Beirut within hours.

Zakka was imprisoned in Iran for the past 3 ½ years and faced a 10-year sentence and a $4.2 million fine for allegedly spying -- charges human rights activists and U.S. officials vigorously deny.

His release has been billed as a gesture of goodwill between Iran and Lebanon. It’s unclear what role, if any, U.S. officials played in the negotiations and what Zakka’s release portends for several other Americans who remain behind bars in Iran.

“After more than 1,350 days in captivity in Iran, we have received excellent news: Mr. Nizar Zakka is a free man,” attorney Jason Poblete said in a statement. “Nizar looks forward to reuniting with family and friends. Nizar expresses his sincerest thanks to those who never forgot him.”

“Nizar also wants to remind those who can help that there remain many Americans, [U.S. permanent legal residents], and other foreigners in Iranian prisons,” Poblete added. “Nizar grew close to some of these men; they need help and want to come home.”

During a news conference Tuesday, Iran Judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaeeli said Zakka’s release was not politically motivated and came about because Iranian law allows for a “conditional release” of prisoners who serve one-third of their confinement, demonstrate good behavior during that period and pledge not to commit crimes after their release.

“This is a totally judicial process without any political stances or [prisoner] exchange being considered,” Esmaeeli said.

Iran granted Zakka’s freedom amid escalated tensions between it and the United States. Although both Washington and Tehran have tried to tamp down talk of a military clash, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday warned the U.S. that it “cannot expect to stay safe” after what he described as an economic war being waged against his nation.

State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus dismissed Zarif’s threats as “typical behavior” from the Iranian government as it struggles to deal with the Trump administration’s campaign of economic and diplomatic pressure.

“We aren’t impressed,” she said during a press briefing Monday. “Iran faces a simple choice: It can either behave like a normal nation or watch its economy crumble.”

Ortagus separately responded to reporters’ questions about Zakka’s impending release, saying only: “We certainly hope these reports that he has been released are accurate.” 

Fars, the Iranian news agency, reported Monday that Zakka was being released out of respect for Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, which the United States regards as a terrorist organization.

Zakka’s family on Thursday issued a statement heralding a breakthrough in negotiations between Iranian and Lebanese officials to release him and offered their “deepest gratitude” to Lebanese President Michael Aoun and Gen. Abbas Ibrahim on their “outstanding efforts to bring Nizar home safely.”

Zakka was arrested on espionage charges in September 2015 after participating in a government-sponsored Tehran conference on women and sustainable development. His family and human rights activists vigorously deny the spying charges and point out that he had been invited to participate in the conference by Shahindokht Molaverdi, Iran’s then-vice president for women and family affairs.

After initial media reports that he would be freed began surfacing last week, a State Department spokesperson welcomed the news but called the negotiations a “matter between Lebanon and Iran.”

However, that statement runs counter to a direct quote from Zarif during a visit to Lebanon in 2016. “What happened with Mr. Zakka is not a problem between Iran and Lebanon, seeing as the problem was the violation of the applicable laws in Iran by a foreigner, and the problem is actually between the United States and Iran,” the Iranian foreign minister said at the time.

Indeed, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been well versed on Zakka’s plight since at least the fall of 2016 when he mentioned his “unlawful detention” by Iran during a speech on the House floor while Pompeo was still a member of Congress.

“His only crime was to bring greater internet access to the women of Iran,” Pompeo said of Zakka at the time.

Since then, Congress has passed at least six different measures calling on Iran to release Zakka and several other imprisoned Americans, including Siamak Namazi and his father, Baquer, both dual U.S.-Iranian nationals; Princeton University graduate student Xiyue Wang; and former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who was last seen on Iran’s Kish Island in 2007 and is the longest held hostage in American history.

Jared Genser, a human rights lawyer who represents the Namazis, said Zakka is a U.S. green-card holder and a Lebanese citizen so the negotiations were between Lebanon and Iran.

“It’s obviously great news for Zakka and his family and came about as a result of the Lebanese government consulting with Iran,” Genser told RCP. “… It’s neither going to help nor hurt efforts to secure the release of the Namazis, my clients.”

In 2017, President Trump included in a speech to the United Nations a demand that Iran release all U.S. prisoners and others unjustly detained there.

The following May, Trump withdrew the U.S. form the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal aimed at rolling back Tehran’s nuclear program. Pompeo then announced a new “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, articulating 12 demands, including that Iran end its nuclear weapons and advanced ballistic missile programs, release hostages, stop supporting terrorism and cease its destabilizing activities in the Middle East.

In April two influential Democratic senators, Tim Kaine and Chris Coons, both senior members of the Foreign Relations Committee, sent a letter to Trump imploring him to use sanctions relief for countries that want to do business with Iran as leverage to secure the release of Americans unjustly imprisoned there.

Zakka has undergone several hunger strikes during his imprisonment to protest his open-ended detainment.  At one point, his family released an audio recording to this reporter in which Zakka claimed his innocence on the spying charges and explained that he had visited Iran on a visa provided by the Iranian government.

"I came to [Iran] based on the official invitation of its vice president for women and family affairs, who also happened to send me a visa to speak at her conference," he said in a July 2017 audio recording taped from inside Iran's notorious Evin prison. "This is against all international laws, therefore I went on an ongoing hunger strike as of yesterday—and ongoing until my death or freedom."

Last September, Molaverdi, the Iranian official who invited him to the conference, told the Associated Press that the government had “failed” to help Zakka and acknowledged the limits Iran’s civilian government faces when challenging the decisions of its judiciary.

In early April, Omar Zakka, Zakka’s son, met with Pompeo and other senior Trump administration officials in Washington and appealed to Lebanese authorities to help negotiate his father’s release.

The meeting came the same week Pompeo met privately with family members of several Americans detained abroad and urged them not to abandon hope. He reiterated his previous statements that freeing their loved ones remains a priority for President Trump but said paying ransoms was not an option to facilitate their freedom.

The Trump administration has continued to reiterate a policy of not paying ransom after Republicans widely criticized the Obama administration for $1.7 billion in cash payments the U.S. made to Iran in early 2016, $400 million of which was timed to ensure the release of four American hostages.

Zakka and the Namazis were left behind in that exchange, and GOP lawmakers have argued that Iran was motivated to continue detaining them in order to extract more cash out of the U.S.

In a related development, Iran has revoked the press accreditation for the New York Times correspondent based in Tehran without explanation, barring him from working for the past four months, the newspaper reported Tuesday. A  Times editor, however, said there are some signs the issue could soon be resolved.

Susan Crabtree is RealClearPolitics' White House/national political correspondent.

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2019-06-11 12:10:00Z

Hong Kong Sets Date for Vote on Extradition Bill Despite Outcry - The New York Times

HONG KONG — The head of Hong Kong’s legislature said that lawmakers must vote by the end of next week on a contentious bill that would allow extraditions to China, rejecting demands for a delay despite mass protests over the weekend opposing the legislation.

The decision, announced Tuesday by the president of the Legislative Council, Andrew Leung, was set to further inflame tensions in Hong Kong, a semiautonomous Chinese territory, after hundreds of thousands of people turned out on Sunday for one of the largest protests in the city’s recent history.

Residents were planning protests, strikes and a transportation slowdown for Wednesday, when lawmakers are set to debate the bill. The city’s police force said no violence would be tolerated at any public events, and The South China Morning Post, a local newspaper, reported that thousands of additional officers had been mobilized.

[Why are people protesting in Hong Kong? Catch up here.]

Mr. Leung said that the bill would go to a vote on June 20 after 66 hours of debate, adding “the case is pressing and has to be handled as soon as possible.” The measure is likely to pass in the local legislature, where pro-Beijing lawmakers hold 43 of 70 seats.

Opposition lawmakers had expected the vote to take place around the end of the month, based on a regular schedule of meetings twice a week. Mr. Leung’s decision to add more meetings in the coming days in order to bring the date of the vote forward quickly drew criticism.

Billy Li, a barrister and representative of the Progressive Lawyers Group, said he was angered by the decision to accelerate the vote after what he described as a record-breaking demonstration on Sunday.

“The Legislative Council, as a body that regulates the government, not only failed to respond to the dissenting voices of the people but rather accelerated the situation,” Mr. Li said. “It is not willing to allow the people to understand the case but is hastily forcing the public to accept it.”

The demonstrations on Wednesday were expected to be smaller than the march held on Sunday, in which up to a million people, or one-seventh of the territory’s population, paraded through the city in an overwhelmingly peaceful protest.

By Tuesday afternoon, various labor groups, businesses and student organizations across the city had announced plans to demonstrate their opposition to the extradition bill. Small businesses, including restaurants and bookstores, said they would close their doors; high school students and as many as 4,000 of their teachers planned a walkout; and a union for bus drivers urged members to drive well below the speed limit.

The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong called the situation “extremely turbulent” and urged the government not to hurriedly pass the extradition bill “before adequately addressing the queries and worries of the legal sector and of the general public.”

An online petition called for 50,000 people to protest outside the Legislative Council on Wednesday, as the legislature prepared for its second debate on the proposed law. On Tuesday, the council said it would restrict access to a nearby area that is typically reserved for demonstrations.

Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, said on Monday that she had no intention of withdrawing the extradition bill despite the public outrage.

“We were doing it, and we are still doing it, out of our clear conscience, and our commitment to Hong Kong,” Ms. Lam told reporters.

The bill that has led to the protests would allow Hong Kong to detain and transfer people wanted in countries and territories with which it has no formal extradition agreements, including Taiwan and the Chinese mainland.

Ms. Lam has said the new law is urgently needed to prosecute a Hong Kong man who is wanted in Taiwan for the murder of his girlfriend. But the authorities in Taiwan, a self-governed island claimed by Beijing, say they would not agree to the extradition arrangement because it would treat Taiwan as part of China.

Critics contend that the law would allow virtually anyone in the city to be picked up and detained in mainland China, where judges must follow the orders of the ruling Communist Party. They fear the new law would target not just criminal suspects but political activists as well.

Willy Lam, an expert on Chinese politics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said the decision to accelerate the vote was probably made in the hope that it would bring a quick resolution and prevent public anger from building further.

“The government has good reason to hurry through the legislation in as short a time as possible,” Mr. Lam said. Otherwise, it could face larger groups of residents united by their opposition to the bill, “by which time things might get out of control.”

But the Hong Kong government’s refusal to back down on the legislation or delay deliberations will hurt its credibility in the long term, Mr. Lam said. “It will demonstrate that the administration is out of tune with public opinion.”

Katherine Li contributed reporting.

Follow Tiffany May on Twitter: @nytmay.

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2019-06-11 10:56:15Z

Kim Jong Un's Slain Half Brother Accused Of Being A Spy - NPR

A man believed to be Kim Jong-Nam is surrounded by journalists upon his arrival at Beijing's capital airport, in February 2007. AFP/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

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Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of the North Korean leader who was killed in a nerve-agent attack allegedly ordered by Pyongyang, had been working with the CIA prior to his death, according to The Wall Street Journal and a new book by a Washington Post reporter.

The Journal, in a story published Monday, cites "a person knowledgeable about the matter" as saying that Kim Jong Nam, who was living in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory of Macau in the years before his death, had "met on several occasions with [CIA] operatives."

Washington Post correspondent Anna Fifield, in a book published Tuesday, makes a similar assertion, citing "someone with knowledge of the intelligence who spoke on condition of anonymity."

Although a link between Kim Jong Nam and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has been previously rumored, the Journal and the new book offer more concrete evidence and specificity.

The North Korean leader "would have considered [Kim Jong Nam] talking to American spies a treacherous act," Fifield writes in The Great Successor, "But Kim Jong Nam provided information to them, meeting his handlers in Singapore and Malaysia."

In February 2017, Kim Jong Nam was attacked by two women in an airport in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, who smeared VX nerve agent on his face. The women, one an Indonesian national and another from Vietnam, said after their arrest that they had been paid for the attack, which they thought was part of television show prank.

According to the Journal, "Police testified during the trial of the two women that Mr. Kim had spent several days on the resort island of Langkawi, where he met with an unknown Korean-American man at a hotel."

"Mr. Kim traveled to Malaysia in February 2017 to meet his CIA contact, although that may not have been the sole purpose of the trip," the newspaper said, citing its anonymous source.

Fifield writes that on his last trip to Malaysia, Kim Jong Nam was seen on security footage in a hotel elevator "with an Asian-looking man who was reported to be an American intelligence agent." After the attack, the backpack Kim Jong Nam had been carrying was found to contain $120,000 in cash, according to Fifield.

As the first-born son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il who died in 2011, Kim Jong Nam was once thought to be next in line in the dynastic succession. However, he reportedly fell out of favor with his father.

In his final years, Kim Jong Nam reportedly lived a playboy lifestyle and developed a passion for gambling that was fueled by the many casinos in his adopted home of Macau, known as "Asia's Las Vegas."

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2019-06-11 10:36:00Z

Iran says it will release U.S. permanent resident Nizar Zakka - NBC News

Iran said Tuesday it will release a Lebanese man with permanent U.S. residency who has been imprisoned since 2015 on spying charges that his family has dismissed as baseless.

Nizar Zakka in 2013.Courtesy of Friends of Nizar Zakka group via AP

IT expert Nizar Zakka, 52, was arrested in Tehran in September 2015 after being invited by the Iranian government to attend a conference. He had been living in Washington, D.C.

Iranian judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said Tuesday that Iran will hand Zakka over to Lebanese officials. The comment was the first official confirmation that Zakka would be sent back to Lebanon.

The U.S. had protested his imprisonment and called for his release.

With tensions rising between Tehran and the Trump administration, and as U.S. sanctions squeeze the Iranian economy, Zakka’s release could signal a potential opening in the standoff.

The move comes against the backdrop of a flurry of diplomatic activity by U.S. allies aimed at lowering the temperature between the two adversaries. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas met his Iranian counterpart on Monday in Tehran and Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was due to fly to Tehran on Wednesday.

June 9, 201901:23

It’s unclear if Zakka’s release could open the door to the release of other foreigners held by Iran, including several Americans.

Although Iran in recent weeks has portrayed Zakka’s case as an issue between Iran and Lebanon, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in 2016 said it was a problem primarily between Tehran and Washington. The Trump administration has cited the imprisonment of foreigners as one of a number of practices and policies that Tehran must stop to open the way for negotiations and an end to sanctions.

Zakka ran the Arab ICT Organization, an industry consortium that promotes information technology and internet freedom in Arab countries. Zakka was arrested on the way to the airport by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and was later sentenced to 10 years in prison on espionage charges in a closed-door trial.

In an interview last year, an adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Shahindokht Molaverdi, expressed regret at Zakka’s imprisonment after she invited him to a conference and blamed it on the hard-line judiciary and limited authority of the civilian government.

“This is in no way approved by the government,” Molaverdi told the Associated Press. “We did all we could to stop this from happening, but we are seeing that we have failed to make a significant impact.”

Zakka's family and human rights groups have dismissed the allegations as without any foundation.

At least 11 dual and foreign nationals, or Iranian citizens with foreign residencies, not including Zakka, are imprisoned in Iran as of this month, according to the Center for Human Rights in Iran.

Those imprisoned include Siamak Namazi, an Iranian-American businessman, and his elderly father Baquer Namazi, a former UNICEF official; Xiyue Wang, an American graduate student from Princeton University; Morad Tahbaz, who has U.S., British and Iranian citizenship and was detained along with other environmental activists; and Michael White, a U.S. Navy veteran.

In early May, the U.S. ramped up economic pressure against Iran, threatening sanctions against any country that imports Iranian oil.

Zarif said Monday that the U.S. could not “expect to stay safe,” after launching what he called an economic war against Iran.

"Whoever starts a war with us will not be the one who finishes it," Zarif said at a news conference with Maas.

Iran threatened in late May to quadruple their production of enriched uranium unless Europe found a way to provide economic relief from U.S. sanctions.

One year after the U.S. withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, Maas traveled to Tehran to try to rescue the accord from failing entirely.

The head of the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, said Monday that Iran has in recent weeks increased its production of enriched uranium. But he said it was unclear when the country’s stockpile would surpass the set limits of the deal and expressed concern about the increased tension surrounding the issue.

State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said the increased production shows that “Iran is going in the wrong direction, and it underscores the continuing challenge Iran poses to international peace and security.”

Associated Press contributed.

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2019-06-11 08:38:00Z

Half-brother of North Korea's Kim was a CIA informant: Report -

Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, who was killed in Malaysia in 2017, had been an informant for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper cited an unnamed "person knowledgeable about the matter" for the claim and said many details of Kim Jong Nam's relationship with the US spy agency remained unclear.

It quoted the person as saying there was "a nexus" between the CIA and Kim Jong Nam, Reuters reported.

The news agency could not independently confirm the story.

Kim Jong Nam's role as a CIA informant is also mentioned in a new book about Kim Jong Un, The Great Successor, by Washington Post reporter Anna Fifield that is due to be published on Tuesday.

According to Fifield, Kim Jong Nam usually met his handlers in Singapore and Malaysia, citing a source with knowledge of the intelligence.

The book says that security camera footage from Kim's last trip to Malaysia showed him in a hotel lift with an Asian-looking man who was reported to be a US intelligence agent. It said Kim's backpack contained $120,000 in cash, which could have been payment for intelligence-related activities, or earnings from his casino businesses.

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The former officials told the Wall Street Journal that Kim Jong Nam had almost certainly been in contact with security services from other countries, particularly China.

South Korean and US officials have said North Korea ordered the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, who had been critical of his family's dynastic rule and was thought to live mostly in Macau. The North has denied the allegation.

Two women - from Indonesia and Vietnam - were charged with poisoning Kim Jong Nam by smearing his face with liquid VX, a banned chemical weapon, in the budget terminal of Kuala Lumpur's international airport in February 2017.

Both were released this year after murder charges were dropped.

According to the Journal, Kim Jong Nam was in Malaysia to meet his CIA contact, although that may not have been the sole purpose of the trip.

US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un have met twice, in Hanoi in February and Singapore last June, but have failed to agree on a deal on North Korea abandoning its nuclear and missile programmes.

SOURCE: Reuters news agency

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2019-06-11 07:24:00Z

Dow futures rise triple digits despite Trump's China tariff threat - CNBC

U.S. stock index futures rallied again early Tuesday morning despite comments from President Donald Trump on trade war with China.

Around 5:50 a.m. ET, Dow futures indicated a positive open of more than 130 points. Futures of S&P and Nasdaq were also seen higher.

President Donald Trump told CNBC on Monday that if Chinese President Xi Jinping does not attend the G-20 meeting later this month, the U.S. would immediately impose additional duties on Chinese goods.

The U.S. president also defended his approach of slapping tariffs on international partners, saying tariffs are putting the U.S. "at a tremendous competitive advantage."

"The China deal is going to work out. You know why? Because of tariffs," Trump told CNBC. "Right now, China is getting absolutely decimated by companies that are leaving China, going to other countries, including our own, because they don't want to pay the tariffs."

On the earnings front, the calendar is quite thin with only H&R Block and Dave & Buster's due to report.

Meanwhile, investors will be looking ahead to the release of the the National Federation of Independent Business survey at 6 a.m. ET as well as of the latest producer price index numbers at 8:30 a.m.

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2019-06-11 06:51:23Z

Dow futures slightly higher despite Trump's warning on China tariffs - CNBC

U.S. stock index futures were slightly higher Tuesday morning despite comments from President Donald Trump on trade war with China.

At around 01:36 a.m. ET, Dow futures rose 45 points, indicating a positive open of more than 59 points. Futures of S&P and Nasdaq were also seen slightly higher.

President Donald Trump told CNBC on Monday that if Chinese President Xi Jinping does not attend the G-20 meeting later this month, there will be additional duties on Chinese goods. This would take effect immediately.

The U.S. President also defended his approach of imposing tariffs on international partners, saying these are putting the U.S. "at a tremendous competitive advantage."

"The China deal is going to work out. You know why? Because of tariffs," Trump told CNBC. "Right now, China is getting absolutely decimated by companies that are leaving China, going to other countries, including our own, because they don't want to pay the tariffs."

On the earnings front, the calendar is quite thin with only H&R Block and Dave & Buster's due to report.

Meanwhile, investors will be looking ahead to the release of the NFIB survey at 6 a.m. ET as well as of the latest PPI numbers at 8:30 a.m.

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2019-06-11 06:36:29Z