Rabu, 29 Mei 2019

Boris Johnson Is Ordered To Face Accusations That He Lied To The Public - NPR

Boris Johnson must appear in court to face accusations that he lied to the public about the costs of being in the European Union. He's seen here on Monday, arriving at his girlfriend's home in London. Peter Summers/Getty Images hide caption

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A British court is ordering Boris Johnson to face accusations that while holding public office, he lied in order to sway voter opinion on Brexit. The case was brought by a "private prosecutor" who says Johnson abused the public's trust while holding official posts.

Johnson has quickly emerged as a front-runner to replace Prime Minister Theresa May, who is resigning next month. But with today's ruling, he must also face charges of misconduct in public office. The case was brought by Marcus Ball — who has raised more than $300,000 to fund his effort.

Ball says Johnson is guilty of "misleading the public by endorsing and making statements about the cost of European Union Membership, which he knew to be false."

Johnson is currently a member of Parliament. He resigned as the U.K's foreign secretary last summer, in a protest against May's plans to leave the European Union. He has also served as London's mayor.

Johnson has repeatedly made the false claim that Britain paid £350 million each week to be in the European Union. The claim was famously touted on a Vote Leave campaign bus during the run-up to the Brexit vote.

In 2017, the head of the U.K.'s Statistics Authority sent Johnson a letter expressing his disappointment and telling Johnson it was "a clear misuse of official statistics" to say leaving the EU would free up £350 million (more than $440 million) weekly to spend on national healthcare.

In 2018, Johnson acknowledged that the figure was inaccurate — but he said it was "grossly underestimated."

On his crowdfunding page, Ball stresses that he's not trying to stop Brexit from happening. Instead, he's targeting what he sees as the real threat facing society: lying, particularly the falsehoods that flow from those in power.

"Lying in politics is the biggest problem. It is far more important than Brexit and certainly a great deal older," Ball wrote. "Historically speaking, lying in politics has assisted in starting wars, misleading voters and destroying public trust in the systems of democracy and government."

He added, "When politicians lie, democracy dies."

Ball says he wants to set a precedent by making it illegal for an elected official to lie about financial matters. If he's successful, he says, the case could have a wide ripple effect.

"Because of how the English common law works it's possible that such a precedent could be internationally persuasive by influencing the law in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Canada and India."

In Britain's legal system, private prosecutions can be started by any person or company with the time and money to do so.

As the London-based law firm Edmonds Marshall McMahon (which was once involved in Ball's case) states, "Other than the fact the prosecution is brought by a private individual or company, for all other purposes they proceed in exactly the same way as if the prosecution had been brought by the Crown."

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2019-05-29 13:18:00Z

Jared Kushner aims to build support for 'deal of the century' with Mideast trip - NBC News

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By F. Brinley Bruton and Lawahez Jabari

LONDON — Jared Kushner is traveling in the Middle East this week to drum up support for President Donald Trump's long-awaited Israel-Palestinian peace plan.

But the Trump senior adviser's trip takes place as the U.S prepares to unveil the economic portion of the “deal of the century” at a conference in Bahrain next month and could not come at a worse time.

Not only does Kushner’s team face near-unanimous Palestinian condemnation, he's looking at an uphill battle in winning widespread support across the Middle East.

And if that weren’t enough, Kushner is flying straight into an unprecedented impasse in Israeli politics that will undoubtedly distract from sealing a deal.

'A completely insane position'

After a short stop in Jordan on Wednesday, Kushner is set to visit Israel on Thursday — but who will he speaking to? The parliament has been dissolved ahead of a midnight deadline to see if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can form a coalition government, a task that looks increasingly difficult since one of his most prominent potential coalition partners broke with him.

If Netanyahu fails, Israel will hold its second election of the year.

“In next few hours there might not be a government — we’ve gotten into a completely insane position,” said Yossi Mekelberg, a professor of international relations at Regent's University in London. “This is not about the Palestinians anymore.”

The dissolution of the Knesset could stop attempts by Netanyahu’s Likud party to grant him immunity from prosecution.

Netanyahu hasn't yet been indicted but Israel's attorney general announced in February that he plans to do so in the wake of a two-year corruption investigation. Netanyahu denies wrongdoing.

Feb. 28, 201901:01

The situation leaves Israeli politicians with little bandwidth to engage, as well as diminished authority.

On Monday, Trump tweeted his support for Netanyahu, who is perhaps the president's closest ally on the international stage.

No way, Palestinians say

Little is known about the deal that Kushner and envoy Jason Greenblatt have been working on for more than two years, but their public statements indicate the plan relies heavily on economic solutions, and not political ones.

Palestinian President Mahmoud AbbasMajdi Mohammed / Reuters file

The Palestinians have repeatedly spelled out they aren't even coming into the shop to see what Kushner is selling.

"The 'deal of the century' or the deal of shame will go to hell, with God's will, and the economic project they are working on next month will go to hell too," Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said earlier this week. "Whoever wants to solve the Palestinian issue must start with the political issue, not by selling the illusions of billions" of dollars.

The borders of a Palestinian state, the status of Jerusalem, the future of Palestinian refugees, and Israeli security demands are all longstanding priorities for Palestinian leaders.

While a two-state solution is broadly supported by the international community, recent comments by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have thrown into question U.S. support for the concept.

To make matters worse, the Palestinians aren’t even on speaking terms with Washington after their leadership cut ties in response to Trump's decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in 2017.

The Trump administration has also halted funding for UNRWA, the United Nations agency that has supported Palestinian refugees for seven decades, and other projects — deepening the hardship and desperation of millions of Palestinians in the blockaded Gaza Strip, and occupied east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

“We can build our own country,” said Sam Bahour, a Palestinian-American business consultant based in Ramallah in the West Bank. “The only thing that is stopping us from doing that is getting the Israelis to remove this occupation so we have a chance to build our economy.”

Despite dire financial straits faced by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, many experts agree that prioritizing economic development without a political framework that addresses basic Palestinian demands for human and other rights and an independent state will not work.

Palestinian demonstrators hurl rocks at Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip on May 15.Said Khatib / AFP - Getty Images file

"It seems as though the administration will turn around after this workshop [in Bahrain] and say it failed because the Palestinians did not come to the table,” Bahour said. “But there is no table there, the U.S. administration took the table away when they took Jerusalem off the table, and they tried to take the refugee issue off the table.”

Gulf monarchies warm, Arab public cool

Kushner has succeeded in bringing an unprecedented amount of Arab support for the idea of a deal. That next month's conference is being held in an Arab country — Bahrain — is significant in itself given than not a single Gulf monarchy has official diplomatic relations with Israel. However, Israel's neighbors Egypt and Jordan have not confirmed they will attend, and China and Russia are skipping the event.

But Anwar Gargash, the minister of state for foreign affairs in the United Arab Emirates, recently told journalists that "dialogue with Israel is a positive thing."

And the editor-in-chief of the Arab News — a Saudi newspaper with close ties to the country's ruling royal family — recently urged the Palestinians to give the Trump plan a chance.

March 28, 201906:13

But support from Gulf monarchies only goes so far, and many countries in the region are in a serious bind, according to Jonathan Eyal, international director at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based think tank.

Heavily reliant on the U.S. for political and military support, countries like Jordan will find it difficult to say no to the invitation to Kushner's conference, Eyal said. But the Palestinian issue resonates deeply with the Arab public and it is tricky for leaders to embrace a plan that does not promise a Palestinian state.

"Relations between Arab monarchies and Israel are flourishing, but the reality is they are flourishing behind the scenes, under the table," Eyal said. "There is a simple explanation for that ... in public policy terms and reputational terms, such contact with Israel will do nothing for the credibility of Arab governments. What does that tell us? It tells us in practical terms it would be difficult to get a deal which pacifies the Middle East without answering the Palestinian question.”

Brinley Bruton reported from London, and Lawahez Jabari from Jerusalem.

Paul Goldman, Associated Press and Reuters contributed.

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2019-05-29 12:57:00Z

Iran 'almost certainly' sabotaged ships off UAE, Bolton says - Fox News

U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday that ships sabotaged off the United Arab Emirates coast were attacked “almost certainly by Iran” and warned that the U.S. would strike back if attacked.

Bolton made the comments to journalists in Abu Dhabi ahead of planned meetings with Emirati officials. His statement echoes Pentagon officials who said Friday that Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were directly responsible for attacks on the tankers.


“The attack against the shipping in Fujairah we attribute it to the IRGC,” said Rear Admiral Michael Gilday, the director of the Joint Staff. He added that the Pentagon attributed limpet mines used in the attack to the IRGC.

Bolton said that the U.S. hasn’t seen any further attacks by the Iranian regime after the Trump administration dispatched an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States,” Bolton said.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States.”

— John Bolton

Iran called Bolton’s accusations “laughable” while the country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said, “We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war,” according to Russian state media.

He noted that “certain elements” in the Trump administration are advocating for war with Iran, but said conflict would be “catastrophic” for the Middle East and insisted that the regime seeks peace.

“We know that there are certain elements and people who are trying to push the United States to war with Iran for their own ends. However, we hope that wisdom will prevail in Washington,” he said.

“We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war.”

— Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have been brewing after the U.S. intelligence indicated that there are unspecified threats to U.S. interests. Trump said Friday that the U.S. will deploy an additional 1,500 troops to the region.


In addition, all non-essential U.S. staff at the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Iraq were forced to leave, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggesting that Iranian-backed militia groups moved their rockets near bases housing American personnel.

The Iranian regime, meanwhile, responded with threats to back away from the 2015 nuclear deal that sought to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. The regime set a July 7 deadline for Europe to offer better terms to the unraveling nuclear deal, otherwise, it will resume enrichment closer to weapons level.

Trump withdrew from the agreement amid criticism that the deal didn’t do enough to limit Iran’s nuclear program, nor did it address Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Bolton accused Iran of wanting to back away from the deal with other world powers because the regime wants to produce nuclear weapons.


“There’s no reason for them to do any of that unless that’s part of an effort to reduce the breakout time to produce nuclear weapons,” he said. “That’s a very serious issue if they continue to do that.”

“This is just more graphic evidence that it hasn’t constrained their continuing desire to have nuclear weapons,” Bolton added. “It certainly hasn’t reduced their terrorist activities in the region that we just discussed or their other malign behavior in their use of conventional forces.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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2019-05-29 12:17:18Z

Iran 'almost certainly' sabotaged ships off UAE, Bolton says - Fox News

U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday that ships sabotaged off the United Arab Emirates coast were attacked “almost certainly by Iran” and warned that the U.S. would strike back if attacked.

Bolton made the comments to journalists in Abu Dhabi ahead of planned meetings with Emirati officials. His statement echoes Pentagon officials who said Friday that Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were directly responsible for attacks on the tankers.


“The attack against the shipping in Fujairah we attribute it to the IRGC,” said Rear Admiral Michael Gilday, the director of the Joint Staff. He added that the Pentagon attributed limpet mines used in the attack to the IRGC.

Bolton said that the U.S. hasn’t seen any further attacks by the Iranian regime after the Trump administration dispatched an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States,” Bolton said.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States.”

— John Bolton

Iran called Bolton’s accusations “laughable” while the country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said, “We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war,” according to Russian state media.

He noted that “certain elements” in the Trump administration are advocating for war with Iran, but said conflict would be “catastrophic” for the Middle East and insisted that the regime seeks peace.

“We know that there are certain elements and people who are trying to push the United States to war with Iran for their own ends. However, we hope that wisdom will prevail in Washington,” he said.

“We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war.”

— Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have been brewing after the U.S. intelligence indicated that there are unspecified threats to U.S. interests. Trump said Friday that the U.S. will deploy an additional 1,500 troops to the region.


In addition, all non-essential U.S. staff at the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Iraq were forced to leave, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggesting that Iranian-backed militia groups moved their rockets near bases housing American personnel.

The Iranian regime, meanwhile, responded with threats to back away from the 2015 nuclear deal that sought to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. The regime set a July 7 deadline for Europe to offer better terms to the unraveling nuclear deal, otherwise, it will resume enrichment closer to weapons level.

Trump withdrew from the agreement amid criticism that the deal didn’t do enough to limit Iran’s nuclear program, nor did it address Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Bolton accused Iran of wanting to back away from the deal with other world powers because the regime wants to produce nuclear weapons.


“There’s no reason for them to do any of that unless that’s part of an effort to reduce the breakout time to produce nuclear weapons,” he said. “That’s a very serious issue if they continue to do that.”

“This is just more graphic evidence that it hasn’t constrained their continuing desire to have nuclear weapons,” Bolton added. “It certainly hasn’t reduced their terrorist activities in the region that we just discussed or their other malign behavior in their use of conventional forces.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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2019-05-29 11:58:44Z

Boris Johnson Is Summoned to Court Over Brexit Claims - The New York Times

LONDON — Boris Johnson, the front-runner to replace Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, was ordered on Wednesday to appear in court for a preliminary hearing over allegations that he lied to the public during the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Mr. Johnson, a former foreign secretary under Mrs. May, has been accused of misconduct in public office over several claims, including the implication that Britain paid 350 million pounds, or $440 million, every week to the European Union for the country’s membership.

The £350 million figure was a central theme of the pro-Brexit campaign, which promised to invest that amount into the nation’s health service should Britain vote to leave the bloc.

The prosecution of Mr. Johnson was made possible by the businessman Marcus Ball, who raised more than £200,000 pounds to provide the financial backing to pursue the case. Mr. Ball’s lawyers said that Mr. Johnson’s conduct had been both “irresponsible and dishonest.”

No one from Mr. Johnson’s office could immediately be reached for comment. But he has denied wrongdoing, and his lawyers have argued that the case was a political stunt by opponents of Brexit.

In a written ruling, District Judge Margot Coleman of Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London said that Mr. Johnson should be summoned to court, while noting that the accusations had not been proven and she had not made any findings of the fact.

“Having considered all the relevant factors, I am satisfied that this is a proper case to issue the summons as requested for the three offenses as drafted,” Judge Coleman said. “This means the proposed defendant will be required to attend this court for a preliminary hearing, and the case will then be sent to the Crown Court for trial.”

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2019-05-29 11:34:27Z

Boris Johnson Is Summoned to Court Over Brexit Claims - The New York Times

LONDON — Boris Johnson, the front-runner to replace Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, was ordered on Wednesday to appear in court for a preliminary hearing over allegations that he lied to the public during the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Mr. Johnson, a former foreign secretary under Mrs. May, has been accused of misconduct in public office over several claims, including the inference that Britain paid 350 million pounds, or $440 million, every week to the European Union for the country’s membership.

The £350 million figure was a central theme of the pro-Brexit campaign, which promised to invest that amount into the nation’s health service should Britain vote to leave the bloc.

The prosecution of Mr. Johnson was made possible by the businessman Marcus Ball, who raised more than £200,000 pounds to provide the financial backing to pursue the case. Mr. Ball’s lawyers said that Mr. Johnson’s conduct had been both “irresponsible and dishonest.”

No one from Mr. Johnson’s office could immediately be reached for comment. But he has denied wrongdoing, and his lawyers have argued that the case was a political stunt by opponents of Brexit.

In a written ruling, District Judge Margot Coleman of Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London said that Mr. Johnson should be summoned to court, while noting that the accusations had not been proven and she had not made any findings of the fact.

“Having considered all the relevant factors, I am satisfied that this is a proper case to issue the summons as requested for the three offenses as drafted,” Judge Coleman said. “This means the proposed defendant will be required to attend this court for a preliminary hearing, and the case will then be sent to the Crown Court for trial.”

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2019-05-29 11:32:21Z

Iran 'almost certainly' sabotaged ships off UAE, Bolton says - Fox News

U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday that ships sabotaged off the United Arab Emirates coast were attacked “almost certainly by Iran” and warned that the U.S. would strike back if attacked.

Bolton made the comments to journalists in Abu Dhabi ahead of planned meetings with Emirati officials. His statement echoes Pentagon officials who said Friday that Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were directly responsible for attacks on the tankers.


“The attack against the shipping in Fujairah we attribute it to the IRGC,” said Rear Admiral Michael Gilday, the director of the Joint Staff. He added that the Pentagon attributed limpet mines used in the attack to the IRGC.

Bolton said that the U.S. hasn’t seen any further attacks by the Iranian regime after the Trump administration dispatched an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States,” Bolton said.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States.”

— John Bolton

Iran called Bolton’s accusations “laughable” while the country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said, “We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war,” according to Russian state media.

He noted that “certain elements” in the Trump administration are advocating for war with Iran, but said conflict would be “catastrophic” for the Middle East and insisted that the regime seeks peace.

“We know that there are certain elements and people who are trying to push the United States to war with Iran for their own ends. However, we hope that wisdom will prevail in Washington,” he said.

“We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war.”

— Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have been brewing after the U.S. intelligence indicated that there are unspecified threats to U.S. interests. Trump said Friday that the U.S. will deploy an additional 1,500 troops to the region.


In addition, all non-essential U.S. staff at the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Iraq were forced to leave, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggesting that Iranian-backed militia groups moved their rockets near bases housing American personnel.

The Iranian regime, meanwhile, responded with threats to back away from the 2015 nuclear deal that sought to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. The regime set a July 7 deadline for Europe to offer better terms to the unraveling nuclear deal, otherwise, it will resume enrichment closer to weapons level.

Trump withdrew from the agreement amid criticism that the deal didn’t do enough to limit Iran’s nuclear program, nor did it address Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Bolton accused Iran of wanting to back away from the deal with other world powers because the regime wants to produce nuclear weapons.


“There’s no reason for them to do any of that unless that’s part of an effort to reduce the breakout time to produce nuclear weapons,” he said. “That’s a very serious issue if they continue to do that.”

“This is just more graphic evidence that it hasn’t constrained their continuing desire to have nuclear weapons,” Bolton added. “It certainly hasn’t reduced their terrorist activities in the region that we just discussed or their other malign behavior in their use of conventional forces.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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2019-05-29 11:29:17Z