Selasa, 30 April 2019

Juan Guaido declares 'final phase of Operation Freedom' in Venezuela - CNN

Venezuela's Information Minister Jorge Rodríguez called Guaido's action a "coup" on Twitter, adding that the government is "deactivating a small number of traitorous military personnel."
"We call on the people to remain in maximum alert so that, together with the glorious Bolivian armed forces, we defeat this attempted coup and preserve peace. We will win," he said.
Venezuela's Juan Guaido declares 'final phase' of operation to topple Maduro
Guaido, who is head of Venezuela's National Assembly and has been recognized as president by dozens of other countries, has led months of protest against the government of Nicolas Maduro, yet Tuesday marked his boldest attempt yet to involve the military in the removal of the Venezuelan leader.
Speaking with opposition figure Leopoldo Lopez by his side, Guaido declared the "start of the end of the usurpation" in a video, which he said was filmed in a military airbase in Caracas, La Carlota.
"Our armed forces today, valiant soldiers, valiant patriots, valiant men connected to the constitution have come to our calling, we have come to this calling," Guaido said in the video.
Guaido has called for nationwide demonstrations on May 1, and said his announcement signaled the start of that protest a day early.
He later tweeted, "At this moment I am meeting with the main military units of our Armed Forces, beginning the final phase of Operation Freedom."
Guaido has spent the last few weeks visiting towns and cities outside Caracas, drawing large crowds in his bid to pressure Maduro to step down.
Juan Guaido made a dawn address flanked by men in military fatigues and armored vehicles in Venezuela's capital Caracas.
It is unclear whether Guaido's move will gain traction. "The situation is under control," Maduro's Communications Vice Minister Isbemar Jimenez told CNN on Tuesday. "All military garrisons support Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro."
United States Sen. Marco Rubio, a vocal critic of Maduro, urged Venezuela's military to support Guaido on Twitter.
"This is the moment for those military officers in #Venezuela to fulfill their constitutional oath & defend the legitimate interim President (Guaido's) in this effort to restore democracy. You can write history in the hours & days ahead," he wrote.
Guaido emerged from obscurity when he was named president of the National Assembly on January 5. His arrival to the political scene has re-energized opposition to Maduro's government.
The 35-year-old has promised a transitional government and free elections to end the rule of the socialist Maduro regime, which has overseen the once-wealthy oil nation's descent into economic collapse and a humanitarian crisis.

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2019-04-30 12:24:00Z

Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaidó declares 'final phase of Operation Freedom' - CNN

Guaidó, who is head of Venezuela's national assembly and has been recognized as president by dozens of other countries, has led months of protest against the Maduro government, yet Tuesday marked his boldest attempt yet to involve the military in the removal of the Venezuelan president.
In the video, broadcast on Guaidó's social media account, another key opposition figure, Leopoldo Lopez, appeared to be present.
Lopez is currently under house arrest, and it was unclear how he had evaded custody to take part in the video, which Guaidó said was filmed in a military airbase, La Carlota.
Guaidó has called for nationwide demonstrations on May 1, and said his announcement signaled the start of that protest a day early.
He later tweeted, "The people of Venezuela initiated the end of the usurpation. At this moment I am meeting with the main military units of our Armed Forces, beginning the final phase of Operation Freedom."

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2019-04-30 11:40:00Z

Venezuela’s Guaido says troops have joined him to end Maduro presidency - Reuters

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido said on Tuesday he had begun the “final phase” of his plan to oust President Nicolas Maduro, calling on Venezuelans and the military to back him to end Maduro’s “usurpation.”

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who many nations have recognised as the country's rightful interim ruler, talks to the media outside Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda Airbase "La Carlota", in Caracas, Venezuela April 30, 2019. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

A Reuters journalist later saw Guaido near the La Carlota air force base in Caracas, surrounded by a group of men in uniform.

Venezuelan Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez tweeted that the government was confronting a small group of “military traitors” seeking to promote a coup.

Guaido, in a video posted on his Twitter account, spoke in the company of men in military uniform and opposition politician Leopoldo Lopez, who is under house arrest.

“The national armed forces have taken the correct decision, and they are counting on the support of the Venezuelan people,” Guaido said.

Guaido, the leader of Venezuela’s opposition-controlled National Assembly, in January invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency, arguing that Maduro’s re-election in 2018 was illegitimate.

He has been traveling outside the capital, Caracas, more and more in recent weeks to try to put pressure on Maduro to step down.

Protests are planned for Wednesday, May 1, including what Guaido has said will be “the largest march in Venezuela’s history”, part of what he calls the “definitive phase” of his effort to take office in order to call fresh elections.

Around 50 countries including the United States have recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president.

Maduro calls Guaido a U.S-backed puppet who seeks to oust him in a coup. The government has arrested his top aide, stripped Guaido of his parliamentary immunity and opened multiple probes. It has also barred him from leaving the country, a ban Guaido openly violated earlier this year.

Last week, Guaido said his congressional ally - opposition lawmaker Gilber Caro - had been detained, and that 11 members of his team had been summoned to appear before the Sebin intelligence agency.

Reporting by Angus Berwick; Writing by Kevin Liffey; Editing by Peter Graff

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2019-04-30 10:37:00Z

Japanese emperor Akihito abdicates in historic ceremony - Guardian News

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2019-04-30 09:45:39Z

Japan’s Emperor Akihito announces abdication in final address to his people - USA TODAY

Japan’s Emperor Akihito has announced at a ceremony that he is abdicating, in his final official address to his people.

In the ceremony at the palace on Tuesday, Akihito also thanked his people for their support during his 30-year reign as emperor.

He said it was fortunate for him that he could fulfil his duties with full trust and faith in his people.

Akihito’s reign ends at midnight Tuesday, after which his son, Crown Prince Naruhito, ascends the throne as new emperor.

Naruhito’s ascension will be formalized at a separate ceremony on Wednesday.

President Donald Trump expressed his appreciation for Akihito and Empress Michiko and used the occasion to "recognize the tremendous importance" of the U.S.'s relationship with Japan. 

"Emperor Akihito welcomed five United States presidents to Japan and reigned from the end of the Cold War to the present day," Trump said in a statement. "Our bilateral relationship was critical to navigating the global challenges of those times."

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2019-04-30 08:45:00Z

Japan's Emperor Akihito and the future of Facebook: 5 things you need to know Tuesday - USA TODAY

Japanese emperor becomes first to abdicate in 200 years

Japan's 85-year-old Emperor Akihito announced his abdication in his final official address to his people Tuesday, ending his three-decade reign. Akihito, the son of Japan’s wartime emperor Hirohito, is the first emperor to abdicate in 200 years. In 2016, Akihito told the nation he was concerned about his age and declining health and wanted to abdicate while he was still capable. With no legal framework to allow a reigning emperor to abdicate, the Japanese government had to pass a one-time law allowing it. The throne will pass on Wednesday to Prince Naruhito, 59, the elder of Akihito's two sons, who will receive the Imperial sword and jewel as proof of his ascension.

Beleaguered Zuckerberg to weigh in on the future of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is expected to lay out his vision for the future of Facebook when the CEO gives the keynote address at the company's annual conference for software developers. The speech, a must-watch in the tech industry, comes in the wake of repeated privacy and security scandals that have damaged the company’s reputation since the 2016 presidential election. Last week, the company reported that it may face a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission for its mishandling of people's personal data. USA TODAY also reported on complaints from the black community that Facebook users' posts have been censored and accounts banned for speaking out about racism.

Trump, Pelosi to meet on infrastructure during all-out war over investigations

Democratic leaders will head to the White House Tuesday for their first meeting with President Donald Trump since the longest government shutdown in American history. The ostensible purpose is infrastructure, but they'll first have to swerve around an all-out war underway about testimony and subpoenas stemming from Robert Mueller’s report. Members of the Trump administration plan on stonewalling Congress as House Democrats turn their attention to the aftermath of the Mueller report, while Trump has promised that he plans to fight "all the subpoenas."  

Mnuchin hopes for ‘substantial progress’ in US-China trade talks

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer traveled to Beijing to resume talks Tuesday to try to end a yearlong trade war between the U.S. and China, the world's two largest economies.  A Chinese team is scheduled to visit Washington next week for another round of discussions. Mnuchin said: “We hope to make substantial progress in these two meetings.” The two sides are locked in a standoff over the Trump administration’s charges that Beijing steals technology and forces foreign companies operating in China to hand over trade secrets. China is pushing to make its companies world leaders in advanced industries like robotics and artificial intelligence. 

McDonald’s dials back late night menu

McDonald's will slim down its late night offerings in an attempt to streamline service for customers in the wee hours starting Tuesday. Popular staples like the Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets and fries will still be served, but the chain’s Signature Crafted Recipes, buttermilk-crispy-chicken sandwiches, Filet-O-Fish, and premium salads will discontinued after midnight as the fast-food giant transitions to a pared down menu until 5 a.m. This will not impact the daytime menu and the popular All-Day breakfast items.

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2019-04-30 08:08:00Z

Emperor Naruhito is ready to ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne. What can Japan expect from its new ruler? - CNN

In February he explicitly vowed to continue his father's legacy, particularly in breaking down the barriers between the emperor and his subjects.
"I want to earnestly fulfill my duties by always being close to the people, and sharing with them their joys and sorrows," he said.
Hironomiya Naruhito Shinno, better known as Crown Prince Naruhito, was born in Tokyo in February 1960, the eldest child of Emperor Akihito who abdicated Tuesday and his wife Michiko.
Those who know Naruhito, describe him as "modest, charming and astute," says Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian Studies at Temple University in Japan.
The Imperial Palace, seen on April 29, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan, ahead of Emperor Akihito's abdication.
He became the first Japanese royal to study abroad, spending two years at Oxford University in the United Kingdom, writing a thesis on medieval mercantilism on the River Thames, before returning to Tokyo and his alma mater, Gakushuin University, for doctoral studies.
The easygoing personality and sense of humor of the anglophile Naruhito shines through in his book "The Thames and I: A Memoir of Two Years at Oxford."
Now he must emerge from his father's shadow and establish himself as a modern leader.
Naruhito, who has already assumed some of his father's duties, will usher in the "Reiwa" era -- whose name includes the character for "harmony" -- when he ascends the throne on May 1.
"It is his reign name to shape through his actions and gestures," says Kingston, adding that Naruhito's challenge in defining his era will be to avoid getting "co-opted by Japan's right-leaning politicians."

Strict traditions

The Chrysanthemum Throne is the oldest hereditary monarchy in the world, and records show the royal male line to be unbroken for 14 centuries. Naruhito himself is a direct descendant of Japan's first emperor Jimmu, circa 660 BC.
The only child of Naruhito and his wife Masako is a daughter, Aiko, and women are barred from the throne. This means that the new emperor's brother, Akishino, will become first in line to the throne while Akishino's 12-year-old son Hisahito -- the only male member of that generation of Japanese royals -- will be second.
Other imperial traditions have been loosened, especially in regard to marriage.
Akihito became the first emperor to marry a commoner, after meeting Michiko in 1957 during a tennis match in the scenic mountain town of Karuizawa.
The couple also broke with tradition to play an active part in raising their four children, including the future emperor.
Naruhito followed suit in 1993 by marrying career diplomat Masako Owada, despite her reservations at becoming part of the rigorously traditional and hidebound Imperial Household.
Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, left, lead their two sons, accompanied by their spouses, and a daughter during the annual autumn imperial garden party at Akasaka Palace in Tokyo in 1997.
Masako, under tremendous pressure to produce a male heir to continue the unbroken line, suffered a miscarriage in 1999 before giving birth to Aiko two years later.
Imperial Household doctors diagnosed her as suffering from a "adjustment disorder" caused by stress, which can cause depression.
Naruhito has been deeply protective of his wife. Even when they were courting, he promised to shield her from the scrutiny and rigors of imperial life.
Japan's Crown Prince Naruhito chats with his then-fiancee Masako Owada, former career diplomat, in the garden of Togu Palace in Tokyo ahead of their 1993 wedding.
The new emperor is "something of a maverick," Kingston says, citing Naruhito's controversial remarks in 2004, when he suggested that Imperial Household bureaucrats were to blame for his wife's condition due to "their obsessive focus on her producing a male heir."
Jeremy Yellen, an assistant professor in the Department of Japanese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, says that in the new era he expects Naruhito "will continue to be very protective of his wife, Princess Masako, and his family."
Until Emperor Hirohito renounced his divine status in the wake of Japan's Second World War defeat and subsequent occupation by the United States military, Japanese emperors were seen as demigods.
Hirohito's son Akihito, in contrast, denounced militarism and opposed revisionist accounts of the war years.
Naruhito has indicated that he will continue his father's legacy, Yellen says.
"I find it highly likely that he will follow many of the precedents that made his father such a success with the media. Although the issue may not be as important to him as it was to his father, I believe that he will continue Emperor Akihito's rejection of revisionist views of Japan's wartime past."
Members of the royal family wave to the crowd during the New Year's greeting ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo in January 2019.
At birthday press conferences in recent years Naruhito has made it clear that he shares his father's views about Japan's war responsibility and his unwavering commitment to pacifism.
"I myself did not experience the war," he said on his 55th birthday in 2015. "But I think that it is important today, when memories of the war are fading, to look back humbly on the past and correctly pass on the tragic experiences and history Japan pursued from the generation which experienced the war to those without direct knowledge."

New direction

However, Kingston says the anti-war message may not resonate as strongly with the current generation, who have no memories of the war or of post-war privations.
Instead, many look at the changing geopolitics of the region, particularly the rise of China.
"Millennials... see Asia as a threatening and often hostile neighborhood," he says.
Naruhito, whose birth name means "a man who will acquire heavenly virtues," seems likely to keep pushing for societal change. He has a particular interest in clean water and water conservation, and Kingston says this is likely his best chance of defining himself independently of his beloved 85-year-old father, who took over the throne in 1989.
"In order to emerge from his father's long shadow, climate change might become Naruhito's signature cause, drawing on his longstanding interest in water-related environmental issues to champion disaster resilience and sustainable development."
Japan's Emperor Akihito and his son, Crown Prince Naruhito wave to the crowd during the New Year's greeting ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on January 2, 2019.
Naruhito has "already apprenticed extensively in the role of consoler-in-chief," says Kingston, paying frequent visits to the Tohoku region which was devastated by the 2011 tsunami.
He also "lends support to various causes supportive of the vulnerable and marginalized," Kingston says.

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2019-04-30 07:26:00Z