Senin, 01 April 2019

Brexit: In another round of ‘indicative votes,’ Parliament hopes to break the political stalemate - The Washington Post

LONDON —  After voting “no” so many times, the British Parliament may be ready to vote “aye” on something.

On Monday, Parliament will again try to seize the steering wheel from Prime Minister Theresa May, as the House of Commons stages votes on four proposals on how to exit the European Union.

Among the top options are two that would call for much softer Brexit than May has envisioned.

The two proposals would see Britain remain in closely tied to European trade rules and tariff regimes. One option would essentially mean that Britain would surrender its ability to control European immigration. The other would likely keep Britain from setting off to strike its own independent trade deals.

Trade experts, describing the two options, say they could deliver a kind of “ultra-soft” Brexit, that sees Britain “take back a bit of control.” 

Another popular option may push the government to stage a second referendum to take the questions of how or whether to leave back to the people.

And the fourth essentially seeks to cancel Brexit.

These will be non-binding “indicative votes,” expressing the will of Parliament. An earlier round of votes failed to produce a majority for any of eight proposals last week. But a big shift by the Labour Party and other political maneuvering may change the math on Monday evening.

All this comes amid growing signs that the British prime minister has lost control of Brexit, her party and her cabinet.

The Conservative Party is open revolt. Over the weekend, a bloc of 170 Conservative members, including 10 cabinet ministers, wrote to May demanding that Britain leave the E.U. “with or without a deal,” according to the Sunday Times of London.

Her cabinet, meanwhile, is now staffed by coup plotters and direct competitors. Hardline Brexiteers and those ministers pushing for a softer Brexter are both threatening to resign if they don’t get their way.

The government secretaries have become so unruly that May’s own chief whip, Julian Smith, in a rare on-the-record interview with the BBC, described them as the “worst example of ill-discipline in cabinet in British political history.”

Smith’s bold statement of unprecedented bad behavior was remarkable not only for what he said — but who said it. 

Chief whips are supposed to be like Victorian children in the extreme, never seen nor heard. They are virtually invisible to the world outside the Palace of Westminster, and their one and only job is to enforce party discipline; in other words, to “whip” their members — via text and WhatsApp group — to vote one way or another.

In his remarks, Smith also said that after the results of the 2017 general election, when the Conservative Party dramatically lost its parliamentary majority, May should have been clear that the result would spell a softer kind of Brexit.

Instead, May made bold speeches and erected red lines.

And yet, May still could get her deal passed. Her supporters say it is likely that the prime minister will try a fourth time to get it through the House of Commons.

Why would lawmakers approve on a fourth vote that which they have rejected three times before? May’s latest threat: If her Conservative members don’t rally round her deal, she will call for a general election.

This appears an empty threat by a weakened party leader. In part because the latest opinion surveys show the opposition Labour Party are polling ahead of the Tories — despite Labour being equally divided between “leavers” and “remainers.” In that environment, it’s hard to see Conservatives helping to provide the two-thirds majority required for a general election.

Last week, May said she would step down if her deal finally, somehow, gets over the finish line, thus allowing someone else to take the reins in the second phase of Brexit negotiations. May could by replaced as leader of the government by her own party without the need for a general election. 

In no time at all, Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary and a favorite to replace May as Conservative leader, dropped his opposition and backed May’s deal.

“We need to get Brexit done, because we have so much more to do, and so much more that unites the Conservative party than divides us,” Johnson wrote in Monday’s Daily Telegraph, which sounded to some like a leadership bid. 

“We have so many achievements to be proud of – and yet every single one is being drowned out in the Brexit cacophony,” Johnson said.

On Monday, Parliament was scheduled to first discuss the more than 6 million citizens who signed an online petition to cancel Brexit, making it the most popular petition ever hosted on Parliament’s website.

On Monday evening, Parliament will renew its attempt to find an alternative to May’s deal.

One soft Brexit option could include a commitment to remain in a “permanent customs union” with the E.U. — such an arrangement allows those within the union to trade freely without tariffs, but sets an external tariff on all goods coming into the bloc. Such a deal would make it hard for Britain to go global and cut its own trade deals abroad, as it would be locked into E.U. tariff regimes. But it could control European immigration. 

Another soft Brexit option is a Norway-style relationship that would involve staying in the E.U. single, or common, market. This path may allow Britain to seek trade deals outside the E.U., but would likely mean that Britain would have to allow for free movement of E.U. citizens into Britain.

When Parliament held similar series of “indicative votes” last week, the closest over the customs union, which only lost by six votes.

Some Conservatives remain deeply opposed to these options, in part because they see it as “Brexit in name only,” crossing all their red lines — preventing Britain from striking new trade deals with countries like the United States and China while keeping the borders wide-open to European migrants.

Steve Baker, a Conservative lawmaker and arch Brexiteer, is one of those adamantly opposed. He told the BBC that joining opposition parties and supporting a vote of no-confidence in the May government was “on the table” if the government were to adopt this option.

Ken Clarke, a veteran Conservative lawmaker who proposed the customs union motion, told the BBC that the option would indeed limit Britain in its ability to agree tariff concessions to non-member E.U. countries. But he pointed out that Britain could strike trade deals on services, which make up about 80 percent of the British economy. He added some Brexiteers espousing the benefits of Global Britain striking new trade deals with countries like America are “getting carried away.” 

The idea that “Donald Trump is going to suddenly open up his market to us with joy because he’s so pleased we’ve damaged the European Union. That is total nonsense,” Clarke said.

Read more

Frexit? Italeave? After watching Brexit, other European countries say: No, thanks.

What is Brexit? Britain’s political drama, explained.

Brits pretend they’re sick of Brexit. But truth is they’re obsessed.

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2019-04-01 17:03:45Z

Indicative Votes: round 2 | Brexit LIVE - The Sun

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2019-04-01 14:27:42Z

Parliament debates another round of Brexit indicative votes - watch live - Guardian News

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2019-04-01 14:22:28Z

Turkey local elections: Setback for Erdogan in big cities - BBC News - Cengiz Adabag News

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2019-04-01 13:43:08Z

The Latest: Erdogan loses support in Turkey's big cities - Fox News

The Latest on Turkey's local elections (all times local):

1:45 p.m.

The opposition candidate running to be Istanbul's next mayor has declared victory after unofficial results showed him leading in Turkey's local elections.

Ekrem Imamoglu, the candidate from an alliance led by the secular Republican People's Party, thanked all Istanbul voters on Monday.

Unofficial results by state-run Anadolu news agency said he had won 48.8 percent of the vote Sunday and his opponent, former Prime Minister Binali Yildirim of the ruling party, had captured 48.5 percent. One percent of the votes were still to be counted.

Parties have three days to file objections and official results are expected in the coming days.

If the opposition won in Istanbul, Turkey's largest city and commercial hub, that would be a watershed moment. Erdogan's own ascent to power began in 1994 as Istanbul mayor and the city has been held by his party and allies for 25 years.


10 a.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared victory in municipal elections but the opposition's success in key cities dealt a significant blow to his party's dominance.

According to unofficial results, the ruling party lost the capital, Ankara, and the head of Turkey's electoral board said the opposition was also leading in Istanbul.

Sunday's local elections were widely seen as a test of support for Erdogan as the nation of 81 million people faces a daunting economic recession with double-digit inflation, rising food prices and high unemployment.

Ballot counts were still underway Monday morning in an anxious wait for Istanbul, Turkey's largest city and commercial hub. Both candidates —Ekrem Imamoglu for secular Republican People's Party, or CHP, and former Prime Minister Binali Yildirim for the ruling party— claimed they had won.

Electoral board head Sadi Guven said votes were still being counted.


Fraser reported from Ankara.

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2019-04-01 11:07:23Z

Ethiopian crash could be largest non-war aviation reinsurance claim: Willis Re - Reuters

FILE PHOTO: Ethiopian Federal policemen stand at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 plane crash, near the town of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia March 11, 2019. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri/File Photo

LONDON (Reuters) - Liability claims related to the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the grounding of Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft could be the largest non-war aviation reinsurance claim on record, hitting reinsurers’ profitability, reinsurance broker Willis Re said.

The crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302 on March 10 killed 157 passengers and crew, the second deadly crash involving a Boeing Co 737 MAX 8 airliner in five months.

As the crash site and black boxes are investigated, the 737 MAX 8 has been grounded worldwide as a precautionary measure and regulators are stepping up action to improve air safety while Boeing is carrying out a software upgrade to the plane’s automated flight control system.

Liability claims for the passengers’ loss of life and in relation to the grounded aircraft could total around a billion dollars, James Vickers, chairman of Willis Re International, told Reuters by phone, a large sum for the aviation reinsurance market which Vickers said was “very small and very, very specialist”.

Reinsurers help insurers share the cost of large claims, in return for part of the premium.

The losses could erode three to four years of aviation reinsurers’ premium in the “global excess of loss” category of reinsurance, Willis Re said on Monday in its summary of reinsurance activity at the key April 1 renewal date.

In excess of loss reinsurance, the insurers are on the hook for the first part of the claim, and reinsurers only pay out on claims above a certain level.

The world’s biggest reinsurers include European firms Munich Re, Swiss Re and Hannover Re, U.S. billionaire global investor Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway and companies operating in the Lloyd’s of London market.

British insurer Global Aerospace led a consortium of insurers and reinsurers providing cover for Boeing.

Reporting by Carolyn Cohn; editing by Simon Jessop and David Evans

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2019-04-01 09:42:00Z

Turkey’s Erdogan suffers setback as opposition heads for victory in Istanbul and other cities - The Washington Post

ISTANBUL — The candidate from Turkey’s main opposition party appeared headed for victory on Monday in the race to become mayor of Istanbul, an influential post that launched the political career of the country’s president and one he had zealously sought to keep in the hands of his ruling party.   

 Sadi Guven, the head of Turkey’s high election board, told reporters on Monday that the opposition candidate, Ekrem Imamoglu, was leading his competitor, Binali Yildirim, by nearly 28,000 votes. 

Yildirim, who served as prime minister under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, acknowledged his opponent’s lead on Monday but did not concede defeat, saying that votes were still being counted and that more than 300,000 ballots had been declared invalid — raising the possibility of a legal challenge.  

 The race was part of nationwide local elections held on Sunday that were widely seen as a referendum on Erdogan’s policies, including his faltering effort to prevent a downturn in the economy. Preliminary results showed the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, led all other parties among voters. But opposition victories in several of Turkey’s largest cities, including Ankara, the capital, dealt Erdogan a significant symbolic defeat.  

Imamoglu’s victory in Istanbul, if confirmed, would be the harshest blow. Erdogan rose to national prominence as the city’s mayor from 1994 to 1998. The city has served since then as a source of wealth and prestige for his party, and a showcase — with its sprinting construction, megaprojects and multiplying mosques — for his broader ideological vision. 

“We will start our work to detect our shortcomings,” Erdogan said in a speech on Sunday night.  

The election for mayors, municipal council members and other local posts represented the first nationwide referendum on Erdogan’s leadership since he won a presidential poll in June. Since then, Turkey’s economy has slipped into a recession for the first time in a decade, forcing the government to defend policies that have unnerved investors and sent prices soaring. 

A crackdown on the government’s opponents that intensified after a failed coup in 2016 has added to the domestic unease and has also troubled Turkey’s relationships with Western allies, causing sharp fluctuations in the Turkish Lira, putting investors on edge.

[Turkey went on a building spree as its economy boomed. Now the frenzy is crashing to a halt.]

While his own position was secure, Erdogan still raced around the country in recent weeks, attending campaign rallies at a punishing clip that he referred to Sunday as a “marathon.” His bellicose rhetoric — red-meat appeals to his conservative Muslim base and menacing language leveled at his opponents, some of whom he labeled “terrorists” — underscored the stakes in the election. 

“It is a matter of survival,” Erdogan said of the poll, at a rally in a working-class district of Istanbul on Friday.

But even as the president framed the elections in terms of national security, many voters “did not buy it,” said Murat Yetkin, a Turkish political analyst and author of a blog called the Yetkin Report. “The pollsters were telling us that 80 percent were seeing the economy — namely the cost of living and unemployment — as the biggest problem,” he said.

“This is a major loss. If the toll includes Istanbul, finally — five big cities of Turkey, including Ankara — some 40 percent of the population,” would be under opposition control, potentially creating governing problems for Erdogan, he said.  

[Kurdish voters could hold the key in Turkey’s hotly contested election]

The ruling party’s loss of the capital Ankara, a symbol of political power, was also significant, said Soner Cagaptay, an expert on Turkey at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. But the loss of Istanbul “would be a nuclear defeat,” he said — one that diminished Erdogan’s aura as Turkey’s “invincible politician.”   

The Turkish elections at one point threatened to become an international diplomatic crisis, when Erdogan was criticized by officials in New Zealand for repeatedly airing footage at his rallies of the mosque shootings in the city of Christchurch that killed 50 people in March. 

The Trump administration was closely watching the ballot and hoping that a catalogue of disputes with Ankara — including arguments over the war in Syria and Turkey’s purchase of a Russian air defense system — would quiet once Turkey’s caustic campaign season had come to an end.

Read more:

New Zealand scolds Turkey’s Erdogan over airing massacre footage

U.S. hopes for fresh engagement with Erdogan after Turkish elections

Turkish court extends detention of U.S. consular employee

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2019-04-01 11:30:52Z