Selasa, 24 Agustus 2021

No Cabinet posts for opposition, says Malaysia's new PM Ismail Sabri; Azmin Ali touted as next DPM - The Straits Times

ALOR SETAR (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Malaysia's Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said opposition leaders would not be appointed to his new Cabinet and that he would announce its members later this week, after the King consents to his proposed line-up. 

"I have to present (the list) to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong first. Only after the King has consented to it then I’ll make the announcement," Datuk Seri Ismail told reporters in Yan, Kedah, on Monday (Aug 23). 

"They (opposition leaders) have no participation in the Cabinet. There is no unity government with the opposition," he added. 

Mr Ismail's comments came after the Palace said last Wednesday that Malaysia's King Sultan Abdullah Ahmad Shah had "expressed the view that MPs should unite to create unity between all political parties", in what has been interpreted by some to indicate a call for a bipartisan government. 

In Mr Ismail's maiden speech on Sunday, a day after he was sworn in as Prime Minister by the King, the newly appointed premier emphasised cooperation across the political divide and invited opposition leaders to join in the effort to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. 

On Monday, he said the opposition had shown encouraging response to his suggestion to be part of the country's National Recovery Council and special committee for dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. 

"The opposition has given me good feedback and I will meet them soon," he said, adding that discussions would centre on how everyone could make his contribution. 

But he said the new Federal Government would not be a unity government. 

The premier called on the public not to believe in a purported Cabinet list that had gone viral, saying it was fake. 

Asked who would be his deputy, he said he would consider all parties involved. 

Malaysiakini reported on Tuesday that Gombak MP Azmin Ali was poised to become the next deputy prime minister, citing sources in Bersatu and Umno. 

A Bersatu source aligned to Mr Azmin said there was a "strong likelihood" that the Gombak MP was going to become Mr Ismail's deputy. 

Three Umno sources, who are on the supreme council, including two who are MPs, also claimed Mr Azmin is set to clinch the post. 

Two of the sources, who are in opposite Umno factions, told Malaysiakini, however, that this was being planned in order to avoid defections. 

Both sources claimed that Mr Azmin had threatened to withdraw support from Mr Ismail's fragile government if he was not given the post. 

Mr Ismail, who has the support of 114 lawmakers, took over from Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who resigned as prime minister following a loss of parliamentary majority. 

His appointment also marked his party's return to power just three years after it lost federal power for the first time since the country's independence. 

Political analysts said it is vital for Mr Ismail to have his Cabinet up and running to handle the Covid-19 pandemic and to address economic issues. They also said it was crucial for Mr Ismail to put his stamp on it. 

The next three months, they added, would be a critical period as the nation scrutinises his actions to assess if he will  live up to his promises. 

Professor Shamsul Amri Baharuddin of the UKM Institute of Ethnic Studies said Mr Ismail was expected to form a Cabinet that would be able to work more and talk less. 

"He is not known as the typical Umno firebrand politician and is not from the prestigious and elite schools which many of the top leaders of Umno were from. 

"He can, however, be vocal and firm when he wants to, as we saw when he led the Barisan Nasional MPs in defiance of the coalition chair and his own party president to retain support for former prime minister Muhyiddin. 

"He was also a student leader at Universiti Malaya. All these characteristics of his will be applied when he chooses the Cabinet ministers to ensure it is a Cabinet he can work with. 

"Being the first non-Umno president to hold the premiership, it would not be a surprise if Mr Ismail turns to people like Umno deputy president Mohamad Hassan and appoint him to the Cabinet as a senator to ensure he had the support and right ideas." 

Prof Shamsul agreed such move may work to appease the Umno faction that Mr Ismail might have crossed words with in his rise to be the Prime Minister. 

"It is most likely that he will first fill up some senior ministerial posts before he announces the full Cabinet line-up,” he said. 

Dr Mazlan Ali from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia said the new Cabinet must be one that was seen to be working for the people. 

"It has to be a lean government which does not have too many portfolios and is not burdened with too many positions such as two deputy ministers for one ministerial portfolio," he said. 

"These three months will be a very critical ‘do or die’ phase for the Prime Minister. He will have to put his stamp on his Cabinet with some new faces so that it is not dismissed as Perikatan 2.0." 

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2021-08-24 06:32:23Z

Senin, 23 Agustus 2021

US laser focused on evacuation in Afghanistan, grateful to partners like Singapore: US V-P Kamala Harris - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - The United States is “laser focused” on evacuating its citizens, as well as international partners and those who have helped it, from Afghanistan, visiting US Vice-President Kamala Harris said on Tuesday (Aug 24).

“We were at war in Afghanistan for 20 long years. Many members of our military gave their lives in Afghanistan, as did many from our allies and partners,” she said.

“Months ago, President Joe Biden made the courageous and right decision to end this war because we had achieved what we went there to do.”

Ms Harris began her speech on US policy and partnerships in the region by saying she was aware that the eyes of the world are on Afghanistan.

She also thanked the American servicemen as well as international partners involved in the ongoing evacuation operation which comes as the Taleban regained control of much of the country.

“The United States has been focused on safely evacuating American citizens, international partners, Afghans who worked side by side with us, and other Afghans at risk,” she said.

“We are laser focused on the task at hand, and we are extremely grateful to our men and women in uniform and embassy staff who are on the ground, as we speak, making this historic airlift happen in an incredibly difficult and dangerous environment.”

Ms Harris’ speech at Gardens by the Bay, which focused on US policy in the Indo-Pacific, was hosted by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, as well as the US Embassy in Singapore.

Ms Harris, who leaves here for Vietnam on Tuesday, also expressed how grateful the US is to its international partners - including Singapore - for working with it to evacuate people from Afghanistan.

On Monday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced that Singapore would be offering the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport to help with evacuation efforts.  This comes after Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, fell to the Taleban on Aug 15.

Thousands of people have over the past week been trying to get into Kabul's international airport in the hope of getting on an evacuation flight. These included Afghans who had helped the US and its allies over the past two decades by working as translators for military operations.

Since then, the Taleban has sought to get the situation under control by firing guns into the air and using batons to force people to form queues outside the airport.

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2021-08-24 03:22:48Z

G7 leaders plan to pledge unity on Taliban recognition, sanctions: Sources - CNA

G7 leaders will also discuss a possible extension of Biden's Aug 31 deadline for withdrawing US forces, to give the United States and other countries more time to locate and evacuate Western citizens, Afghans who aided NATO and US forces and other vulnerable people, the sources said.

Britain and France are pressing for more time, but a Taliban official said foreign forces had not sought an extension and it would not be granted if they did.

G7 leaders will also commit to coordinate on any sanctions and resettlement of a wave of refugees, the sources said.

The G7 will take stock of the current evacuation efforts and commit to coordinating closely on further steps, including security, humanitarian assistance and resettlement of refugees, Pierce said.

"We want to work together to convey the very important point that we don't want Afghanistan to be a breeding ground for terrorism. We don't want it to lapse into its pre 9/11 state," she said.

Germany will press G7 partners to commit additional funds for humanitarian aid, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Monday. "I believe the G7 countries should live up to their responsibilities and find a response to mitigate the acute humanitarian hardship that's already prevalent in the region and that will increase over the coming weeks."

Biden told reporters on Sunday that the United States was already working with the Taliban to facilitate the evacuations, but that the Islamist group was "seeking legitimacy" in the longer term.

That meant it would need "additional help in terms of economic assistance, trade, and a whole range of things," but the international response - including potential sanctions - would depend on their actions going forward.

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2021-08-24 02:08:24Z

[LIVE] US Vice President Kamala Harris' speech in Singapore on US vision for Indo-Pacific Region - CNA

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2021-08-24 02:26:39Z

US must decide quickly on whether to extend Aug 31 Afghan evacuation deadline - CNA

Canadian special forces are operating outside the airport in an effort to bring as many eligible people as possible through security gates amid an increasingly dangerous security situation, a senior Canadian government official said.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office said he and Biden agreed to work together to ensure all those eligible to leave Afghanistan were able to do so, even after the initial evacuation phase ended.

A local Taliban militant, speaking to a large crowd in Kabul, urged Afghans to remain.

"Where has our honour gone to? Where has our dignity gone to?" the unidentified militant said. "We will not let the Americans continue to be here. They will have to leave this place. Whether it is a gun or a pen, we will fight to our last breath." The Taliban seized power last week as the United States and its allies withdrew troops after a 20-year war launched in the weeks after the Sep 11, 2001, attacks.


Panicked Afghans and foreigners have thronged the airport since, clamouring to catch any flight out. Many fear reprisals and a return to a harsh version of Islamic law that the Taliban enforced while in power from 1996 to 2001.

Twenty people have been killed in the chaos, most in shootings and stampedes, as US and international forces try to bring order. One member of the Afghan forces was killed and several wounded in Monday's clash, the US military said.

While thousands of people have been airlifted out of Afghanistan, a British government spokesperson said British evacuations could not continue once US troops leave.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian also said more time was needed. "We are concerned about the Aug 31 deadline set by the United States," he said.

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2021-08-23 21:58:00Z

A full day for US V-P Kamala Harris on S'pore visit, from Istana to combat ship USS Tulsa - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - Shortly after her arrival at the Istana on Monday (Aug 23), United States Vice-President Kamala Harris was presented with a spray of purple-pink orchids named in her honour.

The hybrid flowers – a trademark show of Singapore’s orchid diplomacy – came with an official “birth certificate”, which Ms Harris accepted with a laugh.

“Well, I’m pleased to welcome this orchid into the world,” she said, as she and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong posed for photos with the lushly flowering Papilionanda Kamala Harris.

But the talk soon turned to weightier matters when both leaders had their closed-door meeting. This was followed by a larger meeting at which several ministers and senior US officials were present.

Joining PM Lee were Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong.

With Ms Harris were Charge d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Singapore Rafik Mansour, Chief of Staff to the Vice-President Tina Flournoy, Deputy National Security Adviser to the Vice-President Phil Gordon and Special Assistant to the President Edgard Kagan.

Topics discussed included the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, bilateral cooperation and regional developments.

US Vice-President Kamala Harris and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong were joined by several ministers and senior US officials at the larger meeting. ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

The Americans were formally welcomed to the Istana by PM Lee and his entourage on Monday morning, with everyone standing to attention as the Singapore Armed Forces Central Band played The Star-Spangled Banner, followed by Majulah Singapura.

Both leaders inspected the guard of honour before entering the 152-year-old Istana building, where Ms Harris was presented with her namesake orchid.

America’s first female vice-president then paid a courtesy call on Singapore’s first female president, Madam Halimah Yacob.

Both women had a good and frank discussion, Madam Halimah said in a Facebook post.

US Vice-President Kamala Harris during the courtesy call on President Halimah Yacob. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO

This took in topics such as the strategic importance of the US to the Asia-Pacific region and how its presence has contributed to its peace and stability, as well as the strong and comprehensive bilateral ties between both countries, especially in the areas of defence and economic cooperation.

Other topics of conversation included the close educational and people-to-people ties on both sides, as well as the empowerment of women – “a subject close to both our hearts”, Madam Halimah said.

Ms Harris then met PM Lee and the rest of the Singapore delegation, before both leaders fielded a joint press conference at which the topic of Afghanistan came up several times. The Vice-President was asked whether she was satisfied with how her country implemented its withdrawal from Afghanistan, as well as its potential impact on US credibility abroad.

Meanwhile, Mr Lee was asked if the current situation in Afghanistan had changed Singapore’s calculus on how much it could rely on America as a regional partner. He was also asked about the conditions that would need to be met for quarantine-free travel from the US to become a reality.

But the pandemic meant that reporters – who would previously have addressed both leaders in person - spoke to them virtually, from a separate holding room in the Istana. These included journalists from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and several wire agencies, who had arrived with Ms Harris on Air Force Two.

The Vice-President later headed to Changi Naval Base, where she boarded littoral combat ship USS Tulsa, which had just completed a multilateral exercise with 20 countries, including Singapore. 

Standing in the ship’s hangar bay against the backdrop of an American flag, she told the sailors of the importance of their work in defending a free and open Indo-Pacific.

“Our nation is stronger, and it is safer because of you,” she told them. “Because of your sacrifice, and because of your service.”

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2021-08-23 14:03:22Z

US Vice President Kamala Harris receives namesake orchid, official welcome at Istana - CNA

Ms Harris subsequently had a private meeting with Mr Lee, followed by a delegation meeting with Singapore ministers and senior US officials.

In the afternoon, Ms Harris and Mr Lee held a joint press conference, during which they reaffirmed close bilateral ties between Singapore and the US, and highlighted new areas of cooperation between the two countries.

These include cooperation in areas such as climate change, cybersecurity, pandemic preparedness and space.


Ms Harris also visited Changi Naval Base in the afternoon. She was hosted by Senior Minister of State for Defence Mr Zaqy Mohamad, said the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF). 

Among those present were Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan, Singapore Ambassador to the US Ashok Mirpuri, US Charge d’Affaires Rafik Mansour, Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral Aaron Beng, as well as other senior officials from Singapore and the US. 

During the visit, Ms Harris was briefed on how Changi Naval Base has supported the US' continued presence and engagement in the region over the past few decades, as well as the regular interactions between the Republic of Singapore Navy and the US Navy through bilateral and multilateral exercises and professional exchanges. 

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2021-08-23 09:54:00Z