Sabtu, 29 Februari 2020

Jim Hanson: Trump's Taliban peace deal is right move – After almost 20 years it's time to exit Afghanistan - Fox News

The United States signed a peace deal with the Taliban in Qatar Saturday. If conditions in Afghanistan stay at their current level of decreased violence, we will begin returning most of our troops from the longest war in our history.

The deal itself has numerous conditions that the Taliban must meet including severing all ties with terrorist organizations and negotiating in good faith with the Afghan government toward a lasting agreement. The withdrawal of some U.S. troops, as well as prisoner swaps that will release up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners, are part of the initial confidence-building measures.

This was the right decision by President Trump from an array of not very good options. And that is what a good leader does, makes a tough but smart call when it would be easier to simply maintain the status quo.


No one, including our negotiators, expects the Taliban to be honorable in abiding by this agreement. Their nature and history have shown they will act ruthlessly in their own interests.

Nothing can be achieved without significant pressures placed on them and even more significant repercussions for malfeasance. But we have not been able to impose our will on them using military force, so we must acknowledge that and move on.

That’s the thing about war. We can make all the plans and strategies we want, but the enemy and reality get a vote too. Almost twenty years of U.S. blood and treasure had not taken us to a victory any more lasting than when we first deposed the Taliban at the end of 2001.

They ruled Afghanistan then as tyrannical theocrats and had given safe haven to Al Qaeda who planned and executed the 9/11 attacks from there.

We had to make a strong response and we did.

In a few short months, Special Forces teams partnered with indigenous militias and defeated the Taliban. But then we went wrong.

The decision to stay and try to make Afghanistan a more stable and peaceful place that also presents less potential danger to us is easy to understand. But it was fundamentally flawed and at odds with the long history of that country.

The hellish terrain and tribal nature of the country made all previous attempts to impose order on it short-lived and painful for any outsiders involved. We can now join Alexander the Great, the British Empire, the Soviet Union and a host of others in not achieving this.


One of the main rationales for staying was that if we left we would allow another Al Qaeda to rise that could threaten us from a mountain retreat.

This is a legitimate fear as it has already happened. But we are aware of that and while keeping a seemingly permanent force there is one way to try and avoid this, there are other ways to achieve this goal.

Earlier this month in an op-ed for Fox News Opinion I wrote about a proposed one-sided withdrawal statement telling the Taliban and others what lines must not be crossed:

  • No terrorist bases in Afghanistan. 
  • No safe passage, safe haven or any other support for terrorist groups. 
  • No attacks on U.S. personnel or interests. 

I suggested the statement could also say, “We believe it would be better if you created a society that was not oppressive, brutal and often barbaric; but we are not the world’s policeman or domestic violence shelter. We will offer a hand of friendship and aid to those trying to make Afghanistan a better place. We will bring a rain of hellfire and damnation down on any who violate these demands.”

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I think as a backstop to the peace deal, all of these factors that I laid out in the op-ed are still applicable. There are many things we would like to see in Afghanistan, but they do not rise to the level of U.S. strategic interests.

We put considerable effort into raising the status and quality of life for women there and gains have been made. There are concerns these will be eroded and if that happens it will be a significant loss. But if that is the standard, then there are dozens of countries around the world where we could make an equal case for intervention.

We must choose our foreign entanglements wisely as George Washington noted in his farewell address:

“I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.”


His point was that occasionally U.S. interests require alliances or actions abroad, but these should always be weighed against the tendency for them to draw us away from what truly matters to this country. Afghanistan itself does not. Terrorist safe havens there would. We should take the least entangling path to safeguard ourselves from that possibility.

This initial agreement begins the disentanglement process and that seems the best path for us. We can always return to military action if an actual rather than potential danger emerges.


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2020-02-29 17:38:30Z

Cory Mills: Taliban peace deal historic, not just 'optics' – Take it from someone who served in Afghanistan - Fox News

President Donald Trump has demonstrated yet again his art of negotiation as the United States, Taliban, and Afghan government execute a joint declaration to solidify a reduction of violence agreement with the Taliban.

Following a successful seven day violence-free test period, the U.S. has made a decisive move towards a negotiated peace plan in Afghanistan.

This is not only a good step towards ending America’s longest war but for the Taliban and Afghan government to work towards peace and stability within Afghanistan, too.


It also represents a triumph of the American blood and treasure spent in Afghanistan – the Taliban agreed to the same key demand that they were offered shortly after 9-11, 19 years ago: to prevent their country from being used as a base for terrorists to launch attacks against the United States or its allies.

Having spent a year in Afghanistan in various combat detachments, this agreement is a welcome development for our warfighters, door-kickers and trigger-pullers.

This joint declaration demonstrates the U.S. continued support for peace and notes that the Taliban will end their relationship with international terrorists and ensure Afghan soil cannot be used to threaten the U.S. or our allies again.

The trial one-week reduction of violence was not a ceasefire but a step forward as the U.S. worked towards a plan for a longer reduction in violence.

The U.S.’s judgment of Taliban compliance with commitments will determine the pace of our condition-based withdrawal. Should we see an increase in violence against the Afghan government or U.S. troops then this will obviously slow the delay.

We have seen the president walk away from deals where the other party changes the terms at the last minute or does not comply with the agreement.

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U.S. and Taliban negotiators, along with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo signed the historic agreement Saturday in Qatar. This signifies that both the U.S. and Taliban have expressed a willingness and interest for peace in Afghanistan

If successful, the settlements in Afghanistan will be more stable, restoration of all services including cell phones will be included and that will ensure communication channels with the Taliban.

Additionally, the Taliban has also committed to entering an intra-Afghan negotiation with the Afghan government, other political leaders, and civil society groups that include women.

This joint declaration demonstrates a strong partnership with Afghanistan and could not have been achieved without President Trump and his administration.

Even the Afghan government describes the U.S.-Taliban agreement as a historic step towards ending the war and establishing national teams to participate in intra-Afghan talks.

Many Democrats will undoubtedly take the opportunity to attack the president, but they know that even former President Obama did not (and could not) pull this off or achieve such as monumental deal.

This agreement will also see a troop reduction to around 8,600 troops by the 2020 elections in November, which also fulfills the president’s campaign promises to end America’s longest wars and return troops home safely.

Make no mistake however, this is not optics, it’s historic!

A political settlement is the most feasible way to establish peace after 19 years of fighting and thousands of lives lost in Afghanistan. The U.S. will still support fighting against terror groups such as Haqqani and ISIS in the country if needed but that should be dealt with primarily by the Afghan National Army.

This historic deal that President Trump has achieved with his top cabinet members, Special Envoy Amb. Khalilzad and Doha’s ability to open communication channels is a historic success that will keep America safe and reduces our Afghan burden.

This is unprecedented development because never before has the U.S. signed a peace agreement with the Taliban.

Our U.S. diplomatic engagement with the Taliban comes after more than a year of continual negotiation and efforts. The president has also received support from our NATO allies, the European Union, Russia, China and partners in the region.


Having worked in Afghanistan to support diplomatic missions across the country, I fully understand the historic significance of this agreement.

After 19 years, the Taliban have agreed to the same thing that the U.S. asked them for at the beginning of this conflict, which was to prevent any terrorist organization to use Taliban territory to attack the United States or our allies.


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2020-02-29 17:10:24Z

Afghanistan's Taliban, US sign peace deal - Al Jazeera English

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. Afghanistan's Taliban, US sign peace deal  Al Jazeera English
  2. US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone  Fox News
  3. US signing a historic deal with the Taliban  ABC News
  4. Afghanistan peace plan: Don’t assume the Taliban aren’t serious. Test them.  USA TODAY
  5. How Afghans Can Work Together to End the War  The New York Times
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

2020-02-29 16:20:41Z

Coronavirus continues to spread as disease rattles global economy - CBS News

The World Health Organization says the risk of the new coronavirus expanding worldwide is now "very high." New cases of the disease it causes, COVID-19, are continuing to emerge globally. 

Overnight, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it is aware of four new "presumptive positive cases" of COVID-19 in the United States. Four patients tested positive for the new coronavirus using the CDC-developed rRT-PCR, it said.

"They are considered presumptive positive cases pending CDC confirmatory testing," the CDC said. "However, CDC and State and local public health authorities are proceeding with public health investigations and response activities as if these were confirmed cases."

According to the CDC, the four suspected cases are in:

  • California, which announced a second possible instance of community spread, defined as the spread of an illness for which the infection's source is unknown.
  • Oregon, which announced its first possible instance of community spread.
  • Washington state, which announced two presumptive cases – one that is likely linked to travel and one that marks the state's first possible instance of community spread.

If confirmed, the four cases will be among a handful of other cases detected in the United States through the U.S. public health system.

There are now more than 85,000 cases globally – most of them in China, where the virus originated – and more than 2,900 deaths. As health officials try to contain the virus, it continues to put millions of people in the U.S. on edge and rattle the markets.

Medical members wearing protective gear take samples from a driver with suspected symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus, at a "drive-through" virus test facility in Goyang, north of Seoul, on February 29, 2020. JUNG YEON-JE/AFP via Getty Images

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2020-02-29 14:58:00Z

Pompeo to sign historic U.S.-Taliban peace deal - CBS This Morning

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. Pompeo to sign historic U.S.-Taliban peace deal  CBS This Morning
  2. US and Taliban sign historic agreement  CNN
  3. US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone  Fox News
  4. Afghanistan peace plan: Don’t assume the Taliban aren’t serious. Test them.  USA TODAY
  5. How Afghans Can Work Together to End the War  The New York Times
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

2020-02-29 14:30:53Z

Number of US coronavirus cases with unknown origin rises to 4 | TheHill - The Hill

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported two new cases of the coronavirus that do not appear to be travel-related, bringing the total number of suspected cases with unknown origins to four.

One case was reported in Oregon and the other in Washington state, the CDC announced late Friday. The new untraceable cases follow California health officials on Friday reporting a second case of coronavirus in a person who had no previous connection to anyone with the disease.

The cases have raised concerns among health officials about so-called community spread, in which an illness spreads in communities despite the source of the infection being unknown. The first suspected case of community spread was announced in California on Wednesday.


More than 60 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the U.S., with the majority coming from Americans repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was quarantined in Japan.

Before the four Western cases announced this week, state health officials and the CDC were able to trace the origins of coronavirus cases.

“I understand this may be concerning to hear, but this is what we have been preparing for," said Sara Cody, the health officer in Santa Clara County, Calif., where one of the cases was confirmed Friday.

"Now we need to start taking additional actions to slow down the spread of the disease," she continued.

The county health official said the second such case in California signals "to us that it’s now time to shift how we respond to the novel coronavirus.”

“The public health measures we’ve taken so far, isolation, quarantine, contact tracing and travel restrictions have helped to slow the spread of disease ... but now we need to add other public health tools to the mix.”

On Friday, the World Health Organization raised its coronavirus risk assessment to "very high," but said that the outbreak has yet to become a global pandemic.

There are more than 85,000 reported cases of the virus worldwide and almost 3,000 deaths – the vast majority from mainland China, where the outbreak originated.

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2020-02-29 12:48:13Z

U.S. Signs Peace Deal With Taliban After Nearly 2 Decades Of War In Afghanistan - NPR

Members of the Taliban delegation gather ahead of Saturday's signing ceremony with the United States in the Qatari capital of Doha. Giuseppe Cacace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

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U.S. Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad signed a deal with the head of the Taliban's negotiating team, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, that paves the way for eventual peace in Afghanistan. The accord was signed in Doha, Qatar, where the two sides spent many months hashing out the agreement.

It comes at the end of a seven-day "Reduction in Violence" in Afghanistan that was agreed to earlier this month.

According to the deal, "the United States is committed to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces of the United States, its allies, and Coalition partners, including all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private security contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting services personnel within fourteen (14) months."

The deal stipulates that the U.S. will begin the process of drawing down troops 8,600 in the first 135 days and withdraw forces from five bases. All further reductions in troops will be conditioned-based and related to counter-terrorism needs and the Taliban upholding its commitments to not allowing Afghan soil to be used as a base for terrorism in the future.

The Afghan government also will release up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners as a gesture of goodwill, in exchange for 1,000 Afghan security forces held by the Taliban.

Along with members of the United Nations Security Council, the U.S. intends to "remove members of the Taliban from the sanctions list with the aim of achieving this objective by May 29, 2020." And Washington aims to remove the group from U.S. sanctions by Aug 27, 2020.

The Taliban "will not allow any of its members, other individuals or groups, including al-Qa'ida, to use the soil of Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States and its allies."

The U.S. will "request the recognition and endorsement of the UN Security Council for this agreement."

The Afghan government will also begin negotiations with the Taliban to map out a political settlement which would establish the role the Taliban would play in a future Afghanistan. These negotiations are expected to start next month. One of the first tasks in these intra-Afghan talks will be to achieve a lasting ceasefire in Afghanistan.

Separately, in Kabul, Afghanistan, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg signed a joint declaration with the Afghan government – represented by President Ashraf Ghani – that commits the Afghans to these up-coming negotiations with the Taliban and to provide Afghanistan with security guarantees as this process unfolds.

This deal has been worked out by US Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad and the Taliban over months of negotiations in Doha, Qatar. The U.S. and Taliban had reached an agreement last summer. President Trump walked away from that near-deal after a U.S. servicemember was killed in a September car bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The possibly historic agreement has been 18 months in the making. It follows nine rounds of on-again, off-again talks in Doha — the Qatari capital where the Taliban maintains an office — that began in 2018. An earlier agreement that was to be signed last September was scuttled by the Trump administration after a U.S. service member was killed in Afghanistan.

Only the U.S., led by Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad, and the Taliban have taken part in the negotiations, an arrangement that New York University's Barnett Rubin says was designed by the Taliban and resisted until recently by the U.S.

"Since 2010 [the Taliban] always insisted there would be two stages: international and then intra-Afghan," says Rubin, who served from 2009-2013 as special advisor to the State Department's Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan and now directs the Afghanistan Pakistan Regional Program at NYU's Center on International Cooperation.

The Taliban's rule in Afghanistan, which lasted just five years, ended abruptly with the invasion of a U.S.-led military coalition shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Their overthrow was in reprisal for having harbored Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaida, whose militants hijacked and crashed four American airliners in those attacks.

Over the past three years, the Taliban have fought U.S. and Afghan forces to what Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley calls "a state of strategic stalemate."

President Trump has repeatedly vowed to end America's involvement in the war in Afghanistan, the most prolonged of all U.S. conflicts. Yet, within months of assuming the presidency, Trump added 4,000 U.S. troops to the 8,900 American forces already deployed there.

More than 2,400 Americans have died in Afghanistan during nearly 18 years of fighting at an estimated cost to the U.S. Treasury of nearly $1 trillion.

The deal signed in Doha follows a week-long "reduction in violence" period, during which Taliban fighters promised to suspend major attacks and U.S. forces agreed to suspend offensive operations, except attacks against Islamic State insurgents. Local observers have described an 80% drop in violence since the lull in warfare began last Sunday.

"We have seen just these last six days a significant reduction in violence in Afghanistan," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Friday, shortly before flying to the Doha signing ceremony. Earlier in the week, Pompeo called the partial truce "imperfect," but said "it's working."

Here are some of the key elements in that political resolution:

1. A withdrawal of U.S. troops

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, left, meets with Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani ahead of Saturday's signing ceremony between the U.S. and the Taliban in Qatar's capital, Doha. Giuseppe Cacace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

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It's not clear how quickly U.S. forces will leave Afghanistan under the Doha agreement. Initially, there is a reported 135-day window from the time of the pact's signing for the U.S. to begin a troop withdrawal, which has been a central demand of the Taliban.

"There is an initial drawdown where there is a date and there's a number," says a senior State Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "There is also an aspirational timeline for withdrawal that is entirely conditions-based, and it will depend on [the Taliban's] performance as we judge their performance."

The success of February's seven-day partial truce is seen as a crucial first step.

"That sets the stage for the other elements, which include the United States promising to draw down from roughly 13,000 American troops in Afghanistan to about 8,600, which would be the same number we had when President Obama left office," says Michael O'Hanlon, a Brookings Institution scholar and longtime supporter of the U.S. intervention in Afghanistan. "So, it's not a huge change. It's just a reduction from the sort of mini-Trump buildup."

In the initial stages of the deal, U.S. troops would also be evacuated from five forward operating bases.

O'Hanlon warns this agreement cannot repeat what the U.S. signed with the North Vietnamese in the 1973 Paris peace talks, "where we basically take on faith that the enemy is going to behave itself once we're gone."

But a State Department official insists the Taliban will continue to be subject to an edifice of sanctions imposed over the years by both the U.S. and the United Nations Security Council.

"Part of the process of making peace is to begin to take down the edifice, but the language [in the peace accord] is carefully constructed to be conditional, depending on Taliban performance," says the official. "If the Taliban don't do what we hope they'll do, our requirements to begin to take down that edifice are vitiated."

A senior Afghan official tells NPR that the U.S. forces that do remain would focus on the three missions they are currently carrying out: counter-terrorism operations, training of Afghan forces and air support for Afghan ground forces.

A drawdown of the approximately 7,000 forces from other NATO member states in Afghanistan would take place in tandem with the departure of U.S. troops.

2. A commitment by the Taliban to end support for U.S.-deemed "terrorist organizations"

U.S. officials insist the troop withdrawal timeline will depend primarily on one condition: the degree to which the Taliban fulfills its commitment in the peace deal not to allow Afghanistan to be used as a base of operations by insurgencies such as al-Qaida and the Islamic State.

"The Taliban must respect the agreement, specifically regarding their promises of severing ties with terrorists," Pompeo said earlier this week at the State Department. "We have our deep counterterrorism interest there, making sure that the homeland is never attacked. It's one of the central underpinnings of what President Trump has laid before us."

The Taliban's renunciation of ties with al-Qaida, though, may be more easily said than done.

"This is a complex issue because the Haqqani network is often seen as a strong affiliate of al-Qaida and it's also part of the Taliban leadership," says the Brooking Institution's O'Hanlon. "So we don't really quite know what that means, but presumably, core al-Qaida and the Taliban would not be allowed to speak [to each other] and we would be listening with all of our electronic capabilities to make sure that was the case."

The Haqqani network is one of Afghanistan's most experienced insurgent groups, long thought to be responsible for some of the more sophisticated and large scale attacks, especially in the capital, Kabul. It's leader, Sirajuddin Haqqani, is the Taliban's current deputy and recently penned an op-ed in the New York Times.

The State Department recognizes there are concerns about the Taliban's historical bonds with al-Qaida. "We think this is a decisive and historic first step in terms of their public acknowledgment that they are breaking ties with al-Qaida," says one official. "That's going to be a work in progress."

Just as the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan is the Taliban's main demand in this agreement, the U.S. has made the Taliban's forswearing of ties to other insurgencies its top ask.

"We went into Afghanistan with NATO after 9/11 because of the threat to the United States and our allies," the State Department official says. "We are still there because we are concerned about the terrorist threat."

But one former senior U.S. official suggests the Trump administration may be exaggerating that threat.

"In my estimation, we have largely achieved our counter-terrorism objective today. Al-Qaida is much diminished in Afghanistan and Pakistan, with most of its senior leaders killed and those who remain marginalized," retired Army General Douglas Lute, who served as point man for the Afghan war effort in both the Bush and Obama White Houses, recently wrote in prepared Congressional testimony. "There is a branch of the so-called Islamic State in Afghanistan, but I have seen no evidence that it presents a threat to the U.S. and it is under pressure from the Afghans, including from the Taliban."

3. Maintaining a communications channel

Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Taliban's former ambassador to Pakistan, speaks to the press ahead of Saturday's signing ceremony with the United States in Qatar. Giuseppe Cacace/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

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The U.S. and the Taliban are expected to continue the lines of communications they have already established during the talks in Doha, both to support implementation of the agreement and to de-conflict their respective military operations against ISIS in eastern Afghanistan.

Suspicions that there was a secret annex to the deal that also involved sharing intelligence with the Taliban prompted a cautionary letter to Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper this week from 22 House Republicans. They demanded that any deal between the U.S. and the Taliban be made public with no secret annexes or side deals, including one for intelligence sharing or a joint counterterrorism center with the Taliban.

"This would be a farce," the lawmakers wrote, "and put American lives at risk."

A State Department official on Thursday denied the U.S. was entering into any kind of "cooperative partnership" with the Taliban.

4. Prisoner swaps

The Afghan government has also agreed to release 5000 Taliban prisoners as a goodwill gesture in exchange for a 1000 Afghan security forces held by the Taliban.

"We have absolutely committed to helping mediate and resolve this tough issue," says a State Department official, referring to the release of Taliban prisoners. "There are some people that we're not concerned about. There's some people we may be more concerned about."

The same official expressed admiration for the care Taliban leaders have shown for freeing their fighters, while adding, "The agreement makes explicit that those who are released need to make commitments that they won't go back to the battlefield and that they will support the agreement."

While noting the need for early action on releasing prisoners to build confidence among the Taliban in the peace process, the official said both the numbers of prisoners and the timeline for their release are "aspirational" and will depend on "Taliban performance."

5. Intra-party talks among Afghans

A second phase of the peace process would bring together Afghan government officials, opposition figures, civil society representatives and the Taliban to discuss a political roadmap for bringing an end to the war.

The talks are expected to take place in Oslo, Norway, to begin around mid-March. The U.S. will be present along with others, including Germany, Indonesia and the U.N., but only in the role of supporting and facilitating the talks.

"It's not like the Taliban are endlessly evil or that this will bring flowers and roses and doves overnight," says one U.S. official. "We've reached a point where there's a critical mass on all sides where people want to change, want a better future, want a better option, and our job is to continue to create the incentives, continue to create the momentum for people to move forward and change the negative trajectory."

A host of difficult issues are to be addressed in the intra-Afghan talks, including:

a. A long-term cease-fire

The reduction in violence of the past week is intended to be a step toward an overall cessation of hostilities to be worked out in Oslo.

"The agreement explicitly calls on the Taliban to sit down with the other Afghans in the intra-Afghan negotiations, where they will discuss the modalities and the timing of a comprehensive and permanent cease-fire," says a State Department official. "There's a lot of mistrust, decades of fighting, so it's not going to be easy."

This would likely entail a dismantling of the Taliban's military force with the aim of either demobilizing or integrating its members into the Afghan security forces — a goal O'Hanlon considers daunting.

"I think the only realistic way to handle the security forces is that you keep all the different forces more or less in place," he says. "The Taliban continue to hold the parts of the country where they're most influential in certain rural areas, the Afghan army and police control the cities and major highways, and maybe there's a U.N. observation force making sure they don't fight each other."

b. Power sharing

Yet to be determined is the role the Taliban might play in Afghanistan's political future.

The nation continues to roil over results of the disputed September presidential election. President Ashraf Ghani was declared the winner in mid-February, but that result is not recognized by his challenger, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, and a planned swearing-in of Ghani for a second term has been postponed until March 10, at the request of the U.S.

"You have a very fragmented country right now within Afghanistan, even apart from the Taliban and the central government who are clearly at war," says Bahar Jalali, who directs the women's mentoring program at the American University of Afghanistan. "There's a lot of consternation with the Taliban coming back and re-emerging as viable political actors. What's going to happen with that?"

c. Women's rights

After women were prohibited under Taliban rule from attending school, working or appearing in public without a male relative as escort, they've won back those rights and gained others in areas no longer dominated by the Taliban.

In his New York Times opinion piece last week, deputy Taliban leader Sirajuddin Haqqani appeared to play down concerns that women would lose their restored freedoms.

"I am confident that, liberated from foreign domination and interference, we together will find a way to build an Islamic system in which all Afghans have equal rights," Haqqani wrote, "where the rights of women that are granted by Islam — from the right to education to the right to work — are protected, and where merit is the basis for equal opportunity."

But many are skeptical of the Taliban's intentions and doubt such assurances.

"We saw what the Taliban's version of Islam looked like in the late 1990s and early 2000s, right before the U.S. military intervention," says Jalali. "That gives nobody any good sense of comfort about the Taliban upholding the rights of women under Islamic law."

Jalali fears the U.S. is simply looking for a way out of Afghanistan before November's election.

"That really speaks to Trump's burning desire to exit from Afghanistan and to say, hey, I ended the Forever War, you know, I can claim credit for that," she says. "I keep saying [it's a] low threshold for peace and a low threshold for ending the war."

For O'Hanlon, the Doha peace agreement is only a start.

"It's a tiny step forward," he says. "It's a good step forward, but it doesn't really mean that phase two or round two is going to follow naturally."

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2020-02-29 13:20:00Z