Jumat, 24 Februari 2023

China urges Russia-Ukraine talks, UN supports no nukes clause - CNA

BEIJING: China called on Friday (Feb 24) for urgent peace talks as it released its plan to end the war in Ukraine, but several Western powers rebuffed the proposals while warning against Beijing's closening ties to Moscow.

The United Nations expressed cautious optimism over the Chinese proposals, particularly over the document's call to avoid using nuclear weapons.

Russia reacted positively to Beijing's efforts and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy offered a muted response, saying Kyiv needed to "work with China" on approaches to put an end to the year-old war.

Zelenskyy told reporters he was planning to meet with Xi Jinping after the Chinese leader's government called for the peace talks, saying it would "be important for world security".

China's 12-point paper calling for a "political settlement" of the crisis follows accusations from the West that China is considering arming Russia, a claim Beijing has dismissed as false.

Timed to coincide with the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the paper urges all parties to "support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible".

It also makes clear its opposition to not only the use of nuclear weapons, but the threat of deploying them, after Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to use Moscow's atomic arsenal in the conflict.

Russia said Friday it appreciated Beijing's efforts to settle the conflict but insisted any solution should recognise Kremlin control over four Ukrainian regions.

"We highly value the sincere desire of our Chinese friends to contribute to the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine through peaceful means," the foreign ministry said, but added any settlement must recognise "the new territorial realities".

China's document was immediately met by scepticism from Ukraine's allies, with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg saying Beijing "doesn't have much credibility because they have not been able to condemn the illegal invasion of Ukraine".

US President Joe Biden's national security advisor said the war "could end tomorrow if Russia stopped attacking Ukraine and withdrew its forces".

"My first reaction to (the position paper) is that it could stop at point one, which is to respect the sovereignty of all nations," Jake Sullivan told CNN.

And German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that while "every constructive suggestion that brings us closer on the path to a just peace is highly welcome ... whether global power China wants to play such a constructive role is still doubtful".

At a press conference in Beijing, Ukrainian and EU diplomats urged China to do more to press Russia to end the conflict.

Jorge Toledo, the EU ambassador to China, said Beijing has a "special responsibility" as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to uphold peace.

At the United Nations, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres's spokesman said "I think the call on the need to avoid the use of nuclear weapons is particularly important."

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2023-02-24 19:47:20Z

With higher spending in 2023, Malaysia faces uncertainties in raising revenue: Analysts - CNA

Professor Geoffrey Williams, provost for research and innovation from the Malaysia University of Science and Technology, said the government could probably afford the increased spending. 

But he noted that Malaysia is very heavily affected by what’s happening in the global economy and there are some “headwinds” on the international front.

“So although (revenue) is slightly lower in terms of its overall projection, it very much depends on the strength of the economy. So from a revenue side, I think that it is affordable,” he told CNA’s Asia Now.

Malaysia’s economy is forecasted to expand 4.5 per cent in 2023, Mr Anwar said, slowing from the 8.7 per cent growth in 2022.

Prof Williams pointed out that actual revenue for 2022 turned out to be “very much higher” than predicted in the original budget that year.

Last month, the government announced that Malaysia’s trade surplus hit a record high of RM255.1 billion in 2022. This is the 25th consecutive year the country has recorded a trade surplus since 1998. A trade surplus occurs when the value of a country’s exports exceeds the costs of its imports.

More specifically, the proposed capital gains tax could have a large impact on raising revenue, said Mr Soh Lian Seng, KPMG’s head of tax in Malaysia.

“Capital gains tax will have wide implications, pending details of the mechanism that will be in place; more of interest will be the tax rate that will be imposed,” he said.

If the imposed rate goes up to 30 per cent, which Mr Soh said is the current rate of real property gains tax, he highlighted that this will be a “significant revenue stream” for the government.

Commenting on the luxury goods tax, Prof Williams said it will not be a “big revenue earner”.

Economist Khor Yu Leng, Southeast Asia research director at Segi Enam Advisors, added that the luxury goods tax could be of “limited fiscal revenue significance, but serves as part of the shift for a progressive approach to tax”.

“The new luxury and income taxes may not cover the increased spending,” she said.

With that said, BowerGroupAsia director Adib Zalkapli said the “devil is in the details” when determining how much these taxes could help raise revenue.

“Until the mechanism for capital gains tax is finalised and the definition of luxury goods is made clear, we won't be able to tell how they will improve government revenue,” he said.

However, others like Professor James Chin of the University of Tasmania are less sanguine. He believes that the new taxes will not be able to fund the extra spending.

“But this does not matter in the big picture,” he said.

“It's likely that Malaysia will borrow to fund the difference. All countries are borrowing big to recover from the pandemic and as long as the country grows over the long term, borrowing is all right.”

Malaysia’s national debt is expected to reach RM1.2 trillion in 2023 - more than 60 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), said Mr Anwar when tabling the budget. It would have reached RM1.5 trillion when liabilities are included.

Additional reporting by Amir Yusof.

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2023-02-24 14:58:49Z

Malaysia PM Anwar tables expansionary budget, aims to lower cost of living - CNA


Mr Anwar on Friday announced that the government is proposing lowering income tax for the 40 per cent middle income group (M40) while increasing taxes for the rich.

“The T20 group (top 20 per cent earners) are rich so they don’t need assistance. The B40 (bottom 40 per cent) has been given government assistance all this while. But what about the M40?,” said Mr Anwar.

“I am grateful for their patience all this while, even though they have been squeezed by the increased cost of living. So I am happy to announce that the government has agreed to increase the disposable income of the M40 group through a reduction in the individual income tax rate,” he added.

Mr Anwar elaborated that from 2023, the individual income tax rate for M40 residents, who earn between RM35,000 and RM100,000 annually, will be reduced by 2 percentage points. Currently, they pay between 8 per cent and 21 per cent, depending on their income.

Mr Anwar said this tax cut is expected to benefit approximately 2.4 million taxpayers, giving them extra disposable income of up to RM1,300.

On the other hand, Mr Anwar added that high earners with annual incomes of between RM100,000 and RM1 million annually will be taxed between 0.5 and 2 percentage points more.  Currently, they pay between 24 per cent and 26 per cent, depending on their income.

He said the progressive increase in income tax is expected to impact less than 150,000 taxpayers.

“This is a small number of people … but they must also shoulder the responsibility. Because if we want to lower the burden of the poor and middle income, the rich should contribute slightly,” he added.

Mr Anwar added that for the B40 households with income of less than RM2,500 a month, they will receive cash aid of up to RM2,500 depending on the number of children through the Rahmah Cash Aid initiative.

He added that food baskets and vouchers for staple food items worth RM600 will also be extended to Rahmah Cash Aid recipients who are registered.

Mr Anwar on Friday reiterated that the government has no plans to implement a broad-based consumption tax such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

“With the majority of the people still facing difficulties, food inflation exceeding 5 per cent, and low wage rates, it is not appropriate at this time to introduce and implement such a tax,” he said.

He added that the government was also studying how to introduce a capital gains tax for unlisted share disposal by companies, in line with international best practice guidelines.

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2023-02-24 12:03:04Z

Cathay to dish out 80,000 return flights to residents of Southeast Asian countries - South China Morning Post

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. Cathay to dish out 80,000 return flights to residents of Southeast Asian countries  South China Morning Post
  2. Cathay Pacific to give Southeast Asia 80000 free air tickets to Hong Kong, 12500 for Singapore residents  Channel NewsAsia
  3. 12500 free Cathay Pacific tickets to Hong Kong for Singapore residents up for grabs from March 2 to 8  The Straits Times
  4. View Full coverage on Google News


2023-02-24 09:53:02Z

Taiwan sees China taking lessons from Russia's Ukraine invasion - CNA

He said even if Chinese forces were planning a speedy attack they would face difficulties trying to take the island in a sudden move as they would have to cross the Taiwan Strait that separates the two.

"They would still have to overcome this," Chiu said. "It wouldn't be as fast as a week or two."

China has never renounced the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control and continues to mount almost daily military patrols near the island.

"I've said it before - as soon as the guns sound we will keep going to the end. But we absolutely will not provoke."

Taiwan's democratically-elected government says only Taiwan's people have the right to decide their future.

While Ukraine has won widespread public support in Taiwan, and Taiwan's government has sent humanitarian aid, China has refused to condemn Russia and the two countries announced a "no limits" partnership shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine.

China has said that it is a "naked double standard" to seek to conflate the issues of Taiwan and Ukraine as the island has always been part of China and is entirely a domestic matter.

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2023-02-24 04:15:21Z

China urges Russia, Ukraine to resume talks, warns against using nuclear weapons - CNA

"My first reaction to it is that it could stop at point one, which is to respect the sovereignty of all nations," Jake Sullivan told CNN.

"Ukraine wasn't attacking Russia. NATO wasn't attacking Russia. The United States wasn't attacking Russia," he said.

"Russia has already lost this war."

And at a press conference in Beijing, Ukrainian and EU diplomats urged China to do more to press Russia to end the conflict.

Zhanna Leshchynska, charge d'affaires at the Ukrainian embassy, called on Beijing to leverage its stated neutrality and "talk to both sides".

"China should do everything in its power to stop the war and restore peace in Ukraine and urge Russia to withdraw its troops," she said.

"We see the Chinese side mostly talk to Russia but not with Ukraine."

Jorge Toledo, the EU ambassador to China, said Beijing has a "special responsibility" as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to uphold peace.

"Whether this is compatible with neutrality, I'm not sure, it depends on what neutrality means," he said.

"China has to uphold and defend and promote these values that are being grossly violated by the aggressor in this war."


China has sought to position itself as a neutral party in the conflict while maintaining close ties with strategic ally Russia.

Top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi met Wednesday with Putin and Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, in Moscow.

A readout following the meeting published by Chinese state news agency Xinhua quoted Wang saying China was willing to "deepen political trust" and "strengthen strategic coordination" with Russia.

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2023-02-24 02:31:00Z

Indonesian baby weighs 27kg – the same as an 8-year-old – and wears his dad's clothes - The Straits Times

A baby in Indonesia has become so big that he has to wear XXXL diapers and his father’s clothes.

Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro, who is one year and four months old, currently weighs 27kg – the same weight as an eight-year-old.

By contrast, the average weight of a 16-month-old is 10kg.

“Normal baby clothes don’t fit him,” said his mother Pitriah, who, like many Indonesians, goes by one name.

Videos of Ms Pitriah struggling to carry Kenzi in their family home in Bekasi Regency, West Java, have gone viral on social media.

As he is unable to stand or walk owing to his weight, his family puts him in a stroller. However, even that is a struggle, as he is too heavy for the pushchair.

Due to his massive size, he can wear only XXXL diapers and fit into his father’s clothes.

“His father is quite small, so at times, I will put him in his father’s clothes,” said Ms Pitriah, 40.

She also said she has difficulties finding the right size diapers for her son, as her small town does not have many XXXL nappies.

“So I put him on double XL,” she said, adding that he will wear diapers only at night due to the family’s financial constraints.

Kenzi was around 4kg when he was born. However, according to Ms Pitriah, he started gaining weight on a weekly basis when he was around six months old.

“As I have no breast milk, I gave him formula milk, which he drinks four times a day. But from the age of six months, he started to gain a lot of weight,” she was quoted as saying by Indonesian news programme Liputan 6.

News portal detik.com revealed that the baby had in fact consumed sweetened condensed milk as a substitute for breast milk because her mother had a history of gallstones.

Health minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has ordered medical officials to monitor the case and provide treatment.

For now, Kenzi is undergoing routine checks and weight loss treatment at a hospital.

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2023-02-24 04:51:43Z