Sabtu, 29 Mei 2021

15 years on, mud continues to gush in East Java villages as residents reel from odour and heat - CNA

SIDOARJO, East Java: Indonesian Muanisah, who goes by one name, recalled the day when she held her 40-day-old baby in despair as he had trouble breathing.

She was just about to have her breakfast on May 29, 2006 when she smelled a pungent odour, which she believed caused her baby to cry while gasping for air. 

“He was yawning ... unable to breathe. I was afraid something wrong had happened to my child,” said Mdm Muanisah.

Unaware of what the smell was, she got out of her house but the odour was there too.

She decided to take public transport and seek refuge at her family’s house a few kilometres away where the air was clean. There, her baby could finally breathe normally again, she said.

“They (authorities) just said there was a gas leak,” said Mdm Muanisah, who was 22-year-old at the time.

Within a few days, it became clear that the cause of the odour was a mud flow bursting in the middle of a paddy field in Sidoarjo, East Java, just 200m away from Mdm Muanisah’s house.

(ks) Mdm Muanisah
Muanisah is now working as a motorcycle taxi rider to support her family. (Photo: Kiki Siregar)

Now, 15 years later, the mud flow has buried thousands of homes, factories and shops. It is believed to be covering an area of more than 650ha currently and is showing no signs of stopping.

The Sidoarjo mud flow has disrupted the lives of about 60,000 people, forcing them to flee or adapt to the unpleasant conditions. 

The mud flow also produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that causes global warming and leads to climate change. 

A February study by senior researcher Adriano Mazzini et al showed that the mud flow releases 100,000 tonnes of methane yearly into the atmosphere. This is said to be the site with the highest methane emission ever recorded for a single natural gas manifestation.


The cause of the mud flow is still a topic of debate until today.

Some argue that the eruption was triggered by a 6.3 magnitude quake two days earlier in Yogyakarta, some 260km away.

There are also people who believe that drilling by oil and gas company Lapindo Brantas nearby was the culprit. Others think that the combination of both events may have contributed to the mud flow.

READ: IN FOCUS: The fight against Jakarta’s devastating yearly floods

Mr Khudori, whose house was buried by the mud flow six months after it first emerged, is frustrated by the inconveniences.  

“The smell was too strong … and it also affected the water, (I got) itchy, it was polluted, we can’t drink it. Previously, we could drink it before mud flow existed.

"After the emergence of the mud flow, sometimes if I take a shower, I’ll feel itchy. And the smell made me short of breath,” said Mr Khudori, who goes by one name.

The 54-year-old was forced to find a new home about 1.5km away.

“I can still smell it. Never mind 1.5km, even at the distance of 5km it can still be smelled during the rainy season. 

“If it’s the rainy season, the smell of methane is very strong. Though when it is the dry season, it is not so obvious,” said Mr Khudori.

(ks) Mr Khudori
Khudori used to live 200m away from Sidoarjo mud flow. (Photo: Kiki Siregar)

He also observed that since the mud flow emerged, Sidoarjo has become hotter. “The mud flow releases heat,” the father of six said, adding that floods seemed to occur more now. 

He said there is nothing he can do about the condition, apart from turning to bottled mineral water for consumption.

A 2017 study showed that the mud temperature, which was previously 100 degree Celsius, was 60 degree Celsius. Meteorological agency data showed that the average temperature in Sidoarjo has seen an increase of less than 1 degrees Celsius in the last 15 years. 

READ: 'Everything dies' - Mining, climate change threaten livelihoods of Bintan's fishing communities

Mr Khudori, who used to work at a factory near the mud flow, now works as a motorcycle taxi rider with no fixed income as the mud had also buried his workplace.

Mdm Muanisah, whose house was buried by the mud in November 2006, has since rented a house about 5km away from the mud flow.

She said there is also nothing she can do about the complaints they have, apart from using a mask at home to repel the odour she occasionally smells.

“Even before COVID-19, I have gotten used to wearing a mask,” she said.


At its peak, the mud discharged was equivalent to about 25 Olympic-sized swimming pools daily, said authorities.

To ensure that the mud flow does not continue to bury the surroundings, an embankment and pipes have been built to divert the mud to a nearby river. 

(ks) aerial view of Sidoarjo mud flow
Sidoarjo mud flow covers an area of about 650ha. (Photo: Boy Slamet) 

The mud comprises 80 per cent water, said Mr Pattiasina Jefry Recky, head of Sidoarjo Mud Control Center (PPLS) which is the agency overseeing the mud flow.

“The mud from the burst is about 60,000 to 90,000 cubic metres per day. And we can flow about 30 million cubic metres per year into the Porong river, but that is not enough because we are dealing with quite a lot of problems. 

“The ships which (pump the mud) are old ships, so we can't work more effectively,” he said.

(ks) Sidoarjo mud ship
One of the ships which pump the Sidoarjo mud into the Porong river. (Photo: Kiki Siregar)

In addition, the agency needs to ensure that the embankment is strong.

Mr Pattiasina said some geological experts predicted that the mud flow will ooze for at least 40 years.

"It has only been 15 years. If the drainage and embankment protection is safe, then it is safe. 

"We're only afraid of the rainy season because our embankment is an earthen-filled dam. It was built in a rush back then. For us technical people, a technical embankment should not be like that."

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He said that the embankment is 11m high. "And most likely it can’t be more than that. We are afraid that if it is higher, it will collapse because the carrying capacity is not strong," he added.


Mr Mazzini, who is a senior researcher at the Centre of Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) of the University of Oslo, said the Sidoarjo mud flow is something between a magmatic volcano and a mud volcano. 

Mr Mazzini, who has studied the mud flow since 2006 and has visited the site numerous times, concluded that the mud flow is connected to the active Arjuno-Welirang volcanoes about 20km away.  

(ks) Sidoarjo mud flow May 2021
Sidoarjo mud flow has buried thousands of homes, factories and shops. (Photo: Kiki Siregar)

The conclusion was made because the gas and water from the mud flow and the volcanoes are the same.

His latest study, which was conducted with his colleagues using a combined method of ground-based and satellite observations, showed that the methane concentration in Sidoarjo is very high compared to other parts of East Java. Most of the methane originates from the mud flow, according to the study.

Government agencies told CNA they do not know how much gas methane has been released by the mud flow.

Mr Pattiasina of PPLS said there have been plans to make lithium batteries out of the mud, but as of now it is still being discussed.

(ks) PPLS Sidoarjo mud flow
Head of Sidoarjo Mud Control Center (PPLS) Pattiasina Jefry Recky showing a map of Sidoarjo mud site. (Photo: Kiki Siregar) 

Head of Sidoarjo’s environment and sanitation agency Sigit Setyawan said the agency had planned to work with an energy company to produce biomass from the mud as an alternative source of renewable energy since 2019. 

“However, the plan was constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he told CNA.

He added that the agency also proposed to plant productive crops on the land buried by the mud, which the government has bought from locals as the area was too dangerous to live in. 


Mr Anung Suprayitno, head of the meteorological, climatological and geophysical agency (BMKG) Malang, said that even though the mud flow has existed for 15 years, more data is needed to conclude its impact on the climate. 

The agency, which oversees the management of meteorological and climatological data throughout East Java, said it does not know the full extent of Sidoarjo mud flow's contribution to greenhouse gas emission.

(ks) Sidoarjo mud flow drainage
The Sidoarjo mud flow is flushed into Porong river. (Photo: Boy Slamet)

While meteorological data in the last 15 years shows that the temperature at Sidoarjo has increased by less than 1 degree Celsius and rainfall has increased in a small amount, Mr Suprayitno said the agency does not know if the mud flow is an reinforcing factor that accelerates the local scale of climate change. 

Mr Rere Christanto, who is the director executive of environmental non-governmental organisation Walhi East Java, said that there has been an increase in disasters over the past few years in East Java especially floods and landslides.

The Sidoarjo mud flow is part of a site that accounts for the largest emission of methane gas, and hence it has a big role to play in the build-up of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, he said. 

READ: Planting crops, building wells - Local volunteers take the lead to prevent yearly peatland fires in Indonesia's Riau

He said it is important that the government acknowledges this and does more than discharging the water sludge into the Porong river. 

The government has to analyse the mud and look into the possible extent and danger of its content, he said. 

"Now, if we have a threat map, we can imagine what actions the government can take and then take precautions. How large the area is and where. For example, the community can be given masks to wear.

"But it won't happen if the government doesn't want to admit (that the site releases huge amounts of methane)."

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2021-05-29 23:15:00Z

Vietnam detects hybrid of Covid-19 variants identified in India and Britain - The Straits Times

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2021-05-29 16:15:11Z

Malaysia reports daily record of 9020 new COVID-19 cases - CNA

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia reported 9,020 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday (May 29), its highest daily toll since the start of the pandemic.

This is the fifth straight day of record new infections, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 558,534, of which 76,218 are currently active or infectious.

There are 844 patients in intensive care, a new record for the fifth consecutive day, with 430 requiring respiratory support. 

Malaysia also reported 98 new deaths, bringing the total fatalities to 2,650.  

Of the new confirmed cases, there are five imported infections while the rest are local cases.

In its update on Saturday, the health ministry reported 5,527 new recovered cases, taking the total recoveries to 479,666. 

The number of individuals who have completed two COVID-19 vaccine doses in Malaysia has surpassed the one million mark, with more than 1.01 million people vaccinated as of Friday, said Health Minister Adham Baba.

Dr Adham, in his tweet on Saturday said more than 1.77 million individuals had received the first dose, bringing the total number of COVID-19 vaccine recipients in the country to nearly 2.8 million. 

He said that the five states with the highest number of people who have completed the two doses of vaccine were Selangor at 138,063 people, followed by Sarawak at 96,450, Kuala Lumpur with 94,397 people and Johor at 88,240.

As of Friday, 48.6 per cent or more than 11.7 million individuals had registered to receive vaccine shots, with Selangor continuing to record the highest registrations at nearly 3.16 million people.


Malaysia will close all economic and social sectors by implementing a "total lockdown" throughout the country, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced on Friday night.

The first phase of the lockdown will last from Jun 1 to Jun 14. Only essential economic and service sectors listed by the National Security Council will be allowed to operate during this phase.

READ: Malaysia to enter 'total lockdown' from Jun 1 to Jun 14 as daily number of COVID-19 cases hits new record

"This decision was made after taking into account the current situation of COVID-19 transmission in Malaysia with daily case numbers exceeding 8,000 and active cases exceeding 70,000," said a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office on Friday.

The emergence of more virulent COVID-19 variants also influenced the National Security Council's decision to implement the lockdown.

With the sharp rise in the daily number of COVID-19 cases, hospitals' capacity to treat patients throughout the country are "becoming more limited", the statement added.

If phase 1 of the lockdown is successful in reducing daily COVID-19 cases, the government will implement a four-week phase 2 lockdown, allowing the reopening of a few economic sectors that do not involve large gatherings.

"Once the phase 2 lockdown ends, the next step is phase 3, which is implementing a movement control order (MCO) similar to the current one in effect, where social activities are not allowed and nearly all economic sectors are allowed to operate subject to strict standard operating procedures and limited physical presence at workplaces," said the Prime Minister's Office.

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2021-05-29 11:37:30Z

Myanmar's shadow government parades new armed force - CNA

YANGON: The underground government set up by opponents of Myanmar's military junta said its first batch of recruits have finished training for a new defence force, releasing video of them parading in uniform.

The National Unity Government had announced it would form a People's Defence Force to challenge the army, which seized power on Feb 1, ousting elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and plunging the country into chaos.

The video of the graduation ceremony was released on Friday (May 28) in the name of Yee Mon, the shadow government's defence minister.

"This military is established by the official civilian government," an unidentified officer says at the ceremony. "The People's Defence Force must be aligned with the people and protect the people. We will fight to win this battle."

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A junta spokesman did not answer calls seeking comment.

The military authorities say the National Unity Government is treasonous and that both it and the People's Defence Force have been designated as terrorist groups.

The video shows around 100 fighters marching on a muddy parade ground in the jungle. They march in new camouflage uniforms behind the flags of the new force, red with a white star. They are not shown carrying weapons.

Nearly four months after the coup, the army is still struggling to impose order.

READ: Millions in Myanmar struggle to buy food as coup price hike bites

Anti-military protests take place daily in many parts of the country, strikes by opponents of the junta have paralysed business and fighting has flared with ethnic armed groups that oppose the junta and new militias formed to oppose it.

Two homemade bombs exploded in the main city of Yangon on Saturday, apparently targeting a police post and an army truck, the Mizzima news service said. It said one person speaking to the soldiers had been wounded in the second incident.

The junta's forces have killed more than 800 people since the coup, according to figures cited by the United Nations. More than 4,000 people have been detained.

Junta leader Min Aung Hlaing says the civilian death toll is nearer to 300 and has said around 50 members of the police have been killed. He gave no figure for soldiers. Groups fighting the armed forces say they have inflicted scores of casualties.

The army justified its coup on the grounds of fraud in an election swept by Aung San Suu Kyi's party in November. The allegations were rejected by the previous electoral commission.

Aung San Suu Kyi, 75, is on trial on a series of charges that her lawyers say are politically motivated.

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2021-05-29 08:01:48Z

COVID: 23 community cases among 33 new cases in Singapore - Yahoo Singapore News


Sevens Group acquires Treasure Island bungalow in mortgagee sale for $12,900,128

The bungalow at 8 Treasure Island has a 27m frontage and a driveway big enough for seven cars (Photo: PropNex)SINGAPORE (EDGEPROP) - When a bungalow at 8 Treasure Island in Sentosa Cove was offered for mortgagee sale at an auction in March this year, Eric Cheng, founder and CEO of Sevens Group, a niche land- ed property developer, was riveted. (See: First mortgagee sale of bungalow on Treasure Island priced from $12.9 mil)Cheng went down to view the property: It was a bungalow sitting on a 99-year leasehold site of 8,379 sq ft, with a built-up area of 9,362 sq ft. The 21⁄2-storey detached house comes with five en suite bedrooms, a basement and a 27m frontage with a driveway for seven cars. The house has a 22m frontage along the waterway and comes with a private jetty.Sevens Group has been shopping for a bungalow at Sentosa Cove since early last year, says Cheng. Prices of bungalows at Sentosa Cove had peaked at $3,214 psf in October 2012, when a sea-facing property sitting on a land area of 10,111 sq ft along Ocean Drive, changed hands for $32.5 million. “We feel that prices at Sentosa Cove are at rock-bottom today and definitely worth a closer look,” he adds.If Sevens Group wants to redevelop or undertake extensive additions and alterations to a bungalow at Sentosa Cove, including changing the façade, Cheng’s options are limited to the bungalows developed by individual owners on individual plots sold by Sentosa Development Corp. These can be found along Ocean Drive, Cove Way and Lakeshore View on the North Cove; as well as those on the South Cove such as Cove Drive, Cove Way and Cove Grove.Among the five islands at Sentosa Cove, four were purchased by property developers: Coral Island with 21 villas and the 29-villa Paradise Island were developed by Ho Bee Land; Sandy Island, with 18 villas, was developed by YTL Land; and Pearl Island, with 19 villas by Chinese developer Ximeng Land. The façade of the bungalows has to be retained in order to conform with the other bungalows on the same island, says Cheng. That means he cannot redevelop the property or undertake façade changes to the properties on these islands.This leaves just one island, namely Treasure Island, which was purchased by a group of tycoons back in 2007, and has been developed into 19 villas. Although the 19 villas have a similar façade as they were designed by CPG Corp and completed in 2009, the individual bungalows can be redeveloped and the façade can be changed, according to Cheng.He had considered several other bungalow plots including one at Cove Drive, with a view of Tanjong Golf Course. The deal fell through, how ever, due to a mismatch in price ex- pectations between buyer and seller.The bungalow on Treasure Island has a 22m frontage with a private berth along the waterway (Photo: PropNex)8 Treasure Island: Designing a ‘trophy home’The bungalow at 8 Treasure Island was attractive in Cheng’s eyes as it was a mortgagee sale, and marked the first mortgagee sale on the island. There have been several other mortgagee sales elsewhere, such as on Coral Island, Paradise Island and Sandy Island.The bank’s guide price for the property on Treasure Island was $12.88 million ($1,537 psf). Seeing that it was a distressed sale, Cheng initially offered $11 million, which was turned down by the bank. As the property was hotly contested, all the agents who were marketing the property had to submit offers from interested parties by mid- April.Cheng approached Bruce Lye, managing partner of SRI, to help him broker the deal. Cheng’s business partner and a director of Sevens Group submitted a bid of $12,900,128 ($1,540 psf) — which was $20,128 above the guide price — and the highest offer received. That led them to secure the property. While the option was recently exercised, the caveat has yet to be lodged.As the new owner, Cheng already has plans to invest another $2.5 million to $2.8 million in extensive addition and alteration works over the next 12 months. He plans to change the façade, reconfigure the interiors and turn the spacious basement into a karaoke lounge and entertainmentspace. He intends to select designer furnishings from luxury brands such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Armani. “I want to design a stunning, trophy home,” says Cheng.When the extensive refurbishments are completed, Cheng is targeting to launch it at a price “above $2,500 psf”, which would translate to upwards of $21 million.Sevens Group intends to invest $2.5 million to $2.8 million in extensive additions and alterations to turn the property into a "trophy home" (Photo: PropNex)Returning to peak prices?In the heydays of Sentosa Cove, between 2010 and 2013, apart from the bungalow at Ocean Drive that crossed $3,000 psf in 2012, three other bungalows had changed hands at prices in the high-$2,900 psf range: a sea-front property at Ocean Drive that fetched $28.2 million ($2,989 psf) in October 2010; another at Lake hore View fronting the Serapong Golf Course, the lake and the sea beyond, changed hands for $24.8 million ($2,952 psf) in May 2013; and this was followed by another property along Lakeshore View that went for $26 million ($2,922 psf). In September 2016, another seafront property along Ocean Drive fetched $28 million ($2,923 psf), based on caveats lodged.The two biggest bungalow deals in Sentosa Cove in terms of absolute prices were both transacted this year: “The Copper House”, which sits on one of the biggest plots of 18,053 sq ft (an amalgamation of two adjacent plots), fetched $43,666,000 ($2,419 psf), according to a caveat lodged in February; while another bungalow along Ocean Drive, which is also the result of two adjacent sites combined, with a land area of 19,551 sq ft, went for $39,333,999 ($2,012 psf) in April.More recently, a bungalow with an auspicious address at Coral Island changed hands for $10.3 million ($1,371 psf), according to a caveat lodged on May 5. The property was built in 2007, and sits on a 99-year leasehold site of 7,511 sq ft. The previous owner paid $5.488 million ($731 psf) for the property when Coral Island was first launched in December 2005.Cheng feels it is an opportune time for Sevens Group “to build our presence in Sentosa Cove” and to carve a niche in the prime districts of Singapore. “Some Singaporeans are concerned about the 99- year lease at Sentosa Cove,” says Cheng. “But investing in property is not for those looking for a short- term gain. As a developer, we are looking at the mid- to long term, and we are focusing on the top 1% of the market.”Foreigners can purchase bungalows at Sentosa Cove, unlike elsewhere on the mainland. However, they will still require approval from the Land Dealings Approval Unit of Singapore Land Authority. There are only around 300 such bungalows in Sentosa Cove. “It’s very limited in number,” adds Cheng.Check out the latest listings near Treasure Island, Sentosa Cove, Ocean Drive, Cove Way, Lakeshore View, Cove Drive, Cove GroveSee Also: Singapore Property for Sale & Rent, Latest Property News, Advanced Analytics Tools New Launch Condo & Landed Property in Singapore (COMPLETE list & updates) ‘Copper House’ flipped for $43.67 mil after two years [UPDATE] Ho Bee launches 16 remaining units at Turquoise at prices from $1,290 psf First mortgagee sale of bungalow on Treasure Island priced from $12.9 mil En Bloc Calculator, Find Out If Your Condo Will Be The Next en-bloc HDB Resale Flats Up For Sale, Affordable Units Available

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2021-05-29 07:42:40Z

Vietnam detects hybrid of COVID-19 variants from India and UK - CNA

HANOI: Vietnam health minister Nguyen Thanh Long said on Saturday (May 29) the country has detected a new variant of the coronavirus, a mix of the COVID-19 variants from India and the United Kingdom that spreads quickly by air, online newspaper VnExpress reported.

After successfully containing the coronavirus for most of last year, Vietnam is now battling an outbreak that is spreading more quickly.

Nearly 3,600 people have been infected in 31 of its 63 cities and provinces since late April, accounting for more than half of the country's total infections.

READ: Vietnam expands COVID-19 lockdown measures as infections hit record

"After running gene sequencing on newly detected patients, we have discovered a new variant that is a mix of India and UK ones," Nguyen Thanh Long was quoted as saying.

"More specifically, it is an Indian variant with mutations that originally belong to the UK variant," he said. VnExpress quoted Long as saying Vietnam would announce the newly discovered variant to the world soon.

Vietnam had previously reported seven virus variants: B1222, B1619, D614G, B117 (the variant from the UK), B1351, A231 and B16172 (the variant from India).

READ: COVID-19 virus variants from India detected in Singapore – What you need to know

Laboratory cultures of the new variant, which is much more transmissable than the previously known types, revealed that the virus replicated itself very quickly, explaining why so many new cases appeared in different locations in a short period, Nguyen Thanh Long was quoted as saying.

Vietnam has registered 6,396 coronavirus cases so far, with 47 deaths.

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2021-05-29 05:23:57Z

Jumat, 28 Mei 2021

Mystery still unsolved: What we know about the origins of Covid-19 - The Straits Times

WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - Scientists are revisiting a central mystery of Covid-19: Where, when and how did the virus that causes the disease originate?

The two prevailing competing theories are that the virus jumped from animals, possibly originating with bats, to humans, or that it escaped from a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The following is what is known about the virus' origins.

Why is the lab in Wuhan a focus of interest?

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is a high-security research facility that studies pathogens in nature with the potential to infect humans with deadly and exotic new diseases.

The lab has done extensive work on bat-borne viruses since the 2002 Sars-CoV-1 international outbreak, which began in China, killing 774 people worldwide. The search for its origins led years later to discovery of SARS-like viruses in a southwest China bat cave.

The institute collects genetic material from wildlife for experimentation at its Wuhan lab. Researchers experiment with live viruses in animals to gauge human susceptibility. To reduce the risk of pathogens escaping accidentally, the facility is supposed to enforce rigorous safety protocols, such as protective garb and super air filtration. But even the strictest measures cannot eliminate such risks.

Why do some scientists suspect a laboratory accident?

To some scientists, the release of a dangerous pathogen via a careless lab worker is a plausible hypothesis for how the pandemic started and warrants investigation. The Wuhan lab, China's leading Sars research facility, is not far from the Huanan Seafood Market, which early in the health crisis was cited as the most likely place where animal-to-human transmission of the virus may have taken place. The market was also the site of the first known Covid-19 superspreader event.

Their proximity raised immediate suspicions, fuelled by the failure so far to identify any wildlife infected with the same viral lineage and compounded by the Chinese government's refusal to allow the lab-leak scenario to be fully investigated.

Scientists and others have developed hypotheses based on general concerns about the risks involved in live virus lab research, clues in the virus' genome, and information from studies by institute researchers.

Although the Wuhan lab's scientists have said they had no trace of Sars-CoV-2 in their inventory at the time, 24 researchers sent a letter to the World Health Organisation (WHO) urging a rigorous, independent investigation.

The WHO's first such mission to China this year failed to probe deeply enough, they wrote.

A US State Department fact sheet, released before the WHO mission in the waning days of the Trump Administration, alleged, without proof, that several WIV researchers had fallen sick with symptoms consistent with Covid-19 or common seasonal illnesses before the first publicly confirmed case in December 2019.

A May 5, story by Nicholas Wade in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said lab scientists experimenting on a virus sometimes insert a sequence called a "furin cleavage site" into its genome in a manner that makes the virus more infective.

David Baltimore, a Nobel Prize-winning virologist quoted in the article, said when he spotted the sequence in the Sars-CoV-2 genome, he felt he had found the smoking gun for the origin of the virus.

What are the arguments for animal-to-human transmission?

Many scientists believe a natural origin is more likely and have seen no scientific evidence to support the lab leak theory.

Dr Kristian G. Andersen, a scientist at Scripps Research who has done extensive work on coronaviruses, Ebola and other pathogens transmissible from animals to humans, said similar genomic sequences occur naturally in coronaviruses and are unlikely to be manipulated in the way Baltimore described for experimentation.

Scientists who favour the natural origins hypothesis have relied largely on history. Some of the most lethal new diseases of the past century have been traced to human interactions with wildlife and domestic animals, including the first Sars epidemic (bats), Mers-CoV (camels), Ebola (bats or non-human primates) and Nipah virus (bats).

While an animal source has not been identified so far, swabs of stalls in the wildlife section of the wildlife market in Wuhan after the outbreak tested positive, suggesting an infected animal or human handler.

Has new information emerged to lend credence to one theory over another?

The scientists' March 4 letter to the WHO refocused attention on the lab-leak scenario, but offered no new evidence.

Nor has definitive proof of a natural origin surfaced.

US President Joe Biden on May 26 said his national security staff does not believe there is sufficient information to assess one theory to be more likely than the other. He instructed intelligence officials to collect and analyse information that could close in on definitive conclusion and report back in 90 days.

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2021-05-29 03:12:57Z