Selasa, 28 Februari 2023

Japan inn apologises after hot spring bathwater found to have bacteria 3700 times over standard limit - CNA

TOKYO: The head of an upscale Japanese inn apologised on Tuesday (Feb 28) for only changing the water in its hot-spring bath every six months, allowing bacteria to breed 3,700 times over the standard limit.

Local ordinances stipulate a weekly replacement of the water in which guests traditionally soak naked together after taking showers, with men and women bathing separately.

Makoto Yamada, president of the company that operates the nearly 160-year-old inn, said the facility had neglected to keep the water hygienic by using enough chlorine.

He "didn't like the smell" of the chemical, he said at a press conference.

"It was a selfish reason," Yamada added, describing the lapse as a "wrongdoing that completely disregarded the health of our customers".

The lax measures at Daimaru Besso inn - where Japan's emperor Hirohito once stayed - began around December 2019.

Since then, staff at the facility in the southwestern Fukuoka region grew even more complacent as the number of guests dropped during the pandemic, Yamada said.

Even before the scandal made headlines, there had been red flags.

An inspection last year by authorities found double the permissible amount of legionella bacteria in the inn's bathwater.

At the time, the inn "falsified documents to claim that the chlorine had been properly added", Yamada admitted.

A subsequent probe by health authorities detected a whopping 3,700 times the standard limit of legionella.

The germ reportedly caused an individual who had visited multiple hotels including Daimaru Besso to fall sick.

Legionella bacteria can cause lung infections.

"My understanding of the law has been lax. I was complacent in thinking that legionella bacteria was just an ordinary germ that can be found everywhere," Yamada said.

The inn opened in 1865 and was about to commemorate its 160th anniversary when the scandal emerged.

"I feel sorry for our ancestors," Yamada said.

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2023-02-28 12:59:00Z

China says US overstretching concept of national security, abusing state power on TikTok ban - CNA

BEIJING: China says the United States is overstretching the concept of national security and abusing state power to suppress foreign companies after the White House gave government agencies 30 days to remove Chinese-owned app TikTok on federal devices.

"We firmly oppose those wrong actions," said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning at a regular news briefing on Tuesday (Feb 28).

The US government's ban on the video-sharing app reveals Washington’s own insecurities and are an abuse of state power, she added.

“How unsure of itself can the US, the world’s top superpower, be to fear a young person's favourite app to such a degree?”


The White House on Monday gave federal agencies 30 days to purge Chinese-owned video-snippet sharing app TikTok from all government-issued devices, setting a deadline to comply with a ban ordered by the US Congress.

Office of Management and Budget director Shalanda Young in a memorandum called on government agencies within 30 days to "remove and disallow installations" of the application on agency-owned or operated IT devices, and to "prohibit Internet traffic" from such devices to the app.

The ban does not apply to businesses in the United States not associated with the federal government, or to the millions of private citizens who use the hugely popular app.

However, a recently introduced bill in Congress would "effectively ban TikTok" in this country, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

"Congress must not censor entire platforms and strip Americans of their constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression," ACLU senior policy counsel Jenna Leventoff said in a release.

"We have a right to use TikTok and other platforms to exchange our thoughts, ideas, and opinions with people around the country and around the world."

Owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance, TikTok has become a political target due to concerns the app can be circumvented for spying or propaganda by the Chinese Communist Party.

The law signed by US President Joe Biden last month bans the use of TikTok on government-issued devices. It also bans TikTok use in the US House of Representatives and Senate.

National security concerns over alleged Chinese spying have grown over the past month after a Chinese balloon traversed US airspace and was eventually shot down.

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2023-02-28 11:11:26Z

Senin, 27 Februari 2023

China must be 'more honest' on COVID-19 origins, envoy says - CNA

WASHINGTON: China must be more honest about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US ambassador to China said on Monday (Feb 27), after reports that the US Energy Department concluded the pandemic likely arose from a Chinese laboratory leak.

Nicholas Burns, speaking by video link at a US Chamber of Commerce event, said it was necessary to push China to take a more active role in the World Health Organization (WHO) if the UN health agency was to be strengthened.

China also needed to "be more honest about what happened three years ago in Wuhan with the origin of the COVID-19 crisis," Burns said, referring to the central Chinese city where the first human cases were reported in December 2019.

The Wall Street Journal first reported on Sunday that the US Energy Department had concluded the pandemic likely arose from a Chinese laboratory leak, an assessment Beijing denies.

The department made its judgement with "low confidence" in a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress, the Journal said, citing people who had read the intelligence report.

Four other US agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still judge that COVID-19 was likely the result of natural transmission, while two are undecided, the Journal reported.

The Energy Department did not respond to a request for comment.

President Joe Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said on Sunday there were a "variety of views in the intelligence community" on the pandemic's origins.

"A number of them have said they just don't have enough information," Sullivan told CNN.

Asked to comment on the report, which was confirmed by other US media, China's foreign ministry referred to a WHO-China report that pointed toward a natural origin for the pandemic, likely from bats, rather than a lab leak.

"Certain parties should stop rehashing the 'lab leak' narrative, stop smearing China and stop politicizing the origins-tracing issue," foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said.


Burns told the Chamber event that it was a difficult moment for US-China relations, with Beijing seeking to deflect blame after the US military this month downed an alleged Chinese spy balloon that drifted across the continental United States.

"We're now in this surreal moment where the Chinese, who I think lost the debate over the balloon globally, lost influence and credibility around the world because of what they've done - they're now blaming this on us," Burns said.

"It's a little bit Orwellian. And it's a little bit frustrating, because I think everybody knows the truth here."

China reacted angrily when the US military downed the balloon on Feb 4, saying it was for monitoring weather conditions and had blown off course.

Burns added that it was the obligation of the United States to maintain its military strength "in and around Taiwan" to ensure the self-governed island claimed by Beijing has the ability to deter any kind of "offensive action" by China.

"It's also ... our responsibility to galvanise the rest of the world to make sure that the Chinese cannot get away with coercion or intimidation against Taiwan itself," he said.

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2023-02-27 18:48:00Z

4 family members and a mistress: Who are the 5 linked to HK model Abby Choi's grisly murder? - The Straits Times

The authorities believe they have arrested all the suspects involved in the murder of 28-year-old Hong Kong socialite Abby Choi, whose dismembered body was discovered last week.

Her headless body was found in a rented village property in Tai Po, a suburb in Hong Kong. Parts of her body – including her bashed head – had been cooked in a large soup pot, with some remains kept in a refrigerator.

Four people aged between 28 and 65 have been charged in connection with the murder and appeared in court on Monday. They include Ms Choi’s former husband, former brother-in-law and former father-in-law, who were charged with murder. Her former mother-in-law faces one charge of perverting the course of justice.

The police have also arrested the mistress of Ms Choi’s former father-in-law and are investigating if she knew about the case. 

Ms Choi was reportedly attacked in a car and fell unconscious, before she was taken to the village house. Her exact time of death is still being investigated. As the suspects are not cooperating, police said investigations have been difficult.

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2023-02-27 10:28:15Z

Murder of Hong Kong socialite: Who was Abby Choi? - CNA

Hong Kong police are investigating the murder of socialite and model Abby Choi, whose remains were found on Friday (Feb 24) at a rented three-storey house in Lung Mei Tsuen district of Tai Po, a suburb in Hong Kong.

Four people – her ex-husband Alex Kwong, 28, his father, 65, his elder brother, 31, and his 63-year-old mother – have been arrested and charged in connection with her death. The three men were charged with murder while the ex-husband's mother was charged with perverting the course of justice.

Another suspect, a 47-year-old woman said to be the lover of Choi’s ex-father-in-law, was also arrested.

On Saturday, police said they believe the victim and her ex-husband’s family had “financial disputes involving huge sums”.

“Someone was dissatisfied with how the victim handled her assets, which became a motive to kill,” superintendent Alan Chung told reporters.

Her ex-father-in-law, a former police sergeant who left the force in 2005, was allegedly the mastermind behind the murder plot, South China Morning Post reported, quoting a source.

Choi was the daughter of a wealthy family running a construction business with dealings in China, according to Hong Kong media reports, and had a personal net worth of more than HK$100 million (S$17.2 million).

She appeared on the cover of fashion and luxury lifestyle magazine L’Officiel Monaco last month, where she was described as a “style icon and media personality who took the world by storm with her impeccable sense of style and her unbridled passion for fashion”.

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2023-02-27 07:59:17Z

Singapore to introduce Online Criminal Harms Act amid 'growing international consensus' for such laws: MHA - CNA

SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will table new legislation later this year to better tackle crimes committed in cyberspace, said Second Minister for Home Affairs Josephine Teo in Parliament on Monday (Feb 27).

If passed by Parliament, the proposed Online Criminal Harms Act will grant the Government powers to stop or remove online communications that pave the way for crimes in the physical world, such as inciting violence.

The Act is aimed at closing the gaps left by the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act, which came into force in 2019, as well as the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act that was passed in Parliament in 2021.

Mrs Teo, who was speaking during the Committee of Supply debates, further noted that the Broadcasting Act was recently amended to “deal with harms that impact user safety, such as cyberbullying and content likely to undermine racial and religious harmony”.

The Infocomm Media Development Authority is now able to deal with harmful online content accessible to Singapore users, regardless of where the content is hosted or initiated.

The Government can also block access to egregious content on online communications services, including social media platforms, Mrs Teo said.

“But there remain gaps. There is online content which are criminal in their own right, or content which facilitate or abet such crimes,” she added.

These crimes include syndicated ones like scams, online incitement of mass public disorder, and malicious cyber activities such as phishing and the distribution of malware.

“We have been monitoring these developments closely and intend to update our suite of legislation to better protect our people,” Mrs Teo told the House.

She pointed out that online harms are “constantly evolving and take different forms” such as falsehoods, foreign interference and inappropriate sexual abuse material, while mediums are also exploited to incite violence, carry out scams at scale and for drug trafficking.

She added that there has been “growing international consensus for rules to combat online harm”, with the United Kingdom, the European Union, Germany and Australia having introduced or proposed new laws to regulate the online space.

MHA first said during the Committee of Supply debates in 2021 that it was studying potential levers to deal with criminal offences committed online.

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2023-02-27 08:34:47Z

New Malaysia PM Anwar an 'old friend' of Singapore; both countries will manage differences constructively: Balakrishnan - CNA

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s development works on Pedra Branca are “needed to enhance maritime safety and security, and to improve the search and rescue capabilities in the area”, said Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan on Monday (Feb 27).

The works also ensure that Pedra Branca is "adequately protected against the threat of sea-level rise".

And these works are “fully in accordance” with international law and Singapore’s sovereignty over the island and its waters, said Dr Balakrishnan in Parliament.

In May 2022, Singapore temporarily suspended the works to facilitate discussions on Malaysia’s concerns and comprehensively address their queries “in the spirit of mutual cooperation and good faith”, noted Dr Balakrishnan. 

“In December 2022, Singapore put forward proposals to Malaysia to resolve the issue and to move forward with the work. Subsequently, we agreed to Malaysia’s request for more time for them to consider our clarifications and proposals,” he added.  

The development works are currently paused due to the monsoon season. 

“We will manage our differences constructively and pragmatically, and not allow any single issue to overshadow the entire relationship,” said Dr Balakrishnan. 

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2023-02-27 06:24:00Z

Minggu, 26 Februari 2023

Police find missing head of dismembered Hong Kong socialite Abby Choi in soup pot - The Straits Times

HONG KONG - Police have found the missing head of Hong Kong socialite and influencer Abby Choi in one of two big pots containing soup and human remains, days after her grisly murder was discovered.

In a news briefing late on Sunday, police investigators confirmed that they found a head and ribs inside one of two large pots they retrieved on Friday from inside a house in Hong Kong’s rural Tai Po district where she was said to have been butchered.

The head and ribs are believed to belong to Ms Choi, they said, but DNA tests are needed to confirm it.

The two pots were filled almost to the brim with soup and minced meat believed to be human remains. There were also carrots and green radish in them.

The pots were taken to the mortuary on Saturday. On Sunday, forensic experts began examining the contents. That was when they discovered the head and ribs, and it appeared that someone had tried to bash the head, according to one media report.

Police were continuing the search for body parts that were still missing, including her hands and torso.

Portions of the 28-year-old’s body – her legs were recovered from a refrigerator – were found on Friday in the Tai Po house. A meat slicer, an electric saw, a hammer, face shields and black raincoats were also recovered at the scene.

Four people have been arrested, and three of them charged. Those charged are set to appear in a local court on Monday.

Ms Choi’s former husband Alex Kwong, 28, was arrested on Saturday, but has not been charged yet. He was reported to have been taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital after complaining of feeling unwell.

He was caught at the Tung Chung pier on Lantau Island as he was trying to flee, purportedly with HK$4.5 million (S$774,000) worth of cash and luxury watches.

His father and brother were charged with murder. His 63-year-old mother was also arrested and charged with obstructing the case.

Ms Choi disappeared on Tuesday and was last seen in the Tai Po district where she was found, police said.

About 100 elite divers and police officers were seen on Saturday combing a cemetery where Ms Choi’s former father-in-law and brother-in-law were seen on Wednesday. They had drones and search dogs with them.

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2023-02-26 14:47:48Z

Gambling hub Macao drops COVID-19 mask mandate for most locations - CNA

HONG KONG: Authorities in Macao, the world's biggest gambling hub, said on Sunday (Feb 26) they would drop COVID 19-related mask requirements for most locations, except for public transportation, hospitals and a handful of other areas.

The rule change takes effect from Monday, the government said in a statement on its website.

"The epidemic situation in Macao has continuously remained stable over the last two months," it said.

"Making reference from the anti-epidemic experience worldwide, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre will adjust its mask-wearing requirements."

The neighbouring Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong, one of the last places globally that still imposes a mask mandate, extended its requirement until Mar 8, although the authorities have said they hope to drop it as quickly as possible.

Hong Kong and Macao both followed China's zero-COVID policy for much of the past three years. Hong Kong started unwinding its stringent COVID rules last year but mask-wearing has remained constant since 2020.

Residents of mainland China are not required to wear masks outdoors, although authorities encourage them to do so in public indoor areas such as airports and train stations.

Macao's government said that individuals who develop flu-like symptoms should wear a mask when going out and that members of the public should carry face masks with them when commuting around the city.

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2023-02-26 06:50:10Z

Ex-father-in-law of Hong Kong model and his eldest son charged with murder - CNA

Police said on Saturday that the two children Choi had with her ex-husband were being taken care of by her mother.

The murder came to light on Friday when officers found body parts of 28-year-old Choi – who went missing on Tuesday – in the ground-floor flat of a three-storey house in Tai Po’s Lung Mei Tsuen.

Police uncovered a meat grinder, electric saw and two pots containing human tissue, alongside two types of meat cleavers, a hammer, face shields, black raincoats and a purple handbag that belonged to Choi at the Tai Po flat. The suspects had covered the walls of the flat with a sail.

Two female legs were found in a fridge at the flat. The social media influencer’s head, torso and hands are still missing.

On Saturday, about 100 officers including divers from the force’s elite Special Duties Unit, known as Flying Tigers, and officers from the Police Tactical Unit took part in a search operation at a Tseung Kwan O cemetery.

A drone was used for an aerial search and police tracking dogs were also deployed at the cemetery to detect traces of Choi.

Officers searched the area as their investigation indicated that the ex-father-in-law and brother-in-law went there on Wednesday, a day after Choi was reported missing.

Police said the search would continue on Sunday.

This article was first published on SCMP.

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2023-02-26 04:59:00Z

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2023

North Korea's Kim mobilises young labourers in new housing plan amid economic woes - CNA

Kim has said the housing projects faces "unprecedentedly harsh challenges". He mobilised the young labour units, called dolgyeokdae or "Shock Brigade", in his pet infrastructure initiatives which have often faced lacklustre progress amid resources shortages, including a massive housing campaign in the northern alpine town of Samjiyon.

In Sopo, he aims to create a "distinctive street" with about 4,100 homes, in addition to a recently launched drive for 10,000 apartments, Kim said, thanking some 100,000 young men who volunteered to join the plans.

The new housing project would serve as "another proud page in the history of youth movements" and a symbol of the country's socialist revolution and "political struggle", Kim said.

"The distinctive architectures of this street will intuitively show our nation's status and rapid development," Kim said, accompanied by his young daughter who has appeared recently in a series of major events.

"It will clearly prove it to the world how our movement and struggle are advancing and developing and how vigorously they are expanding even in the face of the most arduous trials and difficulties," he added.

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2023-02-25 23:33:00Z

No G20 joint statement after China objections on Ukraine war - CNA

China has sought to position itself as a neutral party in the conflict while maintaining close ties with strategic ally Russia.

Top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi was in Moscow on Wednesday to meet President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who is due at a G20 foreign ministers meeting in New Delhi next week.

Chinese state news agency Xinhua quoted Wang as saying China was willing to "deepen political trust" and "strengthen strategic coordination" with Russia.

On Friday, the first anniversary of the invasion, China published a 12-point paper calling for a "political settlement" to the crisis that was met with scepticism from Ukraine's allies.

G20 host India has also refused to condemn Russia, which is New Delhi's biggest arms supplier and has become a major source of oil for India since the invasion.

Western countries - including the United States, Germany and France - had insisted the language in any joint statement could not be weaker than the communique issued by G20 leaders in Indonesia in November.

"This is a war. And this war has a cause, has one cause, and that is Russia and Vladimir Putin. That must be expressed clearly at this G20 finance meeting," German Finance Minister Christian Lindner told a news conference on Friday.


The gathering also focused on debt relief for poorer countries hit by rocketing inflation because of the war.

The International Monetary Fund said ahead of the meeting that around 15 per cent of low-income countries were in debt distress and an additional 45 per cent were at high risk.

Western officials including US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on China to take "haircuts" on its loans to debt-stricken nations such as Zambia and Sri Lanka.

China wants multilateral lenders including the World Bank - which Beijing sees as Western-controlled - also to restructure their loans, but the United States and others oppose this.

Other topics in Bengaluru included efforts towards a global tax on tech giants, and widening the remit of multilateral development banks such as the World Bank to help nations hit by climate change.

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2023-02-25 15:14:13Z

G20 finance chiefs differ on debt, Russia-Ukraine war - CNA

Besides the G7 nations, the G20 bloc also includes such countries as Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia.

The delegates said the meeting was likely to end with a statement by the host summarising the discussions.

"In the absence of a consensus, the option for India would be to issue a chair statement," one official said.

India's foreign, finance and information ministries did not immediately respond to requests seeking comment.


On the sidelines, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held a meeting on Saturday with the World Bank, China, India, Saudi Arabia and the G7 on restructuring debt for distressed economies, but there were disagreements among members, said IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.

"We just finished a session in which it was clear that there is a commitment to bridge differences for the benefit of countries," Georgieva, who co-chaired the roundtable with Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, told reporters.

One delegate told Reuters there was some initial progress made, mostly on the language around the issue, but restructuring was not discussed in detail.

Yellen said there were no "deliverables" from the meeting, which was mostly organisational.

Further discussions of the panel are planned around the time of the IMF and World Bank spring meetings in April.

Pressure has been building on China, the world's largest bilateral creditor, and other nations to take a large haircut in loans given to struggling developing nations.

In a video address to the G20 meeting on Friday, Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun reiterated Beijing's position that the World Bank and other multilateral development banks should participate in debt relief by taking haircuts alongside bilateral creditors.

Yellen had said before the debt meeting that she would press all bilateral creditors, including China, to participate in meaningful discussions, adding that debt treatment for Zambia and financing assurances for Sri Lanka were "most urgent".

Zambia owed Beijing nearly US$6 billion of a total external debt of US$17 billion at the end of 2021, according to government data, while Ghana owes China US$1.7 billion, according to the International Institute of Finance, a financial services trade association focused on emerging markets.

Sri Lanka owed Chinese lenders US$7.4 billion - or nearly a fifth of public external debt - by the end of 2022, calculations by the China Africa Research Initiative think tank show. 

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2023-02-25 10:56:01Z

Hong Kong model butchered over money dispute; ex-husband's family among 4 arrested - CNA

HONG KONG: Hong Kong police have made four arrests over the gruesome murder of a 28-year-old model who was dismembered after a financial dispute with her ex-husband's family, authorities said on Saturday (Feb 25).

The partial remains of well-known influencer Abby Choi, who last week appeared on the digital cover of fashion magazine L'Officiel Monaco, were found in a village house set up as a butchery site, police said.

"We are still looking for the head," superintendent Alan Chung told reporters, after disclosing that a woman's limbs had been discovered inside a refrigerator.

The house was equipped with an electric saw and a meat grinder that had been used to mince human flesh, Chung said.

"Two pots of stew believed to contain human tissue" were left at the scene, he added.

Choi's ex-husband, a 28-year-old man surnamed Kwong, was arrested for murder Saturday afternoon as he was attempting to flee the city by boat, Chung said.

The man's father, mother and elder brother had been arrested on the same charge a day earlier.

"We believe the victim and her ex-husband's family had many financial disputes involving huge sums," Chung said.

"Someone was dissatisfied with how the victim handled her assets, which became a motive to kill."

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2023-02-25 09:55:59Z

Jumat, 24 Februari 2023

China urges Russia-Ukraine talks, UN supports no nukes clause - CNA

BEIJING: China called on Friday (Feb 24) for urgent peace talks as it released its plan to end the war in Ukraine, but several Western powers rebuffed the proposals while warning against Beijing's closening ties to Moscow.

The United Nations expressed cautious optimism over the Chinese proposals, particularly over the document's call to avoid using nuclear weapons.

Russia reacted positively to Beijing's efforts and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy offered a muted response, saying Kyiv needed to "work with China" on approaches to put an end to the year-old war.

Zelenskyy told reporters he was planning to meet with Xi Jinping after the Chinese leader's government called for the peace talks, saying it would "be important for world security".

China's 12-point paper calling for a "political settlement" of the crisis follows accusations from the West that China is considering arming Russia, a claim Beijing has dismissed as false.

Timed to coincide with the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the paper urges all parties to "support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible".

It also makes clear its opposition to not only the use of nuclear weapons, but the threat of deploying them, after Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to use Moscow's atomic arsenal in the conflict.

Russia said Friday it appreciated Beijing's efforts to settle the conflict but insisted any solution should recognise Kremlin control over four Ukrainian regions.

"We highly value the sincere desire of our Chinese friends to contribute to the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine through peaceful means," the foreign ministry said, but added any settlement must recognise "the new territorial realities".

China's document was immediately met by scepticism from Ukraine's allies, with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg saying Beijing "doesn't have much credibility because they have not been able to condemn the illegal invasion of Ukraine".

US President Joe Biden's national security advisor said the war "could end tomorrow if Russia stopped attacking Ukraine and withdrew its forces".

"My first reaction to (the position paper) is that it could stop at point one, which is to respect the sovereignty of all nations," Jake Sullivan told CNN.

And German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that while "every constructive suggestion that brings us closer on the path to a just peace is highly welcome ... whether global power China wants to play such a constructive role is still doubtful".

At a press conference in Beijing, Ukrainian and EU diplomats urged China to do more to press Russia to end the conflict.

Jorge Toledo, the EU ambassador to China, said Beijing has a "special responsibility" as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to uphold peace.

At the United Nations, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres's spokesman said "I think the call on the need to avoid the use of nuclear weapons is particularly important."

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2023-02-24 19:47:20Z

With higher spending in 2023, Malaysia faces uncertainties in raising revenue: Analysts - CNA

Professor Geoffrey Williams, provost for research and innovation from the Malaysia University of Science and Technology, said the government could probably afford the increased spending. 

But he noted that Malaysia is very heavily affected by what’s happening in the global economy and there are some “headwinds” on the international front.

“So although (revenue) is slightly lower in terms of its overall projection, it very much depends on the strength of the economy. So from a revenue side, I think that it is affordable,” he told CNA’s Asia Now.

Malaysia’s economy is forecasted to expand 4.5 per cent in 2023, Mr Anwar said, slowing from the 8.7 per cent growth in 2022.

Prof Williams pointed out that actual revenue for 2022 turned out to be “very much higher” than predicted in the original budget that year.

Last month, the government announced that Malaysia’s trade surplus hit a record high of RM255.1 billion in 2022. This is the 25th consecutive year the country has recorded a trade surplus since 1998. A trade surplus occurs when the value of a country’s exports exceeds the costs of its imports.

More specifically, the proposed capital gains tax could have a large impact on raising revenue, said Mr Soh Lian Seng, KPMG’s head of tax in Malaysia.

“Capital gains tax will have wide implications, pending details of the mechanism that will be in place; more of interest will be the tax rate that will be imposed,” he said.

If the imposed rate goes up to 30 per cent, which Mr Soh said is the current rate of real property gains tax, he highlighted that this will be a “significant revenue stream” for the government.

Commenting on the luxury goods tax, Prof Williams said it will not be a “big revenue earner”.

Economist Khor Yu Leng, Southeast Asia research director at Segi Enam Advisors, added that the luxury goods tax could be of “limited fiscal revenue significance, but serves as part of the shift for a progressive approach to tax”.

“The new luxury and income taxes may not cover the increased spending,” she said.

With that said, BowerGroupAsia director Adib Zalkapli said the “devil is in the details” when determining how much these taxes could help raise revenue.

“Until the mechanism for capital gains tax is finalised and the definition of luxury goods is made clear, we won't be able to tell how they will improve government revenue,” he said.

However, others like Professor James Chin of the University of Tasmania are less sanguine. He believes that the new taxes will not be able to fund the extra spending.

“But this does not matter in the big picture,” he said.

“It's likely that Malaysia will borrow to fund the difference. All countries are borrowing big to recover from the pandemic and as long as the country grows over the long term, borrowing is all right.”

Malaysia’s national debt is expected to reach RM1.2 trillion in 2023 - more than 60 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), said Mr Anwar when tabling the budget. It would have reached RM1.5 trillion when liabilities are included.

Additional reporting by Amir Yusof.

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2023-02-24 14:58:49Z

Malaysia PM Anwar tables expansionary budget, aims to lower cost of living - CNA


Mr Anwar on Friday announced that the government is proposing lowering income tax for the 40 per cent middle income group (M40) while increasing taxes for the rich.

“The T20 group (top 20 per cent earners) are rich so they don’t need assistance. The B40 (bottom 40 per cent) has been given government assistance all this while. But what about the M40?,” said Mr Anwar.

“I am grateful for their patience all this while, even though they have been squeezed by the increased cost of living. So I am happy to announce that the government has agreed to increase the disposable income of the M40 group through a reduction in the individual income tax rate,” he added.

Mr Anwar elaborated that from 2023, the individual income tax rate for M40 residents, who earn between RM35,000 and RM100,000 annually, will be reduced by 2 percentage points. Currently, they pay between 8 per cent and 21 per cent, depending on their income.

Mr Anwar said this tax cut is expected to benefit approximately 2.4 million taxpayers, giving them extra disposable income of up to RM1,300.

On the other hand, Mr Anwar added that high earners with annual incomes of between RM100,000 and RM1 million annually will be taxed between 0.5 and 2 percentage points more.  Currently, they pay between 24 per cent and 26 per cent, depending on their income.

He said the progressive increase in income tax is expected to impact less than 150,000 taxpayers.

“This is a small number of people … but they must also shoulder the responsibility. Because if we want to lower the burden of the poor and middle income, the rich should contribute slightly,” he added.

Mr Anwar added that for the B40 households with income of less than RM2,500 a month, they will receive cash aid of up to RM2,500 depending on the number of children through the Rahmah Cash Aid initiative.

He added that food baskets and vouchers for staple food items worth RM600 will also be extended to Rahmah Cash Aid recipients who are registered.

Mr Anwar on Friday reiterated that the government has no plans to implement a broad-based consumption tax such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

“With the majority of the people still facing difficulties, food inflation exceeding 5 per cent, and low wage rates, it is not appropriate at this time to introduce and implement such a tax,” he said.

He added that the government was also studying how to introduce a capital gains tax for unlisted share disposal by companies, in line with international best practice guidelines.

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2023-02-24 12:03:04Z

Cathay to dish out 80,000 return flights to residents of Southeast Asian countries - South China Morning Post

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. Cathay to dish out 80,000 return flights to residents of Southeast Asian countries  South China Morning Post
  2. Cathay Pacific to give Southeast Asia 80000 free air tickets to Hong Kong, 12500 for Singapore residents  Channel NewsAsia
  3. 12500 free Cathay Pacific tickets to Hong Kong for Singapore residents up for grabs from March 2 to 8  The Straits Times
  4. View Full coverage on Google News

2023-02-24 09:53:02Z

Taiwan sees China taking lessons from Russia's Ukraine invasion - CNA

He said even if Chinese forces were planning a speedy attack they would face difficulties trying to take the island in a sudden move as they would have to cross the Taiwan Strait that separates the two.

"They would still have to overcome this," Chiu said. "It wouldn't be as fast as a week or two."

China has never renounced the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control and continues to mount almost daily military patrols near the island.

"I've said it before - as soon as the guns sound we will keep going to the end. But we absolutely will not provoke."

Taiwan's democratically-elected government says only Taiwan's people have the right to decide their future.

While Ukraine has won widespread public support in Taiwan, and Taiwan's government has sent humanitarian aid, China has refused to condemn Russia and the two countries announced a "no limits" partnership shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine.

China has said that it is a "naked double standard" to seek to conflate the issues of Taiwan and Ukraine as the island has always been part of China and is entirely a domestic matter.

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2023-02-24 04:15:21Z

China urges Russia, Ukraine to resume talks, warns against using nuclear weapons - CNA

"My first reaction to it is that it could stop at point one, which is to respect the sovereignty of all nations," Jake Sullivan told CNN.

"Ukraine wasn't attacking Russia. NATO wasn't attacking Russia. The United States wasn't attacking Russia," he said.

"Russia has already lost this war."

And at a press conference in Beijing, Ukrainian and EU diplomats urged China to do more to press Russia to end the conflict.

Zhanna Leshchynska, charge d'affaires at the Ukrainian embassy, called on Beijing to leverage its stated neutrality and "talk to both sides".

"China should do everything in its power to stop the war and restore peace in Ukraine and urge Russia to withdraw its troops," she said.

"We see the Chinese side mostly talk to Russia but not with Ukraine."

Jorge Toledo, the EU ambassador to China, said Beijing has a "special responsibility" as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to uphold peace.

"Whether this is compatible with neutrality, I'm not sure, it depends on what neutrality means," he said.

"China has to uphold and defend and promote these values that are being grossly violated by the aggressor in this war."


China has sought to position itself as a neutral party in the conflict while maintaining close ties with strategic ally Russia.

Top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi met Wednesday with Putin and Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, in Moscow.

A readout following the meeting published by Chinese state news agency Xinhua quoted Wang saying China was willing to "deepen political trust" and "strengthen strategic coordination" with Russia.

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2023-02-24 02:31:00Z

Indonesian baby weighs 27kg – the same as an 8-year-old – and wears his dad's clothes - The Straits Times

A baby in Indonesia has become so big that he has to wear XXXL diapers and his father’s clothes.

Muhammad Kenzi Alfaro, who is one year and four months old, currently weighs 27kg – the same weight as an eight-year-old.

By contrast, the average weight of a 16-month-old is 10kg.

“Normal baby clothes don’t fit him,” said his mother Pitriah, who, like many Indonesians, goes by one name.

Videos of Ms Pitriah struggling to carry Kenzi in their family home in Bekasi Regency, West Java, have gone viral on social media.

As he is unable to stand or walk owing to his weight, his family puts him in a stroller. However, even that is a struggle, as he is too heavy for the pushchair.

Due to his massive size, he can wear only XXXL diapers and fit into his father’s clothes.

“His father is quite small, so at times, I will put him in his father’s clothes,” said Ms Pitriah, 40.

She also said she has difficulties finding the right size diapers for her son, as her small town does not have many XXXL nappies.

“So I put him on double XL,” she said, adding that he will wear diapers only at night due to the family’s financial constraints.

Kenzi was around 4kg when he was born. However, according to Ms Pitriah, he started gaining weight on a weekly basis when he was around six months old.

“As I have no breast milk, I gave him formula milk, which he drinks four times a day. But from the age of six months, he started to gain a lot of weight,” she was quoted as saying by Indonesian news programme Liputan 6.

News portal revealed that the baby had in fact consumed sweetened condensed milk as a substitute for breast milk because her mother had a history of gallstones.

Health minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has ordered medical officials to monitor the case and provide treatment.

For now, Kenzi is undergoing routine checks and weight loss treatment at a hospital.

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2023-02-24 04:51:43Z

Kamis, 23 Februari 2023

UN demands Russia withdraw from Ukraine - The Straits Times

UNITED NATIONS, United States - The United Nations voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to demand Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine, marking the one-year anniversary of the war with a call for a “just and lasting” peace.

Ukraine earned strong backing in a non-binding vote that saw 141 of the 193 UN members in support, seven opposed and 32, including China and India abstaining.

Coming on the eve of the first anniversary of the brutal war, support for Kyiv was little-changed from that of last October when 143 countries voted to condemn Russia’s declared annexation of four Ukraine regions.

The vote came after two days of debate during which Kyiv urged the international community to choose “between good and evil.”

The resolution reaffirmed support for Ukraine’s “sovereignty” and “territorial integrity,” rejecting any Russian claims to the parts of the country it occupies.

It also demanded “that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders,” and called “for a cessation of hostilities.”

‘Russia can stop tomorrow’

The vote showed Moscow’s continued isolation on the world stage after 12 months of war.

Despite its support from only a handful of countries, Russia has used its veto power to block any binding motions against it in the UN Security Council.

Instead, the UN General Assembly has taken up the issue, displaying solid support for Kyiv in successive votes.

“Next year, we should not meet here to mark the second anniversary of this senseless war of aggression,” said Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi during the debate.

“Russia can and must stop, tomorrow,” French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said.

“This war waged by Russia is everybody’s business because it threatens the existence of a state, because it represents a domineering and imperialist plan, and because it denies the existence of borders.”

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2023-02-23 21:04:24Z

Malaysia's anti-graft agency says more may be charged in case involving COVID-19 aid - CNA

On Wednesday, Wan Saiful resigned as Bersatu’s information chief, telling local media that he had relinquished the role due to his ongoing court case.

Mr Muhyiddin, the Bersatu president, later confirmed Wan Saiful’s resignation. He, however, cautioned that the decision was not an acknowledgement that Wan Saiful was guilty, Malay Mail reported.

“This is a standard that we want to set against any allegations or perceptions against Bersatu. He himself volunteered to hand in his resignation, I appreciate his decision.

“His post will be filled with another supreme council member, we will appoint immediately as the post is important since we will face state elections soon,” Mr Muhyiddin was quoted as saying by the Malay Mail.


Separately, Mr Azam said the MACC has arrested a man who had accused the commission of offering RM10 million to Wan Saiful to implicate Mr Muhyiddin in the Jana Wibawa case.

The New Straits Times reported that the man was arrested when he presented himself to the commission’s headquarters on Wednesday.

"I will not forgive those who have tarnished the MACC's reputation. We have lodged a report and conducted our own investigation. The man in question has been arrested for further investigation,” Mr Azam was quoted as saying by the daily.

He added: "(The man’s) statement has resulted in a lot of speculation over the commission. These (aspersions) will remain there (online) and can't be removed. Many will still believe it (the accusation).”

Local media had previously reported that the man, who had claimed to be Wan Saiful’s research officer, made the accusations in a 44-second video on TikTok.

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2023-02-23 09:08:55Z

Jana Wibawa: Probe against Muhyiddin ongoing, more to be charged - New Straits Times

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. Jana Wibawa: Probe against Muhyiddin ongoing, more to be charged  New Straits Times
  2. Malaysia's anti-graft agency says more may be charged in case involving COVID-19 aid  CNA
  3. Jana Wibawa: Several more probes ongoing, including on Muhyiddin  Malaysiakini
  4. AGC to decide if Muhyiddin is a suspect, says Azam Baki  The Star Online
  5. Probe into Muhyiddin's role in Jana Wibawa ongoing, says MACC  Free Malaysia Today
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

2023-02-23 02:53:59Z

Rabu, 22 Februari 2023

Russia says Lavrov and Wang Yi did not discuss 'Chinese peace plan' - CNA

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and China's top diplomat Wang Yi did not discuss a reported Chinese plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine when they met on Wednesday (Feb 22), Moscow said.

Wang, the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit Russia since it invaded Ukraine almost a year ago, met President Vladimir Putin and Lavrov separately amid speculation the two sides would discuss a possible Chinese peace plan for Ukraine.

"We note statements by some Western politicians and media reports regarding some kind of 'Chinese peace plan'. As usual, they distort the real picture," foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

"The Chinese partners briefed us on their views on the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis, as well as approaches to its political settlement. There was no talk of any separate plan," she added.

Russia said on Wednesday it welcomed China taking a more active role in efforts to resolve the conflict in Ukraine and said it valued China's "balanced approach", with Beijing signalling it was ready to take a "constructive role".

While China has taken a nuanced stance on the conflict, criticising Western sanctions against Russia but stopping short of endorsing the war, both countries share a vision of limiting what they see as Western dominance over global affairs.

The two countries signed a "no limits" strategic partnership days before the invasion last Feb 24, and have since held joint military drills over the Sea of Japan, East China Sea and Western Pacific.

Moscow's foreign ministry said earlier that it was studying a newly released paper on Beijing's Global Security Initiative, Chinese leader Xi Jinping's flagship security proposal.

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2023-02-22 21:47:00Z

ASEAN chair Indonesia, China to intensify negotiations for South China Sea code of conduct - CNA

JAKARTA: Current rotating chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Indonesia and China have said that both countries will intensify the negotiations for a South China Sea code of conduct. 

Indonesian foreign minister Retno Marsudi and her Chinese counterpart Qin Gang said this to the media on Wednesday (Feb 22) during Mr Qin’s working visit to Indonesia. 

Mr Qin is on a three-day working visit at the invitation of Mdm Marsudi where both ministers discussed regional as well as bilateral issues. 

In their joint statement to the media, Mdm Marsudi said that Indonesia and ASEAN want a peaceful and stable South China Sea.

“Respect for international law, especially UNCLOS 1982, is key,” she said, referring to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which China has ratified.

“And after being delayed due to the pandemic, negotiations on the code of conduct will be carried out again and intensified in person.”

She added that Indonesia and ASEAN want to produce an effective, substantive and actionable code of conduct. 

On China’s part, Mr Qin said that a new cold war and competition among major powers should not appear in the Asia Pacific region. 

Reiterating a previous statement by his predecessor Wang Yi, Mr Qin added that countries in the region should not be forced to take sides. 

“We believe that Indonesia and ASEAN will make their own independent assessment and choices based on stability, development and prosperity.”

He added that China supports ASEAN’s strategic independence and respects ASEAN's centrality in the regional architecture.

“As littoral states in the South China Sea, Indonesia and China will work with other ASEAN member states to implement the declaration of conduct on the South China Sea and accelerate the negotiations for a code of conduct.”

The ministers did not mention when the negotiations would take place but earlier this month, Mdm Marsudi had said that they would take place in March.

The South China Sea is one of the most contested waters in the world. 

China claims much of the South China Sea based on a nine-dash line map it uses to claim the waters which Indonesia considers as lacking international legal basis.

Indonesia is not a claimant state in the South China Sea but it has clashed with China in the past few years over fishing rights around Natuna Islands, which are near the disputed waters. 

However, there are overlapping claims by ASEAN countries namely Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The United States and its allies have also challenged China’s territorial claims.

ASEAN countries have been trying to negotiate a code of conduct with China since the 1990s. But negotiations have stalled due to various reasons, most recently because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it more difficult to hold in-person meetings.

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2023-02-22 10:53:15Z

China's top diplomat says Russia ties 'rock solid' - CNA

MOSCOW: China's top diplomat told one of President Vladimir Putin's closest allies on Tuesday (Feb 21) that Beijing's relationship with Moscow was "rock solid" and would withstand any test in a changing international situation.

China's "no limits" partnership with Russia has come under scrutiny in the West after the United States said it was concerned that Beijing might be considering supplying weapons to Russia a year since the invasion of Ukraine.

At a meeting in Moscow, Wang Yi told Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia's powerful Security Council, that he looked forward to discussions about security.

"Chinese-Russian relations are mature in character: They are rock solid and will withstand any test in a changing international situation," Wang told "Comrade" Patrushev through a Russian interpreter in remarks aired on state television.

Wang said Russia and China should work out new joint steps to ensure the security of both countries, without elaborating.

Patrushev, who is close to Putin, told "Comrade" Wang that Beijing was a top priority for Russian foreign policy and that the two countries must stick together against the West.

"In the context of a campaign that is being waged by the collective West to contain both Russia and China, the further deepening of Russian-Chinese cooperation and interaction in the international arena is of particular importance," state news agency RIA cited Patrushev.


Chinese President Xi Jinping is preparing to visit Moscow for a summit with Putin in the coming months, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the plan.

Preparations for the trip are at an early stage and the timing has not been finalised, the WSJ said, adding that Xi could visit in April or early May, when Russia celebrates its World War Two victory over Germany.

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2023-02-22 08:54:00Z

Change in Chief of Defence Force and Chief of Navy - MINDEF Singapore


Rear-Admiral (RADM) Aaron Beng Yao Cheng will take over from Lieutenant-General (LG) Melvyn Ong Su Kiat as Chief of Defence Force (CDF) on 24 March 2023. RADM Sean Wat Jianwen, Fleet Commander of the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), will assume the appointment of Chief of Navy (CNV) on 10 March 2023. These changes are part of the continuing process of leadership renewal in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

Outgoing CDF LG Ong, 47, has served the SAF with distinction since his enlistment in 1994. During his time in service, LG Ong held various senior command and staff appointments, including Head of the Joint Plans and Transformation Department which oversees the SAF's longer-term transformation efforts, as well as Chief Guards Officer and Chief of Army. Of note, he commanded an SAF contingent that oversaw earthquake relief operations alongside the New Zealand Defence Force following a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch in 2011, and led the organisation of our nation's Golden Jubilee National Day Parade celebrations in 2015.

LG Ong assumed his appointment as CDF on 23 March 2018. Under LG Ong's leadership, the SAF enhanced Singapore's peace and security. He led the SAF in high key security operations including the DPRK-US Singapore Summit and the 33rd ASEAN Summit in 2018. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, LG Ong led the SAF's pandemic response and ensured that the SAF maintained a high degree of operational readiness while minimising the risk of infections. In addition, he oversaw the formation of various SAF Task Forces comprising more than 7,000 personnel to support the government's COVID-19 operations. These included supporting contact tracing, stabilising the outbreak in migrant worker dormitories as well as scaling up of the national home recovery programme.

Under LG Ong's stewardship, the SAF increased the pace of its next generation transformation efforts and made significant progress in several areas. Key structural shifts were initiated to enable the SAF to operate in a rapidly changing operational environment. Notably, the establishment of the SAF's fourth Service, the Digital and Intelligence Service, has set the path the SAF to develop its capabilities in the digital battlespace, and to operate as a more integrated and networked SAF in the more complex threat landscape of the future. New warfighting capabilities were inducted into the SAF to enhance situational awareness with added lethality and flexibility. These included the completion of the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF's) Island Air Defence system, operationalisation of the Army's Third Generation Combined Arms Division and launch of the RSN's Invincible-Class Type-218G submarines. Advanced unmanned systems such as the RSAF's Orbiter 4 Close-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and the RSN's Maritime Security Unmanned Surface Vessel were added into the SAF's capabilities. The year-long NS55 campaign was successfully executed, culminating in an integrated NS55 Parade in November 2022 to recognise our National Servicemen and reaffirm our commitment towards National Service.

Beyond our shores, LG Ong has been instrumental in fostering good defence relations and professional collaborations with foreign militaries, raising the SAF's international standing and positioning it as a valuable defence partner regionally and internationally. The SAF stood ready to offer a helping hand to those in need. Under his charge, the SAF also conducted several major humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations such as supporting airlift operations of Afghanistan evacuees in 2021. LG Ong also led the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Information Facility which brings together Partner Nations to combat terrorism.

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) expresses its deep appreciation to LG Ong for his sterling leadership and outstanding contributions to the SAF. LG Ong will continue to serve in the Public Service after he steps down from the SAF.

The incoming CDF, RADM Beng, 41, joined the SAF in 2000 and was awarded the President's Scholarship as well as the SAF Overseas Scholarship. Prior to his appointment as CNV in Mar 2020, RADM Beng held other appointments in MINDEF and the SAF, including Commanding Officer of the Formidable-class frigate RSS Intrepid, Commanding Officer of the Frigate Squadron, Director of the Defence Policy Office, Fleet Commander, and Chief of Staff – Naval Staff.

Under RADM Beng's leadership, the RSN pursued organisational changes and capability development to prepare for the future. These included the operationalisation of the Maritime Security and Response Flotilla to protect Singapore's territorial waters and respond to expanded maritime security threats; strengthening of the RSN's Engineering and Logistics system; launch of the second and third Invincible-class submarines; and the operationalisation of a Whole-of-Government sense-making system to improve inter-agency security coordination at sea. He also led the inter-agency Crisis Management Group that deals with maritime security risks such as terrorist threats, and oversaw maritime security operations during major national events such as our National Day celebrations and the Singapore-Indonesia Leaders' Retreat 2022 in Bintan.

As CNV, RADM Beng also steered the RSN through the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to safeguard Singapore's sovereignty and security. Under RADM Beng's leadership, the RSN furthered Singapore's defence policy space during the pandemic through COVID-19 safe exercises at sea, virtual engagements with defence partners, and safe conduct of the 7th International Maritime Security Conference, the first large-scale maritime conference held since the start of the pandemic.

The incoming CNV, RADM Wat, 39, joined the SAF in 2002 and was awarded the SAF Overseas Scholarship. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science (Mathematics and Philosophy) and a Master of Science (Management Science and Engineering) from Stanford University, USA, and a Master of Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. During the course of his military career, RADM Wat has held, amongst others, the appointments of Commanding Officer of the Formidable-class frigate RSS Supreme, Deputy Commander of Maritime Security Task Force/Maritime Security Command, Director of the Defence Policy Office, and Fleet Commander.

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2023-02-22 09:00:00Z

Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

Fresh from Kyiv, Biden rallies NATO allies in Poland - CNA

Many called for bolder Western support for Kyiv, including the supply of fighter jets, which Biden has so far held back from offering.

"We hope that they (the US) will increase shipments of arms, that things at the front will improve and that we will win," said Alina Kiiko, 32, a Ukrainian in central Warsaw.

On the Roman Dmowski roundabout in the centre of the city, a giant advertising screen ran the slogan: "Biden, give F-16 to Ukraine" in English, referring to US fighter jets.

Demonstrators displayed a banner with the same slogan outside the hotel where Biden stayed overnight as he left for his meeting with Duda in the Polish presidential palace where he was met by a military honour guard.

Warsaw resident Marian Switala, 70, said he hoped "that this conflict will somehow be resolved and there will be peace in Ukraine and the surrounding area".


Before returning to Washington on Wednesday, Biden will meet leaders of the Bucharest Nine, the countries on NATO's eastern flank, to reaffirm support for their security.

All joined the Western military alliance after being dominated by Moscow during the Cold War, and most are now among the strongest supporters of military aid to Ukraine.

While Biden was in Kyiv on Monday, the State Department announced more support for Ukraine comprising $450 million of artillery ammunition, anti-armour systems and air defence radars, and $10 million for energy infrastructure.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda's message to Biden will be that it wants "greater involvement of the US in Europe, NATO's eastern flank and, of course, more aid to Ukraine," his chief foreign policy adviser told Lithuanian radio on Tuesday.

"Lithuania and other like-minded countries have several requests, which concern air defence, forward defence presence, air defence systems, and greater investments in the defence industry," Asta Skaisgiryte said.

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2023-02-21 17:28:00Z

Putin delivers a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine - CNA

MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday (Feb 21) delivered a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine, suspending a bilateral nuclear arms control treaty, announcing new strategic systems had been put on combat duty and warning that Moscow could resume nuclear tests.

Speaking nearly a year to the day since ordering an invasion that has triggered the biggest confrontation with the West since the depths of the Cold War, Putin said Russia would achieve its war aims and accused the West of trying to destroy Russia.

"The elites of the West do not hide their purpose. But they also cannot fail to realise that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield," a defiant Putin told his country's political and military elite.

Cautioning the United States that it was stoking the war into a global conflict, Putin said that Russia was suspending participation in the New START Treaty, the last major arms control treaty between Moscow and Washington.

Signed by then-US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, in 2010, the treaty caps the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy. It was due to expire in 2026.

"I am forced to announce today that Russia is suspending its participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty," said Putin.

The Russian leader said, without citing evidence, that some people in Washington were thinking about resuming nuclear testing. Russia's defence ministry and nuclear corporation should therefore be ready to test Russian nuclear weapons if necessary, he said.

"Of course, we will not do this first. But if the United States conducts tests, then we will. No one should have dangerous illusions that global strategic parity can be destroyed," Putin said.

"A week ago, I signed a decree on putting new ground-based strategic systems on combat duty. Are they going to stick their nose in there too, or what?"

It was not immediately clear which ground-based systems had been put on combat duty. Putin said Ukraine had sought to strike a facility deep inside Russia where some of its nuclear bombers are based, a reference to the Engels air base.

Russia and the United States have vast arsenals of nuclear weapons left over from the Cold War and remain, by far, the biggest nuclear powers. Between them, they hold 90 per cent of the world's nuclear warheads.

The New START Treaty limited both sides to 1,550 warheads on deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine ballistic missiles and heavy bombers. Both sides met the central limits by 2018.

The impact of Russia's statement that it is suspending nuclear arms control talks is unclear and the US nuclear posture remains unchanged, State Department spokesman Ned Price said.

"It's unclear if there will be practical impact," Price said in an interview with CNN.

The United States announced publicly this year that Russia was not in compliance with the New START treaty, he said, so Washington will watch to see what steps Moscow actually takes.

"We haven't seen any reason to change our nuclear posture, our strategic posture just yet," said Price.

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2023-02-21 12:09:00Z

US slams 'absurdity' of Putin's anti-West speech - The Straits Times

WARSAW – A top US official on Tuesday described President Vladimir Putin’s accusations that Russia had been threatened by the West as justification for invading Ukraine as “absurdity”.

“Nobody is attacking Russia. There’s a kind of absurdity in the notion that Russia was under some form of military threat from Ukraine or anyone else,” White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters.

Speaking hours ahead of United States President Joe Biden delivering his own speech in Warsaw on the anniversary of Mr Putin launching the war, Mr Sullivan said the Kremlin leader was the aggressor.

“This was a war of choice. Putin chose to fight it. He could have chosen not to. And he can choose even now to end it, to go home,” Mr Sullivan said.

“Russia stops fighting the war in Ukraine and goes home, the war ends. Ukraine stops fighting and the United States and the coalition stop helping them fight – then Ukraine disappears from the map,” he added.

Previewing Mr Biden’s speech, Mr Sullivan said he would not “sketch out in any kind of specifics, a vision of a diplomatic end to the war”.

Rather, he will focus on the broader lesson of Ukraine in what he sees as an “inflection point” in a global struggle between democracies and autocratic regimes.

“So his remarks will speak specifically to the conflict in Ukraine, but of course, they will also speak to the larger contest at stake between those aggressors who are trying to destroy fundamental principles and those democracies who are pulling together to try to uphold it.”

Mr Biden is due to deliver his own speech after talks with Polish President Andrzej Duda, who has been a key advocate for support for Ukraine within the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and a day after a surprise visit to Kyiv. AFP

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2023-02-21 11:09:22Z

Senin, 20 Februari 2023

How Biden's surprise trip to Kyiv was kept secret - but not from Russia - CNA

White House officials said Biden was taken to Joint Base Andrews outside of Washington and departed at 4.15am (5.15pm, Singapore time) on Sunday aboard an Air Force jet, accompanied by a handful of aides. A scaled-back news media presence went along with him: just one reporter and a photographer instead of his usual media pool.

The president flew overnight to the United States' Ramstein Air Base in Germany. The plane was refueled and he flew on to Rzeszow in southeastern Poland. After a one-hour drive, he arrived in Przemysl, a city along the Poland-Ukraine border.

Biden then boarded a train and travelled 10 hours to Kyiv. By then it was Sunday night, and Biden's train travelled in the dark with a heavy security presence on board.

The train came to a stop at the Kyiv-Pasazhyrsky station in the Ukrainian capital at roughly 8am local time (2pm, Singapore time) on Monday. The area around the platform had been cleared and the US ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget Brink, awaited Biden and his staff.

"It's good to be back in Kyiv," Biden said after stepping off the train.

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2023-02-20 23:19:00Z

Billionaire Ziyad al Manasir's 90-Meter Yacht Dar Docks in Singapore - Bloomberg

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Billionaire Ziyad al Manasir's 90-Meter Yacht Dar Docks in Singapore  Bloomberg

2023-02-20 11:15:49Z

Malaysian minister Tengku Zafrul summoned by anti-graft agency for questioning - CNA

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz has been summoned by the country’s anti-graft agency to help with an investigation.

However, Tengku Zafrul said he was unclear about the case that he will be questioned on.

“I can confirm that I have been called by the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) and God willing, I will meet them soon and give my full cooperation,” he was quoted as saying by the Star on Monday (Feb 20).

When asked if he was called in for the investigation of the Jana Wibawa project, he replied: “I don’t know. Let’s wait.”

According to local media, MACC chief Azam Baki said on Sunday that Tengku Zafrul will be called in “soon”.

The Jana Wibawa programme was an economic generation project during Malaysia’s COVID-19 movement control order. It was a stimulus aid package that was meant to help Bumiputera contractors.

The Star reported earlier that the anti-graft agency is investigating allegations that the chosen contractors for the aid programme had deposited RM300 million (US$67.69 million) into the account of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu).

Tengku Zafrul was the finance minister when the financial help was given out during Mr Muhyiddin Yassin’s tenure as prime minister. Mr Muhyiddin is the president of Bersatu.

In a tweet on Saturday, Tengku Zafrul said that he will cooperate with MACC’s probe into the programme.

In a separate post on Facebook, the minister, who is also a supreme council member of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) said: “The media asked me about Jana Wibawa. There is nothing for me to hide and I am always ready to give an explanation if asked to do so.”

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2023-02-20 09:56:58Z