Kamis, 31 Desember 2020

Times Square barricaded, quiet for New Year's Eve - CNA

NEW YORK: New York City's Times Square was barricaded on Thursday (Dec 31), with only a handful of invited guests, including health care workers and others from the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic, allowed in to watch the New Year's Eve ball drop in person.

Everyone else should stay home and watch the pared-down festivities on television, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, with scores of events around the United States similarly curtailed or moved online.

Tens of thousands of people usually fill the blocks around Times Square, standing for hours in the cold at the focal point of US New Year's Eve celebrations, waiting for a crystal ball to slowly descend in the year's final seconds.

Police will allow in only a few dozen this year, with masks and no sign of fever required for entry, among them the Bronx-born singer Jennifer Lopez and Gloria Gaynor, who is due to sing her disco classic I Will Survive for a few dozen front-line workers and their families.

Organisers have invited a grocery store worker, a building doorman, a pizza delivery man and doctors and nurses, including Sandra Lindsay, the New York nurse who became the first recipient of a coronavirus vaccine in the United States outside of a trial earlier this month.

More than 25,000 New Yorkers have been killed by COVID-19 this year as the city at one time grappled with the world's deadliest outbreak back in the spring.

"It's going to be actually, arguably, the most special, the most poignant, the most moving New Year's Eve," de Blasio, who will push the button to start the crystal's ball descent, told reporters. "In 2021, we're going to show people what it looks like to recover, to come back."

As new daily case tallies continue to rise across the United States, bars and restaurants and other gathering places are closed or have sharply limited capacity.

In Las Vegas, Boston and beyond, official fireworks displays have been canceled. Organisers of Boston's annual First Night arts festival on New Year's Eve have arranged for six hours of live performances streamed online by local musicians and artists.

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2020-12-31 18:48:46Z

askST: What are possible side effects from Covid-19 vaccine? - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - Vaccinations against Covid-19 began on Wednesday (Dec 30) with the first Pfizer-BioNTech jabs administered to 40 healthcare workers at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).

The Straits Times answers some of the questions that have arisen about the vaccine.

Q: Will front-line and essential workers be allowed to stay in their posts if they decline the injection?

A: Although vaccination of healthcare workers is not compulsory, all local residents - healthcare workers and the general public - are urged to take the jab.

There is no plan to alter the duties of healthcare workers who do not get vaccinated, said NCID executive director Leo Yee Sin. Hospitals also continue to comply with preventive measures.

Q: What precautions need to be taken after the injection? Do patients wait to ensure they do not have side effects?

A: The Covid-19 vaccination is no different from other vaccinations, said Prof Leo, adding: "It is recommended by the Health Sciences Authority to observe the vaccinees for 15 to 30 minutes after vaccination."

There are resting spaces in full sight of healthcare workers for patients who have completed their vaccination.

Q: How do we know the vaccination is working? Some people have no observable reactions, while others might have a mild or severe one.

A: There is no evidence to suggest that those with no or mild discomfort are not protected by the vaccine.

The safety profile of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is generally consistent with other vaccines used against other diseases, said Prof Leo, who was vaccinated on Wednesday.

Some people may have side effects like pain, redness, swelling at the injection site. Other side effects include fatigue, fever, headaches, muscle aches, chills, vomiting, diarrhoea and joint pain.

While not everyone will experience these, they are common and expected as part of the body's natural response, so as to build immunity against Covid-19. These side effects are also usually resolved within a few days.

As with other vaccines, in rare cases, a person may experience severe allergic reactions, such as difficulty in breathing, wheezing and swelling around the eyes and lips. Immediate medical attention must be sought. Anyone with a history of anaphylaxis should also not receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Q: Will the vaccination leave a keloid scar like the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine?

A: It is unlikely as this is intra-muscular injection (like the influenza vaccine). There have been no reports of scarring. The BCG is a live attenuated vaccine - a vaccine created by reducing the virulence of a pathogen.

Q: How is the vaccine kept viable?

A: The NCID works closely with the Health Ministry to hold just enough doses before they are to go to vaccination providers. Vaccines can be stored at a temperature of 2-8 deg C for up to five days.

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2020-12-31 09:29:12Z

Tokyo tops 1000 daily COVID-19 cases with new emergency warning - CNA

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  1. Tokyo tops 1000 daily COVID-19 cases with new emergency warning  CNA
  2. Tokyo's virus outbreak could 'explode' at any time: Governor  The New Paper
  3. Tokyo outbreak at critical juncture, warns governor, World News & Top Stories  The Straits Times
  4. Heavy snow and COVID-19 crimp New Year celebrations in Japan  CNA
  5. Tokyo tops 1,000 daily virus cases with new emergency warning  Rappler
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2020-12-31 07:53:46Z

Rabu, 30 Desember 2020

China gives its first COVID-19 vaccine approval to Sinopharm - CNA

BEIJING: China approved on Thursday (Dec 31) its first COVID-19 vaccine for general public use, a shot developed by an affiliate of state-backed pharmaceutical giant Sinopharm, as it braces for greater transmission risks over the winter.

No detailed efficacy data of the vaccine has been publicly released but its developer, Beijing Biological Products Institute, a unit of Sinopharm subsidiary China National Biotec Group (CNBG), said on Wednesday its vaccine was 79.34 per cent effective in preventing people from developing the disease based on interim data.

The approval, announced by the National Medical Products Administration, comes after the United Arab Emirates this month became the first country to roll out the vaccine to the public, and as Pakistan announced a 1.2 million dose purchase deal with Sinopharm.

READ: China Sinopharm’s vaccine has 79% protection rate against COVID-19

While China has been slower than several other countries in approving COVID-19 vaccines, it has been inoculating some citizens for months with three different shots still undergoing late-stage trials.

China launched an emergency use programme in July aimed at essential workers and others at high risk of infection, and has administered more than 4.5 million doses as of Dec 15 using at least three different products - two developed by CNBG and one by Sinovac Biotech.

While the efficacy of the Sinopharm shot trails the more than 90 per cent success rate of rival vaccines from Pfizer and its partner BioNTech and Moderna, it points to progress China has made in the global race to develop successful COVID-19 vaccines.

China has at least five vaccines, developed by Sinovac, CNBG units, CanSino Biologics and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in late-stage trials, underscoring its efforts to develop a homegrown vaccine to challenge Western rivals.

President Xi Jinping has pledged to make China's vaccines a global public good and it has won several large supply deals with countries including Indonesia and Brazil - the most populous countries in Southeast Asia and Latin America respectively.

READ: Chinese COVID-19 vaccines are poised to fill gap, but will they work?


The efficacy and safety data of China-made vaccines is being closely watched by many developing countries as they have limited early access to shots developed by Western drugmakers and are looking for alternatives from China and Russia.

"China's approval could boost the credibility of the vaccine," said Dong-yan Jin, a professor at the University of Hong Kong.

"But if the vaccine wants to take a share in the global market, especially in developed countries, more data is necessary."

A Sinopharm executive told a briefing detailed data would be released later and published in scientific journals at home and abroad.

While China has kept new outbreaks of the coronavirus under control, it is ramping up the emergency programme to contain the risks over the winter. The virus emerged a year ago in a market in the central city of Wuhan.

The South China Morning Post newspaper reported that China would vaccinate as many as 50 million people from high-priority groups before the Lunar New Year holiday in February.

"We call on people ... to take an active part in vaccination to protect themselves, family members and others, which is also contributing to global epidemic control," Zeng Yixin, an official with National Health Commission, told a briefing on Thursday.

The price of the vaccine would depend on the scale of use, but the "premise" was that it would be free for the public in China, he said.

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2020-12-31 05:26:15Z

2 more COVID-19 cases 'preliminarily positive' for new UK strain, including SIA pilot - CNA

SINGAPORE: Two more COVID-19 cases have tested "preliminarily positive" for the new coronavirus strain circulating in the UK, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (Dec 30).

"Further tests will be conducted to confirm the strain," added MOH.

The two cases, reported by the ministry on Wednesday, are both imported. They are a Singapore Airlines pilot who recently travelled to the UK for work and a work pass holder who arrived from the UK.

The pilot travelled to the UK from Dec 19 to Dec 22.

He was tested on Dec 23 as part of rostered regular testing for air crew members who travel frequently. The test came back negative.

After developing a fever on Dec 26, he sought medical treatment the following day at a general practitioner clinic, where he was swabbed for COVID-19.

His test came back positive for COVID-19 on Dec 29 and he was taken by ambulance to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).

The 40-year-old man's serological test came back negative, indicating a likely current infection, said MOH.

READ: Singapore tightens COVID-19 measures for air crew, including more frequent PCR tests


The work pass holder arrived from the UK on Dec 7 and was placed on stay-home notice at a dedicated facility upon arrival.

He was tested on Dec 17 and the result came back negative.

After his stay-home notice ended on Dec 21, he started to develop body ache on Dec 22 and symptoms of acute respiratory infection on Dec 25.

He sought medical treatment on Dec 28 and was swabbed for COVID-19.

His test result came back positive on Dec 29 and he was brought to NCID in an ambulance.

The 53-year-old British man's serological test result has come back positive.

READ: Singapore reports 27 new COVID-19 cases, including SIA pilot who initially tested negative

A total of 26 imported cases were reported by MOH on Wednesday.

There was also a community case, a marine surveyor at Lloyd’s Register Singapore who works on board vessels docked at Sembcorp Marine Admiralty Yard.

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2020-12-30 14:58:43Z

Link between COVID-19 shot, Swiss death 'highly unlikely', says drugs regulator - CNA

ZURICH: Swiss drugs regulator Swissmedic on Wednesday (Dec 30) said it saw no link between the death of a 91-year old person in the canton of Lucerne and the COVID-19 vaccine, adding the deceased suffered from multiple illnesses before getting the shot.

"Clarifications by cantonal health authorities and Swissmedic determined that, as a result of the illness history and disease course, a link between the death and the COVID-19 vaccine was highly unlikely," the regulator said in a statement.

Swissmedic said previous illnesses would be listed on the death certificate as the person's "natural cause of death".

READ: Vaccinated US nurse contracts COVID-19, expert says Pfizer shot needed more time to work - report

Lucerne was the site of the first vaccinations in Switzerland last week, with a shot from Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech given primarily to elderly people.

Switzerland has received 107,000 Pfizer/BioNTech doses so far, and expects to get 250,000 per month starting next year.

Neither Lucerne nor Swissmedic released the time that elapsed between the person receiving the shot and when the death occurred. The person's gender was not given.

Pfizer and BioNTech's vaccine is the only inoculation approved so far in Switzerland. It was approved on an emergency basis in the United States and Britain, and has conditional marketing approval in the European Union after trials in tens of thousands of people.

Pfizer said its thoughts were with the deceased's family.

"It is important to note that serious adverse events, including deaths that are unrelated to the vaccine, are unfortunately likely to occur at a similar rate as they would in the general population of elderly and at-risk individuals who are currently being prioritized for vaccination," the US-based company said.

Millions of doses of the vaccine have been administered. Several people have suffered allergic reactions following shots, though those incidents were resolved quickly.

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developments

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2020-12-30 16:18:45Z

Preliminary tests show two more in Singapore have UK Covid-19 strain - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - A Singapore Airlines pilot and a work pass holder have tested preliminarily positive for the new B117 strain of the coronavirus that is circulating in the United Kingdom.

They were among 27 new coronavirus cases confirmed on Wednesday (Dec 30), taking Singapore's total to 58,569.

The pilot, a 40-year-old Singaporean man, had travelled to the United Kingdom for work between Dec 19 and 22, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (Dec 30).

He was tested on Dec 23 as part of rostered routine testing conducted for air crew who travel frequently.

Although he tested negative for Covid-19 upon returning to Singapore, he developed a fever on Dec 26 and sought medical treatment at a general practitioner clinic the next day, where he was swabbed and confirmed positive on Dec 29.

He was then taken to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases by ambulance.

Serological tests indicate that he is likely to have a current infection, said the Health Ministry.

Further tests will be conducted to confirm the Covid-19 strain the man has.

The work pass holder who also tested preliminarily positive for the B117 strain is a 53-year-old man who returned from the United Kingdom.

Although he ended his stay-home notice on Dec 21, he developed body aches the next day and acute respiratory symptoms on Dec 25.

He was then confirmed positive for Covid-19 on Dec 29.

Meanwhile, there were 24 other imported cases, all of whom had been placed on stay-home notice or isolated on arrival in Singapore, said MOH.

Among the imported cases, three are Singaporean, four are permanent residents, five are work pass holders and seven are work permit holders.

Of the seven work permit holders, six are foreign domestic workers.

The imported cases also include three dependant's pass holders, one long-term visit pass holder, one short-term visit pass holder and one special pass holder.

The sole community case announced on Wednesday (Dec 30) is a permanent resident who works as a marine surveyor at Lloyd's Register Singapore.

As part of his job, the 46-year-old man works on board vessels docked at Sembcorp Marine Admiralty Yard.

He had not gone to work since the onset of symptoms on Dec 27.

His case is currently unlinked and epidemiological investigations are ongoing, said MOH.

MOH added that all the identified close contacts of the cases have been isolated and placed on quarantine.

They will be tested at the start and end of their quarantine period so the ministry can detect asymptomatic cases.

Marina Bay Sands, IMM, Takashimaya and Orchard Gateway were among places visited by Covid-19 patients while they were still infectious, said MOH.

MOH provides the list of locations that infectious Covid-19 patients visited for at least 30 minutes and the times they visited them to get people who were at those places at the same time to monitor their health closely for two weeks from the date of their visit.

The full list of locations and times can be found on the gov.sg website.

MOH has said close contacts would already have been notified and that there is no need to avoid those places as they would have been cleaned if necessary.

Overall, the number of new cases in the community has remained low,with a total of two cases in the past week who are currently unlinked.

With 11 cases discharged on Wednesday, 58,396 patients have fully recovered from the disease.

A total of 52 patients remain in hospital, while 77 are recuperating in community facilities. None is in intensive care.

Singapore has had 29 deaths from Covid-19 complications, while 15 who tested positive have died of other causes.

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2020-12-30 14:49:51Z

China, EU leaders conclude investment deal talks via video link - South China Morning Post

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  1. China, EU leaders conclude investment deal talks via video link  South China Morning Post
  2. Are the EU and China on brink of investment deal?  The Straits Times
  3. EU seeks to rebalance China ties with investment agreement  CNA
  4. Rapid recovery leaves China better placed for 2021 than US or Europe  South China Morning Post
  5. EU, China seal long-awaited investment deal to open Chinese market  The Straits Times
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2020-12-30 14:39:01Z

US nurse tests positive over a week after receiving first dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine - AsiaOne

WASHINGTON - A 45-year-old nurse in California tested positive for Covid-19 more than a week after receiving Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine, an ABC News affiliate reported on Tuesday (Dec 29).

Mr Matthew W., a nurse at two different local hospitals, said in a Facebook post on Dec 18 that he had received the Pfizer vaccine, telling the ABC News affiliate that his arm was sore for a day but that he had suffered no other side effects.

Six days later, on Christmas Eve, he became sick after working a shift in the Covid-19 unit, the report added. He got the chills and later came down with muscle aches and fatigue.

He went to a drive-up hospital testing site and tested positive for Covid-19 the day after Christmas, the report said.


Dr Christian Ramers, an infectious disease specialist with Family Health Centres of San Diego, told the ABC News affiliate that this scenario was not unexpected.

"We know from the vaccine clinical trials that it's going to take about 10 to 14 days for you to start to develop protection from the vaccine," Dr Ramers said.

"That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50 per cent, and you need that second dose to get up to 95 per cent," Dr Ramers added.

For the latest updates on the coronavirus, visit here.

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2020-12-30 09:26:50Z

US nurse tests positive over a week after receiving first dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine - The Straits Times

WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - A 45-year-old nurse in California tested positive for Covid-19 more than a week after receiving Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine, an ABC News affiliate reported on Tuesday (Dec 29).

Mr Matthew W., a nurse at two different local hospitals, said in a Facebook post on Dec 18 that he had received the Pfizer vaccine, telling the ABC News affiliate that his arm was sore for a day but that he had suffered no other side effects.

Six days later, on Christmas Eve, he became sick after working a shift in the Covid-19 unit, the report added. He got the chills and later came down with muscle aches and fatigue.

He went to a drive-up hospital testing site and tested positive for Covid-19 the day after Christmas, the report said.

Dr Christian Ramers, an infectious disease specialist with Family Health Centres of San Diego, told the ABC News affiliate that this scenario was not unexpected.

"We know from the vaccine clinical trials that it's going to take about 10 to 14 days for you to start to develop protection from the vaccine," Dr Ramers said.

"That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50 per cent, and you need that second dose to get up to 95 per cent," Dr Ramers added.

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2020-12-30 08:40:36Z

Britain first to approve AstraZeneca-Oxford Covid-19 vaccine - The Straits Times

LONDON (REUTERS) - Britain on Wednesday (Dec 30) became the first country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca as it battles a major winter surge driven by a new, highly contagious variant of the virus.

AstraZeneca said the authorisation was for a two-dose regime, and that the vaccine had been approved for use for emergency supply.

Britain has ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine. 

“The government has today accepted the recommendation from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to authorise Oxford University-AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine for use,” the health ministry said.

The pandemic has already killed 1.7 million people around the world, sown chaos through the global economy and upended normal life for billions since it began in Wuhan, China, a year ago. 

Britain and South Africa in particular are grappling with new variants of the coronavirus, which the government and scientists say are more contagious; many countries have responded by banning passenger flights and blocking trade.

AstraZeneca and other developers have said they are studying the impact of the new variant but expect that their shots will be effective against it. 

Regulatory endorsement is a welcome boost for AstraZeneca and the Oxford team, which have been accused of a lack of clarity about the results from late-stage trials.

Pooled results from those trials show it had overall efficacy was 70.4 per cent. Efficacy was 62 per cent for trial participants given two full doses, but 90 per cent for a smaller sub-group given a half-dose, then a full dose.

Researchers said that the finding of 90 per cent efficacy for the low-dose-high-dose regime needed more investigation. 

AstraZeneca did not specify which dose regime had been approved. 

“Today is an important day for millions of people in the UK who will get access to this new vaccine,” AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Soriot said.  “It has been shown to be effective, well-tolerated, simple to administer and is supplied by AstraZeneca at no profit.” 

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2020-12-30 07:11:10Z

Selasa, 29 Desember 2020

NCID healthcare staff become first in Singapore to receive COVID-19 vaccine - Yahoo Singapore News

South China Morning Post

China’s P2P purge leaves millions of victims out in the cold, with losses in the billions, as concerns of social unrest swirl

Karen Kong has not got a restful night’s sleep in the past half a year, after learning that her mother invested all of the family’s savings – more than 1 million yuan (US$153,000) – in a little known peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform.Worries soon turned into anger and despair as the Beijing-based Jieyue United made its way onto the Chinese government’s liquidation list, and the chance of getting their money back appears to be dwindling.“No one can give us a clear timetable for the settlement, or even a reply,” she said, pointing to a stack of petition papers signed by investors, appeal letters and photocopied evidence – all of which were rejected by local government agencies in Beijing.Get the latest insights and analysis from our Global Impact newsletter on the big stories originating in China.“A lot of the investments are life savings and the pensions of senior citizens. How can they make a living,” asked Kong, who lives in the eastern province of Shandong. “They must give us an explanation and a solution.” China’s P2P ‘financial refugees’ face never ending wait to recover lost US$120 billionThe shroud over P2P firms has fallen, with China’s banking regulator announcing last month that it had shut down all such platforms. However, the financial time bomb is far from being defused for millions of families who invested billions of yuan, and a very real concern exists that mishandling the situation could lead to social unrest.Countless investors are anxiously waiting for their life savings to be returned, trying every means – reporting to police, filing complaints and lawsuits, and even protesting in the street – to get back as much as possible.The regulator said in August that about 800 billion yuan (US$122.7 billion) worth of investor funds have not yet been retrieved.The first of China’s P2P platforms sprang up 14 years ago, and the industry experienced explosive growth after support for internet financing was written into the government’s 2014 work report. Beijing hoped they would lead to greater financial inclusiveness and help solve the decades-old funding problems for small businesses.In short, P2P lending platforms were touted as a model to reshape the nation’s financial landscape.More than 10,000 such online platforms sprang up in China, government data showed. In their heyday, these companies occupied luxurious offices in big cities, and some extended their operations to remote counties, with annual transactions valued at 3 trillion yuan (US$460 billion).CreditEase, one of the world’s first P2P companies when it launched in 2006, even rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange in December 2015, to celebrate the initial public offering of Yirendai, its online platform. The stock price surpassed US$50 in October 2017. Today it is worth just over US$3.The turning point for the sector indeed came in late-2017, when China’s leadership recognised the growing risk associated with numerous fly-by-night P2P platforms and vowed to squeeze them out of the financial system. Guo Shuqing shouldered the de-risking task in his dual role as chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and as party chief of the People’s Bank of China, the nation’s central bank.Speaking at the Lujiazui Forum in June 2018, he flagged the large risk embedded in the high return products offered by P2P platforms and warned that many could be illegally raising funds, or were simply Ponzi schemes, using new income to pay off older investors.If [a product’s promised] return is above 10 per cent, you should be prepared to lose all of your principalGuo Shuqing, party chief of central bank“You need to question [a product] if its return surpasses 6 per cent. If its return is higher than 8 per cent, the product is dangerous. If its return is above 10 per cent, you should be prepared to lose all of your principal,” Guo said.According to Wdzj.com, which compiles data on P2P platforms, about 56 per cent of their investors are salary earners, mostly with undergraduate degrees and monthly incomes ranging from 5,000 yuan (US$767) to 10,000 yuan.Fraser Howie, co-author of Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise, said the popularity of P2P platforms highlighted how Chinese “innovation” used mobile connectivity to carve out a niche business when the banking sector was not adequately serving the needs of the private sector nor those of a consumer base seeking returns on their investments.However, “the elites don’t suffer when all the laobaixing [ordinary people] lose their savings in get-rich-quick schemes,” he added.In Kong’s case, she said about 80,000 investors tried to retrieve 14.1 billion yuan (US$2.2 billion) from two platforms of Beijing-based Jieyue United, and many of those individuals are financially and technologically unsophisticated senior citizens struggling amid the coronavirus shock. A 71-year-old victim’s tale reveals extent of greed in China’s US$30 billion peer-to-peer lending fiascoPanic set in among the group after they were told that they might be able to retrieve only 20-30 per cent of their original investments, leaving them with few options – none of which will see them made whole again. Adding to their frustration is that Kong says they have been left in the dark about how much money remains for repayment, even though the government has stepped in and taken over the accounts.“We demand an open and equal dialogue with the government disposal team,” says an appeal letter representing about 200 investors, including housewives, apple farmers, seafood traders and small businesspeople, who claim they are owed a combined 60 million yuan. “The fraud must be investigated, while loan recovery and repayment data must be published regularly.”The Post was unable to independently verify such claims, but similar problems are widely said to be plaguing investors in all of the platforms awaiting liquidation.As a result, demonstrations have been staged, including in Beijing’s financial district, over the past two years. At times, police have intervened to quell the crowds.You realise how humble you are as an individual. Eventually, it’s us, the most humble citizens, who pay the priceIvy Meng, Shaanxi province“We must unite together and show our determination,” an investor in the Nasdaq-listed financial services company 9F Group wrote this month on Weibo, China’s equivalent to Twitter, as hundreds of people protested outside the company’s Beijing headquarters. A video clip of the incident circulated on social media.A survey by Wdzj.com indicated that investors primarily want to know more about repayment details, including the timetable, and who is supervising the process. About 58.3 per cent of investors said they could accept a “haircut” but insisted that it must be less than 30 per cent. Nearly a third of respondents rejected the idea of not recouping all of their losses, and the remaining respondents were open to alternatives.No details have been made public on the size of haircuts sustained in previous resolutions, but they are thought to vary depending on the financial capability of controlling shareholders, government endeavours and the bargaining power of individual investors.Details gleaned from those involved in earlier cases suggest the process is likely to be lengthy, with only a small chance of retrieving losses. And as time goes on, the bargaining power of individuals seems to wane. Beijing’s P2P owners and senior executives hit with travel ban as China cracks down on online lendingIvy Meng’s mother in Shaanxi province invested all her life savings in a platform called Jucaimao, which Shanghai police investigated in 2018. Meng said not a single penny has been recouped by investors.“This is the cruel reality. We have largely given up,” she said, trying not to recall the traumatic experience. “You realise how humble you are as an individual. Eventually, it’s us, the most humble citizens, who pay the price.”Meng, however, also said she did not believe there would have been such large-scale defaults and collapses if regulators had not rushed to reduce debt in the financial system.Two years ago, thousands of desperate P2P investors occupied Beijing’s Financial Street, where the office of regulators is located, and which is only hundreds metres away from the Zhongnanhai leadership compound.This served as a sign of the threat posed to social stability, and it helped justify the subsequent nationwide purge of P2P platforms.More from South China Morning Post: * China to focus on domestic consumption in 2021 as US trade war fades from priorities * More Chinese cities ease residency rules to boost local economies * China’s pensioners get tech savvy as Beijing chases the ‘silver dollar’ * China’s latest digital currency test doubles down on previous trial, nudging merchants and consumers to embrace e-yuan * China FDI up 6.3 per cent in 2020, with November up 5.5 per centThis article China’s P2P purge leaves millions of victims out in the cold, with losses in the billions, as concerns of social unrest swirl first appeared on South China Morning PostFor the latest news from the South China Morning Post download our mobile app. Copyright 2020.

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2020-12-30 02:57:00Z

US detects first case of Covid-19 variant as Biden offers gloomy vaccine outlook - The Straits Times

WILMINGTON, Delaware/WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - The first known US case of a highly infectious coronavirus variant was detected in Colorado on Tuesday (Dec 29), and President-elect Joe Biden said that it could take years for most Americans to be vaccinated for the virus at current distribution rates.

Biden's prediction of a grim winter appeared aimed at lowering public expectations that the pandemic will be over soon after he takes office on Jan 20, while also sending a message to Congress that his administration will want to significantly increase spending to expedite vaccine distribution, expand testing and provide funding to states to help reopen schools.

Biden, a Democrat, said some 2 million people have been vaccinated, well short of the 20 million that outgoing Republican President Donald Trump had promised by the end of the year. Biden defeated Trump in a November election.

"As I long feared and warned, the effort to distribute and administer the vaccine is not progressing as it should," Biden said in Wilmington, Delaware.

At the current rate, "it's going to take years, not months, to vaccinate the American people."

Shortly after his remarks, Colorado's Governor Jared Polis announced on Twitter that his state had discovered a case of a highly infectious coronavirus variant B.1.1.7 first detected in the United Kingdom.

Biden's goal of ensuring that 100 million shots are administered by the end of his 100th day in office would mean"ramping up five to six times the current pace to 1 million shots a day," Biden said, noting that it would require Congress to approve additional funding.

"Even with that improvement, even if we boost the speed of vaccinations to 1 million shots a day, it will still take months to have the majority of the United States' population vaccinated," he said.

He predicted that the situation may not improve until "well into March." Biden also said he plans to invoke the Defence Production Act, which grants the president the power to expand industrial production of key materials or products for national security or other reasons, to "accelerate the making of materials needed for the vaccine."

Trump himself has invoked the law during the pandemic.

To reopen schools safely, Biden said Congress will need to provide funding for such things as additional transportation so students can maintain social distancing and improved ventilation in school buildings.

Congress also needs to help make Covid-19 tests more easily available and help pay for protective equipment for healthcare workers, Biden added.

Harris gets the vaccine

Earlier in the day, Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris received a Covid-19 vaccination live on television in a bid to boost confidence in the inoculation even while warning it will be months before it is available to all.

Harris, who is Black and Asian American, received the Moderna Inc Covid-19 vaccine from a nurse wearing a mask and a face visor at a medical centre in predominantly Black southeast Washington.

The Biden team has emphasised the importance of encouraging vaccine distribution and inoculation in non-white groups especially hard hit by the coronavirus.

Biden has vowed to make a top priority of fighting the coronavirus, which has infected more than 19 million people in the United States and killed over 334,000. He received his first injected dose of the vaccine live on television last week. Two doses are required for full protection.

Trump, who had Covid-19 in October, has often played down the severity of the pandemic and overseen a response many health experts say was disorganised and cavalier and sometimes ignored the science behind disease transmission.

Biden repeated his call that people wear masks and listen to the advice of medical experts to avoid spreading infection.

Dr Atul Gawande, a member of Biden's Covid-19 advisory board, told CBS News the transition team still did not have all the information it needed to understand the bottlenecks hampering vaccine distribution.

He said the Trump administration may have set unrealistic expectations that everyone who wanted to get vaccinated could do so by the end of June 2021.

Separately on Tuesday, US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put off a vote on Trump's call to boost Covid-19 relief checks for Americans to US$2,000 (S$2657.7), in a rare challenge to his fellow Republican. Biden has said he favours the increase from an already approved US$600.

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2020-12-29 23:39:37Z

Biden says Trump's COVID-19 vaccine roll out 'falling far behind' - CNA

WILMINGTON, Delaware: US President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday (Dec 29) vowed a relentless effort to fight COVID-19 the moment he takes office, as he warned that Donald Trump's vaccination drive was falling dangerously short.

Speaking after a briefing by experts, Biden promised that as president he will undertake the "greatest operational challenge we've ever faced as a nation" to inoculate against the illness that has claimed more than 1.7 million lives globally.

"The Trump administration's plan to distribute vaccines is falling far behind," Biden said, promising: "I'm going to move heaven and earth to get us going in the right direction."

The Trump administration had predicted that 20 million Americans would be vaccinated by the end of December.

With less than three days left, some 2.1 million have received the first shot of the vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

READ: COVID-19: Kamala Harris vaccinated on camera, urges public to trust process

READ: Over 11.4 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines distributed, 2.1 million administered: US CDC

Biden, who takes office on Jan 20, confirmed that he would invoke the Korean War-era Defense Production Act to force private industry to step up vaccine production for the government.

He also implored Americans to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and said he would impose a mandate on face covers in areas where the federal government has jurisdiction, such as airplanes.

"We're planning a whole-of-government effort and we're going to work to set up vaccination sites and send mobile units to hard-to-reach communities," Biden said,

"We're going to make sure vaccines are distributed equitably so every person can get one, no matter the color of their skin and where they live."

He voiced confidence of a return to normality in 2021 - but not immediately.

"We might not see improvement until we're well into March as it will take time for our COVID-19 response plan to begin to produce visible progress," Biden said.

"The next few weeks and months are going to be very tough - a very tough period for our nation, maybe the toughest during this entire pandemic."

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2020-12-29 21:56:15Z

Part-time Grab driver who contracted Covid-19 temporarily suspended; S'porean man among 13 new cases - The Straits Times

SINGAPORE - The part-time Grab driver who was the sole Covid-19 community case on Monday has been temporarily suspended from the Grab platform, in line with the ride-hailing operator's safety precaution measures.

Grab said in a statement on Tuesday (Dec 29) that it is working with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to provide all necessary information on the man - who also works as a Singapore Airlines cabin crew member - for contact tracing purposes.

It added that to ensure higher safety and hygiene standards, all of its drivers have access to free sanitiser and disinfectant at the Grab Driver Centre.

After every ride, Grab drivers and passengers have the option to provide feedback or report on any health and hygiene-related concerns.

Meanwhile, a 48-year-old Singaporean man who returned from Indonesia was one of the 13 coronavirus cases announced on Tuesday, bringing Singapore's total to 58,542.

All the coronavirus cases announced on Tuesday were imported and comprised one Singaporean, two permanent residents, nine work permit holders and one short-term visit pass holder.

A 71-year-old female permanent resident returned from the United States. The other cases returned from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Malaysia.

All the imported cases had been placed on stay-home notice or isolated on arrival in Singapore, said the Ministry of Health.

There were no new community cases and none from worker dormitories on Tuesday.

No new places were added to the list of locations visited by Covid-19 patients while they were infectious.

Overall, the number of new cases in the community has remained low, with just one currently unlinked case in the past week.

With 14 cases discharged on Tuesday, 58,385 patients have now fully recovered from the disease.

A total of 37 patients remain in hospital while 76 are recuperating in community facilities. None is in intensive care.

Singapore has had 29 deaths from Covid-19 complications, while 15 who tested positive have died of other causes.

- Additional reporting by Timothy Goh

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2020-12-29 14:13:25Z

Taiwan's EVA Air says 8 sacked since March for breaching COVID-19 rules - CNA

TAIPEI: Taiwan's EVA Airways said on Tuesday (Dec 29) it has sacked four pilots and four cabin crew members since March for breaching rules related to preventing COVID-19 infections, adding that it was committed to enforcing anti-pandemic measures.

Last week the company said it had fired a New Zealand national who had worked as one of its pilots after the government blamed him for Taiwan's first domestic transmission since Apr 12. 

The case ignited public anger after the government said he had not reported all his contacts and the places he had been, nor worn a face mask in the cockpit when he should have.

READ: Taiwan fines EVA Air US$35,000 after pilot blamed for COVID-19 infection

In a statement, EVA Air said that since March it has sacked eight employees - four pilots and four cabin crew members - for "regretfully breaching anti-pandemic rules", although it did not give details.

"EVA Air always attaches great importance to discipline, and the vast majority of crew members on the front line of duty face transportation and epidemic prevention tasks with a cautious and serious attitude," it added.

"EVA Air's position on strictly following epidemic prevention has never changed."

The government has since tightened its rules for airline crew, including on quarantines when they return to Taiwan, and has also fined EVA Air US$35,000 for the New Zealand pilot incident.

EVA Air, like most airlines, is operating a very reduced schedule due to border restrictions globally.

Until last week, Taiwan had not reported domestic transmission in eight months, thanks to early and effective moves to stop the virus, including mass mask wearing and strict quarantines for all arrivals.

READ: Keep calm, Taiwan says after first local COVID-19 case in 8 months

Taiwan has logged 795 confirmed infections, the vast majority imported, including seven deaths. A total of 127 people are currently being treated in hospital.

Wary after the domestic infection, some New Year's Eve events around Taiwan have been scaled back or cancelled, but major celebrations are still expected to go ahead, albeit with tightened controls like mandatory mask wearing.

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2020-12-29 09:09:04Z

Taiwan's EVA Air says 8 sacked since March for breaching COVID-19 rules - CNA

TAIPEI: Taiwan's EVA Airways said on Tuesday (Dec 29) it has sacked four pilots and four cabin crew members since March for breaching rules related to preventing COVID-19 infections, adding that it was committed to enforcing anti-pandemic measures.

Last week the company said it had fired a New Zealand national who had worked as one of its pilots after the government blamed him for Taiwan's first domestic transmission since Apr 12. 

The case ignited public anger after the government said he had not reported all his contacts and the places he had been, nor worn a face mask in the cockpit when he should have.

READ: Taiwan fines EVA Air US$35,000 after pilot blamed for COVID-19 infection

In a statement, EVA Air said that since March it has sacked eight employees - four pilots and four cabin crew members - for "regretfully breaching anti-pandemic rules", although it did not give details.

"EVA Air always attaches great importance to discipline, and the vast majority of crew members on the front line of duty face transportation and epidemic prevention tasks with a cautious and serious attitude," it added.

"EVA Air's position on strictly following epidemic prevention has never changed."

The government has since tightened its rules for airline crew, including on quarantines when they return to Taiwan, and has also fined EVA Air US$35,000 for the New Zealand pilot incident.

EVA Air, like most airlines, is operating a very reduced schedule due to border restrictions globally.

Until last week, Taiwan had not reported domestic transmission in eight months, thanks to early and effective moves to stop the virus, including mass mask wearing and strict quarantines for all arrivals.

READ: Keep calm, Taiwan says after first local COVID-19 case in 8 months

Taiwan has logged 795 confirmed infections, the vast majority imported, including seven deaths. A total of 127 people are currently being treated in hospital.

Wary after the domestic infection, some New Year's Eve events around Taiwan have been scaled back or cancelled, but major celebrations are still expected to go ahead, albeit with tightened controls like mandatory mask wearing.

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developments

Download our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram​​​​​​

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2020-12-29 09:03:38Z

Senin, 28 Desember 2020

US House approves US$2000 coronavirus aid cheques sought by Trump - The Straits Times

WASHINGTON/PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (REUTERS) - The Democratic-led US House of Representatives voted 275-134 to meet President Donald Trump’s demand for US$2,000 (S$2,656) Covid-19 relief cheques on Monday (Dec 28), sending the measure on to an uncertain future in the Republican-controlled Senate.

But even as Democrats helped secure approval for what the Republican President sought on stimulus payments, they spearheaded a House vote just a short time later to override his veto of a separate US$740 billion defence policy Bill. The rebuke, in Trump’s final weeks in office, would be the first veto override of his presidency if seconded by the Senate this week.

Trump last week threatened to block a massive pandemic aid and spending package if Congress did not boost stimulus payments from US$600 to US$2,000 and cut other spending.

He backed down from his demands on Sunday (Dec 27) as a possible government shutdown loomed, brought on by the fight with lawmakers.

But Democratic lawmakers have long wanted US$2,000 relief cheques and used the rare point of agreement with Trump to advance the proposal – or at least to put Republicans on record against it – in the vote on Monday, less than a month before he leaves office.

Spending and coronavirus aid package

The 275 votes for passage meant the stimulus proposal narrowly exceeded the two-thirds of votes cast needed. A total of 130 Republicans, two independents and two Democrats opposed the increased checks on Monday.

Trump, who lost November’s election to Democratic challenger Joe Biden but has refused to concede defeat, finally signed the US$2.3 trillion package into law after holding it up with a veiled veto threat. But he continued demanding US$2,000 checks.

The US$2.3 trillion includes US$1.4 trillion in spending to fund government agencies and US$892 billion in Covid-19 relief.

It is not clear how the measure to increase aid checks will fare in the Senate, where individual Republican lawmakers have complained the higher amount would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the latest relief Bill.

Increasing the checks would cost US$464 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, which prepares cost estimates for legislation before Congress.

The Senate is due to convene on Tuesday, and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said he would then seek passage of the higher stimulus checks Bill in the chamber, where Republicans have the majority. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Sunday made no mention of Senate plans for a vote, after welcoming Trump’s signing of the relief Bill.

The coronavirus pandemic has killed nearly 330,000 people in the United States and led to widespread economic hardship, with millions of families relying on unemployment benefits and Covid-19 relief funds.

Global markets were buoyed after Trump approved the package.

Wall Street’s main indexes hit record highs on Monday as Trump’s signing of the aid Bill bolstered bets on an economic recovery and drove gains in financial and energy stocks.

Pelosi: 'Republicans have a choice'

As the floor debate was under way, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Republicans have a choice, vote for this legislation, or vote to deny the American people the bigger paychecks that they need.”

And Democratic US Representative Dan Kildee said: “We would have included much larger payments in the legislation had he (Trump) spoken up sooner. But it’s never too late to do the right thing.”

Asked at the end of an event in Wilmington, Delaware, whether he supported expanding the coronavirus payments to US$2,000, Biden replied: “Yes.” Georgia Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who face crucial Senate runoffs next month that could determine who controls the chamber, welcomed Trump’s move, without saying whether the payments should be increased.

Republican Representative Kevin Brady said the Bill does nothing to help people get back to work.

“I worry that as we spend another half a trillion dollars so hastily, that we are not targeting this help to the Americans who are struggling the most and need that help,” he said.

The US Treasury Department is anticipating sending the first wave of US$600 stimulus checks to US individuals and households as early as this week, as previously planned, a senior Treasury official said on Monday.

House overrides veto

Also in the hands of the Senate, for a vote expected this week, will be whether to override Trump’s veto of the defence Bill.

In Monday’s 322-87 House vote, which met the two-thirds majority needed, only 66 Republicans sided with Trump’s rejection of the bipartisan Bill, underscoring deep divisions in the Republican Party.

Trump, who is angry that some Republicans have acknowledged his loss to Biden, vetoed the defence Bill last Wednesday.

He said he was against it because he wanted it to overturn liability protections for social media companies unrelated to national security, and opposed a provision to rename military bases named after generals who fought for the pro-slavery Confederacy during the Civil War.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters that Trump’s veto had been “stupid” and “small-minded.”

“This was too irrational a move for the Republicans to rationalise,” the Democratic lawmaker said, predicting that the Senate would take similar action.

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2020-12-28 23:23:47Z

German COVID-19 vaccination campaign overshadowed by mishaps - CNA

FRANKFURT/BERLIN: Germany's COVID-19 vaccination campaign has been overshadowed by an overdose mishap in the north and problems with the transportation of the vaccine in the south which lead to 1,000 shots being sent back.

Some districts in Bavaria said on Monday (Dec 28) they would not use the shots received over the weekend on concerns the vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech may have become too warm during their delivery in household cool boxes, a spokesman for the Lichtenfels district said.

READ: Breakfast, freezers, Lego: The BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine trail in Germany

"There were doubts as to whether the cold chain was maintained at all times," Lichtenfels District Administrator Christian Meissner told Reuters TV.

The vaccine, which uses new so-called mRNA technology, must be stored at ultra-low temperatures of about minus 70 Celsius (minus 94 Fahrenheit) before being shipped to distribution centres in specially designed cool boxes filled with dry ice.

Once out of ultra-low temperature storage, the vaccine must be kept at 2 degrees Celsius  to 8 degrees Celsius to remain effective for up to five days. The cool boxes designed by Pfizer are fitted with GPS trackers so the companies can deal with potential storage issues en route.

While BioNTech takes responsibility for the transport to the deep freezer hubs, local authorities are tasked with providing safe and cooled transport to the individual vaccination centres.

The vaccines arrived in Lichtenfels and six other northern Bavarian districts on Saturday in cool boxes of the type used for picnics or camping trips. The temperature loggers in some cases showed interim temperatures of up to 15 degrees Celsius.

"BioNTech commented and said that the vaccine was probably okay, but probably okay is not enough," Meissner said, adding that the shots would not be used to prevent damage to the public's trust in the vaccination campaign.

According to the government of Upper Franconia, where the districts are based, BioNTech had told it: "Based on the facts presented by you in your email of 12-27-2020 at 19.52 and internal stability data we do not see any influence of the described transport deviation on the quality of the vaccine shots concerned."

READ: Germany reports first case of new COVID-19 variant that was found in Britain

BioNTech declined to comment.

After consulting with the Bavarian Health Ministry, the districts decided not to use the 1,000 shots earmarked for use in Lichtenfels as well as Coburg, Kronach, Kulmbach, Hof, Bayreuth and Wunsiedel, also in northern Bavaria, the Lichtenfels spokesman said.

Local medical staff had said that they would not feel comfortable using the shots, he said, adding that a new batch of vaccine shots arrived on Monday perfectly cooled and that the vaccination campaign started one day late.

Elsewhere in Germany, in the Vorpommern-Ruegen district, authorities said eight workers in an elderly care home in Stralsund city received five times the recommended dose of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine on Sunday.

Four went to hospital for observation after developing flu-like symptoms.

"I deeply regret the incident. This individual case is due to individual errors. I hope that all those affected do not experience any serious side-effects," district chief Stefan Kerth said in a statement.

Vorpommern-Ruegen authorities pointed to previous statements by BioNTech saying larger doses were tested in the Phase I study without serious consequences.

BioNTech pointed to the vaccine's package insert, which says that in the event of overdose, monitoring of vital functions and possible symptomatic treatment is recommended.

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2020-12-28 20:45:33Z